• Published 19th Dec 2014
  • 18,092 Views, 317 Comments

Personal Touch - Anonymous Assassin

A collection of short stories that make light of cultural differences and misinterpretations between species. Shit gets hella awkward, yo.

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“Alright Angel, I’m going to the market to pick up some groceries. You behave, now. I don’t want to hear any more complaints from Miss Fluffybuns about you trying any funny business with her. Do you understand, mister?” The little bunny just harumphs and crosses his arms, looking away and pouting adorably. “If you’re good while I’m gone, I’ll make you your favorite carrot juice and kale smoothie.”

That seems to get his attention, and he excitedly jumps onto your neck, hugging you and snuggling himself into your mane.

“That’s right, Angel. You be good while I’m gone. I’ll be back soon.”

The mischievous little rabbit hops down and sits near the doorway, smiling sweetly and waving as you make your way outside. You shut the door and lock it behind you, more for everypony else’s protection rather than your own. If some poor unsuspecting pony opened your door, they would be greeted by a very grumpy grizzly. Not something you want to deal with… again. You’re still having nightmares about the last time that happened, and poor Mr. Bear was comatose for days after that look you gave him. Cleaning up the mess was the worst part… But enough of that, time to get the day’s errands started.

The sun is shining, the weather is perfect, and you’ve got a purse full of government-supplied bits to feed all your little fatherless babies. Time to head to the market and pick up all the supplies you’ll need for the week! You make your way down the well-worn cobblestone path that connects your cottage to the main road leading to Ponyville Square, stopping frequently to take in the sights and smells.

Scattered groups of ponies travel up and down the road, no doubt tending to their busy lives and making the most of the beautiful day. Finally, you see the market in the distance, the growing sound of a bustling crowd greeting you as you approach. The square is completely packed with carts and ponies roaming the streets, barely leaving enough room to make your way through the herd.

For a few moments, you consider turning back and leaving until the crowd thins out, but the last time you waited, there was nothing left to buy. Fortunately, being a pegasus has its advantages. With a bird’s-eye view of the crowd, you’re able to get a good assessment of the market, despite the chaos.

Speaking of which, I wonder what Discord is up to. Hope he’s not causing any trouble. I swear, if he keeps me from getting these groceries… Well, It looks like the carrot stand is going to take a while. And the apple stand. And the vegetable stand… There are so many ponies out today, I’ll never be able to get everything we need! Oh, it’s just awful!

As you circle the airspace above the market, you can see a small and relatively unoccupied section of carts and tables with various goods and foodstuffs. Perfect! You begin your descent, slowly corkscrewing your way down to the desolate area of the market. As you get closer, it becomes more obvious why that particular area is so unpopular.

Poor Anon… You’ve heard all sorts of rumors about him, some downright mean. You even heard a few ponies talking about how he was… touching Rainbow Dash’s wings. There’s no way she would let him do something like that, so you know it can’t be true.

You hate it when ponies mistreat others just because they’re different. Ooh, you get so frustrated sometimes that you just want to tell everypony to stop being such big meanies! You’re going to go down there and do something to let him know that not all ponies are so inconsiderate. A gentle clop echoes off the wall as your hooves meet the cobblestone, the sound alerting Anon to your presence. You take a deep breath and prepare yourself for something that you’ve always found extremely uncomfortable: making conversation.

“Um… Hi, Anon. It sure is a pretty day.”

“Hello there, Fluttershy! It definitely is a beautiful day.”

“I think this is the first time I’ve seen you in the market, Anon. I didn’t know you had a stand here.”

“Well, Twilight suggested that I set up in the market. She says that it’ll help the ponies get used to me if they see me taking part in the community. It seems like a good idea, but I’ve been out here since eight o’clock and I’ve not made a single sale.”

“Well, I wanted to come and see you, since… you know, nopony else seems to be around. I would hate for you to get the wrong impression of us. You’re a new member of our town, I want to make sure you feel welcome. Not all ponies treat people poorly just because they’re different than us.”

“Well, thank you, Fluttershy. It’s… really nice just to have somebody visit my stand.” A friendly smile spreads across his face. At least, it seems friendly, but you really don’t know him well enough to tell.

“Well, I do need to get a few things from the market. What do you have for sale?”

“I have a few different things you might be interested in. Some freshly-roasted coffee beans, honey, cocoa, some homemade candies, and a few different types of soap and candles that I made.”

It takes a few moments to look over all the items he has. The coffee smells delicious, and the honey looks dark and rich. The soap and candles are quite nice too… all the other ponies are missing out just because they are too scared to deal with somepony that’s different. It’s a shame, but hopefully they’ll get over it soon enough. “Everything you have looks so nice! I’d like to get some of your soap, please. It’ll help some of the animals smell less like… well, animals.”

“Well, that’s really sweet of you, Fluttershy… I wish more ponies were as friendly as you.” His face falls a bit and he looks away. “It does get kinda lonely out here… Sometimes, I think most ponies really don’t want me to be here. Probably just about as much as I don’t want to be here myself.”

Well, you feel really bad now. He seems so sad, you really should do something to cheer him up. “Oh, Anon… I’m sure that ponies just aren’t used to you yet. Give it a bit of time and I’m sure you’ll fit right in.”

“I’d like to think so, Fluttershy, but I really don’t know that it’ll be that simple… Maybe someday. Well, enough of that depressing talk. Would you like to try something that I made?” He smiles and reaches into a paper bag on the counter and pulls out a small, brown cube, then walks out from behind the counter and presents his offering, holding it flat in the middle of his hand. Slowly, he inches it toward your snout, stopping a respectful distance away from your nose.

You sniff the air tentatively, but can’t really place the smell. If nothing else, it isn’t unpleasant. He continues to look at you expectantly, as though he’s waiting for you to do something. Oh, right, you should probably thank him for his generosity… and maybe ask him what it is that he’s offering.

“Oh, thank you so much Anon… Um, what is it? I-if you don’t mind me asking.”

“It’s a special type of treat that I used to make during the winter holidays back home. Something most ponies probably haven’t tried before. It might seem an odd mixture of flavors, but I think you’ll like it. Well, if you like sweets, that is.”

You lower your muzzle to his hand and take a closer sniff of the substance in question. Though it was faint, your nose could just barely detect a hint of honey and clover, with another unfamiliar, almost buttery scent. After a moment’s consideration, you decide it’s something you might actually enjoy. You look up at him with a bit of apprehension and he smiles in response, slightly extending his arm to give you easier access. It’s a bit awkward for you to eat out of his hand, but you carefully manage to grab the morsel with your lips without making too much unnecessary contact.

Once the treat is in your mouth you take a few moments to pick apart the flavors. The taste is odd; it’s definitely sweet, probably some kind of caramel, but there‘s something else... Something strangely familiar, but you can’t quite place it. After a few moments, the candy melts and starts sticking to your teeth and the roof of your mouth. The texture is really smooth and velvety. It’s hard not to smack your lips as you savor the unique sensation.

“Thith ith reawy good… Whath it called?”

Anon giggles a bit at the funny look on your face and replies, “It’s called salted caramel, one of my favorite things to make when the weather is chilly. I’m glad you like it!”

“Wait… did you just say sa—” Once the reality of his words hits home, you inhale sharply, causing you to breathe in enough liquefied caramel to make you cough and try to swallow. The salty substance sticks to the back of your throat, which only intensifies your coughing fit. Anon immediately rushes to your aid and begins patting you on the back.

The world is spinning, your head feels like it’s detached, and you can’t even keep your balance. You stumble into Anon, but he catches you and slowly lowers you to the ground, then rests your head in his lap, gently patting your back and stroking your feathers. Tears begin to flow down your cheeks and your breath hitches as Anon runs his fingers down your back and over the downy tufts at the base of your wings, speaking soft words of encouragement the entire time.

“Are you okay? I-I didn’t mean to make you choke. Oh, I feel so terrible, now! Please don’t cry Fluttershy… Oh my god, are ponies allergic to caramel? D-do you need me to take you to a doctor?”

Somehow, despite the crippling fear and intense sensations coming from your wings, you manage to shake your head and let out a pitiful squeak. Fortunately, Anon seems to take the hint.

“N-no? Okay, we can stay here. I’m okay with that. Shhh, just take it nice and easy, you’ll feel better soon.”

He continues to gently brush his fingertips over your feathers in an effort to soothe you. The combination of the salt rush and Anon gently caressing your wings is exhilarating, yet terrifying at the same time. Your mind is overcome with fear and pleasure, a strange combination that you’ve never before imagined. At first it makes you want to scream and run away, but deep down, it’s a feeling you somehow enjoy. After what seems like an eternity of helpless, terrified bliss, the initial rush of the salt begins to fade. You look up at Anon, eyes filled with tears. The effects of the drug begin to subside, and your mind is slingshotted back into reality. Your imagination starts to run wild with all the possible scenarios.

What? What just happened? Was he planning on doing this to somepony the entire time?! I-I can’t believe he would do something like that… He seemed so nice! And I don’t even know how to feel about it… was it really bad? I-I just don’t know!

A small raspy voice escapes from your lips, “I-I have to go now.”

After regaining a bit of your strength, you carefully extricate yourself from his grasp, shakily rising to your hooves, tears still blurring your vision. You glance up at Anon and his brow creases with concern.

“I hope you’re okay, Fluttershy. I really, really didn’t mean to make you choke. W-would you like to take some samples of my other stuff so you can try it out?”

“N-no!” Your eyes widen as you slowly back away from Anon, heading toward the safety of the crowd. As you turn around and walk toward the herd, you see a wide-eyed Lyra staring in Anon’s direction. For a moment, you make eye contact, then immediately look away, ashamed of what the minty-green mare might have seen. Glancing back one last time, you see Anon’s disappointed face as he stands there watching you slowly disappear into the bustling group of ponies. He gives you a sad smile and waves, then droops his head and walks back to his spot behind the table.

After a bit of time to clear your mind, you notice a lingering sensation in your wings. I think I need to talk to somepony about what just happened.. As you walk towards town square with a slightly irregular gait, you begin to notice that each sway of your hips brings your focus to a certain warmth that demands your attention. On second thought, maybe I can talk about it after I take a long, hot shower...