• Published 27th Apr 2012
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Robotic Stallion Big Lugnut - Hooves Like Jagger

A robot named Big Lugnut tries to live life like the normal pony he claims he is.

  • ...

III: Transmission

Robotic Stallion Big Lugnut
Author: HoovesLikeJagger
Chapter III


After violently taking down a streetlamp with a single buck, Big Lugnut passed his time at the party nonchalantly breaking, bending, and reshaping random pieces of metal some ponies kept bringing to him, much to the amusement of many of the more disorderly ponies. His conversation with Applejack left him steamed and these random pieces of scrap were the victims of his misplaced anger. It wasn't just the conversation either; Applejack had been a nuisance even after they returned to the party. He tried to go talk to Applebloom and her friends, but Applejack spotted him and corralled the fillies away from him. Pinkie Pie was too energetic for him right now, so he really didn't have any other friends.

He finished affixing a long pipe into a pretzel and tossed it behind him. The crowd cheered again as Lugnut sighed. All he wanted to do was take the stick out of Applejacks butt and beat her with it. The mare was the exclusive source of his woes. Every other pony had warmed up to him, every other pony seemed to like him, and most of all every other pony wasn't calling him a robot anymore. He picked up his hooves and walked briskly about the party. He was considering finding and giving Applejack a piece of his mind, but somepony hollering at him caught his attention.

"Big Lugnut! Ey! I'm talking to you! Get over here!" Rainbow Dash flagged Lugnut down. Remembering his previous encounter with Rainbow Dash, he almost didn't respond. He found himself walking over to her table, thinking that she must be far better company than Applejack. He was surprised to find her accompanied by another pegasus and a unicorn, neither of whom he'd seen yet. He got a mixed reaction from these two. The unicorn looked shocked at first, but quickly composed herself and smiled. The pegasus's eyes shot open in terror as she sank behind the table.

"Rarity, Fluttershy... Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash obviously had a bit too much wine as she searched for her friend. She sputtered into laughter when she saw the cowering Fluttershy hiding beneath the table. "What're you doing down there? Come up here and meet Big Lugnut!" Rainbow Dash gestured wildly to Lugnut.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Rarity extended a hoof. A while ago, such a gesture would have confused Lugnut, but now he knew exactly what to do.

"Yeah!" he exclaimed, slapping Rarity's hoof, but not too hard. Rarity had not been looking for a high-hoof, but she mocked a smile at the gesture. When they said he was a robot, she had hoped he'd be a bit more uptight. Unlike Rarity, Fluttershy made no movement to greet Lugnut, but her wide eyes never left him. Lugnut could tell pursuing a greeting from the terrified mare would end badly, so he just nodded in her direction. The gesture wasn't well received, seeing as it forced her further under the table.

"Let me tell you girls!" Rainbow Dash obnoxiously butted in, "This is a pony who can take a hit. You probably can't tell, but I socked this guy two good ones across the face earlier! Pow! Pow! The guy didn't even flinch!"

"Rainbow Dash, I'm surprised you'd do something so barbaric... well, not in general, but to somepony you didn't know!" Rarity scolded her. Rainbow Dash pouted a little.

"I thought he was the robot overlord... but now I know he's not! If he was though... Boom! Pow! I would've saved Equestria just like that!" Rainbow Dash's liquored up tongue was navigating her vocabulary very well. Big Lugnut glanced at Dash's friends. They didn't look even half as smashed. Big Lugnut reflected on why he had retained so much knowledge about alcohol for a split second. A split second was all he had, as Rainbow Dash suddenly grabbed his foreleg, trying to yank him somewhere. She attempted to flap away with Big Lugnut's front hoof, but Big Lugnut stood firm.

"I love this song! C'mon Lugnut!" she urged him on, still pulling despite the obvious futility. Bug Lugnut resigned himself to the pulling and followed her to where other ponies were shaking what their respective mothers gave them. When they arrived pretty deep into the crowd, Rainbow Dash released Big Lugnut and began dancing.

That's when it hit Big Lugnut: he didn't know how to dance. He looked at the ponies around him. Some were dancing solo, others in pairs, some in threesomes, but he couldn't glean one ounce of wisdom from their shaking bodies. Lugnut stood there, awkwardly and slowly succumbing to a feeling of despair. Just when he reached his lowest point, some deity called out to him in his time of distress.

"Young colt! There's no need to feel down!" the music called to him.

"Young colt! Pick yourself off the ground!" Although he wasn't physically on the ground, his spirits did feel like they were at the bottom of the barrel.

"Young colt! Cuz you're in a new town, there's no need to be unhappy!" Now he knew for sure the music was calling to him personally.

"Young colt! There's a place you can go!" He wanted to ask exactly where that was.

"Young colt! When your bits have run low!" Big Lugnut had no idea what bits were, but he knew for a fact he was low on pretty much everything.

"You can stay there! And I'm sure you will find many Ways! To! Have! A Good Time!" Big Lugnut felt the music move through him all of a sudden. He felt sure that he was capable of dancing, and then he saw it clearly as the whole crowd sang in unison:

"YMCA!" Big Lugnut saw the movements; he knew what to do now.

"It's fun to stay at the-"

"YMCA!" Big Lugnut clumsily copied the movements and continued dancing on his own.

"There you go! Now you're loosening up!" Rainbow Dash cheered him on. As he moved his body around, he felt himself settle into the pace of the music. His worries melted away before him.


"I swear, if he weren't made of ir'n I woulda stomped him flat!" Applejack continued her hate-filled rant to Twilight, who had only listened under the impression that she could offer assistance. In Applejack's mind though, the only solution was "meltin' him down fer carriage parts" or "lettin' him rust in the rain". Twilight was sympathetic to Applejack's plight, so she sat, listened, and refrained from explaining to her friend exactly how rust forms. After nearly half an hour of complaining though, she was starting to feel sorry for Big Lugnut. It was this feeling that allowed her to let a statement slip by mistake.

"Maybe you're overreacting." Twilight instantly regretting saying it. She didn't have to look over at Applejack because she could imagine the earth pony's eyes wide open and mouth welded shut. The face in Twilight's head contorted into pure rage as the actual Applejack exploded at her.

"Overreacting?! Twilight! I thought you of all ponies would understand how I'm feelin'!" Twilight did understand. "I know the girls and I haven't exactly believed you when you believed somethin' was up-"

"Ain't that the truth", Twilight muttered to herself.

"So I thought you'd know how I'm feelin' and you'd help me out!"

"Applejack," Twilight addressed her friend with genuine concern and empathy. "Maybe if helping didn't involve destroying Big Lugnut, who appears to have turned over a new leaf, I'd be willing to oblige. Besides, we don't actually know that Flim and Flam even built him. For all we know, they stole Lugnut, reprogrammed him, and brought him to the farm. This could be the real Lugnut right here!"

"Right, the Flim Flam Brothers stole a robot made fer apple buckin', cawse those're so common." Twilight didn't appreciate Applejack's sarcasm. She stole a look into the dancing crowd.

"He doesn't look like he was designed to buck apples right now," Twilight observed. Applejack turned about and instantly locked onto the object of her ire. There he was, dancing like an absolute foal and acting carefree in order to trick everypony around him. Applejack seethed in rage. As if to amplify her rage, she noticed the mares who happened to be sticking closest to Lugnut. She didn't want to believe it, but Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and even Fluttershy were right next to the robotic stallion. Rainbow Dash was among them too, dancing especially close. Applejack was ready to storm off and raise a little Tartarus, when Twilight got up and headed in their direction herself.

"An' jus' where're you headed?" Applejack asked, taking an almost pleading tone.

"I'm going to go have some fun with my friends and introduce myself to the new face in town. Feel free to join me," Twilight offered as she trotted off.

That was the last straw for Applejack. She didn't care anymore. Everypony could allow themselves to be bamboozled by Big Lugnut. She didn't care. She wasn't worried or concerned for them at all. They were bringing the next tragedy on themselves. She would tell them "I told ya so" when the time came and it would feel good. At least, she hoped it would.


It was a good two hours before the party finally came to a close. It was getting pretty late and everypony began heading home in order to hit the sack. Applejack had spent the whole time twiddling her hooves and distantly watching ponies dance with one another. She did her best to ignore her friends and Big Lugnut, but in her mind they had been the life of the party. Applejack heaved a sigh before she heard somepony approach her. She looked up and saw Big Macintosh with Applebloom dozing quietly on his back.

"Ready to go?" Applejack asked. Macintosh didn't respond, he gestured for her to look the other way with his head. Applejack turned to see the pony who had approached her from the other side.

"Evening Applejack," it was Big Lugnut with Rainbow Dash passed out on his back. "I was wondering if you could help me," Big Lugnut did not sound like he wanted her help, nor like he was the inventor of the words he was using. Applejack could see Twilight parked behind him, smiling sweetly. It was obvious what was going on.

"Lugnut, I wouldn't spit on ya if y'all was on fire. Git outta 'ere," Applejack issued her curt response.

"Thank you for your time," Big Lugnut grumbled, still not sounding genuine at all. He almost turned to leave, but Twilight coughed. He groaned audibly. "I would be so happy if you helped me Applejack..."

"Lugnut, I wouldn't spit down yer throat if y'all said ya was thirsty."

"Thank you for your time,. Big Lugnut tried to leave, but Twilight coughed again. Big Lugnut didn't groan, but Applejack swore she heard a spring break somewhere inside him.

"Just help me already."

"Lugnut, I wouldn't spit in the ocean to drown ya." Before Big Lugnut could even try to escape, Twilight coughed once more. He growled and spun his head around to face her.

"I think she's made it painfully obvious she wouldn't even go out of her way to expectorate on my account! Just tell me!" Lugnut pleaded, minding not to raise his voice too high. Twilight sighed and walked up to Applejack.

"Applejack," Twilight smiled sweetly again, "Big Lugnut here needs your help. Whaddya say?" Applejack looked Lugnut right in the eye.

"Ptooie," she droned. Twilight was glad Applebloom was asleep for this.

"Applejack!" Twilight snapped, "Big Lugnut is trying to get Rainbow Dash back home safely! Tell him where she lives!"

"Why don't you tell 'im?"

"At least we agree on something," Big Lugnut mumbled. Twilight couldn't believe it. There probably weren't two more hard-headed ponies in town, both literally and figuratively. Twilight grunted and turned to Big Lugnut.

"You see that big cloud over there?" Twilight pointed to the billowing white lump floating in the sky that served as Rainbow Dash's home. It was hard to make out in the dark, but the moon overhead helped Big Lugnut spot it. "That's where she lives, you can't miss it. See you tomorrow!" Twilight started trotting off towards her library, but Applejack trotted around her and stopped her.

"Now hold up!" She looked furious. "Yer lettin' Lugnut take 'er home by his lonesome?"

"Yes." Twilight didn't know where this was going. She had an idea, but it couldn't possibly-

"What if he tries somethin' funny?" Applejack was dead serious. Applejack, who would not let go of the fact that Big Lugnut was a robot, was concerned that Big Lugnut, the robot, was going to try to do "somethin' funny" to Rainbow Dash. The thought of it made her head hurt.

"I'm a gentlecolt! I would never take advantage of anypony!" Big Lugnut defended himself.

"No dice pard'ner!" Applejack about-faced and looked at Lugnut. "You and her 're gonna stay right where I kin see ya! C'mon everypony!" Applejack began trotting back towards the farm. Big Macintosh wordlessly followed her. Big Lugnut shot a glance to Twilight. She was smiling and nodding, convinced that this was a good development. Big Lugnut groaned and started back on the road to Sweet Apple Acres.


Applejack tucked Rainbow Dash into the guest bed. Rainbow Dash was a real feather weight when it came to drinking, but she always failed to recognized it. Applejack quietly snuck out of the room and shut the door behind her. When she turned down the hallway, she was met with her unwelcome guest. Big Lugnut just stood there, facing her. It turned into a stare down. Applejack remembered telling him to sleep in the barn and giving him a quilt, but for some reason Lugnut was now standing in the hall with that same quilt draped over his back.

"Is there a problem?" she sneered.

"I wanted to see how Rainbow Dash is doing."


"Because she's my friend."

"She's doin' fine. I jus' put her in bed."

"Can I take a look?"

"Doncha believe me?"

"It's better to confirm with one's own eyes," Big Lugnut asserted, whispering all the while. The stand-off resumed. Big Lugnut broke the silence first.

"Aren't you tired?"

"Nope, I feel fine."

"You've had a long day."

"So 'ave you. You feelin' tired?"

"Not at all."

"Ya, I guess robots don't need to sleep."

"I wouldn't know."

"Now is that so?"

"Yeah, you appear to be the expert on robots here," Lugnut accused, forcing the standoff to heat up. Neither pony moved. Both of them stubbornly stood their ground like they'd been doing since the moment they met at Applejack's front door. It wasn't a matter of who's right and who's wrong. It was a matter of who would stand down first. The first one to yield was wrong, and that's all there was to it. It didn't matter if Big Lugnut was a robot or not. If he admitted he was, he was. If Applejack admitted he wasn't, he wasn't.

Half an hour passed. Applejack was leaning against the wall, her eyes starting to droop low. Her head would occasionally dip forward, but she'd pop it right back up. She couldn't afford to fall asleep. If she slept, Big Lugnut could do as he pleased. Taking her eyes off him was a big no-no. She slid down the wall and rested her chin on the hard floor. That'll help her stay awake. Soon enough Lugnut will give up. Applejack watched as Big Lugnut teetered back and forth, his image becoming hazy. Then she couldn't see him anymore. He was gone, and she could sleep peacefully. The floor was hard, but very inviting after such a stressful day.

Big Lugnut moved as silently as he could. The machinery in his legs hummed and groaned softly. He side-stepped the sleeping Applejack and opened the door to the guest room. Rainbow Dash was sleeping soundly, sprawled out on the mattress face up with her forelegs, hind legs, and wings spread. Her light snoring indicated to Lugnut she'd be out for a while to come. He softly shut the door and turned his attention to the other sleeping mare curled up on the floor.

He couldn't believe it was the same Applejack She looked so vulnerable and weak curled up in a little ball, softly breathing. Her hat was dropped over her eyes, almost giving the illusion she wasn't asleep at all. It was a peaceful sight.

She talked tough and obviously worked hard, but Lugnut was reminded that she was still just a mare. Her sleeping form made Lugnut wonder where she got all that previous spunk and confidence. It wasn't long ago that she was fiercely defending her friend, her family, and herself. Big Lugnut had taken offense, but he considered that perhaps she didn't do it out of spite for him. She obviously loved those close to her, and she had every right to try and protect those she loved against a stranger she perceived as a threat.

"I was too hard on her," Big Lugnut whispered.


Applejack roused from her sleep very slowly. She still felt a little tired, realizing she probably didn't get much sleep. Her internal alarm clock wouldn't allow her to stay asleep too long after the sun had risen, evident by the still orange and pink tint in the sky. She stretched her legs and shifted on her mattress as she ran through her list of chores in her head.

As the effects of waking up wore off, she remembered something. More specifically, she remembered where she should be: out in the hall. She remembered arguing and going into a stand-off with Lugnut, then her memories stopped. When she had made her way to her bed, she didn't know. Upon further inspection, she noticed she wasn't really in her bed, just on it. Her sheets and blankets were underneath her. She examined what was keeping her warm. It was that tacky quilt Auntie Baldwin Apple had given her as a gift a couple years back. Applejack didn't like how it looked, but it was truly a warm quilt. That much should be expected of a quilt made by somepony who lives so far north. Those details aside, she remembered giving it to Lugnut to use.

The facts lined up in Applejack's head. It wasn't a complicated narrative. She falls asleep in the hallway, Big Lugnut sweeps her up and moves her to her room (clearly marked "Applejack" on the door), laid her in her bed, spread the quilt over her, and left her to sleep. It didn't make sense though. It lacked a devious plot. There was no trickery to speak of.

She glanced over at her nightstand. Her hat waited patiently in the morning sunlight. She got off her bed and placed it on her head. The first thing she did was check on Rainbow Dash. She quietly opened the guest room door and peeped in. Rainbow Dash was sleeping like Rainbow Dash sleeps, and that was like a mess. All six of her appendages were splayed out in six different directions as she snored peacefully. She might wake up hung-over, but a good night's sleep on a warm bed would help her muddle through it. Applejack searched the rooms for signs of Lugnut's scheming, but everything was in order.

She quietly closed Rainbow Dash's door and went downstairs into the kitchen, but there was still no Lugnut. Nopony else was up and around either. Based on the sun's height in the sky, it would be another hour or so before anypony else needed to wake up. Applejack didn't know Dash's schedule specifically, but while she was under the Apple Family's roof, she might as well abide by their rules.

Applejack fired up the stove and took out a frying pan. Pancakes sounded good this morning. Big Macintosh wasn't really a fan, but Applejack felt more like catering to her own wants this morning. If he complained, she could use Rainbow Dash as an excuse, provided she likes pancakes. She considered Lugnut for a moment, but discarded him on the notion that robots didn't need to eat. She doubted Lugnut even had the capacity to eat.

Speaking of Lugnut, she wondered exactly where he had gotten off to as she prepared the pancake batter. She entertained the thought that he'd just up and left Ponyville and her life forever, but she didn't get her hopes up. He still had some sort of havoc to cause for the Flim Flam Brothers. His obvious persistence wouldn't let him quit the job so quickly.

Applejack opened the pantry, searching for the flour. When she didn't find it, there could only be one explanation: Cutie Mark Crusaders. When and why they pilfered random objects was a question only Discord could answer. It wasn't a big deal. She recalled the bag being mostly empty anyway. Applejack walked out of the farmhouse and towards the barn. When she saw the barn door ajar, she wondered if maybe Big Lugnut was inside. Before she even opened the door, she could hear the sound of his gears whirring and his hooves clanking around. Being careful in case he had lain some sort of trap, she swung the door open.

"Big Lugnut, where're ya..." Applejack looked around the barn and froze, "... at?"

The main purpose of a barn is to be a big place to store things. The Apples stored their crops there, their hay there, and their wagons inside the barn. They also stored foodstuffs and work tack. Recently, Big Macintosh had cut a good deal of hay to be baled and delivered to the cows and today was the day the hay was to be baled and delivered. There was no pile of fresh cut hay. Instead, there was a pile of baled hay waiting to be delivered on a wagon. The other wagon was loaded up with the apple crates that were going down to market today. Both wagons were also all tacked up, just waiting for somepony to step inside and pull. On top of that, the general disarray of the barn was greatly reduced.

"Good morning," Big Lugnut greeted Applejack, who was still agog. He walked up to her, but her eyes were still scanning her surroundings. "Uh... Applejack?" she looked up at him.

"Did... did y'all do this?" she asked. Big Lugnut couldn't tell what was going through her brain right now.

"I couldn't sleep, but then I noticed the schedule for the day. I don't know much about farming, but I managed to do what I could," Big Lugnut admitted. Applejack shot him a scrutinizing look.

"Did you sleep at all last night?"

"I tried, but I just didn't feel tired. So I bailed all that hay, loaded it up, loaded up the apples for market, and I put some barrels out under the apple trees. I couldn't find anything else I knew how to do or that didn't have a specific time to be done, so I reorganized the barn."

"But... why?" Applejack asked the all important question.

"It's my way of repaying you for letting me stay here... and... my way of saying that I'm sorry..." Big Lugnut cast his eyes down. Applejack wasn't expecting that. She looked around the barn. There was no getting around it, all the work he'd done was incredibly helpful. It saved Big Macintosh a lot of time for sure and it would make arriving to market on time a cinch. It had been a long time since the barn was cleaned too, so taking inventory today would be easy. Applejack only had one question.

"Sorry fer what?"

"I'm gonna be perfectly frank." Big Lugnut lifted his head and looked her in the eye. "You weren't exactly hospitable when I showed up, but that doesn't excuse me being a nuisance to you. I don't know why you don't trust me, but I realize I haven't given you any reason to trust me. This is my way of trying to show you I can be trusted and that I'm genuinely sorry." Applejack took the speech in, but she didn't say anything for a while. Big Lugnut wished she would, he had spent a good deal of time trying to figure out exactly what to say. He wondered if his former self was better at this.

"Fine, I get it," Applejack spoke up. Big Lugnut wasn't sure what to make of her getting it, but this wasn't the same reaction he got from her last night. "I also wanna 'poligize fer bein' so rude to ya. I thought I knew 'xactly what yer about, but I guess I was mistaken. I ain't sayin' I trust ya yet, but I am willin' to give you a clean slate." There was a certain edge in her voice that told Big Lugnut she was really serious but also let him know he wasn't off the hook. Big Lugnut had figured out one thing about Applejack: she didn't lie. Whatever reason she and everypony else thought he was a robot, she wasn't willing to sidestep the issue. There wasn't anything wrong with wanting to know the truth behind things. All Lugnut had to do was prove himself with his clean slate. Applejack turned and walked out of the barn, but not before yelling back to him.

"Do me a favor an grab a bag of flour, Big Lug?" Big Lugnut couldn't help but think things between the two of them were shifting gears.


"Does this mean Lugnut's gonna stay with us sis?" Applebloom grinned from ear to ear at the prospect. Big Macintosh silently and slowly ate his pancakes as Rainbow Dash hastily and noisily scarfed them down.

"Applejack! More!" she demanded, finishing off the last one on the plate.

"Land sakes Rainbow Dash! Yer gonna eat us outta house 'n home," Applejack chuckled. "An' Applebloom, I dunno. It's up to Big Lug. I reckon he ain't got anywhere else to stay. If he's gonna stay here though, he'd better be prepared to pull his own weight."

"I'd be okay with that," Big Lugnut nodded.

"Awesome!" Applebloom squeaked happily. If Applejack had made that offer after the party last night, he would have turned it down outright. He was angry back then, but he'd had plenty of time to sort out his true thoughts from his temporary feelings last night. Applejack placed another stack of pancakes before Rainbow Dash, who immediately dug in. She paused only once and looked at Lugnut.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" she asked. Rainbow Dash did not claim to be an expert on robots and their dietary habits.

"I'm not hungry. If I get hungry I'll eat something," Big Lugnut had made this point to Applejack earlier.

"Oh right, robots don't eat do they?" she had laughed. It was the first time Applejack or anyone had called him a robot and he hadn't felt the need to defend himself. He actually thought the comment was funny. It felt good to be able to laugh it off.

"Applejack!" Applebloom hopped down from her seat and tugged on her tail.

"What is it sugarcube?" Applejack shut off the stove and flipped the last pancake onto a stack meant for herself.

"Kin I take Big Lugnut to school today! I wanna show ery'pony in class and Miss Cheerilee!" she bounced up and down.

"Sorry hon, but I got plans for him already," Applejack wandered over to the table and sat down between Lugnut and Macintosh.

"You do?" this was the first Lugnut had heard of this.

"That's right. Yer comin' with me to mind the apple stand today."


Applejack was true to her word. She had Big Lugnut help her and Big Macintosh with the morning chores, teaching him all about how things worked on Sweet Apple Acres. He helped slop the pigs, shovel manure, and buck apples. The first two tasks were simple enough, but the art of applebucking eluded him.

The first time he tried he got an earful from Applejack for uprooting the tree with a single buck. She made him set it back up and complained about how it would probably die anyway. After that, it was about trying to find the right spot on the tree to hit and using just the right amount of power. Each tree was different though, and Big Lugnut couldn't find any pattern in what to do. She seemed angry and inconsolable while they were in the orchard bucking, but immediately afterwards she was in the best mood Lugnut had seen her in as he pulled the apple cart down the road to Ponyville.

"I mean, land sakes Big Lug, yer all brawn and no brains ain't ya?" she laughed. Big Lugnut tried changing the subject.

"Where did Rainbow Dash go?" he asked, having grown tired of talking about his previous failure for the past fifteen minutes.

"Oh, her? Today's supposed to be clear skies, so I reckon she's out clearin' the skies. Good weather fer market," she bounced merrily as she trotted along. He kept forgetting the happy mare was actually Applejack. Happy, smiling, and stepping lightly was a version of her he hadn't seen yet. Being happy suited her, though. He had her pinned as a bull-headed redneck, but that wasn't the case at all. When he learned that Rainbow Dash, Twilight and company were her friends, he hadn't believed it. After just a short while though, he could easily see them all as good friends. Big Lugnut wondered about his own friends, the ones he used to have. On the other hoof, maybe he never had any.

"Big Lug?" Big Lugnut thought a little harder about what he was able to recall. It was still blank. It was almost like there was nothing to go back to. There had to be something though. "Big Lugnut?" Big Lugnut snapped back into reality. Applejack was staring at him and he realized he'd been staring at her.

"Uh, what?" Big Lugnut didn't look away. Applejack smiled at him.

"Need somethin' pard'ner?" A switch went off somewhere in Big Lugnut. It was a foreign memory, as if it belonged to somepony else, but it was clear as day. She had said that same thing to him before. An odd sensation accompanied the memory of it.

It was fleeting though, as Lugnut snapped back into reality only a moment later. He turned his head forward, fixing his gaze on Ponyville. He didn't know why, but he didn't pursue the issue of his past any further in his head, but it nagged at him nonetheless.

"No, I'm fine," Big Lugnut lied.