• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,438 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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The Welcome Party

The doctors and nurses decided that this time Rainbow Dash was to be allowed to go home one the soul condition that she could look after herself again. Two days later Rainbow Dash was ready to leave, she was sat at the edge of her bed, waiting for the doctor to give her the go ahead. As she waited, she was reading the latest entry of Bishop’s journal.

Monday 2nd 7:00pm

Today is supposed to be one of the proudest days of my life. Today I was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor and was also promoted to captain. I was stood behind a podium, looking out to hundreds of people looking at me as if I’m their hero. The truth is I’m just an ordinary sergeant who got lucky.

I’m not at all ungrateful for receiving this prestigious award, I realise how much of an honour it is to have received it, I just don’t feel like I truly deserve it. I’ve done many things in this war which I regret, some which make my skin crawl. The only thing I can say which can justify the things I’ve done is that it was either kill or be killed.

Tomorrow I am being transferred to a naval base. I’m still uncertain where my future lies, if this war is to end, if it ever ends, I don’t know what I’m going to do next. Since I have no other life outside the army. Since the rest of my family is-


I guess we’ll have to see what happens next.

David, Ann, Bishop


“Rainbow Dash?”

The Pegasus looked up to Nurse Redheart who was stood in front of her.

“It’s time to go. …. Are you okay? …. You look upset.”

The Pegasus wiped away the tears from her face as she closed the book before holding it in her wings.

“I’m fine. …. Can I go now?”

“You’re free to leave. If you feel you’re up to it.”

With that, Rainbow Dash jumped off the hospital bed before walking past the nurse, still weak from her last attempt to walk out the hospital by herself. Redheart placed a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder.

“Y-you are okay right?”

Rainbow swatted the hoof off her shoulder turning back to face the timid nurse.

“I’m fine! Like I’ve said the past million times before! I’m fine! ….I’m. …. I’m sorry. I-Ive-“

“It’s okay.” The nurse said with a small smile. “It can be frustrating being in hospital for a while. …. Go on.”

“O-okay. …. Sorry again.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Redheart said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash turned back to the door, shaking her head as she tried to clear her mind. She walked into the hallway, thinking about what she just read in the journal, but every moment she did only brought her closer to breaking down in tears again.

Feeling her legs wobble under her, she focused on walking out of the hospital on her own. Seeing the front door she picked up her pace, smelling the scent of flowers and freshly baked bread, an indulgence she missed in the other world. She was happy to experience it once again.

She noticed that through the glass doors of the hospital were her friends waiting for her, as she continued she noticed there were considerably more ponies crowded around the hospital.

“Look! She’s coming.!” A familiar filly voice screeched.

Rainbow Dash could hear the commotion growing louder as she walked closer to the door, when she use a hoof to push it open the ground trembled beneath her hooves as the crowd cheered. Rainbow was taken by surprise, she looked at her best friends to see them stood behind a hoof made banner which said: ‘Welcome home Rainbow!!’ in large multi-coloured letters.

Still surprised by the warm welcome, Rainbow Dash walked over to her friends, looking at all the ponies crowded around them.

“A-all this for me?”

“Of course.” Twilight said in a chirpy tone before Applejack stepped forward.

“We thought, this time you could have a warm welcome. You do deserve it after all.”

“I-I. …. I don’t know what to say. …. Thank you.”

Rarity was next to step forward, holding a large box with her magic before placing it in front of her. Rainbow Dash looked around the parcel, giving Rarity a questionable look.

“What is it?”

“Open it.”

Rainbow Dash paused before leaning forward to grab the tape with her teeth, opening the top of it to see a dazzling outfit inside of it, tailored just to her liking.

“Whoa. …. Thank you Rarity. It’s awesome.”

“I did it just for you. And you can wear it at the party tonight.”


Pinkie Pie then came up from behind Dashie, jumping over her before a blast of confetti startled the Pegasus, Pinkie Pie then executed a perfect backflip before landing on her back hooves in a power pose, taking in a deep breath.


The crowd cheered once again as Rainbow Dash felt a warm smile spread across her face, it had been a while since Rainbow Dash felt like this. Since she ran into Bishop’s arm’s this was the happiest she felt in a long time.


The welcome home party was being held at Twilights library, nearly everypony in Ponyville was there to celebrate. Downstairs was a riot of singing ponies, the room was festooned with party decorations. As everypony celebrated downstairs, Rainbow Dash was upstairs, trying on her new dress.

The measurements were perfect, the colour schemes were perfect, but she was struggling to put it on, the only bad thing about the dress was the lightning shaped buttons. As Rainbow struggled she turned to face the mirrors as she stood on her hind legs. Just then she froze as she caught a glimpse of the large scar which went across her chest.

She walked up to the mirror before she placed her front hooves on the frame. Her mind then went back to when she was being held by her leg as she hung helplessly as Bishop watched Dixon used the large knife to cut her, after that she couldn’t remember what happened. But she didn’t need to guess as she remembered how she felt when she woke up.

The Pegasus stroked the deep scar, looking at the still shorter hairs surrounding it as her chest was shaved so the surgeons could operate on her. Her head hung as she sighed, trying to get into the spirit of things.

“Rainbow?” Flutter shy’s voice spoke quietly behind her.

“Oh. Um.” Rainbow came down from the mirror before walking up to her friend. “Heya. Fluttershy, how are you doing?”

“I’m. …. I’m fine. What’s wrong?”

“Uh. Dress. …. The buttons don’t work.”


Fluttershy walked up to Rainbow Dash, grabbing the buttons before quickly attaching the pieces of the dress together.

“Guess Rarity didn’t think about how hard it would be to put the dress on by yourself.” Fluttershy said as her voice cracked.

Rainbow noticed Fluttershy beginning to quietly sob as she helped put the dress on.

“Fluttershy? …… Fluttershy what’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry Rainbow. I. …. I thought I was never going to see you again. I got so worried. When I was at my cottage I couldn’t stop worrying about you, I started crying and that made my animal friends upset and that made me even more upset.”

Before Fluttershy began cry Rainbow Dash held her head in her hooves, looking at her with a smile on her face.

“Hey. It’s okay. I’m here now. I’m fine. Come on, don’t cry. …. Everything’s going to be fine.”

Fluttershy smiled before wiping away her tears, she went back to finishing the job. As she fastened the last button she stood back before Rainbow Dash turned to look at the mirror again. She was surprised how well the dress suited her and how it symbolized the character she was, as she took a pose in the mirror she saw the scar on her chest again.

“It looks really nice.” Fluttershy said before she made her way back down the stairs. “I’m going back to the party Rainbow, I’ll see you soon right?”

“Yeah. …. I’ll be down in a minute. Thanks for the help Fluttershy.”

As Fluttershy walked back down into the down stairs room, Rainbow Dash stood closer to the mirror, inches away she looked deep into her own eyes, She stared at herself for a little while before a thought clicked in her mind, taking her by surprise but she quickly dismissed her emotions as she glared at herself.

She turned away from the mirror, making her way down the stairs with a determined look on her face.

“I’m coming back Bish.”