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Chapter 3: Shadowflash

Ponyville Outskirts -- The Rockies -- Day 2

The group was settling in now. They had a small fire set up in a circlet of rocks. It was blazing gently in the low breeze and their tents were all set up. Rarity's was the most extravagant of them all. Rarity's tent had four large support beams, that looked like it was constructed by Roman architects, and it was finely crested with gild and gems alike.

Getting harder for Luna.. Twilight thought. She was looking up at the moon as it struggled to go to its 45 degree arch.

Wario and Waluigi were fast asleep -- and snoring loudly. It was annoying Rarity the most. She was flipping and folding over and over in her tent, covering her ears with her purple and gold pillow.

"URRRG!" Rarity grunted.

Twilight just giggled. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were the only ones up. Rainbow Dash's eyes felt heavy, though, and she yawned.

"Twilight?" Rainbow Dash looked over at Twilight. Her head was resting on-top of her forehooves.

"Yeah?" Twilight whispered.

"Do you really think we can save Celestia with these two?" Rainbow Dash had a concerned look across her face now.

"Of course I do. It's just a matt--" But as Twilight was going to finish, a noise was heard and it emanated from the small outcrop of bushes behind them.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight quickly, erected their stances and, looked back

"Who's there?" Rainbow Dash flew next to Twilight, yelling in a raspy whisper.

A figure slowly emerged from the bushes. They were prepared for a bear, or some sort of freaky monsters. Instead..

"Hey Rainbow." A grey, black and white mane, pegasus popped out of the bushes.

"Shadowflash?!" Rainbow Dash whispered and lunged forward, wrapping her arms around the pegasus.

"Hehe. I heard you girls were headed this way. Sorry I've been away for so long." Shadowflash gave a smile and his bright green eyes looked into her rose-y coloured eyes.

"Word travels fast, then?" Twilight gave him a lavender glance. Shadowflash nodded.

"Mhm. I thought I'd join. After I met you girls, why wouldn't I want to be involved? Besides, Spitfire will understand." Shadowflash gently nuzzled his mussel against Rainbow Dash's. She smiled and kissed him.

"It's so good to have you here. This will be a lot easier with you around." Rainbow Dash gently brought him over to her tent, and they disappeared inside the tent.

"Nighty night, Twilight!" Rainbow gave a gentle whisper. Her tent gently flopped up and Rainbow latched it shut.

At least she'll feel a bit better. I wonder how Celestia is doing.. I .. Oh Celestia.. If I could send you a letter right now.. I would.. Twilight's thoughts raced and she was being overcome by emotions.

"Spike..?" Twilight gently nudged the sleeping dragon. He prodded his head up a bit.

"Hmmm..?" He lightly fluttered his eyes open.

"May you do me a quick favour..? You can go to sleep after." Twilight gently brushed some of his scaled and floated a quill and parchment to him.

"Yeah.. sure.." Spike let out a yawn and grabbed the quill and parchment.

"Dear Princess Luna..." Twilight whispered. Spike started to write.

Canterlot Royal Castle -- Oculory -- Day 3

Princess Luna was sweating intensely as she pushed the sun slowly upwards for the morning hours. She finally rested as it sat on its 20 degree angle. She would have thirty minutes to rest before she could attempt to raise it again.

"Oh.. Dear.." Princess Luna had a Royal Guard pat her head with a soft, cold and wet, cloth. Cleaning off some sweat.

"You're doing great, my Princess." The guard said to her.

"Hand me the letter I received, please.." With that, the guard immediately handed her the letter. She opened it with the magic of her horn and started to scan.

"Dear Princess Luna: It's Twilight Sparkle. I found the Wario Brothers and we're on our way to save Celestia. I know raising the moon and sun is hard work. But we believe in you. Your sister believes in you. Keep pushing. We'll be to Celestia as quick as possible. We're doing our best. -- Twilight Sparkle." Princess Luna finished and set the letter down.

"Princess?" The guard looked at her. Her eyes were closed.

They believe in me.. They think I can really do it. They think this will help prove myself to my sister. Luna's thought's went boggling in her mind.

I will do it! Luna immediately stood up and readied herself. Although it didn't seem like it, thirty minutes was almost past.

Luna lowered her horn, readying to raise the sun. As the mark hit, her horn glowed in a brilliant deep blue and purple light. It beamed towards the sun and the sun slowly rose. It rose faster than ever before. Even if it wasn't as fast as Celestia could do it, Luna was doing a lot better than before. In just two minutes, the sun was at its 45 degree mark.

"Great job, my Princess!" The Royal Guard bowed to her. Even he was amazed.

I can do this.. Luna thought, with a smile crossing her face.

Ponyville Outskirts -- The Rockies -- Day 3

"It's good to see ya' again, Blitzy!" Applejack patted Shadowflash on the back.

"Good to see you too, AJ. Where are these brothers I've heard about?" Shadowflash smiled at Applejack and looked around the group.

"Right here!" Wario and Waluigi jumped up in the air. It felt like some sort of cartoon for what they did.

They posed right in the air, Wario doing a hindhooves stand with his forehooves at his side and outward; while Waluigi did a air kick. After they landed, Shadowflash couldn't help but laugh.

"Ha. I'm sorry, that's just too funny." Shadowflash smiled at the brothers, holding out a hoof.

"I'm Shadowflash. You are.. Wario and Waluigi, right?" Shadowflash smiled at the two. They both shook his hoof.

"At your service!" Wario laughed lowly.

"Heh.. Hey.. Your cutie marks.. Those are intriguing.." Shadowflash looked at Wario's and Waluigi's 'cutie marks'. Wario's was a gold coin. Waluigi's was a winged-spiked blue turtle shell.

"Gold coin? Turtle shell? What exactly are your talents?" Shadowflash looked at the two with a bright green stare.

"Uhm.... What's a cutie mark?" Wario scratched his forehead with his hoof.

"Right. You're not from here. A cutie mark represents your special talent. Mine is a stormcloud with lightning. Which shows my speed and durability during weather. And I'm great at Sonic FlashBlitz's." Shadowflash smiled, but looked at them again.

"So, what are yours?" He gave an inquiring look.

"Maybe mine is for how good I am at finding gold?" Wario laughed at this. It was true. He found gold anywhere. Literally.

"And mine could be shown for .. My.. Uhm.. Initiative? I mean.. Those paraspike-shells are explosive. That takes quite the initiative in my opinion." Waluigi smiled brightly, and nervously.

"Hrm. I guess it makes sense. In a homo-sapiens' sort of way." Shadowflash looked upwards and placed a hoof on his chin. As if he were thinking.

"Well, anyways, I think we're hindering our progress. We should probably be on our way, right Twilight?" Shadowflash turned around, looking at Twilight.

"Yeah. We should head out." Twilight smiled.

"Oooh, boy!" Pinkie Pie jumped up and down as they all saddled up.

Their tents were already packed up and the camp-fire safely put out. They started down the yellow path again, clicking along the trail. They passed many other rocky outcrops. It seemed like this place was uninhabitable. But Wario seemed to be on the edge. He was sweating frantically and looking at the many rocks they passed.

"Wario, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked shyly.

"Gah! Can't you see it?! It's there!" Wario was biting down on a large rock. Everyone stopped and stared at him.

"What's there?" Rarity asked. This reminded her of the Discord incident; when she thought a rock was a large diamond.

"He senses gold literally anywhere. There's probably a hint of it in the rock." Waluigi sighed and walked over to the rock.

He turned around and smacked his rearhooves into the large, jutting, rock. It slowly started to crack. Waluigi rolled his purple eyes in annoyance and bucked again. The cracks started to wrap around the rock even more and finally it reached the tip. The rock split in half, and inside, there was gold.

"Yes! Gold!" Wario quickly scrapped his hooves at the traces of gold and stuffed some in his hat. Other bits of gold into his saddle bags that Twilight gave him this morning.

Everyone's mouth, except Waluigi's, was a large, gaping, 'O'. They couldn't believe it.

"Guess .. He wasn't lying." Shadowflash said.

"My GOODNESS!" Rarity yelled.

"Can you imagine how much gold he could find?! We'd be rich!" Rarity yelled in a high pitch screech of excitement.

"Rarity.. He's not your gold finder." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, come on now, girls! Lighten up! We can be rich!" Rarity trotted over to Wario, patting his back.

"I wouldn't bother. He doesn't share with anyone. But me." Waluigi rolled his eyes and he started walking.

Wario growled up at Rarity and started walking next to his brother. Rarity huffed and almost went red faced in anger.

Shadowflash just laughed. He was now walking next to Rainbow Dash, who was gently nudging him.

"Hehe.." She giggled, looking up at him.

"Rainbow.." Shadowflash smiled, brightly, looking back at her.

"I'm glad you're here, Blitzy. It means a lot to me." Rainbow Dash kissed his cheek softly.

"Anything. I was tired after that long adventure with my friends, anyways." 'Flash smiled.

"Your friends? Adventure? Mind telling me?" Rainbow Dash looked at him with joy in her eyes.

"Heh. Another time; sweety-hooves." Shadowflash gave a cutesy look to Rainbow Dash. She just giggled and nodded.