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Chapter 1: It's a Brother thing

Chapter 1

The Wario Brothers. Two, devil-like, cousins of the heroic Mario brothers. One was short, stubby, fat, and brawny. The other was tall, skinny, long, and brainy. Wario and Waluigi. They both wore overalls. They were yellow and purple: harmony on the colour index, don't you agree? They did various jobs throughout their life. Many of them involving ruining the plans of the Mario brothers. Others just a get-rich-quick scheme. Wario, the brawn, was always the one to find gold coins throughout the many kingdoms laid under him.. Mostly by punching his way through. Wario has fought countless battles and would do so again to get the riches he now has. Waluigi, the brain, is mostly the moocher. But his intellect makes him a valuable asset to Wario. Although, sometimes, the plans don't always work; it seemed to be the best interest for Wario to let Waluigi live in his floating kingdom.

Yeah, they live in a floating kingdom. Castle, a few houses, and a large garden. All of this provided by Wario's brawn. It's interesting how many years it took. But, they were rich, none-the-less. They have it all. Brews -- from Garlic to Mushroom --, dancers, butlers, jewels, and money to throw around. They'd literally do anything that involved lots of gold. Except work with the infernal Mario brothers. their hatred always riled the two. Sports, racing, partying. It was always a competition.

But, anyways, the two today were quite lucid. They were bored out of their minds! It's been almost five months since the two have received any job orders. Incredibly, today was going to be different. A letter arrived from a far -- very far -- off land to the dynamic pair... And they were going to be.. 'Away'.. for a while...

Location: Wario's Castle -- Throne room -- Day 0

"Excuse me, sirs.." The butler walked into the room, standing a hefty 6 feet tall, speaking to Wario and Waluigi in a monotone voice.

"What is it?" Wario turned, on his spinning chair, speaking in his hefty, low and raspy voice.

It was crested, with diamonds and emeralds, and was glistening in the sunlight of the radiant throne room.

"There is a letter for you two that arrived in the mail this morning. It was labelled 'urgent'. I highly suggest reading it." The butler presented a pink envelope to the pair.

Wario grabbed it with his large hands and Waluigi leaned forward, sitting up on his chair. This was peculiar to the duo. They never received mail that was pink before.

Wario heftily flipped open the envelope and pulled out the, neatly folded, letter. He unfolded it and his eyes started to read. Of course, he handed it to Waluigi, as Waluigi was always better at reading.

"Ahem.." Waluigi started in his lightly high pitched, but low, voice.

"Dear Wario Brothers: It is my informal duty to present an offer that you two just cannot refuse. Our kingdom is going in to turmoil. Our Princess has been captured by an evil menace and has taken her away. Our sun and moon have had trouble rising at the appropriate times; and our weather patterns are changing drastically." Waluigi and Wario looked at each other. boredom crossed their face. But, they wanted to proceed further.

"We, citizens of Equestria, call upon you brave heroes to act distinctively for a offer of 100,000,000 coins..." Waluigi's eyes went wide, and both him, and Wario yelled.

"100,000,000 coins?!?!!?" They jumped up and started dancing, grabbing each others arms, and doing the hoe-down.

After a couple minutes, or seemed like an hour, they stopped and read the letter further.

"..But as you continue this letter, you will feel carried away to a distant land. We need you immediately, and you cannot refuse this offer. We will see you soon." And as Waluigi finished with a queer look on his face.

A small dot of glimmering light appeared above the two. They looked up and stared at it for the countless seconds that was arising.

With this, the light opened up, and it started to vortex around Wario and Waluigi. The obvious response was:

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Wario and Waluigi were immediately warped into the vortex. The vortex was made of large, pink, purple and black spirals.

The vortex shot them straight upwards and bent their fabrics of matter. Their entire genetic code was being played with like a cat and a ball of yarn. They were spinning around, and around, and around; yelling insanely.

"WAAAAAAaaaaaAAAaaaah!" Waluigi yelled.

"GAaaaaaAAAAAAAAH!" Wario cried.

As they went deeper into the vortex, they started to see a green dot. The dot started to expand and it looked like a grassy world. As the dot expanded, they started to de-atomize. Their body's atoms started to split and re-morph them: re-arranging their DNA structure.

They finally reached their destination with a massive thud on to the hard, but soft, grassy plain... And a loud yell.

"GAAAAAAAAaaaaaah!" Wario and Waluigi seemed to have a bunch of ponies looking at them; as they continued to yell.

"Uhm.. Are you two Wario and Waluigi?" They turned around and stared at a small -- but what seemed large -- lavender unicorn. Her mane was with a streak of red and purple; and her rump had a sparkle and star mark.

"GAH! A talking unicorn!" Waluigi yelled. He looked to his brother, who was now, looking like a typical -- short and stubby -- yellow earth pony.

"Wario!?" Waluigi yelled. Wario turned and looked at his tall brother. He was a large, skinny, dark purple earth pony.

"Waluigi?!" Wario yelled. They then both yelled and the lavender pony just cringed.

"Please, stop yelling!" The Unicorn smacked them both in the head, and they finally had some sense knocked into them.

"Look, are you Wario and Waluigi?" She questioned them further.

Wario and Waluigi nodded slowly.

"Good. I'm Twilight Sparkle. I sent you that letter." Twilight pointed to the letter that laid sitting on Wario's chest.

"You're the one giving us 100,000,000 coins?" Waluigi asked instinctively.

Twilight nodded.

"As long as you help us: my friends and I. We desperately need your help. We know of what you did to help in the Mushroom Kingdom back in your universe. But now: you two brothers are the only ones able to save Equestria!" Twilight was looking them deep in their eyes.

Mushroom Kingdom? We never saved it.. Better not let her know.. thought Waluigi.

"If you two stand up properly, I can bring you to my friends. We'll explain everything to you two." Twilight held out a hoof to the pair.

"Fine, missy! You got a deal!" Wario slapped his hoof onto hers and shook it as he stood up. For a short, stubby, pony; he still had a kick in him.

Twilight's eyes seemed to swirl from the sheer vibration he sent through her forelimb. She shook her head back and forth and saw Wario and Waluigi standing up.

"All right! Let's go!" Twilight started to lead the duo down the pale-yellow road; starting the duo -- and soon to be the 'octo' -- on their adventure.