• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,491 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

  • ...

An Unfamiliar World

Colin was sound asleep in a very warm bed, even warm than his own right before his house burned down. He gave a little sigh, and woke up with a yawn. He stretched his arms, and rubbed his eyes so that he can see more clearly. While he was doing that He said "Oh Mommy, Daddy, I had the worst nightmare. The house caught on fire and you were all dead and then-" But before he could finish, He saw a very different room, and he knew that it was not his He looked at his own body and saw that he wasn't wearing anything but his underwear. "This...this isn't my room." he said. "Wait. This is real? My mommy and daddy are really..." Before he could finish, tears began to sting his eyes. He curled up into a ball, and covered his face, and began to cry. "So it's all true." He said in his sobbing. "Mommy and daddy are gone." He thought about them and then Jonah, thinking about how mad they must be at him. It felt like a bad dream, and of course Colin wished that it was, but was not. It was real.

All of a sudden, Colin heard footsteps, and hid himself under the covers, and began to shake with uncontrollable fear. The footsteps were getting louder, and began to squeak with the fear overwhelming him. The yellow pegasus that saved him was walking upstairs with a bowl of soup. She lifted the bowl and sat it on her night stand. She heard the sobbing from Colin and looked at him with great concern. She gently lifted covers, and saw Colin coiled in a ball, sobbing quietly with tears streaming down his cheeks like a fountain. She walked in front of him so she can make eye contact with him.

"What's wrong, little baby?" Asked the yellow Pegasus in a soft yet high voice.

Colin stopped his crying and looked up to see The light yellow pegasus, looking at him with a sad look on her face. However, he sat up and covered his while body with the covers, shaking with fear. "Please. D- don't hurt me, monster." Colin whimpered.

The yellow Pegasus looked shocked at what he just said. She was about to shed tear or two from her eyes, however, she decided to keep cool. "Shh. It's okay, little guy." She said in a comforting voice. "I'm not gong to hurt you." She sat down next to him.. She used a wing to gently stroke his back to comfort him. "There there." she said soothingly. "Don't be scared

Colin wasn't very convinced at first, but he began to calm down from her tender voice and her soft wing stroking his back. He had never heard a voice so tender and soothing besides his own mother before.

"Can you look at me, please?" said the pegasus softly.

He had never heard a voice so soft or tender besides his mother before. He slowly lifted the covers over his head to look at the yellow pegasus. His eyes were still stinging with tears.

The yellow pegasus gave him a sad smile and said "See, you don't have to be afraid of me." She gave Colin a tissue from her nightstand, and Colin blew his nose in it. "Can you talk?" she asked softly

Colin however, did not say anything, but gave her a nod that told her "Yes."

Fluttershy smiled and said "How wonderful, do you have a name?"

Colin took a breath and finally, he said "Yes... My name... Is Colin... Colin Fraser."

Fluttershy smiled at him. "That's a nice name." she said softly. "My name is Fluttershy."

"Well It's... nice to meet you miss Fluttershy." said Colin.

"Oh my. so polite, but you don't have to call me miss. You can just call me Fluttershy." She said softly. "But it's very nice to meet you too, Colin."

Colin gave her a smile, but he still had a tear run down his face.

Fluttershy noticed and said "So what's the matter, Colin?"

"I....I... I... I don't want to talk about it." said Colin flatly, as he turned his back to Fluttershy.

"Come on, Colin." said Fluttershy softly. "You can tell me." She wrapped her arm around his body to comfort him.

Colin didn't know what to say. He began to think that if he told Fluttershy about his parents' death, because he was worried that if he told her about what happened, she would leave him out in the pouring rain outside because he thinks it was all his fault that his parents are dead. Finally, he said "I... I just had a nightmare. A very scary nightmare"

"Oh no. What was it about?" asked Fluttershy with concern

"It was too scary that I can't even describe it." Colin lied

"Oh. I understand." Fluttershy replied softly.

"Whew, what a relief." Colin thought. He looked at himself and said "where are my clothes?"

"Oh, I was just about to wash them, along with your pajamas and jacket too, but I decided to check on you first, so don't worry, I will wash them." Said Fluttershy. "Oh, and you don't have to worry about your locket either, I left it on my table downstairs."

"Oh well...Th- thanks, Fluttershy. I guess" Said Colin weakly.

"You're welcome Colin. Happy I'm able to help." Fluttershy replied warmly. She grabbed the bowl of soup with her hooves and said "You should eat some soup. Wouldn't want you to catch a cold from being out in the rain, would you?"

"Thanks." said Colin. He smelled the soup. "Tomato soup. Yummy." he said, recognizing the smell "Is it hot?"

"Nope. It's at the perfect temperature for your mouth." Fluttershy replied

Colin smiled. "Good." he said. He took the soup from Fluttershy as she showed it to him. Colin took the spoon and began to eat the soup, very fast. After he was finished he gave a little and cute burp. He covered his mouth and said "Excuse me."

Fluttershy giggled and said "You sure were really hungry, weren't you?"

"Y-yes." said Colin

"Would you like anything else?" asked the yellow pegasus softly.

"Umm. Do you have any tomato or lettuce, because I would like a sandwhich." said Colin

Fluttershy smiled and said "Of course you can. Wait right here." She went out to fix Colin what he has requested to eat, leaving the boy sitting on her bed.

"She is a very nice horsie." he thought out loud.

He heard Fluttershy coming back upstairs, humming in a beautiful voice. She came into the room with a plate with the sandwich on it. "Here you go." she said. The sandwich looked exquisite.

"Excuse me, Fluttershy, but. I want to ask you something. What are you?" asked Colin with curiosity.

"I'm a pony. A pegasus pony to be exact." Fluttershy answered.

"Ponies? We do have ponies where I come from, but they don't talk and don't have wings." said Colin.

"Really? I didn't know that." said Fluttershy.

"Are there other types of Ponies?" asked the boy

"Oh yes. Pegasus ponies, like me, unicorns, and earth ponies, as in a pony with no horn or wings." Fluttershy answered. "There is another type of pony called an alicorn, a pony with both wings and a horn."

"Wow. That's amazing." said Colin with awe. What type of world is this?"

"This is Equestria. It's where all ponies live. The rulers of Equestria are Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle." said Fluttershy. "Now, can you tell me what you are, Colin." she asked him tenderly.

Colin said "ummm... I'm a human."

"A human? What are they like?" Asked Fluttershy in amazement.

"I.... I.... I don't really know." Colin admitted.

"That's okay." Said Fluttershy. "How old are you?"

"I'm six." Colin answered

"Oh my, you are so young." Said Fluttershy. Colin blushed from the comment.

"Are there any humans in Equestria?" Asked Colin

"Well...... Not really. No." Fluttershy answered.

"Oh. I get it." Said Colin a little bum,Ed of hearing that he is the only human in Equestria right now. "I want to say, thank you for saving me. Without you, I don't know what would happen to me you didn't find me." Said Colin

"You are so very welcome, Colin." Said Fluttershy. "you should eat."

Colin nodded his head in agreement and picked up the lettuce and tomato sandwich that Fluttershy made for him. After a few minutes, he was full from the meal, and the boy patted his stomach. "That tastes great." Said Colin. "Thanks for making me this."

"Ah, no need to thank me." Said Fluttershy. "The bread was made in the farmer's market in Ponyville."

"P- Ponyville?" said Colin dumbfounded. "I have never heard of a place like that. What's it like?"

"Oh, Ponyville is a very nice place to be in. All of the ponies are very nice, and very friendly. You know, you should meet my friends." Said Fluttershy.

"I... I don't know about that." Said Colin. "What if everyone doesn't like me?"

"Don't worry, they will like you. Besides, you are sweet, kind, gentle, and adorable." Said Fluttershy cheering Colin up.

Colin however, wasn't very convinced. "Can... Can you please let me stay here with you?" Asked Colon, al,oat in a pleading voice.

"Of course I can." Said Fluttershy. "You are more than welcome to stay here for a along as you want." She looked at her door. "Don't worry, I'll do your c,othes first, and then maybe I can introduce you to my friends. In the meantime, why don't you make yourself at home?"

"O...okay." Said Colon a little nervous.

Fluttershy gave him a warm smile and said "Don't worry, Colin. Everything will be okay." She went outside her door to do Colon's clothes in the washing machine. However, before she could leave, Coli. Stopped her.

"Wait." Said Colin.

"What's the matter, Colin?" Asked Fluttershy with comcern.

"Can I go take a bath, or a shower?" Asked Colin.

"Of course you can. The bathroom is just next to my room." Said Fluttershy warmly. "But I just have a bath tub in there, no shower. So I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I don't mind taking a bath." said Colin

"Good." said Fluttershy The yellow Pegasus went out of the room to fix his clothes up. As for Colin, he went into the bathroom in Fluttershy's cottage, c,owing the bathroom door behind him.