• Published 21st May 2014
  • 4,469 Views, 608 Comments

The Monster Below: Nightfall - Greenback

When Chrysalis begin a campaign to destroy Equestria from within, an Earth pony struggles to protect his family by any means necessary, regardless of the consequences

  • ...

The Tour

The sky is overcast when I wake up; dim sunlight streams through the windows as I dress and eat a fast breakfast. I don't want to be late for my appointment. Princess Luna is counting on me to let her know what's going on, and my reports may influence decisions that could affect all of Equestria.

No pressure.

Finishing breakfast, I head into the hallway to go check on my parents. Thankfully, I don't have to go far; Mom's already getting the morning paper. She looks more tired than usual, but perks up at seeing me.

“Well, good morning!” She draws me into a big hug. “Sleep well?”

“Yes,” I lie.

“Oh good!" She wipes the sleep from her eyes. “You hungry? I was just about to start breakfast.”

“Actually, I already ate. And it looks like you could use some more sleep.”

“Oh, it's nothing,” Mom assures me. “Just a rough night for us both. But we're fine.”

“Good. Out of curiosity, what's the password?”


Thank Celestia. "Good," I say. "Now, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be meeting with Glasseye all day today and won't be back until dinner. Speaking of which, I'm going to ask Beakbreaker if she'd like to eat with us. I know you and Dad would-”

My watch buzzes.

“Well, I need to be on my way," I say. "The two of you have a good day, and stay safe.” Not wanting to be late, I quickly kiss Mom on the cheek and hurry off.


Glasseye's secretary glances up from her watch as I enter the office. “Ah, good morning, Mr. Silverspeak. Glasseye is waiting for you." She points towards the ornate elevator in the back. I take a moment to admire the ornate gears and doors of the elevator as I step inside and head up. into an entrance hall made of marble and jade, the smooth surface reflecting the warm glow of electronic lights.

The large pony waits at the end of the hall, and she still doesn't look happy to see me.

“Silverspeak to see Mr. Glasseye,” I say.

She looks me over. Her horn lights up as an anti-changeling spell washes over me. Satisfied that I'm not an imposter, she indicates for me to follow her. We head to a pair of opaque glass doors; the big pony presses her eyes to a scanner. The doors click, glide open without a sound, and we enter Glasseye's inner sanctum. And as we do, I gasp. We're inside the giant dome perched atop the Monolith, and it's like being inside a crystal: the walls are built of glass, with an artificial river snaking across the floor, encircling numerous plants, ferns, and statues. And at the other end are several rooms stacked atop one another. The big pony leads me to the top, and a heavy wooden desk. From up here, Glasseye is literally on top of the world, with a perfect view of the skies beyond Genesis. I can only imagine how beautiful this place is when lit with the warmth of the sun's rays.

“Ah, hello, Silverspeak.”

I turn to find Glasseye strolling up the stairs, dressed in a bathrobe of fine silk, levitating a tray filled with a variety of breakfast dishes. “My apologies for keeping you waiting. I was just finishing up the paper when I realized what time it was." He levitates the tray over to me. “Have you had something to eat? Perhaps a bit of tea?”

I'm not thirsty, but it would be improper to decline a gift from my host. “Tea will be fine.”

A teapot floats off the tray and fills a cup which drifts into my grasp.

“Well, it appears that fate has decided our paths are to cross again,” Glasseye says. “I must say, I never expected you to be Luna's envoy. Especially after your little..."

“Altercation in Manehattan?”

“As good a description as any." Glasseye pours a cup of tea for himself. “But it appears you've made amends and joined the ranks of respectable ponies once more." He sips. “Quite impressive really. In less than five years you've gone from being a nobody in the local grocery store to being an envoy of the Princess herself. I daresay few ponies have risen, fallen, and risen again so quickly." He smiles. “TechInc is always on the lookout for the driven and determined, Silverspeak. If you desire a job once this little mission of yours is complete, I'm sure we can find a home for you here.”

I shake my head. “Thank you, but I already have employment arrangements for when this is complete.”

He shrugs. “Fair enough." Finishing his cup of tea, Glasseye pours another one. “Now, on to business. You're here to tour Genesis and see our wondrous creations, correct?”

I nod.

“Splendid. Ordinarily one of our tour guides would lead you around, but considering your importance and our history together, it's only fitting that I take you myself. Well, with a security detachment, of course. And my companion here." He indicates the big pony. “I believe you've met.”

The pony looks at me once more. There's not as much hostility as before, but it's doubtful we'll be on each other's Hearth's Warming Eve wish lists.

“Her name is Stonehoof, and she's my personal bodyguard. Please don't hold it against her if she's been... less than kind to you. It's her job to be suspicious.”

“There's a difference between suspicion and paranoia.”

“Not when changelings threaten us,” Stonehoof says, her voice thick with an accent I've never heard before.

“Stonehoof was an outcast from her home in the north," Glasseye explains. "I met her in Manehattan; she had nothing to her name, but was strong and eager to work, so I took her in and she's been my bodyguard ever since.”

One last sip, and Glasseye's cup goes dry. “Well, I believe it's time we started. Stonehoof, arrange a security detachment to accompany us. I'll be ready in ten minutes." He turns to me as Stonehoof brings up her hoof-mounted phone. “I hope you got a good night's sleep, Silverspeak. You're going to be on your hooves all day.”


After he gets dressed and summons a security detachment of six heavily armed ponies, Glasseye leads me to his private landing platform and personal airship, the giant windows giving us unparalleled views of Genesis as we fly to the closest manufacturing plant. There are several such buildings throughout the city, I'm told, with each one dedicated to certain projects. Some buildings focus on limbs, others engines for various vehicles, and still others concentrate on medical equipment. The medical building seems as good a place as any to start, so we go there first.

After landing, Glasseye leads us inside, his mere presence causing security to usher us through without incident. A quick change into sterile scrubs, and we head out onto the manufacturing floor. An enormous array of machines greets me, with the closest pumping out eyeball after eyeball in all manner of shapes, sizes, and colors.

“We've created pony eyes,” Glasseye tells me. “But we also figured other races would like eyes of their own. Thus, we've made griffin eyes, buffalo eyes, even dragon eyes for our scaled friends. But while the eyes are one thing, the mechanics of holding them in place is another thing altogether.”

We go to a smaller section of the plant, where technicians work on a nearly limitless array of metal frames.

“These are the wire-mesh frames molded to a head to accommodate a new eye,” Glasseye explains. “We revealed the eyes to the general public last night, but we've been working with hospitals for months to ensure we'll have plenty for the public."

I look the eyes over. They are indeed marvels of technology, and as I peer inside one that's half-built, I'm astonished they could cram so many tiny gizmos and gadgets into such a small space.

If TechInc can do wonders with such tiny things, what other surprises do they have in store?

We head down to the floor where legs are under construction. I go along with Glasseye as he talks about logistics of production and dozens of other things, but I notice something puzzling: Instead of staying close to Glasseye, the guards are staying close to me. Curious; they're here to protect their boss, not me.

That is, unless they've been given instructions I don't know about.

Glasseye heads back to the lobby when the tour is over, but I stop him before we go too far. I remind him that, as an inspector, I have the right to look over every part of the factory, no matter how insignificant. And to that end, I ask to be shown everything, even the bathrooms, storage closets, and the generator room in the basement. Glasseye consents, but he can tell what I'm really doing: hunting for anything he doesn't want me to see. Thankfully, my search reveals nothing suspicious. When I'm satisfied there's nothing nefarious or illegal going on, we leave.

So far, so good.

The tour resumes at the next factory, which is dedicated to engines, propulsion and all manner of vehicles. It's fascinating to see all manner of carriages, carts, and fire engines that can move about on their own power without being pulled. Even more amazing, some of them can actually hover above the ground and glide about without the use of magic, due to small, but exceptionally powerful engines that create a hover field. It's beyond my ability to understand, but there's no denying the awe of seeing a vehicle floating above the floor.

I can't help but wonder how they managed to get this kind of technology off the ground in only two years.

As we continue on, I turn my attention back to the guards. With each new building we visit, they seem to close ranks about me just a little bit more. But why? Are they changelings waiting until Glasseye, Stonehoof and I are separated from the others? No, that can't be it; they would have attacked us when we were on Glasseye's airship, where a quick escape would have been impossible.

But if they're not changelings, that means they're up to something. But what?

Once I'm finished searching every room of the factory, Glasseye decides we could use a brief stint of recreation and takes me to a museum dedicated to the history of technology. The halls here are filled with all manner of artifacts and objects from Equestria's history, going all the way back to the very first ponies who worked with clubs and sticks, to our current vehicles and high-tech tools. It's amazing to see how far we've come, but as we go from room to room, there's no denying it any longer: the guards are staying unusually close to me.

We enter a room with only a few guards and security cameras in the corner. If the guards are changelings, it would be best to expose them in a place where a third party can see everything that happens.

“-and these are the oldest pieces of technology we've recovered from archaeological digs throughout Equestria,” Glasseye says as he passes by cases filled with all manner of strange artifacts. “If you look over here-”

I take a deep breath. If this doesn't work, things could get ugly fast. “Glasseye?”

“Yes, my dear boy? Something catch your eye?”

I indicate the guards. “I've noticed that your guards seem more interested in me than you during this tour.”

“Well, they are,” Glasseye says with a smile. “After all, you're Princess Luna's VIP. We must ensure no harm comes to you when you're here.”

“I understand that. But if I didn't know any better, it would seem that they don't want me to wander around.”

“Really? Now that's the last thing we want. Come now, lads, give our guest some room.”

The guards take several steps away from me.

“There, that's much better." Glasseye turns to me. “I do apologize, Silverspeak. I don't want you to feel like a prisoner here. You're my guest, and you're entitled to go anywhere you want." He indicates the room. “If ancient artifacts don't tickle your fancy, perhaps something else will? Do you have a place you'd like to go?”

I had been thinking about that. If those guards are here to make sure I didn't go somewhere I wasn't supposed to, where would the last place they'd want me to be? Wait... Beakbreaker said there was one location in Genesis that no one had ever seen.

“Actually, yes. I'd like to see your research and development labs.”

It takes Glasseye a moment to find his voice. “Ah... Yes. A most logical choice if I may say." He tries to be discrete as he wipes a bead of sweat from his brow. “We shall go there at once. Stonehoof, could you lead the way? And gentlecolts, please remember to give our guest plenty of room.”

Stonehoof motions for me to follow her. I do so, but not before glancing back to make sure Glasseye isn't doing something suspicious. He smiles at me and indicates that he's coming, but I'm not fooled: he has the smile of someone with something to hide.


Even with my security clearance, I expected that the research and development labs would be the most tightly guarded and secure location in all of Genesis, even outdoing Glasseye's apartment. But as we approach the building in Glasseye's airship, I'm surprised to find that it looks like just another office building, identical to the hundreds you'd find throughout Manehattan's business district.

“Don't be fooled by the exterior,” Glasseye says. “It's a far different ballgame inside.”

Glasseye then sends a message to the building and tells them to deactivate the security field. Only then do I notice a barely-visible magical dome encircling the building, most likely to keep curious pegasus ponies from getting too close. Glasseye explains that anyone who hits the field will have a sudden nausea attack and have to immediately flee for it to fade.

When the spell is down, the airship lands on the roof. We take an elevator to the plain, sparsely decorated lobby.

“We can't take any chances when it comes to protecting our research,” Glasseye tells me as we go through a security checkpoint and get scanned by guards dressed in heavy armor, “hence why this building is constructed to look as uninteresting as possible, and to have that spell encircling it." We head to elevators in the back. “But if by some chance a thief snuck past the checkpoints, they'd have to get past our next line of defense.”

“And what's that?” I ask.

We step inside one of the elevators. This one has a complex control panel with eye-scanners.

“If you want to use our elevators, you need to have your retinal pattern scanned and recognized," Glasseye explains. "If you're not in our database, you're not going anywhere.”

After the guards crowd in, Glasseye presses his eyes to the scanner. Once they turn green, he sends us down. “The majority of our R and D facilities are built into the foundations of Genesis,” Glasseye explains as we descend. “This serves two purposes: In case of an emergency, the facilities are protected on all sides by the city's foundations, and if someone broke in and tried to escape, their exits can easily be cut off.”

With a gentle bump, the elevator comes to a stop. The doors slide open, revealing a stainless steel hallway filled with dozens of ponies running about in lab coats and other scientific outfits.

“Welcome, Silverspeak, to where the magic happens. Now, there are several divisions down here. Which would you like to see first?”

“What are these divisions?”

“Health, technology, transportation, minerals and management, computer sciences, and special projects."

So there isn't a weapons division. That's good.

“These recent changeling assaults are no doubt going to demand a response in security measures,” I say. “Do you have anything that could detect them?”

“I'm glad you asked, actually,” Glasseye says. He leads the way down the corridors and to a room filled with dozens of clear cabinets holding all sorts of mechanical gears, tubes, and components. "This is the special projects division. Our most valuable projects are under construction here."

I study the cabinets. The closest has nothing in it. "What's normally in here?"

Glasseye unlocks the cabinet and pulls something out, a kind of shimmering fabric that looks like snakeskin, but has the stretch and flexibility of spandex.

"This is a prototype camouflage suit, a little something we've been working for ponies who want to study rare wildlife up close."

I nod as I look the suit over. “How does it work?”

“The material refracts light and bends it with magic-infused fibers,” a nearby technician explains. “If you wear it and stand perfectly still, you're completely invisible.”


Grinning, Glasseye hands the suit to me. “Here. It's yours.”


“Consider it a gift. I imagine Princess Luna would be most interested in seeing it when you return to Canterlot... though I'd appreciate it if you don't share it with our competitors.”

I... I can't believe it. This suit is one of the most technologically advanced things I've ever seen. It must be rare, difficult to create, and astonishingly expensive. Yet, Glasseye is giving it to me as if he has thousands of them tucked away in closets somewhere. I want to say no, that this is too much... but he's right. Luna would be very interested in seeing this.

Smiling, I tuck the suit into a pocket before looking at the other cabinets, hoping to find other wonderous devices. Most of them I don't recognize, but there's a brass scepter in one with a blood-red gem embedded in the top. It's probably the scepter of a barbaric ruler from Equestria's distant past; no civilized pony would have a barbed spike placed on the bottom.

"Wondering what a staff is doing among the wonders of technology?" Glasseye asks. "It's something our archaeologists recovered from the frozen north: the scepter of some king or queen from thousands of years ago. From what they could tell, the gem was magically attuned to use the aura of a unicorn. Most likely it's wielder lost their horn, so he or she had their resident spellcasters come up with this to compensate." Glasseye taps the glass. "We're hoping to artificially duplicate the effect so that other unfortunate unicorns who lose their horns can still cast magic. Still a ways away from happening, though... which is why we're also working on these."

I follow his hoof, and... wait. Wait, are those horns? Several cabinets embedded in the back wall are filled with them, horns of all shapes and sizes, from small and stubby to ones that are Alicorn length and every shape and size in-between.

"We're starting preliminary work on creating artificial horns," Glasseye says. "Not the ones Medicomp is trying to grow in tubes, but ones of metal and steel... fashioned to look like the real thing, of course."

I study the horns, curious about-


That one horn, nestled in the back... it looks familiar-

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Glasseye says. "We came here for a tool against Chrysalis and her minions!"

Reluctantly turning away from the horns, I watch Glasseye as he pulls a small scanner from a table filled with piles of metal, cables, and conductors. The device doesn't look like much; it's little more than a crudely-welded steel box holding a freakish mishmash of cables, wires, and two tiny antenna on top.

“A hoofheld changeling scanner. Now, we have spells to detect the creatures, but it takes years of training. With this scanner, though, everyone can find a changeling with no magic required. Just point it and pull the trigger, sending out waves to detect changeling magic." Glasseye hands it to me. “Here, give it a go.”

I take the device. It's quite heavy, but the weight could come in handy if you needed to stun a changeling with a blow to the head. I press the trigger and the tiny screen glows white.

“Green for clear,” the technician explains, “and red for a disguise.”

Keeping the trigger held, I point the device at several nearby ponies, the screen briefly turning green at each one. I turn it to the guards, and they come up green, too.

I scan the last guard, but the screen flickers, clogged with static.

“I'm afraid we're still working the bugs out,” Glasseye said. “You see, this was originally a... what was it again?”

“A device to find deposits of metal in rock,” the technician says.

“Ah yes, thank you." Then, to me, “Once Chrysalis' minions attacked, Thorax was quick to assist us in helping to create this device. But refining and perfecting it has remained... difficult." Taking the device, Glasseye turns it to me. The screen turns green, flickers, turns red, then green again. “See?”

That's a disappointment. If TechInc could perfect such a device, it'd be the perfect thing to carry around. “How long until it's ready?” I ask.

“We don't know. We're also working on full body scanners, like the ones you see at the Equestria Games, but those are at least two years away. Until then, all we can rely on is changeling detecting spells." Glasseye puts the scanner back on the cluttered table. “Well, let's continue on. We still have a lot to see.”

"Oh, Glasseye?"


"These horns... how far along are they?"

I feel the gaze of everyone in the room falling on me.

"Not getting ideas, are you, Silverspeak?" Glasseye chuckles.

"Princess Luna will want to know."

"I'm afraid I don't know," Glasseye says without hesitation. "We've been working on those horns for months and haven't had a breakthrough yet. Now, come. We still have much to see."

Glasseye wasn't kidding, as there are many other labs and rooms packed into this underground labyrinth. While it's fascinating to see so many blueprints, drawings, and conceptual art of forthcoming technical wonders, there really is only so much I can take in at once. I've never been trained as an inspector, and while I try to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, there's only so much I can keep track of. Glasseye lets me look through the labs as I wish, but with all the various devices lying around, I could be looking at a weapon and not even know it.

Making our way down the lowest two floors, we finish the tour with an inspection of protective clothing that can be worn in extreme environments. And when that's done, Glasseye finally leads me towards the elevator.

“Well, that's everything we have here, Silverspeak." He presses the call button. “Unless you'd like to look any of them over again, I suggest we head to the airplane facility next. There are some dazzling prototypes we're building that you really must see.”

I'm about to step onto the elevator when I decide to scan the hall one more time. Not that I expect to find anything, but.... Wait. There's a small door near the end of the corridor. It's painted to match the color of the walls, and is so well camouflaged that if it weren't for a guard's shadow dancing over the grooves, I never would have noticed it.

“What's that?”

Glasseye follows my gaze. “Oh, that? That's... well, that's where we brainstorm, plan, and build prototypes of our next inventions. If this facility is the heart of Genesis, that's the brain and soul. Everything we've made began as an idea in there.”

“I'd like to see it, please.”

“Well of course you would, but you see Silverspeak, I... I'm not entirely comfortable with doing so.”


“Look, I know you're not a business pony, but you have to understand that we have to keep some of our ideas secret for as long as possible. We don't want anyone finding out what we're working on so they can steal it. Can you imagine what would have happened if someone else had learned about the limbs Beakbreaker was trying to make back in Manehattan? What if they had stolen them, sold them off, and become rich and famous? Beakbreaker would never have been picked up by Medicomp, you would still be bagging groceries at the supermarket, and I'd still be wasting my time teaching tiny little minds at the university.”

“I understand that, Glasseye, but I want to see it."

I start towards the door, only to stop as guards block my path.

Glasseye dashes over. “Boys, boys, it's all right. Silverspeak is not our enemy. After all, he is allowed to go inside if he wants to.”

I go to the door. A panel slides open as scanners for the eyes, hooves, and chest emerge. “What are these?”

“Scanners to measure blood type, heart elevation, and brain waves,” Glasseye says. “Because of the secrecy of the projects inside that room, this is our last line of defense. These devices ensure that the ponies authorized to enter are doing so of their own free will. Any abnormal brain waves, an elevated heart rate, sweat, or anything indicating stress or being forced to act via coercion will cause the door to lock down. Observe." He pressed his face to the scanners, and then his chest went against another scanner. It only took a moment for the lights to flash red. “As you can see, my stress levels makes it impossible to get inside. I'm afraid we'll have to come back later when I've calmed down.”

“But I'm authorized to get inside, correct?”

“Well, yes, but-”

I go to the scanner and place my eyes against the optics. A brief flash of light blinds me, and then I place my hoof and chest against the scanner.

The lights turn red.

“Why didn't it work?”

“When you arrived you were supposed to be authorized to gain access to every part of the city. Did they enter your Iris data and brainwaves into the system?”


“That explains it. With the convention and all, security apparently just forgot to do the procedure." Glasseye takes out a portable phone and presses a button. “Onyx? This is Glasseye. Can you please grant Silverspeak access to the brainstorming room as soon as possible? Yes... Very well. Thank you." He hangs up. “It'll take some time to integrate you into the system, and you'll need to have your iris and other personal data scanned, but you'll be able to access the room by tomorrow morning. I trust that will meet your satisfaction?”

Something about Glasseye's look is off. Behind the charming smile and reassuring gaze, there's a feeling of desperation coming from him. He's hiding something.

“Who else is authorized to enter this room?” I ask. “I'd like them to come down and open the door.”

“I'm afraid that's not possible. The ponies who work in there are on vacation, and won't be back until the convention is over.”

A beep causes Glasseye to bring up a fancy pocketwatch. “Oh my, is it that late already? It's almost lunchtime.”

I check my watch and find that it's half an hour until eleven thirty. I want to press this and get inside the room, but I have another appointment that can't wait. "We'll pick this up later," I say. "I'm having lunch with Beakbreaker in half an hour.”

“Ah, a date, is it?" Glasseye smiles, relieved to change the subject. “Tell you what, Silverspeak; I took the luxury of setting up a first-class meal for us at Genesis' finest diner for lunch. Why doesn't Beakbreaker join us?" He flips out his phone. “Just give me a moment and I'll get her a seat at our table.”

“We were set on having an intimate lunch together.”

“Our restaurant is one of the finest in Equestria itself! Ponies and visitors from all over will wait all year to have a meal there during the convention, as it's home to the finest chefs bits can hire, and from all corners of Equs. Would it not be grand if the two of you were to lunch there? It'd be on my tab, of course." He grins. “You can even say you talked me into giving her a seat.”

There's no reason to doubt Glasseye's boasts. It would reflect well on him if he was host to one of the finest eateries in all of Equestria.

“Well... I suppose we can give it a try.”

“Splendid! Now, where is she staying? I can dispatch a cab to retrieve her.”

I take out the note Beakbreaker gave me. As Glasseye looks up the hotel and makes his phone calls, I glance back at the door. Nobody's gone near it, but the guards are talking among themselves. Stonehoof, in particular, whispers into a small communication device on her hoof. The professional in me thinks she's just updating security on where her employer is going.

My cynical side wonders if there are more suspicious reasons for her hushed tone.


The Four Corners restaurant is located on the very edge of Genesis, pressed against the magical barrier separating the city from the cold void of the open sky. Its location gives everyone inside a spectacular view of the endless sky, making it the perfect venue for impressing guests and dignitaries. It certainly impresses me as Glasseye guides me inside. The lunch hour is in full swing, with waiters and waitresses going to and fro between tables hosting members of high society, each filling their stomachs with the finest wine, champagne, and delicacies bits can buy, all in luxurious seats on a luxuriously thick carpet.

We aren't dining with them, however. Glasseye takes me to a private room at the very top of the building, nestled snugly just beneath the top of the rotunda. A large table has already been set for three. Glasseye has his guards and Stonehoof head outside as he and I take a seat.

“Feel free to order anything you like,” he says, tucking a napkin onto the front of his shirt.

I glance the menu over, trying to make sense of the bizarre and nearly unpronounceable names within. I've never dined at fancy restaurants before, being used to the simplicity of menus filled with burgers, pizzas and other common fare. Heck, even Princess Celestia is rumored to prefer cake over the elegant meals her chefs prepare on a daily basis.

“Well, Beakbreaker should be arriving at any minute,” Glasseye says. “My driver assured me she'd be here by... Ah, there she is!"

I glance out the wall of windows and catch sight of a cab landing near the entrance. Two waiters escort a most surprised Beakbreaker inside. Less than a minute later and she enters through the door.

“Ah, Beakbreaker!” Glasseye says. “Please, come in!”

Beakbreaker's surprised to be face-to-face with her old professor once more, especially with me present. “Silverspeak? I thought we were having lunch at your place.”

“Oh, he was most insistent on having it here,” Glasseye says. “Once I mentioned this place, he so dearly wanted to impress you. How could I say no to that? Now come, take a seat and have anything you like. My treat.”

Beakbreaker eases herself into a seat. “I'm surprised you're letting an employee from a rival company dine with you.”

“I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your inventions, my dear. Besides, this is for pleasure, not business. I trust your employer won't mind?”

Taking a menu, Beakbreaker looks it over. “I doubt it... though he'd probably want me to try and learn some of your biggest business secrets.”

A chuckle from Glasseye. “Yes, I'm sure he would. Now, Silverspeak, have you found anything you like?”

I haven't, but I have to pick something, if only to satisfy my growling stomach. I choose something at random from the pasta section. Beakbreaker does the same, as hopelessly confused as I was over the choices before her. With the orders written down and spirited away by the waiter, we're left to ourselves.

“Well, it has been so long since we last saw each other,” Glasseye says to Beakbreaker. “Tell me, what have you been up to since the Manehattan incident? I knew you were the head researcher for Medicomp, but I lost track of what you've been doing since then.”

“Well, I'm no longer in that lofty position," Beakbreaker says. "Medicomp figured the best way to proceed was to hire some of the brightest minds in the field to act as a hive mind, so to speak. A collective that can come up with new ideas. While it's nice not being the one everyone goes to for everything, we've come under so much pressure lately to keep up with... well, you. We work around the clock seven days a week, sometimes pulling double shifts, and I feel like I'm a hamster running on a wheel: wearing myself out while not going anywhere.”

“Nobody should have to feel that way,” I say.

“Indeed,” Glasseye says. “Unfortunately, that's the nature of our industry. Working all hours of the day and night, trying to keep up with demand and quotas. Trying to keep a set schedule can be nearly impossible.”

Beakbreaker buries her face in her hooves. “Tell me about it."

“You could always come work for me,” Glasseye says. “My researchers work just as hard as you, but they still get days off.”

“I thought this lunch was for pleasure, not business.”

“Oh, my mistake. Won't happen again." Glasseye takes a sip from his wine. “Still, there's more to life than work. There's family and friends. Can't neglect them... much like I did." He goes quiet for a moment, only to clap his hooves together in delight. “Come to think of it, I really should institute a policy of giving all employees more time off. Or maybe a holiday. Yes, that's it! A family appreciation day!" He scribbles a note. “Yes, I can see it now: two days a month for every employee to spend time with their family to improve morale! I shall have to invite both of your families out on the first annual TechInc family day!" As he puts the notes away, another idea comes to him. “And if you want to suggest to your employer that he do the same, feel free.”

Our food arrives, and the waiter puts our meals on the table. I grin, eager to devour whatever is before me... only for my appetite to vanish as the waiter lifts the lids away. In my haste to order something off the menu, I had selected liver and onion pasta. So too, did Beakbreaker.

Unaware of our collective grimaces, Glasseye digs into his salad. He only gets to the third mouthful before his phone rings. Irritated, he takes it out and listens. His face drops as he folds it up. “I'm afraid I won't be able to eat with you. Something came up that I need to attend to. But please, continue with your meal." He stands. “Silverspeak, I'll have my pilot fly you to my location when you're done with lunch, and we'll continue our tour." He nods to Beakbreaker. “A delight to see you again, Beakbreaker, if only briefly. I hope we can do so again soon.”

Without another word, he trots out.

“Wonder what that was about,” Beakbreaker wonders.

“Probably a meeting of some kind,” I say. “I imagine you have a lot of those... ever thought of slowing down a bit?”

“Yeah... about two days after my schedule started. But the company needs all the help it can get, and I can't just walk away." She sighs. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is the most relaxed I've been in months, and on a business trip, no less."

"What's the rest of your schedule look like for the convention?" I ask. "That is, if you don't mind me asking.”

“Well, I'm supposed to be scouting out the other booths and taking notes on the presentations. Once this whole thing is over, I'm supposed to fly right back to Manehattan so Medicomp can go over my notes and adjust their product lines and expansions accordingly.”

I try taking a bite of the pasta. It's difficult not to throw up. “And how fast do you have to get back, exactly?”

A small smile. “You're trying to ask me out, aren't you?”

“What, me?”

“Go on, admit it. You may have a way with words, but you clearly haven't had much practice with mares.”

I shrug. “Well... I would like to spend time with you.”

Beakbreaker takes a bite of her pasta. “Something more than a dinner date?”

“Such as?”

“Surprise me.”

I ponder the thought. What could I do that's fancier than a nice meal, but not so fancy as to break the bank?

Beakbreaker tries another bite of her food, but she struggles to get it down. “Does this taste... well...”



It's quiet as we both stare at our food.

“Want to see if they have burgers?” I ask.

“Heck yes.”

We head downstairs and find the head waiter. Seeing my badge instantly puts him at attention and he inquires if there's anything he can do for me. I ask if the place has any burgers. I don't expect it to, but he says he'll see if the chefs can whip something up. As he goes inside, a thought comes to me.

“Oh, I have an idea!”

“You know a burger joint nearby?” Beakbreaker asks.

“No; I was thinking... why not take a vacation after giving your report to Medicomp?”

“A vacation?”

“Yes! Not a long one, mind you, something short. Maybe three days somewhere nice. We can go to an island, the desert-”

Beakbreaker chuckles. “The desert?”

“What? You don't like the desert? Forget the desert. Too much sand. Maybe we can go to a mountaintop resort, or the Crystal Empire. Anyway, we could see the sights, taste the local cuisine, and... well, discuss... things.”

“What sort of things?”

She's playful about this. That's good. “Well... whatever it is ponies talk about on vacation. The future, I guess. What they want to do. Interests, that sort of thing. And when we're done, we can think things over and decide where we want to go from there. I mean, if we want to go on more dates or vacations, or things like that.”

One of Beakbreaker's eyebrows goes up. Whether from interest or surprise, I can't tell.

“Of course, we don't have to rush anything," I assure her. "Or if three days is too much, we can always make it a weekend. Or even a single day, if you want. I mean, there's plenty of places in Manehattan we could go. Like a fancy hotel, or-”

Beakbreaker's hoof goes to my lips. “A vacation sounds great,” she says with a smile. “But I don't know if Coin Counter would let me have one.”

“He has to!” I say, gently pushing her hoof away. “You're his most famous employee. That makes you irreplaceable; ergo, you have more leverage when asking for time off. I could even write something for you to say, if you want.”

“You really do want to go out with me.”

My cheeks turn a faint shade of crimson. “Well, when you put it that way... Yes I do.”

Beakbreaker smiles. “Well, getting a vacation so soon after the convention is going to be tricky, but I can squeeze in a few hours tomorrow evening. How about we meet up, watch the closing ceremony, have dinner, and then see Genesis' nightlife? I've heard that their amusement park is one of the best in all of Equs.”

I'd prefer to have an entire afternoon with Beakbreaker, but I'll take what I can get. “Sure, that won't be a problem.”

The kitchen doors open, and the waiter comes out with two plates of gourmet hayburgers that – as we learn – were specially made to order. Quite ornate, but I don't mind. And neither does Beakbreaker, considering how happily she munches through hers when we're back in the VIP room.

The rest of our lunch passes pleasantly enough, with simple chitchat and enjoying each other's company. But eventually our conversations reach their end, and the food is eaten up. Thus, with our bellies full we head outside, where a small contingent of Glasseye's guards wait for me.

“Well, I really enjoyed that,” I say. “I hope you did, too."

"The hayburgers, yes. The gourmet food? Not so much."

We chuckle.

"Well, I need to go," Beakbreaker says. "I'll see you tomorrow night outside the convention hall."

"I'll be there."

Smiling, Beakbreaker starts towards a taxi. I should let her go, but it doesn't feel right to end lunch like this.

“Beakbreaker!" I catch up to her as she turns to me. “I just wanted to thank you for coming out. I know this isn't what we planned, but I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

“Don't worry, I did... though maybe we can do something a little less fancy next time.”



I smile. “Yes, burgers. Promise.”

We look at each other for a moment, and that split-second presents an opportunity. At this stage in rebuilding a relationship with Beakbreaker, I believe I can use polite physical contact, such as the kiss of a hoof. But should I still try? Perhaps that would be going a little too fast. Perhaps I should wait until the end of another meal before-

The second ends, and Beakbreaker heads off to her taxi. “See you tomorrow!” she calls over her shoulder as she ducks inside. The taxi heads off, leaving me alone before the restaurant.

Am I disappointed? A little, but at this stage in the game, perhaps it's smarter not to rush anything. I'll get another chance to get that kiss.

I just hope the opportunity comes sooner rather than later.


Seeing that I'm done with Beakbreaker, Glasseye's guards usher me into Glasseye's airship. We take off and eventually land at another large research and development lab; the interior signs reveal that this is where building and construction technologies are being researched. Sure enough, Glasseye and the rest of his company are waiting for me. To my relief, Glasseye doesn't look upset at how long Beakbreaker and I spent together.

“I trust lunch was enjoyable?”

I nod, eager to get the tour back underway. “Glasseye, how many more facilities do we have to see?”

“Quite a few. There are many divisions at work here in Genesis. You don't have somewhere you need to be, do you?”

“No. But considering how long this is taking, I'll have to stay in Genesis after the convention is over so I can complete my inspection.”

“Really? But we should be able to complete the tour if we go through tomorrow.”

I shake my head. “I'm afraid I won't be able to do any work tomorrow after lunchtime.”

Glasseye gives a smug smile. “Oh? Something involving the lovely Beakbreaker, I presume?"

“With all due respect, Glasseye, I'd like to resume the tour.”

Glasseye grins. “Of course. Do follow me, please.”

The tour begins again, and I do my best to concentrate as Glasseye points out all the various construction vehicles before me. I try to be focused, but it's hard to be excited by high-tech cement mixers. Oh, it'll increase the strength of concrete by at least 25 percent, but it pales when compared to artificial eyeballs and invisibility suits. The rest of the afternoon isn't much better; it's difficult to decide if everything I see has the possibility of turning into a weapon. The number of rooms in each building seems to be doubling, and while the staff doesn't try to stop me from exploring, they do keep a very close eye on me. Whether that's from fear that I'll uncover a secret weapon of ultimate doom, or are just curious about an outsider getting this far into Glasseye's operations, I can't tell.

As we fly to yet another factory, I have an epiphany: this isn't working. I'm one single pony in a city built and ruled by a single company with thousands of employees that they can order about. I can't be everywhere at once, and Glasseye could take advantage of that to hide things at his leisure. I glance out the window and calculate how many buildings we've gone to. My stomach sinks as I realize we've been to maybe a third of them. At this rate I'll be inspecting closets and basements for weeks.

“Well, we have another four facilities we can visit today,” Glasseye says as he goes through a list. “Is there one you'd like to see in particular?”

Perhaps now would be the best time to dispense with the pleasantries. I can't use my silver tongue, but I can be honest about this whole investigation... while being tactful, of course.

“Glasseye, is your company working on weapons of any kind?”

I don't know how Glasseye would react to my question. Most likely he'll be defensive and try to crack a joke while hiding his offense. But to my surprise, he seems... relieved.

“Actually, I'm glad you asked, Silverspeak. We are indeed, and I was going to suggest we head to the development center next.”

Wait, that's it? He's more forthcoming than I thought.

We fly back to the Monolith and head through several security doors and checkpoints before reaching a heavily armored room near the tower's center. It takes a scan of both Glasseye and Stonehoof's badges before the main gates glide open, granting us access to another research lab similar to the others we've gone through. But instead of machine parts, medical equipment, and piles of metal scattered about, there are several stations filled with weapon components.

“Due to the rather... sensitive nature of our self-defense division, we decided to locate the manufacturing plant within the tower itself,” Glasseye says.

“I'm sorry, self-defense?”

“Yes. The only weapons we work on are nonlethal, self-defense firearms meant for law enforcement and private citizens. Nothing in this room is lethal. Take this, for example." Glasseye goes to a station and takes a small device colored bright yellow. “This is a taser.”

“A what?”

“A small device that shoots a stream of electricity into its target. The voltage causes the assailant to temporarily lose control of all voluntary motor systems. Thus, complete incapacitation, and they're back up and none the worse for wear in ten minutes." He brings the taser up. “Would you care for a demonstration?”

“On myself?”

“Oh, good heavens no! We have employees whose only job is to be... well, subjected to our devices. Of course, they're highly-paid and receive excellent medical care.”

“What else are they shot with?”

“Pepper spray, tear gas, sleep gas, sleep darts, expanding foam and a chemical that causes them to vomit and loosen their bowels at the same time. Can't attack someone if you're sick to your stomach.”

“And is that all?”


“Are you sure?”

Everyone in the room turns to me.

Glasseye smiles. “Yes. I'm very sure." His smile widens. “Now, how about we proceed with the demonstrations? I assure you that they'll be most eye-opening.”

The poor test subjects had better be paid well, considering what they go through over the next fifteen minutes as they're zapped, sprayed, and pelted with the weapons. They may be non-lethal, but they clearly hurt like Tartarus. Yet, each subject manages to stand after the demonstration is over, and are instantly tended to by a pair of nurses.

“Well, my lad, what do you think?” Glasseye asks as the last test subject is helped from the room.

“That looked painful.”

“Indeed it was. But as I said, it's only used for self-defense, along with everything else we make." The taser's pressed into my hooves. “Here. I imagine Princess Luna will want to see this when you meet with her.”

Pocketing the taser, I then proceed on an examination of the room, looking very closely for hidden doors, secret compartments, or anywhere else non-lethal weapons could be hidden. But there are none, and it seems the place is clean. Yet, there's a feeling of unease I can't shake.

Something doesn't feel right.

“Well, if you don't have any further questions, why don't we move on?" Glasseye asks. "There are still a few places to see before the day is done.”

I should see as many places as I can today so I can save time tomorrow, but that door back in the main research lab just won't leave my mind.

“Actually, I'd prefer if we could pick this up tomorrow,” I say.

“Really? I got the impression you wanted to see as much as you could today.”

“I did. But there are personal matters I must attend to. And if I'm not mistaken, you have a talk at the convention hall in an hour.”

Glasseye's smile gives way to confusion, and he pulls out his pocketwatch. “My goodness, you're right! I lost track of the time! Well, it seems we will have to pick this up again tomorrow. I'll see you in my office at eight AM sharp. That is, unless you'd like to start earlier?”

“No, eight will be fine." And it's true. Glasseye needs to get ready for his presentation, and he'll be dead tired by the time it's over. He'll want to sleep as soon as possible, leaving me free to do as I please all night long without his interference.

There's just one thing I need to do first.


With the tour concluded, I leave the research floor and head to my penthouse. The doors are closed, the curtains drawn, and after locking the master bedroom, I take Luna's box from beneath the bed. Lying on the ground, I take the orb in my hooves and rub it three times.

Like before, the world goes hazy as I fall into Luna's dreamworld. It's easier to adjust to than last time, but it's still unnerving to see my body on the floor. I try to ignore it as Luna glides out from behind the ether.

“Silverspeak, you're earlier than I expected. Have you found something?”

“Not exactly, your Highness. I began my investigation of Genesis this morning with Glasseye, but it's going much slower than I expected.”

“One cannot expect to explore all of Genesis in a single day, Silverspeak.”

“I understand that, your Highness." Something occurs to me. “If you don't mind me asking, your Highness-”

“You may call me Luna, Silverspeak.”

I hope she doesn't see my shiver of excitement. “...Luna, if I may ask, why did you send just me here? Why not several assistants, or even an army of inspectors? That would make an inspection much easier.”

“Because handling these matters requires diplomacy. Glasseye is already on edge, for your presence implies that my sister and I don't trust him. Sending an army of inspectors would only give him cause to resent us further, and perhaps hinder our efforts. A single inspector may accomplish more than a hundred ever could.”

“Perhaps, but I have reason to believe that Glasseye is not being as honest as he appears. Despite telling me I could see every room in the city, he purposefully left me in the dark about one in his main research facility. He was exceedingly nervous about me going in.”

Luna's not impressed. “His life revolves around business. That includes guarding trade secrets.”

“Again, I acknowledge that. But while he has ordered security to allow me inside, I have the feeling he's trying to hide something from me." I stop to gather my courage. I'm not looking forward to this... but if Celestia were given a chance to save lives, eve if it made her uncomfortable, she would take it. So must I. “I believe that if TechInc and Glasseye are hiding something," I say, "my best chance of finding it is to use my talent to persuade him and others to talk. I ask for permission to do so.”

Luna has the best poker face, as I can't tell what she thinks of my request. “This is not a request to be taken lightly, Silverspeak. Are you sure you are not just misinterpreting what Glasseye has said and done?”

“I do not believe he has malevolent intentions,” I say, “but as you said, he is a business pony. He may seek to gain profit if an opportunity arises. He already has his company working on changeling detectors, and-”

“Wait, changeling detectors?”

I nod.

“Fascinating... please gain one of these devices and send them to Canterlot as soon as you can. I wish to see them.”

“Of course. But as I was saying, if he sees an advantage in creating a changeling detector, then a weapon to combat them is the next logical step. He is already working on non-lethal weapons for law enforcement and self defense, but I doubt he would pass up the opportunity to create something more dangerous, especially if others want to defend themselves against changelings.”

Luna ponders my words.

“If he is hiding something,” I add, “he has an entire city to do it in. Persuading employees to reveal any secrets they may have will allow me to find them more easily.”

“I am aware of that,” Luna says.

I go silent, not wanting to risk annoying her.

After a moment, Luna nods. “Very well. In the interest of the greater good, you may use your talent on Glasseye and his employees. But...” she narrows her eyes, “...you may only do so in the context of learning about any weapons. You are not to persuade them to do anything, to try and change TechInc's policies, or use it for personal gain. Is that understood?”

I nod.

“Very well. Report back to me with your findings as soon as you can. That is all.”

Her horn glows, and the world around me fades out.

When I open my eyes, I'm back in the physical world, the orb still clutched between my hooves. It goes back into the box as I plan my next move: now that I have Luna's permission to use my talent, I need to head out and put it to good use, and the sooner the better. I can't risk missing anything that could threaten Beakbreaker and my parents-

Wait... Oh no, I forgot about Mom and Dad! They're still expecting to eat dinner with Beakbreaker and me! I head out and down to their room. Breaking the news isn't going to be fun, but I don't want to leave them waiting for something that won't come.

Reaching their room, I knock on the door. Maybe I can have dinner with them. I'm sure they wouldn't mind the company after such a long and eventful day.

The door opens.

“Mom? I'm afraid I have some bad-” I stop. Mom looks exhausted. Her eyes are red and it's difficult for her to remain standing. “Mom?! What's wrong?”

She tries to smile. “I'm sorry, Silverspeak, but your father and I can't come to dinner. We... Well, we came down with something.”

I'm looking for dots, bumps, redness, anything that could indicate what she might have. “When did this happen?”

“Around lunchtime.”

“What? Why didn't you let me know?”

“We... We thought it was just a cold. Besides, nothing a visit to the pharmacist couldn't fix.”

Something falls in the living room.

“Oh dear." Mom retreats inside. I follow her. Dad's trying to pull some suitcases, but he's so tired that he can't even drag one around.


He's surprised to see me. “Hey, kiddo.”

“Where are you going?”

Mom butts in. “Silverspeak, I know this is very sudden, but your father and I... well, we've been away from home for quite a while now. Please don't take this the wrong way-”

“We loved coming out to see you, and coming here,” Dad says.

“But we've been away from the house and the shop longer than we thought,” Mom says. “We decided it's time for us to head back home.”

“What? Already?”

“We'd stay longer if we could, but... well, we figured maybe spending time at home would help us recover faster. That, and I can't leave the shop alone for too long.”

“Plus, it's better to leave the party before you get burned out,” Dad tries to drag the suitcases back up, but can't even lift the handles. Anyone looking at him would say that he needs bedrest, not travel.

“Maybe the two of you just need a good night's sleep,” I say. “How about we see how you're feeling in the morning and go from there?”

Mom shakes her head. “No, Silverspeak. We need to head back tonight.”

My gosh, she sounds so tired.

“Besides, we can't risk spreading this around, and we'll go crazy if we stay cooped up here.”

I'd still like them to stay, but Dad's right about not wanting to spread their bug around. In a confined city like Genesis, and especially in the convention itself, a cold or other transmittable disease would spread like wildfire.

“Well... alright. I'll call Gusty and ask him to fly you two home. You think you can be ready to go within an hour?”

“How does right now sound?” Dad asks.


It takes a little while to find Gusty, but eventually he's located by the Monolith's security team at a small bar. While grumbling at having to fly to Saddle Lanka and back in one night, he nevertheless prepares his ship. Due to Mom and Dad having only the strength to walk, I enlist a few aides to help us to the landing platform where Dusty's ship is docked. Once everything's loaded on board, I help my parents to the boarding ramp.

“I'll come visit as soon as I'm done here,” I say.

“Don't rush,” Mom says. “Really, don't. We'll be fine.”

“Besides, don't want you having to take care of us when you're visiting,” Dad says. “What kind of parents would we be if that happened?" He tries to smile, only to stop when several coughs force themselves out.

“When you do visit,” Mom says, “see if you can have Beakbreaker come along. Then we can have dinner with both of you.”

I nod. “I will." I step back as Mom and Dad make their way up in the ship, trying to calm my racing heart. "I'll call you in a few days," I say. "Be safe."

They manage to give little waves before the ramp retracts and the door closes. I go onto the walkway as the Raven takes off, flying towards Genesis' massive dome and through a momentarily opened panel. Then it flies off into the night sky, vanishing within the clouds.

The aides retreat inside, and I follow, my mind racing into overdrive. All the traveling my parents have done might have weakened their immune system, and with thousands of ponies all gathered together, it's inevitable that someone was going to catch something in a hotbed of viruses and germs.

I head back inside the tower; I should get moving on my nighttime interviews, but they now seem insignificant. I'm not even sure I can do them now, because a thought appears in my mind, one that shoves everything else aside and makes me feel a cold, sinking dread.

If my parents got sick from something they caught at the convention, why haven't I seen anyone else with the same symptoms?

Author's Note:

Well, that took a lot longer than I imagined. Like with the original story, there will be a bonus chapter with the outline for "Nightfall," but I'll go ahead and reveal that this part of the story was a big, gray area where I had to get from point A to point B, but had little idea how to actually do so, hence why I missed the usual update schedule. Hopefully, that won't be a problem from here on out.

Speaking of updates, in case anyone didn't see one of my prior journals, I'm thinking of posting a journal entry whenever a new chapter goes up for those of you who aren't automatically notified. Would anyone be interested in this?

On a different note, I'm pleased to announce that reader Teapot333 has begun adapting the first "Monster" story into an audiobook series! You can follow his efforts at his youtube page. Here's chapter 1:

And secondly, here's a picture by the talented lilithnanhart (who did the cover for the first story). It's not tied to any scene in the books, just a little moment I've had for a while that I wanted to have illustrated.