• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,344 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Thirty Eight

“So uh?” Rika questioned from her perch atop Christine’s head. “Where do we go first?”

Christine hummed and tapped one of her feet a few times. “We’ve got options. We could look in the local junkyard for one that’s only slightly damaged and have Bit repair it, or we could look for a housewares store.”

“Eh, used is a guys thing. Us girls need chic, unique and magnifique!” Rika looked around the sprawling metropolis and scratched her head. “I wonder where the shops are?”

“You’ve got options there, too. This looks like the touristy kinda place,” the dragon grumbled. “Meaning everything’s gonna be overpriced unless you find an honest shopkeeper.”

Rika flexed her ribbons and grinned. “Oh, I can be very persuasive~”

“Consider who you’re sitting on,” Christine said with a grin. “I’ve got twice as many tricks as I do moves. Maybe I’ll share a few stories to get a better price myself...

Every shopkeeper in Las Pegasus suddenly felt that honesty was the best policy today...

“Now, do you see a housewares shop from up there?”

Rika looked around, “Hmm, I see... casinos, a liquor store... Chrysie? What does ‘XXX Mares’ mean?”

“You don’t want to know,” Christine said seriously. “Or rather, I think Seth wouldn’t forgive me if I let you go there. Nothing selling anything like toasters or light bulbs?”

Rika hummed as she gave the area a second look. “There’s a big department store down that way... I think. Let’s go see.”

“And which way is that way?” The dragon groused. “Not Vincent, can’t read your mind.”

“Well that’s a relief, I’m so much cuter than Vinny... and be honest, would you really want to read my mind?” She motioned down the street with a ribbon. “That way.”

“Sometimes the answer is no,” Christine replied as she turned and started to practice her best ‘I am not a terrifying dragon’ walk.

“Um, why do you have this look on your face that seems to say, ‘I’m trying my best not to eat you’?” Rika queried, looking at several ponies that did their best to cross the street when Christine walked towards them.

“Trying to show that I’m not a terrible monster?” Christine replied. “It’s...been a while since I willingly went out in public, after all. Not wanting to ruin my...second, impression,” she finished with a note of sadness as she recalled that there was more of the day she couldn’t recall.

“Ah, yeah... that wasn’t your finest moment,” Rika admitted. “But hey, they aren’t running and screaming so, progress!” At least until one pony who had been at the scene where Christine and Selena fought recognized her... and ran away screaming.

“Oh goddammit!” Rika muttered.

Christine’s reaction was better than it could have been, seeing as how the worst on the scale was apparently Earthquake. However, her stopping and sighing wasn’t much better. “Told you,” she muttered, the tip of her tail turning blue-ish.

“Look, ponies seem to be easily frightened,” Rika consoled her. “Don’t let it get you down. Keep your head up, cause I’ll fall if you don’t, and keep looking forward!”

“Yeah, and what of the other ‘mon?” Christine muttered, waving a claw at the Pokemon who were also crossing the street, or stopping and staring. “I’m not normal in their eyes, so apparently that gives them license to stare and whisper. And dammit, words hurt.”

Rika didn’t know what to say. Words were Seth’s department, she just had to look cute and blow stuff up on occasion. Hey... that was an idea. She jumped down from Christine’s head and stalked towards the Pokemon, a sadistic smile on her face.

“Well now,” she cooed in a voice that could freeze a Magmar. “Do we have a problem here?” She picked up one of those newspaper dispensers with her ribbons and promptly crushed it like an egg, before dropping the mangled hunk of metal on the ground.

The Pokemon suddenly shook their head and bolted from the the pair like their life depended on it. Rika nodded and returned to Christine’s head. “Well, now we’re both monsters...”

“Heh...well, better together than suffering alone,” the dragon said, going back on her way to the department store.

The store was pretty big, a multi-level building with every store known to pony kind. Rika checked a map and quickly located a household good store. “Okay, we gotta go to the second level, and then down a bit.”

“At once, I’m reminded of some of the caves I’ve been in, with those sorts of directions,” the dragon mused while looking at the same map. “Seriously, unless you already know where to go, it looks like a labyrinth in here.”

“It’s a bit like that,” Rika giggled as she walked alongside the dragon. “Don’t worry though, I went to these sorts of places all the time.” Then a thought occurred to her. “Uh, did you remember to get a top up of the translation spell?”

Christine blinked a few times before swearing. “Dammit. They’re not gonna understand a thing I say, are they?”

“Nope...” Rika sighed. “Now what do we do? I dunno if the Guard here dishes out the spell like they do in Canterlot.”

“...Oh don’t tell me you forgot to get one as well,” the landshark said, eyes widening. “Without one of us to translate the other, we came here for nothing!”

“Well, with Fritter being the only pony I really talk to, there’s no reason for me to get one constantly cast!” Rika replied. “It’s no problem, we’ll just find a friendly Unicorn, and try to see if we can get them to cast the spell. Just might require a little imagination.”

“My charades skill is non-existent, just so you know. With Vincent being the only human I really ever talked with back on Earth, I never needed it.” Christine was now scanning the pony customers, looking for one with a horn that wouldn’t bolt at first sight of her. A difficult prospect, to be sure.

Meanwhile, Seth relaxed on the couch with Fritter, enjoying some quality alone time. Rika and Christine would be out for a while and...

“Vincent? Did you happen to extend your translator thingy to Christine?” he thought idly.

...Y’know, I knew I was forgetting to do something...And when I do it, I like to have the ones I’m doing it to right in front of me, in case I need to make any adjustments. Sooo...we might have a slight situation there...

“Ah, I’m sure they’ll be fine... what’s the worst that could happen?”

...My time with Checkmate taught me one thing, Seth. You’ve just doomed us all.

“What the heck?” Rika muttered as the tenth Unicorn just trotted away, shaking his head. “Are these ponies that stupid? All we need is one simple spell!!”

“We shouldn’t need a translation spell to get a translation spell,” Christine agreed with a slight nod, mindful of the Sylveon on her head. “That’s like saying you need to know Dig to get at the secret cave where the TM for it is located.”

“Urge. To Moonblast. Rising,” Rika muttered. “I wish I could use magic, that would make life so much easier.”

“...I’m curious as to what might happen if I were hit with magic, now,” Christine said. “I mean, not curious enough to make the ponies angry enough to hit me with it, but I’d like to know. Maybe then I’d be able to cast a translation spell?”

“Magic type?” Rika tilted her head. “Heh, Pretty Magic Dragon, Chrissie-chan~”

“Aaaaand just as suddenly, you’ve killed my curiosity,” the dragon replied. “Seriously, is there not one non-racist Pony here?”

A petite Unicorn slowly approached the pair. “Um... excuse me? Are you lost?” she asked with a timid voice.

“Rika, this one’s you,” Christine said, picking the Sylveon off her head and putting her in front of the mare. “Seriously, if I ask, she’ll run away screaming. You are far more approachable.”

“Aw, don’t be like that.” Rika petted the dragon on the head. She looked at the mare, well, more of a filly really and nodded her head. She motioned towards her neck and yipped a few times.

“Aw, so cute!” the filly cooed. “Um, Oh? You can’t talk with me can you?”

Rika shook her head.

“Um, okay um...” the Unicorn closed her eyes and focused her magic. After a moment or two, her horn sparked and Rika’s body emitted a pale glow. “There we go,” the Unicorn smiled. “Did that work?”

“Um, I dunno?” Rika shrugged, but the mare smiled.

“It did! And that was my first time casting it too!”

“Well at least one of us can talk with the natives,” Christine said with a small smile, before returning Rika to her role as a hat. “Shall we go shopping, then, now that you can translate for me?”

The dragon felt a small tingle as Twinkleshine cast it on her too. “Or...that could happen. Thanks kid,” she said, looking down and giving her best non-toothy smile.

“You’re welcome Miss Dragon,” Twinkle smiled. “Um, your colours are really pretty too!”

“Heh...thanks again. But if you don’t mind, me and my hat need to go get a new fridge for my apartment.”

“Oh, yeah... sorry.” Twinkle smiled. “My name’s Twinkleshine, by the way.”

“I’m Rika, and this is my ‘totally not a scary dragon friend’ Chrissie!” Rika rubbed Christine’s head. “Do you wanna be friends with us Twinkle?”

The Unicorn blinked and nodded happily. “Yeah, I love meeting new friends!”

“Awesome, then we should hang out sometime... well, you and Christine anyway. I hafta go home soon.” The Sylveon waved goodbye to their new, suddenly made friend before turning back to Christine. “See... thats how you make friends.”

“...It’s like she was another, smaller version of you,” the dragon said. “Are they all like that when they aren’t being judgemental of Pokemon as a whole?”

“Pretty much,” Rika shrugged. “You really should have looked around Ponyville when we were there, instead of hiding on Applejack’s farm the whole time. I bet you would have made a ton of friends.”

“That I would have left behind when we came here,” the dragon countered. “That sound like a fair thing to do to either me or them?”

“It’s called mail and a train,” Rika sighed as they got to the stairs. Christine and elevators did not mix very well. “What about when I go home? Won’t we be friends anymore?”

“...Okay, fine, I’ll bully Vincent into writing you for me. You at least I can get along with. Flower-head, though…”

“You really don’t like Titania huh?” Rika shrugged. “Well, that’s alright, you can’t make friends with everyone after all.”

“Arceus knows you’ll probably try anyways,” the dragon said with a slight smile. “So, we there yet?”

They stopped in front of a store, one called Fridges and Furnishings.

“I’m guessing that they sell fridges here,” Rika deadpanned.

“Along with other house furnishing items,” the dragon replied. “If I had gotten through more than half my home before I was assaulted by a Fairy intent on hugging me, I might have a more comprehensive list than ‘a fridge.’”

“Eheh,” Rika giggled as she hopped down from her head. “Well... I regret nothing!”

“You might in a minute, depending on their prices,” Christine replied before stepping inside the shop.

The shop owner, a rather portly Earth Pony was quite surprised to see two of those Pokemon creatures walk into his store. Did they come in by accident?

“Hello?” he greeted none-the-less. “May I help you with something?”

“Yeah, this little gal here,” Christine said, motioning to her hat with one claw, “Destroyed my fridge. Granted, it was probably a lost cause anyways, but now I need a new one.”

“Destroyed you say?” the shopkeep raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, that’ll probably do. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Finest refrigerators in all of Las Pegasus! Tell me what you need and I can supply it!”

Christine blinked slowly a few times. “Something affordable, that can hold plenty of food, and won’t break down in two weeks’ time.” She thought it was fairly obvious that was what she was looking for. “Basically a straight-up replacement for my old one, minus the decaying food that the last ponies left in it.”

“Hm yes, sorry, Fresh out of the ones with decaying food until Tuesday,” the stallion joked. “So a simple fridge... well, we have our ‘Neverwinter’ models, they range from bedside to “El Grande’ size.”

“I’d prefer it if it fit in my apartment as well. I get the feeling I’m barely going to fit in there once I Evolve again, so not much bigger than myself if you don’t mind,” the dragon further clarified.

“Okay then,” The pony led them to a row of fridges along the side wall. “We have a variety of designs and features. This one here is a basic model, but why settle for basic right?” He displayed a stunning silver model, “This one here packs an ice dispenser for those hot summer days, as well as a freezer with ‘Crystal Freeze’ technology. Stick your food you want frozen in here and it’ll outlast the apocalypse, guaranteed.”

“...Do you often get apocalypses enough to warrant that guarantee?” the dragon asked with a slight head tilt. “Rika, I don’t want to be in pony-land anymore. Can we go ask Arceus to throw me back?”

“Sorry babe, it was a one-way trip. Think of it this way, if Arceus brought all the ‘good’ with him, what do you suppose is left behind?”

“Point taken,” Christine replied with a shiver. “So back to you,” she continued by returning to looking at the stallion. “Just for future reference, Ice and Dragons do not share a loving relationship. Still, those features sound useful.”

“What did I say,” The stallion grinned like a Cheshire cat. “You have made an excellent choice today Miss. This one can be yours for the low, low price of seven thousand Bits!”

“...I’m just gonna let Rika deal with you on that one,” She said, picking the Sylveon up and placing her in front of the stallion.

“Really?” Rika asked. “Is this gonna be a thing now?” She sighed and looked at the Earth Pony. “That’s a pretty steep price mister, considering that the next model down is only twelve hundred bits.”

“This one is top of the range, you want the best, then you gotta pay for it.”

“Surely we can’t come to some sort of a deal?” Rika pouted adorably. “I bet you’ve never sold to a Pokemon before?”

“Nope, but as long as you have the Bits, then you could be Princess freaking Celestia for all I care.”

Rika frowned, this guy was gonna be a tough nut to crack. She could use Attract on him, but that was something she did not condone. Then she had another idea.

“What about in bulk?”

The stallion tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

“Well, my friend here lives in an apartment building that needs serious renovations in the way of white goods. Fridges, ovens, etcetera. Perhaps we could make you our... exclusive client?”

The stallion crunched some numbers in his head. If he could get exclusive rights, he might be able to afford that expansion he’d been dreaming of. Not to mention the first white goods seller in the city to deal with Pokemon.

“Well, that’s certainly something to consider. Who’s the owner of this here apartment?”

“Vincent Nurem,” Rika stated and the stallion paled. The one that took down PegasusAir? The one that freed him from those rotten extortionists?

“Deal. You two ladies definitely got yourselves a deal!”

“Now what does that do for my current situation?” the dragon spoke up. “Stillll fridgeless here.”

“Oh, right. Well, after taking certain considerations into account, along with the current inflation of Equestria currency... two thousand bits for this one. Deal?”

“Depends. Rika, think it’s a fair price? It’s your bits, after all.”

“My Bits? Oh right, I blew the other one up...” She took out her purse and pulled out a slip of paper. “That should be fine. You can charge it to this account.”

The stallion took the slip and read it over. “A Canterlot account? You ladies important or something?”

“Something like that,” Rika grinned. “That has the Royal stamp of authenticity, but you can check it if you want.”

“It looks legit, I’ll file the paperwork and send it through later. You ladies have an address I can send this here fridge to?”

Rika wrote down the address of the apartment and the stallion nodded. “Alrighty, once the paperwork is complete and the account verified, I’ll have the fridge delivered, no extra charge.”

“Thanks Mister,” Rika giggled.

“Outta curiosity,” the dragon prodded, “Why’d you react so strongly to Vincent’s name?”

“Oh, that.” the stallion sighed as he placed the papers on the counter. “There was a mob called PegasusAir, bunch crooks that the cops couldn’t touch. They extorted money from a lot of smaller establishments, like my own, for the simple reason of ‘you pay us to do business in our city’.” He rubbed a foreleg and frowned. “But then that Vincent fellow came along and wiped them out... so yeah, a lot of us little guys owe him quite a bit.”

“Vincent?” Christine laughed. “I know the kid, we were basically captives together. Yeah, he did what he could for us, but he’s no fighter, even if he’s a ‘mon now. You must have your wires crossed or something.”

Rika shook her head, “Uh, you don’t know huh? Vincent is like, crazy powerful.”

He’s also listening.

“GAH!” Christine jerked her head back in reflex before recognizing the voice. “For the love of-!”

“Stop doing that!” Rika yelled back.

Just testing my new technique out! This time there was only a little smoke, so I’m narrowing it down quite a bit! I’ll leave you be now if it disturbs you so much.

The sound of a phone hanging up punctuated the end of his statement, and Christine half-lidded her eyes in irritation. “Okay, crazy powerful, check. But still, I know the kid. He’s not the sort to go charging into battle. More the sort to defend others by throwing himself in the way.”

“He took on Mewtwo,” Rika stated. “So yeah, he’s either powerful or really, really crazy.”

“What the hell did Mewtwo do to make him think challenging a Legendary was good idea?!” Christine shook her head and then put Rika back on top of it. “C’mon, we can walk while we talk. My thanks for the fridge,” she said to the stallion before they left.

“So yeah,” Rika continued her story. “apparently Mewtwo hurt someone close to Vincent, so Vincent decided that a little payback was in order... apparently Vincent won.”

“...So apparently, give a kid some power and something to fight for, and that’s what he does,” Christine said. “Seriously, what and how? That’s...not the Vincent I knew.”

“I have no idea, I only know this Vincent, the one that fights for those he cares about with everything he’s got. But... he can be a little scary sometimes.”

“As his little peek proved,” the dragon said, glancing upwards. “Let’s just be glad he’s on our side.”

“Eeyup,” Rika giggled. “So shall we go home? Or would you like to hang out more?”

“I’d like to actually see the city, actually,” the dragon mused. “Well, see it and remember it this time. You up for a little exploration?”

“Sure,” Rika giggled. “Where to first, oh fearless leader?”

“Wherever looks fun!” the dragon replied eagerly. “Though...hopefully not anywhere I’ve ‘already been,’” she clarified.

“Yeeahhh, let’s avoid that particular street,” Rika agreed. She looked around, “Hey there’s one of those ‘XXX’ stores again, but for stallions this time.”

“And once again, Seth wouldn’t forgive me if you walked into any store like that,” the landshark said dryly. “I may be immune to Electric, but that doesn’t mean he won’t try.”

“Fine, I don’t get them anyway,” Rika said. “Hmm, I wonder if this place has...” then she spied one, a colourful little store a few doors down. “ICE CREAM!”

“...Just so you know, if this ends up hurting me, I blame you in advance,” the dragon said, maneuvering around in search of the shop. “Which way?”

“Silly Chrissie, you can eat ice-cream. I’ve seen Tyra, Diantha’s Tyrantrum devour several gallons of it.” The placed her ribbons on the dragon’s head and turned it. “Thattaway!”

“Oh. How did I not see that before?” She advanced on the shop while still grousing a bit. “I mean it has ice in the name, if that’s not a warning sign I don’t know what is…”

“It’s just frozen yogurt or milk really. I dunno, its just delicious and you need to try it.” She petted the dragons head again. “You’re weak to me, and yet wear me like a cute accessory.”

“Because you fit up there, and with you up there the ponies don’t seem as inclined to run away screaming. Works for both of us.” They’d reached the shop and Christine eyed the door warily. “I’m...not sure about this…”

“It’ll be fine,” Rika assured her. “C’mon, you’ve been a brave girl up until now. You gonna let a little frozen milk beat you?”

“Only ‘cause you lot hammered it into my head that burning things that annoyed me was a bad idea. If only because someone has to pay for the property damage.” The landshark sighed. “Fine, fine. I’ll give it a shot.”

With that, she clumsily used her claws to open the front door and ducked a little to make sure the both of them got in okay.

A mare working behind the counter blinked as the duo entered, but wasn't entirely worried. This wasn’t the first time a Pokemon had entered her establishment, in fact.

“Vanillish!” the ice-type Pokemon chirped happily as it floated behind her. She’d found this one sleeping in the freezer and first thought that some joker Unicorn had animated one of her desserts. Now he helped keep stock and made for a cute mascot as well. Christine tensed a little bit at the sight of the Ice-type, but kept herself under control. Not a combat situation, not a combat situation...

“Ah, sorry, Chrissie has a slight aversion to your floating mascot there,” Rika said as the mare nodded. Vanillish smiled regardless and floated out back to the freezer, he was getting a bit warm anyway.

“So what can I get for you folks?” the mare asked.

“To alleviate a small problem, can you tell us how ice-cream is made?” Rika asked. The mare blinked, but she got this question a lot from foals.

“Well, In its most basic form, ice cream is a mixture of cream and/or milk, sugar and sometimes eggs that is frozen while being churned to create a frozen product. In commercial ice-cream making, stabilizers, such as plant gums, are usually added and the mixture is pasteurized and homogenized.” She smiled after the brief explanation. “Does that help?”

“...So it’s just cold. Not actual ice at all?” Christine asked with more than a hint of disbelief.

“That’s right,” the mare smiled. “There might be miniscule amounts of frozen condensation, but my ice-cream is one hundred percent natural creamy goodness. If you want a frozen drink, I have a slushie machine here as well.”

“Eh, it’s just, this little pink hat of mine was trying to convince me to try some, and you’ve essentially confirmed that I will likely survive the experience. Ice and Dragons from our world...don’t exactly mix.” the Gabite said. “So what would either of you recommend?”

“How about a simple vanilla one?” the mare suggested. “And a strawberry for you little friend there?”

“How did she know my favourite flavour?” Rika gasped. “Is she Psychic?”

“You are pink,” Christine deadpanned. “Plus with the way you act around sugar, I find it hard to believe that every flavor isn’t your favorite one.”

“Trueeee,” Rika glanced at the cabinet. “Ooh, you have apple flavour!” She wondered if it would taste like Fritter...

The mare glanced at the drooling Sylveon. “Uh, is your friend alright?”

“She’s seeing a member of the Apple family,” the Gabite replied. “I’m...not sure how you should react to that.”

The mare decided wisely that she would not pursue that line of questioning any further. “W-well then. I’ll prepare your order, one moment.” She levitated a scoop over as well as two cones. She scooped up the sweet treats and in a moment, had them ready. “That’ll be five Bits,” she said.

Rika snapped out of her daydream and produced the coins. “Thankies~” she chirped happily as she took her dessert.

Christine awkwardly grabbed hers and tilted her head, examining it from all sides. “Oh-kay…how does one eat this?”

“Well, you can lick it, suck on it or just chomp it down, pretty much however you like.” Rika pressed the treat against her lips, moaning happily as she swallowed some of it, a small amount running down her chin…

“Huh.” Christine brought the odd thing close to her mouth and gave it a clumsy lick, the temperature transferring quickly enough. The taste and sensations…

“Creamy, smooth...bit bland, but not bad,” she commented out loud. “Then again, I assume that the other flavors besides Vanilla offer more in the taste department.”

“Yup,” Rika nodded. “You should try chocolate next, I really recommend that one.”

“Eh...one more, otherwise dinner will be ruined,” the dragon said, eyeing the cone she was holding again. “Say, this cone thing looks edible too. Is it?”

Rika answered that by crunching down on hers. “I love ice-cream, even the container is edible and delicious!”

The dragon merely shrugged before tossing her treat, cone and all, into her mouth and chomping on it. “Okay, point to you, I probably shoulda tried sweets sooner than this.”

“And you have yet to eat Fritters pie,” Rika pouted. “Ah well, maybe when you visit next, or when we do... whichever come first.”

“...Sometimes I wonder about the things you say,” The Gabite said while giving the opposite wall the thousand-yard stare.

“What?” Rika smirked. “All I said what that you have to try Fritter’s Apple pie... what did you think I meant?”

“Considering the things Sam taught me?” Christine shuddered. “You...don’t want to know.”

“Hmmm, no, I’m curious,” Rika giggled, leaning in close. “What did that pervy bug teach my little Chrissie?”

“What he got taught by the old man who adopted him, probably in an effort to get me to leave him be,” Christine commented, looking at the chocolate tub of ice cream. “And more than that, I’m not sayin’. I like my hide on my bones, thank you.”

“Fine,” Rika pouted. “So, speaking of... what will you do when you meet Sam again?”

“Thank him for caring...and apologize,” Christine said sadly. “I...still remember. I’ve been a terrible Pokemon, haven’t I?”

“Not terrible,” Rika said, hugging her friend. “Just... confused, I suppose. In a life like that, you would want to cling to anything good. Don’t blame yourself okay. I’m sure Sam doesn’t.” She grit her teeth and scowled a bit. At least, he better not!

“Yeah, but I clung a bit too hard, didn’t I? I wouldn’t blame him if he did.” Were anyone looking, they would have seen the entirety of Christine’s tail turn dark blue.

“Well, sometimes I wonder if I’m too clingy of Sethy,” Rika said quietly. “But, we are who we are I suppose. Seth loves me because I’m me. And I think Sam is the same...”

“I...don’t think he likes me like Seth likes you or Fritter,” Christine said. “At best, he might see me like a younger sister. At worst...I don’t want to imagine. Do you know that I was the one who always wanted to see him?”

“I had a feeling,” Rika replied, remembering Sam’s comments at the restaurant. That was the other reason she wanted to go shopping, to keep Christine away until Vincent could talk with Sam. “But hey, you’re a different ‘mon now, and someone as cute as you? How could he resist?”

“Simple, I’m going to apologize, and if he still says no, I’m going to accept that answer. But...it won’t be easy.” Christine looked up then and weakly smiled at the mare behind the counter. “So how about that chocolate? I could do with a pick-me-up.”

“One ‘Heart-Broken’ coming right up,” the mare smiled warmly, filling a double scoop with rich chocolate and red velvet ice cream. “This one’s on the house ‘kay?”

“That’s mighty nice of you,” the Gabite commented as she gave the ice cream a lick, her eyes visibly widening at the taste. “Okay, maybe you were really on to something with your love of sweets,” she commented to Rika.

“And thus the chosen one is awakened to the greatness of sugar,” Rika giggled. “See what happens when you take my advice?”

“Yeah…” Christine commented, still stunned by the sensation. “Do...all sweet things taste this way?”

“No, that’s the best part!’ Rika sighed. “Some Sweets are just an explosion of sugar, while some can have a nice tart or even sour flavour that can compliment them them quite well.” Her eyes widened and she had the best idea. “You have Berries at home. I should teach you how to make Poke-puffs!”

“...This sounds like a good idea,” the landshark replied. “Okay, back home then?”

“Yeah,” and we’ll get Fritter to help as well,” Rika said as she hopped back on her new favourite perch. “Hmm, maybe we could get Selly and Jeanne, make it a girls night in!”

“That’s assuming little miss dark and broody wants to help,” the dragon snarked as she nodded at the mare. “Thank you for the service,” she commented before leaving, once more taking care with her new hat.

“Please come again,” the mare called out as they left...

“So yeah, we’re both pretty fast,” Sam commented as he dodged yet another of Lala’s welcoming blows, “But I promise you, I know how to take my time with a beautiful lady like yourself.”

“And yet you so quickly assumed I wanted anything to do with you,” Lala replied as she sat back down, a small smirk playing around her lips. Yes, he’d dodged the frontal blows, but the one on his back should start stinging any moment now…


“And there we go,” Lala said as she pulled open her book again. “Balance has been restored.”

“Oh geeze, that smarts! Attacking me from behind? How does that restore any balance?” Sam reached around with his claws, trying to feel the size and shape of the wound.

“You have been flirting with me non-stop, and dodging my attempts to reprimand you. Finally you are punished for it again.”

Sam’s gaze switched back to the Leavanny as he smirked. “Well then, I’m just gonna have to work extra-hard for you, really build up my speed.”

“Focusing on speed alone will only hamper you,” Lala said, turning the page. “You must also have the stamina to keep going, otherwise I will simply outlast you.”

“Oh I have plenty of stamina,” Sam said in a tone that couldn’t be mistaken for anything but a poor attempt at seduction. “You’d just have to let me show it to you.”

“Show her what Sammy?” a quiet voice inquired from behind him.

Sam turned to see something that he would ordinarily classify as adorable in other circumstances...or with other participants. Rika was being worn as a hat by a familiar Gabite. Christine. And she wasn’t looking too happy at the moment...

“So you were saying?” Rika continued the questioning. “I’d love to hear it, as would Chrissie here.”

“I...ah...that is to say…” He knew better than to say one word. Lala, on the other hand…

“He has been attempting to either woo or bed me for some time now,” she said bluntly while reading her book. “Futile, I might add, but he keeps coming back to try.”

“Well, isn’t that nice,” Rika said. “How about you Christine, how do you feel about that particular turn of events.”

She stood still for a moment or two, before reaching up and removing her hat. “Can you two...give us a minute or two?” The Gabite asked softly.

“Um sure,” Rika replied. This was the worst possible thing!

“I can be absent for a time,” Lala said, getting up and heading to her room on the ground floor. “Oh, and while he is someone I abuse on a regular basis, I would prefer it if Sam remained alive. As would Vincent, I’m sure.”

Rika gave her friend one final look and went upstairs, hoping that Christine was gonna be okay. They would need a lot of ice-cream…

Christine looked at Sam and softly smiled. “So. Scizor now, huh?”

Sam blinked a few times before nodding and flexing his claws. “Yeah, pretty nice. I mean, there have been a few stumbling blocks, like tripping over my own feet, plus, now I can’t ever fly again, I don’t think. But on the whole, I like it.”

“That’s...good,” Christine said. “Listen, Vincent and Luke showed me, quite forcibly, that what I was doing...was wrong. Obsessing, that is.”

Sam blinked again and narrowed his eyes. “And?”

“And I want to say sorry. It...can’t have been easy, putting up with me.”

Okay, this was new. She appeared to be genuinely sorry for what she’d done. “Really? Just like that?”

“Just like that. I realize you probably don’t like me like that...especially if what your crush there just said is true, but I would like for us to be friends still.”

Sam was glad for his red armor when the Gabite referred to Lala as his crush. “Ah, heh…” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head with one claw. “Friends...like Bit and the family?”

“Bit’s here too?” Christine questioned. “Good thing. Some of the other survivors really hated him. Thought he was just acting insane.”

“Ah...and you?”

“Vincent told me,” Christine deadpanned. “I don’t blame him for a damn thing. So...friends?”

The Scizor considered her outstretched claw for a moment. She seemed to have made peace with her past, and wasn’t promising to return to her ways in the slightest. He gently grasped it with his own and smiled. “Friends. I must say, you’re taking this all very well.”

“Oh make no mistake, I’m probably going to order an entire tub of Ice-cream and binge-eat on the sweetness for a little bit while crying about what the hell I forced you through, or my own unreturned feelings, or the like,” Christine said with a faint smile of her own. “But I am glad we’re friends, Sam.”

The two of them felt a pair of eyes on their bodies and turned to look at the stairwell up. Sitting there was Rika, her ribbons twitching wildly. Christine backed up a step towards the front door, never taking her eyes off the Fairy.




They tried, and their valiant efforts would be recorded for future generations on how to avoid a snuggefairy, but as for right now? The dragon and bug found themselves ensnared in pink ribbons as she dragged them together for a group hug~

“This happen often?” Sam groused. “I mean, you were with her for a while before this, right?”

“Nah, not once while I was there. Dunno why,” Christine replied with an equally annoyed tone.

“Just accept the hugs,” Rika said with a sage-like tone. “Only then can your spirit be truly free~”

“...As long as you promise to let us go,” Sam said, settling back into the hug.

“Eventually,” Rika agreed, but released them shortly after, Sam’s hard armour was no fun to hug. “So Chrissie? Ice-cream?”

“Ice-cream,” she agreed. “But, um...didn’t get any extra while we were there, and don’t have a fridge myself, so….”

“We’ll order and camp out in our room. After we kick the boys out of course.”

“I should have a problem with this plan, but I don’t,” Christine said, placing Rika back on her head. “Which way, my new hat?”

“Room 203,” Rika replied. “Right below yours now that I think about it.” She smiled at the Gabite and rubbed her head. “I guess you like being on the bottom huh?”

Sam was grateful for his armor again while Christine just blinked and stared for a moment. “Like I said,” she replied, “Sometimes I wonder about you.”

“Don’t wonder, just accept it,” Rika giggled. “Now, let’s go interrupt Sethy’s snuggle time with Fritter. They’ve been cosy together long enough!”

“Fine,” the Gabite muttered with a roll of her eyes as she ascended the stairs. Sam blinked and ran a claw over his chest while he considered the situation. Still alive, still breathing, and he’d had a good talk with the crazy dragoness.

All in all, it could be worse.

Seth was happy, laying on the couch as he idly ran his paw through Fritter’s mane while she slept next to him. Rika and Christine were out, Ignis and Selena were taking a nap. Life was good...

Until the door burst open and a pink blur attached herself to his head.

“Hey Sethy~” Rika cooed, nuzzling him.

“Hello Rika,” Seth chuckled. He spied a familiar Gabite in the doorway and waved. “And hello to you too.”

“Hey Seth.” Christine replied with a nod. “So how’ve you been?”

“Content,” Seth replied as he nudged Fritter awake.

“Hmm~ Whut?” the Apple mare was then huggled by the fairy and the three shared a brief moment together... until Seth was lifted up and pushed out the front door.

“It’s a girls night tonight!” Rika declared as she barged into Ignis and Selly’s room. There were sounds of a scuffle and a some shouting, before the fairy dragged the dragon out by his tail. “Now, you two can kindly remove yourselves from this room, and send some of the others, like Ms. Lala and Jeanne. Maybe Mage if she wants to as well.”

“The hell?” Seth replied as the door was slammed shut in his face. “Well... now what?”

“Bug Vincent?” Ignis offered.

“Eh, why not,” Seth replied. And with that, the two headed for Vincent’s room.

Bit answered the door when the two of them knocked, looking at both the Luxray and the Charizard. “Ah, greetings, Seth and Ignis. Might I inquire as to your purpose in coming here?”

“Rika and the girls kicked us out,” Seth replied. “We’re here to extend that invite to Mage and Jeanne, then spend the night doing whatever... probably bug Vincent and Luke.”

“...Have you forgotten about Lucy already?” Bit replied. “I can assure you, unless she is forcibly knocked out, that is unlikely to happen.”

“Vincent knows Hypnosis right?” Seth replied with a smile. “So s’all good little Bit.”

“Ah. I was not aware...yes, that could work. If I am not required, then I leave door duty to the ones here, then, while I go below to work.” Bit seemed almost eager to leave, now that Seth had given him his gifts.

“Excited to start working then?” Seth chuckled.

“Affirmative,” Bit replied, floating out the door, pausing as he hit the stairs. “And thank you, again.”

“I’m glad to have helped Bit, now... let’s see what Vinny’s up to~” Seth mused as he walked inside.

That familiar smell was present almost instantly, once again, even through the closed door. Vincent was sitting on the couch, surprisingly not smelling anything like the activities he’d had to have just engaged in, reading the paper and sipping his coffee.

Seth tilted his head as he and Ignis walked in. “That’s some deodorant you’ve got Vincent, if you’re able to mask your scent like that.”

“Yes, well, a certain Luxray told me that I smelled, so I went out and got some better soaps and actually took a shower this time. Plus this round was all hands-off for me, as I had a hunch you and yours might actually want to see me again.” Vincent folded the paper and set it to one side, a slightly amused smile on his face.

“Oh har har,” Seth chuckled. “But yeah, Rika and Christine kicked us out. Oh,” he looked around, but didn’t see the Mismagius. “Have you seen Mage, she’s got an invite to the girls night, along with Jeanne, Jessie and Lala.”

At those words, a certain Grass-type walked in from the kitchen, along with Mage drifting through one of the walls. “What’s that, dear?” Jeanne asked.

“Apparently,” Seth answered. “Rika, Christine and I presume Selena and Fritter are having some sort of Girls Night in our room, you ladies have all received an invitation as well.”

“My, that sounds wonderful,” the elderly Bellossom said, smiling softly. “What about you, Mage?”

“I...Hmm...well, Vincent, promise to look out for Luke?” The Ghost looked over to the Kadabra sitting on the couch.

“Of course,” Vincent replied. “Like you even needed to ask.”

“Then alright then! Let’s go see how quickly they catch on to some of my tricks.”

The Mismagius picked up the Bellossom and the two left the room with no small amount of haste to join the girl’s night one floor below.

“And thus the boys are left to their own devices,” Seth mused. “Oh, did Bit show you what I gave him earlier?”

“He wouldn’t stop talking about it,” Vincent said. “Seriously, thanks. That hard drive will be so useful for a Porygon like him.” The Kadabra got up and stretched slightly, working out a few kinks. “So, what did you have planned?”

“...I knew I was forgetting something,” Seth replied as Ignis facepalmed. “What, normally I’d say to veg out in front of the TV... but we don’t have that.” Seth sighed as he looked at Vincent. “You got any?”

“I’ve been sort of busy,” Vincent said, only tilting his head at the closed door. “Couldn’t exactly form a plan longer than a few hours at most, and that was to keep her sated enough that I didn’t feel bad.”

“You look a bit rough,” Ignis chuckled. “Well, how about we find Luke and James and come up with a plan.”

I am...here, Mister Crescent, the familiar Gallade said as he walked out of the master bedroom. I do hope you come up with a plan...in the time it takes for us to walk one floor, he finished with a slight smile.

“I shall try my best Luke,” Seth smiled. “And please, just call me Seth. We’re all friends here.” Wait, why was he walking out of the room that Lucy’s scent was coming from? Actually, nope. he did not want to know.

Before we go, though...Vincent? The Gallade looked over to the Kadabra, and Vincent looked puzzled for a moment, before nodding and pulling a spoon out of thin air.

“Ah, right. If leaving the apartment for any extended length of time…” His arm and spoon glowed blue as he focused a technique through them.

...knock Lucy out so she doesn’t end up missing you, Luke finished. A soft ‘thump’ came from the room that was a no-go for most of the males there.

“Done,” Vincent said. “Onwards to James and adventure, then?”


“Shenanigans it is then,” Ignis roared. “It’s just us guys now...”

“Ignis,” Seth warned. “Don’t.”

“What could possibly go wrong?” Ignis smirked and Seth sighed.

“Did you learn nothing from when we were all together last time? Or when Checkmate decided to involve themselves with us?”

“Of course I did,” Ignis smiled. “But something interesting always happens...”

“There’s such a thing as tempting fate and doing too much of it,” Vincent idly commented as the loose party of ‘mon ascended a floor. “Seriously, we seem to be trouble magnets individually. Putting us together is asking for it, and saying the magic words? Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t have any plans tonight…”

“Well,” Seth sighed as he looked out a window at the shining city. “It was a nice city...”

“Gah, you lot are such pesimists, you make Luke look cheery,” Ignis offered a look to the Gallade. “Uh, no offense?”

I am quite aware of my own...gloomy attitude, Ignis. Luke said with a slight quirk of his mouth that could almost resemble a smile. However, spending time here...amongst my newfound family...has done much to mend that which was broken. So...none taken.

“Ah, well, glad to hear it!” Ignis beamed. Seth would have to give him a lecture later on thinking before speaking.

At that particular moment, Mage floated past, dragging a protesting Jessie behind her, who was attempting to hang on to the floor and scratching it something fierce. Said Pyroar was shooting a glare that all but said ‘speak on this and I will maim you’ to the boys.

“Who was that?” Seth asked as he watched the struggling cat float away. “She looked kinda pissed.”

“Jessie,” Vincent answered. “Bit’s assistant. And I’m guessing she didn’t want to go, but that Mage wasn’t taking no for an answer.”

To be fair...it will take them time to readjust to...this new life you have given them, son.

“New life?” Seth asked, still lost on what they were talking about. “Does she have a past?”

“Yeah, but unless it comes up, I’m not poking ‘em about it.” The party had arrived at the apartment Mage had just departed from, a Roserade in the doorway thereof. He looked rather...befuddled.

“Vincent, why did that Mismagius carry Jessie off?” he asked.

“Girls night in my apartment, us boys have to entertain ourselves,” Seth replied and introduced himself. “Seth Crescent by the way, you?”

“Ah, the name is James,” the Grass-type said, taking a small bow while running the name through his head. It sounded familiar...very familiar...

“Jessie, James... where do I know those names?” Seth said idly as he closed his eyes to think.

Vincent merely shrugged, while Luke raised a hand and ‘whispered’ two names. Meowth. Wobbuffet.

“Yeah, they usually stay up here with those two as well,” Vincent tacked on in response to his ‘father’s’ words.

The clues being so blatantly dropped caused the Roserade to sweat just a bit more. He’d recalled where he knew Seth’s name from, and if half of it was true...

“...I remember now,” Seth sparked, arcs of lightning coursed across his body as he turned to the Roserade, his eyes glowing a golden yellow. “I remember when you lot tried to steal my Rika from me...”

“Seth, because I care about my home standing and you, I’m going to give you a chance to tell me what the hell is going on before I act,” Vincent said, a spoon being pulled out of nowhere as his form briefly surged with blue light.

Seth ignored the words as he stalked closer to James, “Fortunately, you failed to take into account my Sylveons power, and she escaped.” He was standing over him now, his powerful gaze never leaving the Grass-types. It was deathly silent for a moment, save for the crackles of electricity and the humming from Vincent’s growing power.

“However,” Seth suddenly stepped back, his electricity vanishing. “I am not a foolish individual who would go seeking revenge for something that happened a long time ago. Also, the fact that you are here in Equestria and living with Vincent, tells me that you aren’t truly a villainous person.”

Luke had positioned himself between Ignis and Vincent, on the off chance the Charizard would react to his son’s mannerisms towards the Luxray. Vincent was confused, but powered himself down and sent the spoon back to wherever he kept pulling it from.

James sighed a deep sigh of relief. “Yes, well, thank you for that...it has been a while, a long while coming, but seeing as how we’re here, we decided to formally break all ties with our former boss, and take up new jobs here. I’m the gardener now, and no longer a member of…” James’ eyes darted over to the Kadabra, “them,” he finished, not wanting to take the chance his benefactor knew of Team Rocket.

Seth blinked, so Vincent wasn’t aware that they were members... well, former members of Team Rocket? “You’re playing a dangerous game Mr. James, but you seem to be telling the truth.” The whole time, Seth’s powerful vision had kept check on his heart rate and several tells to see if he was lying. “That must have taken a great deal of courage, to go against something like that. I suppose I can relate in a way, so you have my respect at the very least.”

“Meowth didn’t help,” he muttered. “I was the first one to want to truly make something here, and it took Jessie siding with me to get him to realize that there was a chance here. Even then, it might have gone south had Misses Jeanne not showed up.”

“...Okay, I’m lost and still being polite here,” Vincent commented. “And both sensations are starting to annoy me.”

Seth nodded and turned to Vincent. “Do you promise not to get angry?”

“...I...can’t promise that. But I can promise I won’t act on my anger.” Vincent said with a soft sigh. “I’ve been told by father over there that I seem to be a wee bit too emotional from time to time, so I can’t promise I won’t get angry. The heart is a fickle thing. But I won’t act on my anger.”

A wise promise indeed, son. And if your actions a few days ago aren’t you being emotional, then I don’t know what qualifies. The Gallade smirked just a little as he commented on Vincent’s promise.

“Well, I suppose that’s as good as I’ll get,” Seth looked at James, how may of been thinking if he could get to the train station before Vincent. “Do you trust me to resolve this?” he whispered to him.

“I trust you’ll try,” James said. “I’ve seen more than enough schemes go haywire to trust that everything will work out perfectly, so I do hope you have an evacuation plan if you fail.”

“Hmm, Discharge and pray we can outrun a teleporter?” Seth chuckled. He turned back to Vincent with a serious expression. “Jessie, James and their friends were once part of a criminal organisation that used Pokemon as a means to make monetary profit and I suppose take over the world, a goal that never seemed plausible to me.” Seth let that sink in for a moment before continuing. “But, if what I am to understand is correct, then these three have made a significant change to break away from that life and make a better one, well, a more legal and morally correct one at least.”

Vincent seemed to go calm. Almost too calm as he turned the information over in his head. “And...if what I’ve managed to pull from Bit’s maze of a mind is correct, there were significantly more than a few organizations on Earth...which one did they belong to?”

“Team Rocket,” Seth replied. “While they were one of the longer lasting organisations, they were also one of the least.... drastic,” Seth added. “They were in it for the profit, rather than Plasma’s lofty goal or Team Galactic... I have no idea what those idiots were thinking.”

Vincent breathed deeply a few times as he tried to reign himself in. “Rocket were also responsible for the Mewtwo incident, essentially creating a Legendary,” the Kadabra pointed out, before scoffing. “One which really doesn’t deserve his title.”

Son… Luke nearly put a hand on Vincent’s shoulder, before the younger psychic shot a glare that could melt steel at his elder. After a moment, it softened.

“No. Until he atones, he is no Legend of mine.”

“Actually,” James pointed out, “It was only Giovanni who was responsible for that. Well…” the Roserade looked away and gulped thickly before saying the next bit, “The only one who survived the incident, anyways.”

Team Rocket caused Mewtwo? That was certainly news to Seth. Ignis huffed as he tapped his foot.

“You know, I understand that we may be having a moment here,” he said, waving a claw. “But how much longer to we intend to stand in a cramped hallway, chatting like females about our feelings?”

“Your eloquent words never fail to strike a chord in my heart Ignis,” Seth replied dryly.

“Where would you suggest, oh living blowtorch, for us to go?” Vincent fired off no small amount of snark in his reply.

“Cute,” Ignis replied. “This, coming from a Lucario’s sextoy?” he pondered for a moment, “Well... I have no idea.”

Technically, with the amount of bindings on her- Luke started.

“Dad, shush. They don’t need to know how we keep her occupied,” Vincent cut the Gallade off before turning back to the Charizard. “Preferences, then?” One arm lit up blue as the boy prepared himself for another Ping.

“Somewhere fun,” Ignis said. “And a place we can leave the emotional baggage at the door for a few hours.” When Luke had started to mention it, Seth idly looked down out of pure reflex... he kinda wished he hadn’t.

“Gonna be a while before I unsee that,” he muttered under his breath.

“That doesn’t exactly narrow down the ‘where’,” the Kadabra said. “Las Pegasus is home to more bars, nightclubs, and casinos than anywhere else, but I get the feeling that they may not hold as much interest to a ‘mon so fond of battle like yourself.”

“Liquor doesn’t do it for me, internal body heat burns off the alcohol, so I can't get drunk.” Ignis offered a look to Seth, “And I’d hate to see what he’d be like... well, more like two parts worried, one part curious as to how hilarious it would be.”

“So bars are out. Clubs, maybe if they’re entertaining without alcohol needing to be involved. What about Casinos?” Vincent idly started composing his Ping, narrowing down the search terms one-by-one.

“Clubs? Naw, I won’t dance unless it’s with Selly, and strip clubs are no good since pony plot just doesn't do it for me.” Ignis scratched at his chin, “Why am I the one deciding anyway?”

“Because you were the most vocal about going somewhere,” Seth replied.

“You also seem to be the most picky,” James offered.

“I’m just glad to get out of the house for a few hours at a time,” Vincent said with a nod.

And I will accompany my son...if only so the city is still standing when all is said and done.

“Oh har de har har, dad. You know I wouldn’t level the city. All my stuff is here.” Vincent rolled his eyes as he replied to the Gallade’s surprisingly sarcastic comment.

“I could level it?” Ignis offered. “My stuff isn’t here and I already leveled an airship dock, a large section of forest and reduced a large section of desert to glass when I fought Arceus.”

The other ‘mon just stared at Ignis before Vincent spoke up again. “Don’t think it’s me you’re gonna need to protect the city from.”

Agreed, Luke said with a sigh.

“Does he have an off switch for that fight-happy attitude of his?” James questioned Seth. “Ever?”

“Selena,” Seth simply replied. “Without her, restraint isn’t in his vocabulary.”

“You used to be the same,” Ignis pouted. “Man, you’ve mellowed out...”

“The solution appears simple, then,” Vincent said with a smirk. “Either behave, or we tell Selena on you.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Ignis growled. He didn’t want the couch, the couch sucked.

“And thus the girl-talk has degraded into child-like banter,” Seth sighed. “So to avoid someone literally ‘spitting the dummy’ can we just all agree to do something!”

I’m up for anything,” Vincent said. “I just need something to look for.”

“You’re always ‘up’ at this point,” Ignis chuckled. “And usually you find it between her legs.”

“...Man was not made to satisfy a female five times in quick succession in one session,” Vincent replied, his eyes half-lidded. “Anything short of another Lucario probably wasn’t.”

As if to answer his question, Seth’s Pokedex pinged.

“The average, single mating session of Lucario can last between 7 and 14 hours. And may engage several times a day. While heat for a Lucario female will occur for about one week. The only other Pokemon with mating times that outlast this is Luxray and Pyroar. The females are polyestrous and mating sessions can last several days, with the couple mating between 20 and 40 times a day. The couple will often go without food or water for the entire time.”

Seth just blinked. “..... I’ll be honest here. I have no idea how I’m supposed to respond to that.”

Everyone else appeared to be equally broken for a moment, before Vincent eyed the pack holding the Pokedex. “Okay, correct me if I’m wrong, but that was your Pokedex, right?”

“I seriously regret installing that voice-activation app now,” Seth sighed. “And yes, that is my soon to be destroyed Pokedex.”

“Are you sure it’s reacting properly to the magic of this world?” Vincent arched an eyebrow as he continued his sentiment. “I don’t recall you asking any sort of question...either time you pulled it out, yet it knew what you wanted. Sure it’s not becoming self-aware instead of it being one app?”

“Maybe Bit should look into it, or the app has several key words that activate it.” Seth looked at the device and shook his head. “It was a beta version, so maybe it has a few bugs?”

James coughed then, regaining their attention, before looking at Ignis pointedly. “Have you picked out a theme for where you want to go or do, or will we stand around and talk about random things all night?”

“If random leads to more of that,” Ignis laughed while pointing at the offending device. “Then I’m up for random. Other than that...” Ignis pondered for a second. “We could go get some dinner? I’m getting kinda hungry.”

“Food’s easy enough to search for, especially the sort we all enjoy,” Vincent smiled as he raised a glowing blue arm. “Mary might not take it well, us going to somewhere other than her place, but variety is the spice of life, no? PING!

Saying the last word verbally and mentally, a wave of blue erupted from his form and quickly vanished from view in the close confines. Luke frowned for a moment as the boy performed his vast mental skimming, before replacing it with his standard neutral expression.

“You alright there Luke?” Seth asked, catching the facial expression. The Gallade looked over and whispered to the Luxray while Vincent performed his skim.

He does not quite...understand how to prevent this technique...from being traced back to him. Which will only invite disaster down the road...unless I teach him.

“Ah,” Seth nodded. “Diantha’s Gardevoir used it to find him in Canterlot. She was a little pissed at first and I think Vincent narrowly avoided having his brain lobotomised... but still, we all became friends because of it.”

Thrice, then. Once for Checkmate finding him, once for Gene and Belle, and once for you. A case is made...he must be taught how to best hide his presence and techniques from those that would do him harm. Luke’s expression hardened a touch by the end of his statement.

“Then I pity the fool that tries that,” Seth replied. “Vincent is not an opponent I’d battle lightly, especially now that you and Mage have joined his ranks.” Until now, Seth had been studying the Gallade, the way he held himself, and Seth could tell he was a powerful Pokemon.

This is a temporary situation, Luke said sadly. I wish, oh how I wish, I could remain...and I will visit, frequently, but Abby may require my help in the future, so when I am...recuperated, from Canterlot, I shall go to Ponyville and await her there.

“Yeah, I bet her cubs will keep her plenty busy soon,” Seth replied. The wave of blue bounced back into view and impacted Vincent, who shook his head a few times to keep it clear of excess clutter as he took in the information.

“Always interesting, seeing what this brings up,” he muttered. “Okay, we’ve got options, even when I discount a few of them out of hand. Option 1, 2, or 3, Ignis? All of them serve meat dishes and have a pleasing enough atmosphere that the rest of us will join you.”

“Hmm, so pick a door huh?” Ignis pondered his choices. “I’m feeling lucky tonight, I pick number two!”

“Party of five to the first floor, then I’ll lead us to our destination,” Vincent said with a soft smile. “I am so not teleporting this many ‘mon of such girth across the city.”

“I think he just burned you two,” James chuckled.

“Vincent, do not tease the Pokemon that could make you resemble what we are about to go eat,” Ignis warned.

“Hey, teleporting Edge across Manehatten ended up with us upside down. And that was one mon of your size,” Vincent said, giving Ignis a quick glance. “It’s only because of her quick thinking and the fact that we were over a beach that I’m here, I’m sure. Five ‘mon, across a city? We’d be lucky to arrive level with the ground, much less right side up. I’m sure I’ll figure out multi-mon teleportation soon. Just not while I’m...occupied.” With his small explanation finished, Vincent started on down the stairs.

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