• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,344 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

The Florges looked at the Luxray curiously. “Seth Crescent you say? I have heard that name before.”

“R-really?” Seth suddenly had a really bad feeling about this.

“Indeed. Not too long ago in fact.” She hovered slightly in the air and loomed over him. “It was on a report all about you, along with the orders to kill you.”

Seth took another step back, this seriously wasn’t happening was it? He knew that he’d made some enemies back on Earth, but someone actually wanted him dead!?

The park seemed to go deathly silent, even the gentle breeze was little more than a whisper. And yet neither the Florges nor the Luxray heard the Absol rush past, her scythe-like horn pressed against the Fairy Pokémon’s throat.

Her ebony blade glinted in the sunlight and her ruby-red eyes were as cold as ice.

“If you so much as touch him, I will end you!” Selena’s voice was cold, calm and filled with murderous intent. Her tail began to glow with a pale light as she activated her Iron Tail attack. “I will show you why our Type is feared, Fairy!”

If the Florges was afraid, she did a flawless job of hiding it. “And if you would allow me to finish, I have no interest in that mission, in fact, our organization turned down the job immediately after we did some research on the…person of interest.”

“Organization?” Seth asked, Selena refused to move but she was curious as well.

“Checkmate,” Was all the Florges had to say, eliciting surprised gasp from both Pokémon. If this Florges was indeed part of ‘that’ team, then Selena alone probably wasn’t enough to stop her. The Absol jumped back, landing next to Seth, but kept her attack active nethertheless.

“I take it that you know of us?” The Florges said, amused by the reaction. “My name is Titania, proud member of the Checkmate Mercenaries.”

Seth nodded, keeping his gaze on her. “Well, I don’t quite know what to do in this situation Miss Titania, but threatening my life is a pretty poor first impression.”

“A joke that seemed funny at the time,” Titania responded. “I will apologise this one time, as a token of good faith.”

Selena visibly twitched, “A-a token of GOOD FAITH!? You are lucky I didn’t kill you on the spot!”

“You would have tried,” Titania pointed out. “Whether you would have succeeded, that is doubtable. My Type alone gives me quite the advantage.”

“I wouldn’t underestimate Selena,” Seth cautioned. “Type alone doesn’t always decide a battle.” Truth be told, he wasn’t a hundred percent positive that Selena could take this Pokémon on alone. But she didn’t seem to want to attack them… yet.

“Why don’t you ask our own fairy, a Sylveon named Rika?” Selena said, still on edge. “She’ll be more than happy to tell you how strong I am.”

“A Sylveon, oh how precious~” Titania giggled mockingly. “I’m sure the little pet is such a threat,” she laughed, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Seth and Selena suddenly took a step back, both wide-eyed and shaking. “Um, y-you really shouldn’t say that…”

“Say what?” Titania continued, “That they are just like every other evolution of Eevee, overrated and underpowered. They are little more than a pretty face, what was that saying again..? Ah, yes, all bark and no bite.”

A cold shiver suddenly went down Titania’s spine, like the temperature suddenly nosedived. Seth and Selena now clung to one another as they stared at Titania, or rather, what was standing behind Titania.

The Garden Pokémon turned to see Rika standing a few feet behind her, her gaze cast to the ground as she shook, not with fear, but pure, unadulterated rage.

“I’m little more than a pet huh,” her voice was so quiet that one would have to strain themselves to hear it. But those present before her? The Sylveon might as well have been screaming like an Exploud.

“An overrated pretty face?” She took a step forward, as everyone else took a step away.

“All bark and no bite?” Rika lifted her head to show the sadistic, twitching grin on her face. “All because I’m cute, pink and covered in ribbons, you think I can’t BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY!?”

“Well, I’d say it was nice knowing you Miss Titania… but I’d be lying.” Selena closed her eyes, not wanting to see the gorefest that was to come. Rika was always such a bundle of sugar and sweetness… until you called her a pet. Then you were dead.

“Y-you think you can scare someone of my stature and power?” Titania readied a Flower Shield and Grassy Terrain. “I shall cru-!” She never got to finish as Rika opened her mouth and used Hyper Voice, tearing the ground apart and sending Titania crashing into a nearby tree.

Titania groaned, not expecting the attack to be so powerful. “A lucky hit, now prepare to-“ She was silenced once more as Rika slammed her with a Shadow Ball, before waiting for Titania to pick herself up before hitting her again and again and again. The tree was obliterated now as Titania lay amongst the shattered remains. A pinkish haze had covered the area as Rika approached her, her soft footfalls sounding like thunder in the Florges’ ears.

“You threaten my trainer, you mock me and my friends…” Titania tried to get up, only to be pinned down by Rika’s ribbons. The Sylveon leaned in close, the look in her eyes shaking Titania to her core. A slight smile crossed Rika’s face as she whispered into Titania’s ear.

“From now on, you’re going to be a good little fairy… understand?” She punctuated her demand by pressing her lips against Titania’s, the Draining Kiss stealing what little energy she had left.

After a moment, she pulled away, leaving the Garden Pokémon lying there with a dead look in her eyes. “Well, you seem to get the picture.” As if a switch was flipped, Rika bounced over to Selena and Seth, hugging the both of them. “Are you guys okay? She didn’t hurt you did she?”
Selena and Seth said nothing, as the entire scene that just played out was sent to the deepest recesses of their minds.


Everyone sat around the dining table, eating a hearty lunch that Apple Fritter prepared. They seemed happy as they ate, Elesa telling Seth all about the gig she had tonight, totally unable to contain her excitement. Rika and Fritter had finished their lunch earlier and now the former was braiding the tail of the latter. Selena was the only one who sat at the table, scowling as she stared at the Florges that sat across from her.

“IS EVERYONE TOTALLY INSANE!?” she slammed her paws on the table with a loud thud, rattling the plates and cups. “Why is she here, eating with the rest of us?”

“Well, she can’t find her family,” Rika said like she didn’t have a care in the world. “I feel kinda bad for her.”

“You are most generous Lady Rika,” Titania bowed. “To think I would find such a caring Pokémon here.”

“Aw, you flatterer you,” Rika blushed. “I bet your teammates are searching super hard for you.”

“Indeed, I’m sure Shredder and Weiss are looking for me, well at least I hope they are.” She sipped at her tea and frowned. “Servant, pass the sugar!” She barked an order at Seth, but a quick glare from Rika made her reiterate. “Uh, please pass the sugar, servant?”

“Better,” Rika nodded and resumed braiding Fritter’s tail.

“I still say this is weird,” Selena muttered as Seth passed the sugar jar across the table.

After the ‘incident’ at the park, Titania had explained herself and that she had no idea where the rest of her friends could be. She’d been hopeful, saying that they had a way of using satellites and GPS to find members no matter where they were… until Seth pointed out that such things didn’t exist in Equestria.

Rika felt bad, since she herself had been in a similar position not too long ago. For some reason, the Florges seemed to be a tad jittery around the Sylveon for some reason… Rika wondered why. So she asked Seth if they could let Titania stay with them.

Selena did not like that plan… not one freaking bit. However, she was still shaken up over the return of ‘Sadisteon’ and figured that agreeing with Rika was more beneficial to her innocence. And now their little family had grown by one overly pretentious member. Apparently Titania saw herself as some sort of royalty or nobility, something that irked Selena to no end.

“So do y’all have any idea where yer friends might be Miss Titania?” Fritter asked. Rika had finished her tail and was starting to put a small braid in her mane, it was actually quite relaxing.

“I have searched most of this city over the past few days,” Titania explained. “If they were here, then I would have found them, or vice versa, by now.”

Elesa put a paw on her shoulder and smiled. “Well don’t give up, I’m sure that your friends are here somewhere. If not in Canterlot, then perhaps they might be in Ponyville?”

Titania groaned and put a hand to her head. “Ugh, these Ponyta puns are just too much.”

“And we’re no better?” Rika pointed. “We have an entire region of cities and towns named after colours.”

“True enough Lady Rika,” Titania sipped at her tea and sighed contently. “I must say, this tea is divine, I have never tasted anything quite like it.”

“It’s an Apple Family recipe,” Fritter explained. “Taint nothing special.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Selena said. “To us, you’ve been nothing but special. You took us in, despite not knowing a thing about us.” She cast her gaze at the ground as some memories replayed in her mind. “It’s hard to find that kind of trust these days…”

Apple Fritter nodded, appreciating the feelings of her Pokémon friends. Beyond her family and the few friends that she had here in Canterlot, Apple Fritter didn’t have any. The nobility snubbed her, just because she was a farmer. She had tried several times in the past to snag herself a stallion, but they’d all been scared off when they found out how strong she was.

Rika finished the braiding and admired her handiwork. Apple Fritter looked absolutely adorable. A mischievous smirk crossed her face as she hopped off of the lounge and headed upstairs.

“And where might you be going?” Selena asked coyly, causing the Fairy to freeze in her tracks.

“W-well, Seth still hasn’t gotten the hang of his new body, he might need help scrubbing down.” It wasn’t a complete lie.

“Good luck girl~” Selena simply said, causing Rika to erupt in a fierce blush and nod meekly.

Once she left, Fritter tilted her head as she resumed her relaxed position on the couch. “What in the hay was that all about?”

Titania had a guess as to what, “Is she involved with her trainer?” she asked Selena. “My reports only had speculations and rumours.”

Apple Fritter put a hoof to her mouth and a sharp sting pierced her chest. Seth and Rika were an item?

Selena paused, if she said that were then it could take Fritter out of the race and leave a clear shot for her fairy friend. On the other paw, she still held a small grudge for her own encounter with ‘Sadisteon’, and she was having way too much fun with this.

“No, she does have feelings for him though… but my dearest brother is a bit dense.”

Apple Fritter nodded, somehow she was relieved to hear that. Then another thought occurred, one that made her face burst into a massive blush as she gasped.

“Um, you said that he’s like your brother… right?”

Selena nodded, not quite sure where she was going with this.

“Well, if Rika thinks she’s Seth’s sister, and yet has feelings for him… isn’t that like… well…”

“Incest?” Selena said with no tact whatsoever, causing Fritter to squeak and hide her face in her hooves. “Not really, since we aren’t related, hell, before coming here we weren’t even the same species. But that aside, even if it was, what of it?”

“W-w-what of it?” Apple Fritter got to her hooves, her voice raised slightly. “Well, ah’m not against love or anythin, but getting into a relationship with a member of yer kin is… well its wrong!” She’d dealt with this particular subject many times as an Apple. Being the largest Earth Pony clan in Equestria, they’d been plagued by rumours of inbreeding for generations.

Despite the fact that some purist noble families still did that to keep the bloodlines pure.

Selena nodded, surprisingly calm about it. “Okay, yeah I think I know where you’re coming from. Tell me one thing, does inbreeding among ponies cause genetic defects?”

“It can,” Fritter replied. “The longer it goes on, the more probability of a defect occurring increases. Some places allow marriage of family members as long as the blood relation is miniscule or non-existent though.”

“Okay, so it’s a matter of different social norms then.” Selena drained the rest of her teacup and poured a refill. “You see, unlike humans, and as it would appear, ponies, Pokémon don’t suffer genetic mutations. In fact, the polar opposite happens. Hereditary skills, strengths and even natures are passed from parent to child. I myself was in a relation with my twin brother before Seth… saved me.” Selena’s lecture suddenly went silent for a second as more memories were stirred up, unpleasant memories.

She shook her head and gulped down her tea again. “Anyway, it’s quite common and Pokémon. But I can see your point of view as well, just try to see ours hmm?”

Apple Fritter nodded, she was actually curious by what Selena meant by Seth ‘saving’ her, but she’d learned that lesson back on AJ’s farm when she talked to Seth the other night.

There was a sudden crash from upstairs and the sound of spilling water.

“RIKA? WHAT THE HELL!?” Seth’s shouts rattled the windows as the Sylveon raced down the stairs and hid behind Selena.

“Heh, I think I made him mad~” she giggled innocently. A second later, a soaking wet Luxray bounded down the stairs, glaring daggers at her.


“Eep!” Rika bolted out the front door as Selena sighed, wishing the drink in front of her was stronger. Titania silently shared that wish.


“Ah hope y’all know, clubs really aint mah thang!” Fritter said as the group headed for the ‘Hole in the Wall’ club, owned by Rising Star. “But iffn y’all want me to come, then what sorta friend would ah be if ah declined.”

“Thanks Fritter,” Elesa said. “It means a lot that you can all come.”

“A question,” Titania said. “What exactly is… dubstep? Did I say that right?”

“Well, I don’t really know how it started here in Equestria,” Elesa said. “But from where we were from, it’s a genre of electronic dance music originating from Sinnoh about a decade ago. Dubstep rhythms are usually syncopated, and often shuffled or incorporating tuplets. The tempo is nearly always in the range of 138–142 beats per minute, with a clap or snare usually inserted every third beat in a bar. One characteristic of certain strands of dubstep is the wobble bass, often referred to as the "wub", where an extended bass note is manipulated rhythmically…”

Seth and the others just stared wide-eyed at the Flaffy as she lectured everyone on the subject.

Elesa noticed everyone’s stares and blinked. “What?”

“Wow Elle, I didn’t know you knew so much about this stuff.” Seth was genuinely impressed, even if he had no idea what the hell she was talking about. For all his skill as a trainer, his intuition and academic skills, when it came to music, he was a total dunce. He couldn’t read sheet music, had no clue on how to play even the simplest of instruments and couldn’t sing to save his life.

Elesa just blushed, running a paw through her woolly hair, “Yeah well… oh? We’re here!”

She bobbed her head as the muted bass could be heard from the other side of the door, and as they approached, a massive Earth Pony blocked their passage.

“And who might you be?” His deep voice rumbled. “You want in, you gotta wait like everypony else.” He motioned towards a line of ponies that somehow everyone had failed to notice.

“But I have an appointment with Rising Star,” Elesa explained. “My name is Elesa.”

The bouncer checked his list and then muttered something into his earpiece. “Alright, you’re clear to go in.” Elesa passed by him, but he blocked off everyone else, “But you aint… back of the line!”

Titania stepped forward and leered at him, “You dare block my path you plebeian?” All the bouncer heard was Pokéspeak, but he didn’t like the tone of it.

“You gotta problem flower-head?”

“F-flower-head!?” Titania recoiled and then smirked. A subtle shake of her flowers caused a faint pink mist to waft from it and once the guard inhaled it, it was all over. The Sweet Scent took effect and a dopey looked crossed his face.

“Oh ye~eah, go on in Miss, and yer friends too!”

“Thank you for changing your mind,” Titania smiled and the group headed in, all them offering a concerned look at the bouncer.

“Uh, was that necessary?” Apple Fritter asked. “You didn’t hurt him did you?”

“I simply put him in a better mood, he was much too surly and sour for my delicate tastes,” Titania sniffed. “I must say, that music is frightfully loud.”

Selena’s scowl didn’t leave her face, it was threatening to be a permanent fixture at this point.
“Using Sweet Scent to manipulate him like that was uncalled for!”

“And I suppose you had a better idea?” Titania headed for the bar to see what they had in the way of drinks. Seth just shrugged and headed for the dance floor. He wanted a good view for Elesa’s performance.

Selena sat alone against one of the far walls, pondering her next move.

“What do I do? Seth is just so hopeless that he doesn’t realise that two girls want his affections.” She knew that Rika wanted him, but she was still on the fence about Apple Fritter. They got along well enough and Selena had caught the mare sneaking a peek a few times at him... but she had yet to show any blatant interest.

“Interspecies romance is nothing new here. Pony, Griffon, Minotaur... but Pokemon? Pokemon are something completely unknown to them and a lot of them think we’re little more than animals.” But she saw things from both perspectives as well, “Ponies, though they resemble Pokemon in a way, their personalities, the way they talk and even the things they create... it’s all very human-like, so the possibility of a human falling for a pony is probably higher than a human falling for a Pokemon.”

Rika had the advantage of knowing Seth longer and knowing more about him, his personality, his likes and dislikes, as well as all his little quirks. But Seth didn’t like Pokemon, not romantically anyway. It’s a pretty significant hurdle for Rika to overcome.

Fritter on the other hand, she has left only positive impressions on Seth as well as becoming a fast friend to him. . Plus her cooking was amazing!

“I want Seth to be happy. He’s spent so much time trying to make sure others could be happy, he sacrificed his own.” Selena watched as he tried dancing a bit, if you could call his sporadic jerking, dancing.

The music fell silent as Rising Star stood on the stage. He tapped the microphone on his ear and nodded.

“Alright music fans, are you all having a blast?” He asked the crowd, receiving a cacophony of cheers. “Sweet, because I got a real treat for all of you. As you know, somethin totally awesome happened a few days ago, with all the Pokémon showing up?”

There were a few confused murmurs going around the room, just where was Rising going with this. Seth and his friends had knowing smiles though. This was going to be good.

“Well, enough beating around the bush. Tonight, I present to you the very first Pokémon DJ. ELECTRIC ELESAAAA!!” Rising stepped to the side to reveal the Flaaffy, she still had her old headphones and now sported a pair of pink wrap-around shades.

“Okay everyone,” She shouted and pumped her paw in the air. “Let’s amp it up!”

The massive speakers vibrated the entire room as the music blasted out of them. Elesa closed her eyes as she worked the turntables, bobbing her head to the beat. The club patrons had been apprehensive at first, but the dance floor soon became a mass of writhing bodies as the danced the night away.

Titania merely ordered another drink, complaining about the music being unrefined as Seth, Rika and Fritter all danced together. Selena just smiled, content to watch.

For now anyway.


“That! Was! Epic!!” Elesa bounced up and down as the group headed home. She was totally unable to contain the euphoria that flooded her. “They liked me. No, they were freaking LOVING ME!”

“Well you were really good,” Seth grinned, Elesa’s excitement was contagious. “I had no idea that you were that awesome.”

“Yeah,” Rika agreed. “And you got a permanent job out of it too!”

“I’m sorry,” Selena said. “I was acting like an idiot earlier…” Elesa just grinned and hugged the Dark type.

“I was a moron too. Still friends?”

Selena nodded, returning the embrace. “Of course.”

“I require aspirin,” Titania said bluntly. “I agree that you are quite skilled, but that music is atrocious.”

Elesa just laughed and nodded her head. “Thank you-?” She suddenly pitched over, clutching at her chest with her paws. “Ahh, urgh… I don’t- I feel weird.”

“Elesa!?” Seth ran over to her as her body erupted with a brilliant light. “W-what’s going on!?” He knew the answer already, but he just couldn’t believe it.

“Guys!?” Elesa sounded scared. “What’s happening to me!?”

Apple Fritter was worried. What was going on? Why was she glowing? And why was Seth the only other one freaking out?

“Keep calm!” Selena said sharply, pinning Seth’s tail to the ground to stop his panicked movements. There was only one thing this light could mean. “Take a deep breath and calm yourself. It just so happens that you’re evolving!”

“E-evolve? I can do that?” Elesa grunted, trying to keep the energies at bay. “What the hell do I do?”

“Well, you can let it happen, or you can fight it!” Rika said. “But should you choose to remain as you are, it won’t stop the evolution from happening again.”

Elesa nodded, so deal with this Arceus-knows how many times… or let it happen and become an Ampharos. She smiled and nodded. She knew what she wanted to do. Elesa closed her eyes and let the energies building up inside her surge forth. The street filled with a gentle blue light as her body shimmered and shifted. It felt like nothing she’d ever experienced as she could feel herself grow taller, her body twisting and changing, and surprisingly, it didn’t hurt. A pull there or a tug here, it was almost pleasant.

After a half a minute, the light faded and in place of the cute Flaaffy, a tall and dazed-looking Ampharos now stood.

“Woo, I feel- I feel good!” Elesa raised her tail as a shower of electrical sparks shot forth like a fountain. “I feel awesome actually!”

“It happens,” Titania explained. “You get a rush of energy after evolution, but be careful. It takes a lot out of you, despite how you feel now it’ll wear off pretty quickly.”

Elesa went to take a step forward, and promptly fell over, caught at the last minute by Rika.

“Whoof! You’re a lot heavier now~” she giggled. “And I bet the sudden change in height is a little disorientating.”

“A little,” Elesa replied dizzily. “Why do Pokémon make this look easy?”

“It is most likely genetic,” Titania explained once more. “Deep down, we know how our evolved bodies work. But humans grow slowly over several years, not in the span of a few seconds.”

“I’m shocked that human Pokémon could even evolve.” Seth replied. “A couple Professors I know would give anything to experience that. Seeing evolution is one thing, but actually doing it? What was it like?”

“Weird,” Elesa replied. “It didn’t hurt, it felt pretty good actually. But it’s also scary, I can see why some Pokémon don’t like evolving.” She knew that some Pokémon had drastic personality changes when they evolved too, but she still felt like herself. But just to be on the safe side…

“Would you guys mind keeping an eye on me for the next few days? I don’t know if evolving will make me do weird things.” She tried to get up, but all the energy had just left her body, and she sat on the cold cobblestone. “And then there’s that.”

Seth chuckled and knelt down next to her. “Hop on, I’ll carry you home Princess.”

“Such a gentleman,” Elesa giggled, climbing into his back. “It’s a good thing you’re so big.”

Seth grunted as he got back to his paws. “I should send a letter to Professor Juniper and Princess Twilight. I bet they’d be really surprised to hear about this.”

“We’ll do that in the mornin’~” Apple Fritter yawned. “Ah think it’s time fer bed though.”

The group agreed and headed back to Fritter’s home, wondering just what excitements and mysteries tomorrow would bring.

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