• Published 29th Apr 2014
  • 17,479 Views, 695 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls - Golden Flare

Sora and Donald arrive at Canterlot High to search for a magical disturbance by the order of King Mickey, But when they get there, they get more than they bargained for.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Heartless And Determination

"WHAT!?" a familiar orange-skinned girl screeched.

"It's true! I saw it with my own eyes!" a student said.

The three girls from the library yesterday couldn't believe the news they were told. Their friend is in trouble.

"C'MON GIRLS!! WE GOTTA SAVE RAINBOW DASH!!" the orange-skinned girl yelled as she began to take off.

"Scootaloo, wait!" the white-skinned girl began while running after her with the yellow-skinned girl following, "What can WE do?! We're just kids!"

"Sweetie Belle, this is Rainbow Dash we're talking about! She's like a sister to me! I have to help her!!" Scootaloo screamed as she ran even faster.

"Ugh! C'mon Apple Bloom! Run faster!" Sweetie Belle ordered.

"Ah'm tryin'! Ah'm tryin'!" Apple Bloom whined.

"Well, try harder!" Sweetie Belle added for good measure.

They all rushed to the soccer field to save a friend in need.


Sora finally made it to the soccer field to see a girl on the ground, completely surrounded by tall black creatures with long antennae upon their heads and yellow dots for eyes. There's no mistaking it. Those creatures were Neoshadows. It looked like there were at least 10 of them. Easy out.

Sora charged in without a second thought, summoning his Keyblade, and Donald jumping out of his backpack, Mage's Staff in hand (or wing).

"S-Stay back! STAY BACK!!" the girl ordered, but to no avail.

The Neoshadow in front readied it's claws and lunged itself at the girl. She screamed and braced herself for the attack.

But nothing happened. When she dared to take a peek, she saw a boy with spiky hair with a strange weapon in hand where the Neoshadow once stood. He cracked her a reassuring smile and turned to face the Heartless.

"Bring it on!" Sora declared.

Another Neoshadow didn't hesitate and jumped at Sora, who, of course, slashed it and made it dissipate into nothingness. The girl was astonished by this, she gave those creatures every hit she could give them and she couldn't beat them, but this kid can? It doesn't make sense!

She snapped out of it when she noticed a familiar cowgirl pulling at her arm, "C'mon Rainbow! We gotta go!"

"B-But what about-"

"He'll be fine, trust me!" Applejack said, interrupting her.

She hesitantly nodded and they made their way to the stands, away from the battle. As they got away and gotten to the top of the stands, Sora had already taken out 3 more Neoshadows.

With 5 left, Sora thought of a plan to finish them off, looking at Donald, they both nodded. Sora pointed his Keyblade up in air,

"Gather!" Sora declared, activating his Magnega spell.

Once he did, the remaining Heartless were pulled into the spell, putting Sora's plan into action. Sora raised his Keyblade towards the Heartless and Donald did the same with his Mage's Staff,

"Fire!" Sora shouted, using his Firaga spell.

"Blizzard!" Donald shouted, using his Blizzaga spell.

"Thunder!" Sora declared, finishing off the Heartless with his Thundaga spell.

As the last of the Heartless vanished, Sora and Donald sighed with relief, glad that the battle was over. Sora let his Keyblade disappear and Donald put away his Mage's Staff. Just when they were going to see if everyone was alright, but it was then a certain cowgirl tackled Sora to the ground and pinning there while holding his arm behind his back.

"Alright! Ah want answers, an' Ah want 'em now!!" Applejack screamed.

"Applejack, you're breaking my arm! OWWW!" Sora shouted in pain.

"Ah'm gonna make it hurt worse if ya don't start talkin'!" Applejack stated.

"Applejack, let him go!" Twilight demanded.

Everyone made it back to the field when Applejack tackled him.

"Not until he starts explainin' himself!" Applejack countered.

Sora was struggling under her grip, she's definitely stronger than she looks. Sora sighed in defeat, "If I explain myself, will you PLEASE let me go?"

Donald shook his head and waved his wings furiously at Sora, telling him not to say anything, until Pinkie picked him up and held him tight, "That's enough outta you, ducky!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow, "Ya promise ya won't run away?"

Sora looked at Donald, who was still shaking his head like crazy, then Pinkie stopped him by grabbing his beak, "uh-uh-uhhh!"

All Donald could do was flail his legs about, hoping to break free from Pinkie's grasp.

Sora sighed again, "I promise I won't run away."

Applejack examined him closely, using her Apple Family trait to find any insincerity in his voice, "Hmm..." soon she realized that Sora was being completely honest, which she had to admit, was admirable. "Well, alright." with that, she let go of Sora and got off of him.

Sora picked himself up off the ground and brushed off his shorts. He opened his mouth, then closed it.

"Maybe we should sit down," Sora suggested, motioning towards the stands, "it's gonna be a long story."

The girls nodded to each other and headed for the bleachers, until something caught Rainbow Dash's eye, "Scootaloo?"

Three girls poked their heads out from under the bleachers, three girls that they all recognize too well, "Eh-heh. Hey, Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo smiled sheepishly.

"Did you guys see the whole thing?!" Rainbow Dash asked in a panic.

"Yes!" Apple Bloom said.

"No!" Scootaloo said, trying to maintain Rainbow Dash's reputation.

"Maybe?" Sweetie Belle sheepishly said.

Everyone just stared at the three, confused by their answers. Sora then broke the silence, "Why don't you girls take a seat? I have something to explain."

The three girls glanced at each other, then back to Sora and nodded.

Once everyone was seated, Sora explained his situation. That he was a Keyblade Wielder from a place called Destiny Islands, who travels to many worlds to maintain peace and harmony by defeating the Heartless, the creatures they saw before, and unlock the keyholes of the worlds. He then explained to them the Heartless, they take people's hearts and without them, new Heartless are born and they come in many shapes and sizes. He even rambled on about how he became a Heartless, but held on to his heart and turned back to normal, Sora didn't care if they believed him about that, it was a fond memory between him and Kairi.

After he was finished, everyone, but Twilight, Spike, and Donald, gave an amazed look.

"Whhooooooa." the three young girls said in awe.

"My word! You're almost like, a knight in shining armor!" Rarity said as she blushed.

"You're more amazing than I thought you were... S-Sora." Fluttershy said with her face turning a bright crimson.

"Yeah! You're like a super-duper superhero!" Pinkie said, the smile never leaving her face, as usual.

"Hmm..." Applejack looked him over again, looking for any lies he may have told, but came up with nothing as she stood there with her mouth agape, "Ya... Ya really are tellin' the truth."

Sora just chuckled while scratching the back of his head.

"Heh. You sound pretty awesome for someone like you." Rainbow Dash commented.

Sora didn't know whether that was an insult or a compliment.

"What was your name again?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I, I just said..." Fluttershy trailed off with slightly misty eyes.

Sora rubbed Fluttershy's back to calm her down, but answered all the same, "Sora."

"'Sora'..." Rainbow Dash drawled, "Sweet name, but it could sound cooler."

"Cooler?" Sora asked.

"I know! I'll call you 'Soar'! Now that sounds 20 percent cooler!" Rainbow Dash said while slamming her fist in her hand.

"'Soar'?" Sora was confused by his new nickname.

"You know, you breezed through those Heartless things like an eagle soaring in the sky! That's how I figured out a 20 percent cooler name for you!" Rainbow Dash explained.

"That, an' ya couldn't think of anythin' better." Applejack remarked with a devious smile.

"Whatever!" Rainbow Dash said, earning a chuckle from Sora, "What're you doing here anyway, Applejack?"

Applejack looked at everyone before turning back to Rainbow Dash, "Um, maybe we should talk about this in private?"

Rainbow Dash hesitantly nodded and left the bleachers with Applejack, they began to explain what really went on between them and why their friendship ended the way it did.

"They're actually talking! That's a good sign!" Rarity said while watching the two converse.

After they ended their talk, they hugged each other, which meant what happened between them is all water under the bridge now.

"Hugs! Hugs are always good!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack walked back over to the stands.

"Somebody, an' Ah think we can all guess who," Applejack began, "told Rainbow Dash that my bake sale had been moved to a different day. Dash showed up with all the softball team and thought Ah'd cancelled on her."

Rainbow Dash walked up to Twilight, "So, you're looking to dethrone Sunset Shimmer and become Princess of the Fall Formal, huh?"

Twilight looked away for a moment but looked back to Rainbow Dash and nodded with a nervous smile.

Rainbow Dash began kicking a soccer ball in the air a few times, "Gotta say, I'd really love to see that happen." she let the ball fall back to the ground while placing her foot on it, "I'll totally help you out." Twilight had hopeful smile on her face, "All you gotta do, is beat me in a game of one-on-one."

Which turned into a worried frown, "What?"

"First to five goals wins." Rainbow Dash kicked the ball around her, bouncing it off her head, and kicking it in midair into the goal, "One-zip!"

Twilight had a shocked look on her face, but the two began their game.

Rainbow Dash charged at her goal, kicking the soccer ball, while Twilight was acting as a goalie with her legs shaking. Rainbow Dash kicked the ball right behind her with her right foot and spun in midair, kicking the ball towards the goal with her left foot. Twilight panicked and ducked before the ball hit her. Rainbow Dash scored another point on her end, 2-0.

Twilight and all her friends were nervous, especially Sora and Donald, without Rainbow Dash's help, they'll never return the crown to the world it originated from. Rainbow Dash walked past Twilight and threw the ball in front of her feet. Twilight had a confident smile and was about to kick it, but Rainbow Dash swiped it away with her right foot, tossed it in the air behind her, and kicked it into the goal again with the bottom of her foot. She smiled while throwing her arms in the air. The score's now 3-0.

"Hey, isn't that che-?!" Sora was silenced by an orange hand covering his mouth.

"NEVER question her." Scootaloo growled menacingly.

When Scootaloo took her hand off of Sora's mouth, all he could do was sigh in disappointment.

Donald patted his lap with his wing, "Don't worry, Sora, if things don't work out, I'm sure we'll find another way to get that crown."

"Yeah... I guess." Sora replied. "Twilight... I know you can do it."

The game continued on as the ball was now in Twilight's possession, as she ran towards her goal, Rainbow Dash came out of nowhere and took the ball away from the Twilight, who screeched to a halt as she turned to see her opponent give the ball a good high-kick, sending into the goal, making the score 4-0.

"It's not looking good." Donald said.

"She can do it. I have faith in her." Sora replied.

Apple Bloom turned to Sora with a raised eyebrow, "Why do ya have faith in her all of a sudden?"

Sora hesitated when she asked that, but still answered, "I just... had a bad dream about her."

Now it was Sweetie Belle's turn, "What kind of bad dream?"

The bad memories of that dream came flooding back to Sora, "I... I nearly... lost control of myself... and I hurt her."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gasped.

"But I didn't mean to! I thought I was fighting someone else!" Sora added.

"Shhhhh! I'm watching the game!" Scootaloo said.

Now Rainbow Dash was just playing around, kicking the ball into the air twice with her knee, the bottom of her foot when it was behind her, and high-kicked behind her, into Twilight's face and fell in front of her. Twilight smiled as she saw an opportunity and rushed the ball to the goal. Her friends quickly became excited, thinking that she could kick the ball into the net, especially Sora and Donald.

"C'mon, Twilight... You're almost there!" Sora thought to himself.

Twilight was confident that she score this time, but as she tried to kick, and too hard I might add, she just missed the ball and fell flat on her back. The ball rolled right in front of Rainbow Dash, who somehow made her way to the goal, looked down at it and gave it a good, powerful high-kick, and it sailed into the goal. The final score was 5-0. It was clear that Twilight lost.

Rainbow Dash was jumping with joy, while Twilight laying on the ground, panting from exhaustion.

"Huff... Huff... Huff..." Twilight panted.

"That's game!" Rainbow Dash declared while looking down at Twilight.

Everyone else came down from the stands and looked down at Twilight with frowns upon their faces.

"Now what are we gonna do?" Sora thought in defeat.

"I really thought you were gonna pull it off there in the end." Rarity said while laughing sheepishly, earning herself a glare from Applejack and Pinkie Pie, an upset look from Fluttershy, and a quizzical look from Rainbow Dash.

Rarity turned to Sora and Donald, still keeping her sheepish smile, when the two slumped their upper bodies downward with their arms dangling while giving an exasperated sigh.

Meanwhile, Twilight was still on the ground, panting.

Rainbow held her hand out to help Twilight up, "So what's the plan? How can I help you be Princess instead of Sunset Shimmer?"

Sora and Donald shot up as they heard what Rainbow Dash said and gave each other a confused look.

Twilight soon got to her feet when Rainbow Dash helped her up, "But... I... lost."

"Of course you lost, I'm awesome," Rainbow Dash began, "but I'm not gonna help just anybody try and beat Sunset Shimmer. The Fall Formal Princess should be someone with heart and determination."

Twilight had a bright smile on her face, knowing that there was hope.

"You proved you've got 'em both." Rainbow Dash concluded while giving Twilight a hug.

Everyone cheered at Rainbow Dash's words, while Pinkie Pie was jumping ecstatically. Sora pumped his fists to both his sides and smiled broadly, while Donald use his wing to swipe the sweat from his brow.

As Twilight and friends were celebrating, they didn't notice that they were being watched the entire time, by Snips, Snails, and Sunset. Snips and Snails were snickering as they showed Sunset what was on their phones, which in turn, Sunset developed a sinister grin on her face.

However, Sunset returned her attention to the group when Rainbow Dash spoke up, "Hey, Soar!"

"Uh, yeah?" Sora said, unsure of Rainbow's "20 percent cooler" nickname for him.

"Wanna play?" Rainbow Dash asked while kicking the soccer ball in the air with her knees.

"You mean that one-on-one game you played with Twilight?" Sora replied.

"Well... not exactly." Rainbow half-answered.

"What?" Sora was really confused now.

"You remember when you saved me from those, um, Heartless things earlier?" Rainbow asked.

"Uh, yeah, that happened like 20 minutes ago, why do you ask?" Sora asked back, more confused than he was before.

"Ya know," Rainbow began, "I feel really insulted that YOU could beat them, and I couldn't."

Applejack shot Rainbow Dash an annoyed look, "Rainbow, just what are ya gettin' at?"

"Yeah, what are you getting at?" Scootaloo asked with an awe-like smile.

"What I'm getting at is, the Heartless had their fun..." Rainbow paused as she let the ball land in front of her and put her foot on it. She then pointed a finger at Sora, "So now it's my turn to take a crack at you!"

"W-What?!" Sora was shocked instead of confused.

"Scoots! Fetch me my gym bag!" Rainbow ordered.

"You got it, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo obliged as she ran towards the locker room.

Rainbow looked at Sora with determination, "My gym bag has all of my sports equipment in it."

Scootaloo rushed back with Rainbow's gym bag in tow and threw it over to her. When it hit the ground next to her, it gave out an audible THUMP!

"Here's the ground rules; no magic, no fancy-shmancy superpowers like I saw in that video of you,"

"You saw that, huh?" Sora said as scratched the back of his head, sadly.

"AND..." Rainbow drawled as she pointed at Donald, "your little duck friend stays outta this."

"Why I oughta!" Donald yelled.

Pinkie Pie grabbed Donald before he could charge at Rainbow Dash, "Oh no you don't! You be a nice ducky!"

Donald was flailing in Pinkie's arms yet again, trying break free so he beat the living tar out of Rainbow Dash.

"So whataya say, Soar?" Rainbow shot devious look at Sora, "Unless you're scared."

"OHHHHHHH!! The thunder has been brought down!!" Pinkie Pie declared.

Sora gave Rainbow Dash a determined look, "It's on." he then summoned his Keyblade.

"Yeah! Now we're talking!" Rainbow exclaimed, "Scoots! Hand me my baseball bat!"

Scootaloo threw Rainbow Dash her bat and a few baseballs, Rainbow tossed a baseball in the air and hit it with her bat. The ball sailed towards Sora, but he knocked it back with Keyblade. Rainbow ducked just in time before ball hit her, at that time, she tossed her other two balls in the air, and hit them towards Sora one by one. Sora knocked back the baseballs with little to no problem, but Rainbow dodged them as they sailed back to her. Rainbow charged at Sora with her baseball bat in hand, Sora did the same with his Keyblade, and when they collided, the inertia pushed them back from other, nearly knocking Rainbow off balance, but Sora recovered like it was nothing and charged at Rainbow this time. When Rainbow recovered, she charged as well, but she jumped in the air with her bat over her head, ready to bash his skull with everything she had. Sora saw this however, and held his Keyblade diagonally above him and blocked Rainbow's attack. As soon as Rainbow touched the ground, she was off balance again, this gave Sora the opportunity to spin where he stood with his Keyblade and smacked the bat clean out of her hand, over past the fence. Rainbow freaked out when she realized she was defenseless.

"SCOOTS! SOCCER BALLS!" Rainbow shouted.

Scootaloo grabbed a bag full of soccer balls, opened it up, and swung it, allowing the soccer balls inside to roll out on the field. Rainbow ran behind the line of soccer balls and readied herself, "EAT THIS!!" with that, she began kicking the balls towards Sora. He rushed to Rainbow, knocking the balls back to the best of his ability, turns out the soccer balls are much harder to hit than baseballs. Mainly, Sora tried to dodge them at least until he got close enough or when Rainbow ran out, much to her dismay, and Sora's relief, it turned out to be the latter.

"Scoots! Golf Club!" Rainbow ordered.

Scootaloo tossed Rainbow the golf club and rolled a few golf balls her way. Sora charged at Rainbow, only to be met with a golf ball to his leg, "OW!!" Sora yelled as he was kneeling to rest his now-throbbing knee.

"How am I supposed to get close to her if she keeps hitting me with all her sports gear?!" Sora thought, frustrated.

He then turned his gaze to Scootaloo, "Sorry, Scootaloo, hope there's no hard feelings."

Sora stood up and turned to Scootaloo. He stretched the arm that held his Keyblade behind him and flung it in Scootaloo's direction.

"What the! WHOA!!" Scootaloo screamed as ducked.

The Keyblade missed by somewhat of a longshot and jammed itself into the bleachers. Scootaloo ran back to join her friends in the stands, shouting, "SORRY RAINBOW! YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!"

Rainbow turned to Sora with an angry expression, "WHAT THE HAY, SORA!?"

"I had to get her to stop, I wasn't TRYING to hit her!" Sora said, defensively.

Words could not describe the anger boiling in Rainbow's blood at that moment, "I OUGHTA PRESS YOU INTO JERK CIDER!!"

Rainbow charged furiously at Sora, swinging her golf club like a maniac. All Sora could was block her attacks, every last strike was coming in too hot.

"This is getting out of control! We've gotta stop them!" Twilight thought.

Sora had no other option, he was losing energy fast, so he has to resort to his last line of defense...


Rainbow came in for another attack, her strength never wavering, when Sora put his new plan into action, "Defense!" Sora shouted as activated his Reflega spell.

Rainbow's attack bounced back, which almost knocks her to the ground, "Why you-! I said 'no magic'!"

"I had to do it, Rainbow. You were losing control. Just like... I did... I'm not fighting you anymore."

"You don't have that option!!" Rainbow shouted as she charged once more.

"Then I guess I'll keep defending till you tire yourself out." Sora stated.

Sora kept using his Reflega spell to cut off all of Rainbow's attacks, the battle continued for a good 10 minutes before Rainbow Dash became really tired, really quick. Twilight saw it as an opportunity to get to Rainbow and try to calm her down. By the time they got to her, she slumped to the ground with her head hung low.

"Move aside." Rainbow ordered, "I wanna talk to Sora. Alone."

Sora was surprised she didn't call him "Soar". She must be pretty mad. Everyone nodded in confirmation and stepped away from Rainbow Dash. As Sora walked forward cautiously to her, He caught something out of the corner of his eye. There was something spinning in the air, flying towards Rainbow Dash. Sora's instincts kicked into Autopilot, "LOOK OUT!!!" he jumped over to Rainbow and pushed her out of way as he held on to her. The object flying through the air thrust itself into the ground where Rainbow once stood, it had a blue shaft with a pair of bat wings at both sides and a demonic-like eye in the center, strange gear-like hand guards, and a keychain with an hourglass charm that hung from the handle...

Wait, hand guards? Keychain? It can't be!

"A Keyblade?!" Sora thought out loud.

He looked to where the supposed Keyblade came from, at another set of bleachers, there stood at the very top was a man in a black coat. Same height, same shape, there's no doubt. It was the hooded man who invaded Sora's dreams. With a displeased frown, he dissipated in darkness and his Keyblade along with him.

Sora couldn't feel angry at that moment. He almost lost a friend, if he hadn't noticed the attack in time...

Sora held Rainbow Dash tighter than he did before, "Are you ok... Rainbow Dash?"

"...I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Sora said.

"I'm sorry I lost my cool, and..."

Rainbow turned while in Sora's arms and returned the (somewhat) hug, "...Thank you. For saving my life."

"...You're welcome." Sora replied.

After a few moments, Sora tried to stand up with Rainbow still in his arms. As they both stood up, everyone tried to comfort them, until Pinkie spoke up, "Hey, um, why don't we get something to eat and try to cheer up, huh?" with that, everyone nodded in agreement and made their way off the field.

Confused, surprised, shocked, mesmerized, whatever word you can think of along those lines is the biggest understatement in the history of understatements to describe what Sunset, Snips, and Snails were feeling at that moment.

"Uhhhhh..." Snips said.

"Duhhhhh..." Snails said.

"Who WAS that guy?! He almost killed Rainbow Dash! Has that Braig guy lost his mind?!" Sunset thought.

It was then a Corridor of Darkness appeared behind the three snoops and Braig came from it, "Hey there, Kitten."

The three turned their gaze to Braig.

"Who are you?!" Snips asked, surprised.

"Yeah, you look weird, but in a cool way." Snails commented, as if he was oblivious to the fact that Braig just stepped out of a portal seeping with darkness.

"You! Have you gone crazy!?" Sunset asked, angrily.

Braig was beyond confused, "Nice to see you too..."

"Don't play innocent with me! What's the deal with that guy in the same coat as you nearly killing a student here?!" Sunset demanded to know.

"What guy? I never sent anyone here." Braig answered.

"About the same height as me, throwing a Keyblade at Rainbow Dash!" Sunset described.

"Oh. Him." Braig said with a look of disgust.

"So you DO know him!" Sunset yelled.

"Don't point fingers at me, The kid does whatever he wants." Braig said.

All Sunset could was scoff at him for even knowing a freak like that guy in the hood.

"On to a new topic, did you get Sora for me yet? You're kinda running outta time." Braig asked.

"Sunset Shimmer, do you know this guy?" Snips asked.

"Back off, tubby. There's a question already on the table." Braig insulted.

"Tubby?!" Snips half-shouted.

"No, I haven't got Sora for you yet, and yes Snips, I know him, he's the one who gave me 'special' details about our little heroic friend." Sunset answered both questions with a sinister grin as she finished.

"So, what're you just standing around for?" Braig asked, slightly annoyed.

"Because I have a social status to keep around here, and Sora can wait till later." Sunset answered, snidely.

"How much later?" Braig asked, trying to hide his annoyance.

"Just until I get my hands on the Fall Formal crown." Sunset answered with a determined, but still sinister smile.

"Seriously, Sunset, WHO IS this guy?" Snips said, asking the same question.

"Ah, the crown with the powerful magic I've been sensing, eh?" Braig asked with his usual cocky smile.

"Back off, cyclops. there's a question already on the table." Snips insulted with a chuckle as he finished, mimicking Braig's insult from earlier.

At that moment, he pulled out his Arrowguns and pointed them at Snips, "You may insult people for a living, but I doubt you got the muscle to back it up," Braig began to grin when he saw Snips having a mental freak out where he stood, "I wonder what'll happen if I pop your belly like a balloon... Tubby."

Sunset just stared for a moment, when she snapped out of her stupor, she began to grin, "So, THAT'S how you get your way. I just blackmail people, but you tend to threaten their lives. I like that."

Braig turned his attention to Sunset, keeping his Arrowguns pointed at Snips, "Heh, trying to butter me up? As if."

Sunset pretended she didn't hear that comment and answered both the questions asked, "Now, to answer your question, AGAIN, Snips, his name is Braig, and now for YOUR question, yes, it is the crown with the powerful magic."

Braig let his Arrowguns disappear, "How bout I give you a hand?" Braig snapped his fingers.

To his side, 3 Neoshadows appeared from the ground, "I'll give you the power to control the Heartless, so you can snag Sora for me."

Sunset examined the Neoshadows intensively, then she decided, "These Heartless won't do." Braig gave Sunset a look of confusion and slight annoyance, "Sora snuffed out this type earlier like they were nothing."

Braig began to think, then had an idea, "How bout these, then?" Braig snapped his fingers again and the Neoshadows turned into silver armored creatures with spikes at the kneecaps, blue twisted blades, glowing yellow eyes, and the Heartless emblem on its shoulders. They were Dual Blades. Once they were summoned, they clinked their blades one at a time in a line from left to right.

"Oh, those'll do just fine." Sunset said with an evil grin instead of a sinister one.

"Better hurry up," Braig began to disappear in darkness, "my 'superiors' are getting antsy." and then he was gone.

Snips turned to Sunset, "Uh, Sunset? Why are you helping him get Sora?"

"WE'RE not." Sunset said simply, "I'm keeping him all to myself."

"Duh, why?" Snails asked.

"BECAUSE," Sunset began, "Braig, and whoever he works for, need Sora and his Keyblade to open Kingdom Hearts."

"Kingdom Hearts?" Snips and Snails asked simultaneously.

"The door to all worlds." Snips and Snails gaped at what she said, but she continued all the same, "When the crown is in my possession, I'll use its power to gain control over Sora's Keyblade, and when I do, the entire universe shall bow to me!"

Sunset began laugh evilly, it started small at first, but with every second the volume intensified, leaving Snips and Snails a little scared of her, but they would never admit it.


As the group wandered through the halls, they just kept staring at Rainbow Dash and Sora, who remained in each other embrace; Rainbow was still shaken that she was almost killed, but she was so grateful to Sora, she didn't want to let go of him yet. She kept flashing back to the moment she nearly killed Sora out of anger, if he wasn't there, she would've been... She held him even tighter. Whereas Sora was shaken as well, he almost lost a friend because of a member of the new Organization XIII. He kept dwelling on it, knowing that he was the one the Organization was after. As long as he's here, these innocent girls will be in danger.

"The sooner we return the crown, the better." Sora thought.

Applejack then spoke up, "Hey Apple Bloom, why don't y'all head back home? We got some things we need ta sort out."

The three girls nodded somberly and headed home like nothing happened. Sora would bet 1000 Munny that those three are just as scared as the rest of the group.

When they finally made it the double doors, Rainbow let go of Sora, "Sorry, don't want anyone to think we're dating or anything." Sora nodded in understanding.

They were about to leave the school when Donald stopped him, "Sora?" Sora turned and looked down at Donald, "You remember our very first promise?" everyone turned to face Donald.

"Always smile!" Donald exclaimed with a smile, "Me, you, and Goofy made a promise that we'd keep smiling, no matter what!"

Sora smiled at Donald's words and of that fond memory, "Thanks Donald."

At that moment, Twilight and company were smiling as well, even Rainbow. Everyone was alright, so there's no point in worrying about "what if".

"Sora and Donald sure are something else." Twilight thought.

"Wait a minute! Who's Goofy?" Applejack asked.

Sora and Donald glanced at each other with their smiles still present, when Sora turned back to Applejack and spoke up, "We'll tell you on the way."

The group continued out the exit to the school to get some food in their stomachs.


Twilight was waiting for her drink while occupying herself with her thoughts, "I can't believe Sora's friends with the Captain of the Royal Knights in some kingdom named Disney Castle! And the Captain's name is Goofy! It's not really an intimidating name, but I bet he was Captain for a reason. My brother is the Captain of the Royal GUARD, and Sora knows the Captain of the Royal KNIGHTS, how can we be so different and so alike at the same time?" Twilight risked a glance at Sora, who was talking to the rest of her friends, probably about his previous adventures. Twilight returned to her thoughts with mixed feelings, "I don't even know what to think anymore." It's true, ever since Sora and Donald came along, everything has turned upside-down and all around for her. The Heartless, some evil organization, and now, the strange boy she saw in Sora's place that one time. Just who was that? "Maybe I'll tell Sora about that boy when we have a little more time alone." Twilight blushed at that thought, "NO! That's not what I meant! I meant when my friends aren't around, I could talk to him about that other boy I saw!" Twilight's blush went from red to a bright crimson, "GAH!! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT EITHER!! I DON'T EVEN LIKE HIM THAT WAY!! AND EVEN IF I DID, I WOULD NEVER TALK ABOUT ANOTHER BOY IF SORA ACTUALLY HAD FEELINGS FOR ME!! ...Does he?" Twilight then realized something, "Why am I even trying to correct myself? No one can hear my thoughts!" Twilight shook off her mental berating and returned focus to the women at the counter, who was just putting the finishing touches on Twilight's drink, "Annnnd, can I get mine with extra oats?"

"Oats?" The woman asked, confused.

Twilight shifted her gaze nervously, "Uhh, scratch that," she stepped back and put her hands behind her back, "however you normally make it is fine." she finished as she blushed and smiled sheepishly.

The woman gave her a bland look and set the cup on the counter and walked off. Twilight picked up the cup and as she turned around, she bumped into somebody and spilled her drink on him and the floor. Twilight had a terrified expression on her face as she looked up to who she bumped into, somebody she recognizes all too well. He had blue spiky hair, blue eyes, a black jacket with white and red stripes at the center and the sleeves with a white shirt underneath that had a shield and lightning bolt at its center, where a stain had now been formed, light blue denim pants, and black and white striped shoes. He brushed off his shirt and spoke, "Whoa, we've gotta stop bumping into each other like this."

Twilight knelt down to pick up the cup she had dropped, when she put her hand on it, the blue, spiky-haired guy did the same and their touched. They looked at each other and Twilight quickly pulled her hand away while smiling nervously, and strangely, when the guy picked up the cup for her, he smiled nervously too. They both stood up and Twilight spoke while grabbing her hair, "You know me, always trying to make a big SPLASH around here. 'Cause my drink, kind of splashed, on the ground!" she laughed, smiled, and played with her fingers nervously as he stared at her, until Twilight finally found the courage to speak again, "I'm gonna go over there now." she concluded while pointing her thumb behind her towards her friends, bumped into the counter, and retreated to her friends. The guy just smiled at her antics and scratched back of his head.

Twilight sat on the arm of the couch three of her friends were sitting on, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, the only two who had drinks, and Rarity. Spike was laying on Rarity lap while she had her hands upon his back. Donald was sitting on Fluttershy's lap while she petting his head, which he liked a lot.

"Heh, I guess after we first met Fluttershy, Donald's taken a real shine to her." Sora thought in the back of his mind.

Her other three friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Sora were sitting in separate chairs, but Applejack was sitting in hers backwards, Sora had a large pile of food on his side of table, anxious to begin chowing down, and Pinkie Pie had a drink with a straw and a fruit wedge in her hand.

Twilight just blushed and played with her hair, when Rarity spoke up, "Don't even think about it," she began, "You're already trying to get her crown, who knows what Sunset Shimmer would do if you ended up getting her ex-boyfriend too?" Sora once again scowled at the moment of her name, but even that didn't put a damper on his appetite.

"I'm not trying to- I don't even know- We just accidentally- Ex-boyfriend?" Twilight stammered.

"Flash Sentry broke up with her a few weeks ago," As Fluttershy spoke, the guy from before, Flash Sentry as she called him, was paying for a drink of his own, "I can't believe she hasn't done something awful to him yet."

Flash Sentry walked past the group and looked at Twilight as she tried to hide from him with a kind grin on his face.

"Serves her right, if you ask me." Sora thought as bluntly as he could.

"Maybe she's just waiting until she has the power to do something really awful." Twilight said.

"I'm just saying, maybe you could date someone who wouldn't be a dangerously risky choice, someone like... Sora." Twilight blushed at Rarity's words, but much to Twilight's dismay, she continued, "He's kind, sweet, caring, protective, and granted, he can be reluctant to tell the truth," as Rarity spoke, it's almost like she was swooning over him. Twilight's blush deepened as Rarity continued on, "but still, he saved our dear Rainbow Dash from danger, twice, no less! Even if he put himself in that danger! How selfless!"

Rainbow Dash gumbled, "It wasn't THAT big a deal..."

"And fought all those dangerous monsters! How brave and daring! And-"

Rarity was interrupted by a loud, but strange sound. It was Sora, scarfing down every bit of food he could put in his mouth. He stopped for a moment and noticed the strange stares he was getting from the rest of the group. He'd never been in a situation like this, so it was a little embarrassing. Sora swallowed the food he had in his mouth and said, "What? I haven't eaten since we left the Tower." Donald, while still on Fluttershy's lap, nodded in agreement; Donald was in public and couldn't risk talking, so he tries to answer with a nod of his head.

"A little childish at times." Rarity concluded.

"Alright everyone," Applejack began as she stood up, "dance is tomorrow night, and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight the votes she needs to be named Princess. Right now, folks only knows the Twilight from the video Sunset Shimmer posted online." she came up behind Twilight, "We need to help 'em see her differently."

"Hmm..." they all pondered on what to do.

"I GOT IT!!!" Rarity screeched throughout the entire building, earning her the stares from everyone in the room.

She flashed a big toothy smile, darted her eyes around, and blushed in embarrassment. Choosing a calmer tone, she cleared her throat and said, "I mean, um, perhaps I have a solution." she walked over to her bag and reached inside, "Now this may be an absolutely preposterous idea, BUT what if tomorrow we all wore THESE as a sign of unity?" Rarity pulled out a pair of yellow horse ears with a blue handband and a blue and yellow tail.

The group stared at Rarity quizzically.

"Freshman year they were very, very popular, a way for everybody to show their school spirit." she continued as she put them on, "You know, 'Go Canterlot Wondercolts!'" she smiled in slight embarrassment before clearing her throat and deadpanned, "I haven't sold any in ages." she began to dig some more of them out, a tail and a pair of ears for everyone, "I mean, the seven of us are obviously very different, but deep down we're all Canterlot Wondercolts." they all put their ears and tail on, even Sora and Donald, "Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us, Twilight Sparkle is the one who united us, and we're going to let everyone know it!" Rarity declared while putting a pair of ears on Twilight's head. "What do you think?" she asked.

She looked at all her friends, Pinkie smiled brightly, Applejack smiled with a thumbs up, Rainbow crossed her arms and grinned, Fluttershy put both her hands behind back and smiled brightly, and Spike looked at Twilight and Rarity with hearts in his eyes, more likely at Rarity. Rarity smiled as she nuzzled Twilight while she closed one of her eyes and smiled back.

Sora chuckled and said, "Sounds like a plan."

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

A shout out to everyone reading this fanfic, thank you all for your support! :)