• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 7,895 Views, 511 Comments

D=S-M - MegatronsPen

Twilight Sparkle’s world crashes around her as everything she once believed in, crumbles to dust. Does she rise above it to fill in the shoes of her mentor? Or does she allow it to bring her low…

  • ...

The Unforgiven

Chapter 12: The Unforgiven

Lightning Dust panted angrily as she held a hoof over her weeping, gaping eye socket while she struck out repeatedly against Twilight Sparkle’s corpse.Scowling deep with teeth bared, she relished in the dull thud of her limb connecting with the dead Princess’s ribcage, seeking the satisfying crack of broken bones.

“You, fucking, bitch!”

Spitting blood down onto the peaceful slumbering face of Twilight Sparkle, Lightning Dust trembled as she seethed, turning about to trot a few paces away in an attempt to curb her rage.

“You’re lucky the Princess will need your body intact,” Lightning Dust shot a glare over her shoulder, “because so help me when she is finished with you, I am going to kick your corpse straight across Equestria and blow it into a thousand pieces!”

Pacing back towards the immobile Twilight Sparkle, Lightning Dust calmed herself just enough to use the amulet to cast a simple magical spell and much to her glee, there was no life detected in the Princess before her.

Her heart was still.

Her body heat was dissipating.

Twilight Sparkle was, truly, dead.

“How does it feel, being beaten by a mere Pegasus, hm? You fought well, Twilight Sparkle, but clearly you were outmatched against my speed and the power of my amulet! Because do you know what? I’m beginning to think I could do one better…” Lightning Dust manically grinned down a bloodied smile. “I think with the right preparation I can kill Princess Luna and take the Equestrian throne for myself!”

Spreading her wings wide, and wincing as she did so, Lightning Dust gazed off into the distance, frowning a little. “But I believe I have a few more Element bearers to be rid of before I can begin to even think of such things…”

Bending her knees, she took to the sky, leaving Twilight Sparkle’s corpse for her Mistress to play with. “Soon she will have what she wants… and I will be in her favour. I will be granted a title, lands and power and when the time is right, I will slip a knife across her throat as she sleeps! Then, I! I WILL BECOME A PRINCESS! I WILL BE THE BEST! I WILL RULE—”

All sound ceased to exist, causing Lightning Dust to pause mid flight to look about her, confused by the sudden phenomena.

Then, it all came rushing it back in the form of a physical energy blast that erupted directly below, throwing her forward with such speed that it sent her spiraling out of control.

Spreading her wings wide, Lightning Dust attempted to stabilize herself, but found it impossible as she felt something cold brush past one of her wings, causing her to continue her freefall.

Lightning Dust screamed as she crashed hard, skidding several meters across the ground and leaving a bloody trail in her wake. Eventually she came to a stop, writhing on the spot in agony as she craned her neck just enough to the side to note that one of her wings, was missing.

Met with a bloodied stump, Lightning Dust’s face twisted in horror as she stood warily to her hooves, unable to form words as her ability to fly was quite literally clipped from her.

The wound itself was cleanly cut, as if something incredibly sharp had severed it.

She had barely recognized the pain until she saw it with her own eyes.

Directing her gaze to the sky, Lightning Dust’s body convulsed as a sob broke from her lips, before it melted into pure rage as the stinging sensation of a missing limb attacked her senses.

Seething, the amulet flared to life with cracks of red energy arcing outwards, scorching the area wherever the bolts hit.

“I am going to kill you, whoever you are! How dare you! How fucking dare you! When I find you, you are going to rue the—”

The mare’s threat died before it had the chance to fully present itself towards the assailant that not only had the audacity to attack her, but went as far as disabling the one natural ability she was smugly proud of possessing.

Something was breathing against the back of her neck, quite heavily.

Wheeling about frantically, Lightning Dust released a single red bolt from the amulet’s core, but found that her attack met with nothing but thin air.

Now, she could feel the breath tickling against the back of her ear.

“STOP PLAYING WITH ME!” Lightning Dust snapped, her eyes glowing red. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?! WHAT I POSSESS?!”

Repeating the same process as before, Lighting Dust yet again saw and hit nothing. Angry, frustrated, and in pain, the mare could no longer contain herself. She growled as she turned on the spot, launching a continuous barrage of magical blasts that spiraled off into the distance, brightening the area in a hue of red as vast domes of energy blossomed from the epicenter of each impact, ripping up the ground and leaving deep craters wherever she turned.

The destruction brought forth a sickening smirk upon the mare’s lips, her laughter bubbling up as she gleefully submitted to the joy in her sudden act of widespread destruction of the once calm and idyllic Equestrian countryside.

Eventually, she ceased her attack, turning her one-eyed gaze all about her with each twist and turn of her head, still desperate to repay the unfortunate thing that had so brazenly attacked her without warning.

Something sparkling overhead quickly caught her attention, however.

Tilting her head up, Lighting Dust winced and squinted with her one working eye.She lifted a hoof to block out the incandescent glare of something quite bizarrely black falling towards her at an incredible speed.

Her smile and laughter faded as she used the amulet to quickly form a shield around her, just as the beam of glowing dark energy made contact.

Almost immediately, the shield began to crack, eliciting a yelp of surprise from the mare as she poured more energy into it. Several long moments later, the attack’s earth shattering fallout eventually dissipated.

Deactivating the shield, Lightning Dust was met with a heavy cloud of dust, obscuring her vision of the surroundings and causing her to cough. Despite this, she noticed immediately the ground now sloped sharply away from the small plateau of grass her shield had protected.

W-what the...” Taking a steady step forward, Lightning Dust realized she was standing in a crater so large, she could barely fathom how she managed to survive the blast that created it.

Logically for Lightning Dust, there was only one pony powerful enough to have wrought such devastation.

“Is that you?!” She squinted her eyes. “Princess, why are you attacking me?!”

Lightning Dust winced at the stabbing pain throbbing in the gaping hole where her eye used to be, as she squinted at the shape beginning to take form amidst the smoke not too far away.

It was as tall as the Princess, but Lightning Dust’s heart stopped as it spoke.

It was nopony she recognized.

“We are going to take a lot more than just your wings, Lightning Dust.” The tall, dark purple alicorn mused, her voice smooth as silk. That voice was strangely familiar even though all her senses told her she had never seen or met such an imposing creature before. “We are going to break you piece, by, piece, until you tell us exactly what it is we want to know.”

What... no, w-who are you?”

“Want a hint, Lightning Dust?” Eyes red and serpentine, the mare drifted fully from the settling mist. Her wings were flared wide as her mane drifted about her head as if caught by an unseen wind, displaying the varying colours of a setting sky upon the eve of night, burning with the dying light of the sun and as cool as the darkness of an unforgiving, starless night. “Surely your feeble mind can put two and two together…”

Besides her taller and more mature body shape that closely resembled Celestia’s, Twilight’s wings seemed far more angular than before with the feathers a touch sharper in their jagged formation.

Her smile even bore a set of wicked looking fangs.

“No… no that can’t be—”

“Whom else would we be?” The alicorn mused. “Or is there a queue of alicorns who want to see you suffer like we do?”

An innate fear caused Lightning Dust to tremble and back away until she was met with the steady slope into what appeared to be a never ending oblivion.

“B-but… I killed you! I… I am sure of it! Your heart had stopped—I checked!” Lightning Dust summoned the magic of the amulet as she bared her teeth, creating a red sphere of energy to crackle above her head. “But… obviously not well enough... I will be more than happy to kill you again and again, Twilight Sparkle! And just who do you think you are? An illusion spell to make you seem more imposing is not going to phase me! What’s that supposed to be, huh?! A Nightmare Moon impersonation?! Don’t make me laugh! You’re too weak to go against the power of my amulet!”

Twilight Sparkle simply tilted a brow, chuckling again. “Shall we test that theory? We will be more than happy to comply and prove you wrong with a small and yet effective experiment.”

With a simple lift of Twilight’s head, her horn flared with an intense black aura that shot out towards Lightning Dust so quick, the mare had barely any time to react.

As if a gentle breeze had just passed her by, Lightning Dust found herself mysteriously falling forward, crashing face first onto the ground before flopping onto her right side.

Unable to feel her right leg, Lightning Dust drew up the appendage which was sure she could still feel, but found herself staring at a bloodied stump that squirted out blood, again, pristinely cut, as if it had been surgically removed from her without her knowledge.

Lightning Dust immediately howled in unrivaled horror.

“Is it not funny that out of all the magical spells we could possible use to completely atomize your worthless husk and scatter the remains to the winds, a rather harmless localized teleportation spell was all we needed to defeat you,” Twilight Sparkle smirked, “how does it feel having your limbs ripped between several dimensions?”

Twilight spoke at a level tone, even as Lightning Dust writhed on the ground, squealing like a pig. “We’re sorry, Lightning Dust, we could not quite hear your reply over you incessant whining, so allow us to say it again a little louder this time, for your benefit…”

Twilight leaned in closer. “How does it feel having portions of your body being removed like that? Painful? We hope so, because we are going to make you suffer for a long, long time for everything that you did to us. You almost killed us. You almost killed those precious to me… you killed Fluttershy… you even killed a number of innocent ponies on that train when you derailed it… you are guilty of terrible crimes and for that you must be punished… For Fluttershy, I will make you suffer!”

Twilight leaned closer still until they touched noses, glaring her burning crimson eyes into the very soul of her prey. “How do you plead... guilty, or innocent?”

PLEASE!” Lightning Dust wept in her state of desperate despair, trying her best to draw her head back from the monstrosity before her. “I-I WAS FORCED TO DO IT!”

Forced? It seemed like to us you were enjoying yourself a bit too much for that to be true.”

“J-just wait a minute! I-I’ll tell you e-everything!”

Oh? Bargaining for your life for information now, are we? Well, that is very kind of you but we are not doing this to get any information out of you just yet. We figure everything that you have said thus far, is nothing more than a complete lie… so we will extract the truth from you, by granting you pain unimaginable… you will wish you were dead, very soon.”

Twilight’s eyes fell upon the mare’s remaining foreleg and with a simple glance and another rush of dark energy, that leg too was gone, throwing Lightning Dust into another frenzy of tears and howls. “The truth quickly comes from those who are tortured for it.”


Twilight’s lips curled into a peaceful smile. “No, we are enjoying this. We will not stop until we are completely satisfied that you have atoned for your crimes.” Her eyes slowly made their way along Lightning Dust’s bloodied body, ignoring the desperate, wrinkled expression of despair upon her face pleading silently for mercy. “However, we feel this will not be any time soon, or at the very least, we hope.”

Another whispering breeze cruelly plucked away Lightning Dust’s remaining wing, forever removing any hope she would once again fly.


Twilight lifted a brow to the ever growing pool of blood surrounding the mare, amused as her body slipped upon its own bleeding lifeforce. “You’re right… if we continue like this, you will die… and that would be a shame. It would be far too quick. You will bleed out long before we grow tired of you...”

Narrowing her eyes to each and every stump, Twilight summoned her magic to wrap around the gaping wounds and cauterized them to stop the bleeding. “We can’t have that, now can we?”

Squealing, Lightning Dust’s back arched her back as the intense, nerve screaming pain brought forth by the sudden intense heat, coupled with the scent of burnt flesh, caused her to wretch and eventually throw up the contents of her stomach, the stench of urine quickly following suit.

Twilight continued to speak, unphased by the expelled bodily fluids. “We need to confirm this, but... Luna sent you, didn’t she? All of this is her fault, right? You said so yourself, if we are not mistaken.”

Lightning Dust, unable to speak as she continued to heave, simply nodded her head frantically.

“Did she kill Celestia? Has she been lying to us this whole time?” Twilight Sparkle’s voice turned dangerously desperate as her horn glowed along with her sinister expression. “For the longest time we have been having dreams of that terrible night; but every night it changes, it reveals something new… something different. We believe that Luna has done something to our mind to make us forget, to twist our perception; she has done something to our memories, hasn’t she?”

Once again, Lighting Dust nodded her head.

A sneer grew across Twilight’s lips. “Then she must be punished, as well, once she has confessed to her crimes… but you?” She dipped her head low to stare into the snot, spit and tear stained expression of the now mute Lightning Dust, who simply stared back in utter silence. “You are going to deliver a message for us, because we want her to know that we are coming for her… maybe not tonight, maybe not tomorrow, but some time soon, we will march back through Equestria and we will destroy her and everything she hopes to achieve. I will show Equestria what kind of a villain she truly is… and so help me, anypony that stands in my way will be met with the same fate.”

Lightning Dust released a sob as Twilight formed a magical spear above her head. “No… no!”

“You have done well to remain conscious thus far, Lightning Dust.” A frown formulated on Twilight’s lips. “Let’s see how long you last when we are done carving our message into your flesh… but before that, we require you remove the amulet… for we have a use for it... and please, don't try to deny us this request.”

Twilight's frown transformed into a dangerous, fanged smile. "We are pretty sure severing your head is but one way to remove it if you do not wish to comply."

Author's Note: