• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 8,523 Views, 867 Comments

Miss Sparkle, Psychopath - Adda le Blue

Twilight swears she had nothing to do with the love spell affecting Rainbow Dash, but ponies begin to question her honesty when more of her friends are found hoodwinked and brainwashed.

  • ...

Act I: Chapter 5

Twilight's eyes snapped open out of reflex. The room was bathed in berry juice, the light from her horn nearly drowning out that from the lamps and windows. Her eyes rolled upward to see a hoof upon her horn, a hoof with a pale blue coat. She looked down into Rainbow's multi-colored gaze and let out a long breath. “Oh my stars,” she whimpered. “That was amazing.”

“Twilight, are you alright?” Rarity yelped. “What happened?”

“I saw it,” she breathed. “Rainbow...”

“T-Twilight,” her pegasus replied shakily. “I mean, uh...”

“It's everywhere!” Twilight allowed her spell to die and wiped her cannon across her forehead. “The magic is everywhere! I couldn't see a single part of your mind that wasn't under its influence.”

Rainbow leaned in to grip the unicorn around the barrel and Twilight unconsciously began stroking her shoulders and back. “I know,” she smiled. “Thank you, Miss Sparkle.” Twilight glanced down at her in confusion at the pegasus's words, as well as her own hooves' actions.

“So did you figure anything out, Twilight?” the wispy pegasus asked.

It took her a moment to organize her thoughts. “There's no way this is an average spell,” she said finally. “It's far too strong and far too complicated. Most unicorns couldn't hope to handle this much magic.”

“Most?” Rarity asked. “Could you?”

“Of course...” Twilight blinked. “Maybe.”

The other unicorn shared a look with her demure counterpart. “Who else?”

“I don't know anypony else in Ponyville with this much talent,” she shrugged. “If this is a simple casting, we're looking at a very powerful mage. If it was a ritual we would have seen signs of it. The scope...” She trailed off as Rarity's horn began to glow once more. “What are you doing?”

“I want to see it for myself,” Rarity frowned. Rainbow struggled as the glow surrounded her head once more, but she kept quiet. “I didn't feel the heat you spoke of, or see the–”

The five other ponies stared at Rarity, who sat perfectly still with her mouth half-open.

“Rarity?” Fluttershy asked. “You're not... overwhelmed too, are you?”

The pale pony's mouth closed as slowly as her eyes opened. “Twilight,” she said cautiously. “What did you do?”

The other unicorn shrugged. “I did the same thing you did,” she said. “The only difference was that I have enough experience with delving to see things more clearly.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Then why is the hypnotic effect much more prominent now than it was just a minute ago, hm?”

“What? It can't be!” Her horn flared to life.

“Don't,” Rarity barked. “Whatever you did, it made everything worse. I could feel it before I'd even entered!”

“But all I did was...”

“Rainbow Dash, tell me how you feel,” she said angrily. “What's changed?”

“I feel fine, Rarity,” she muttered, burrowing deeper into Twilight's side. “Jeez.”

“She looks pretty clingy to me,” Pinkie said. “Is that normal? I mean, it's normal for me, but I don't think it's normal for Dashie.”

“It's not,” Rarity snarled. “Something strengthened this spell and now she's even worse off than before.”

“What could have done that?” Applejack asked. “I don't see anypony using magic here but you two.”

“And it certainly wasn't me,” she declared with finality. “Where does that leave us?”

Twilight's mouth dropped open in shock. “I didn't do this!” she argued. “Even if I did, it was an accident.”

“Magical effects such as this are no accident, Twilight. The difference I felt was far too much to have been an accidental leak,” Rarity insisted.

“Wait, Rarity, it didn't have to be her!” Applejack exclaimed. “I bet there are plenty of ways it could've happened.”

“Maybe the enchantment just gets stronger over time!” the pink pony suggested.

“A spell cannot feed off of itself, Pinkie Pie,” Rarity argued. “The power has to come from somewhere... The unicorn who cast the spell, for instance.” She looked askance at Twilight. “I did not strengthen this spell, Twilight. What else could it have been?”

“Maybe it feeds off of Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy tried.

“But she's as energetic as ever.”

Twilight's hoof gripped her friend's fur. “Then...” It wasn't under the control of a spellcaster, or at least not a mortal one. She wasn't wearing any magical artifacts. There were no potions in her basement that would cause this kind of effect. What else could it have been? She could give them no answer but... “I... I don't know.”

“Twilight...” The pale unicorn's lips compressed into little more than a faint line. “I want to believe you, Twilight, but if it turns out you did this to Rainbow Dash, so help me...”

“Rarity!"” Twilight exclaimed in horror. “You can't possibly think I'm behind this!”

The other mare drew back and stared at the floor, ashamed to even entertain the idea. “I'm trying to think of another culprit, Twilight, but you must admit that the facts are not on your side.”

“Shoot, I know Twilight didn't do it,” AJ said confidently. “She's been our friend forever, it feels like. I think we'd know if she were like that. Right, Twi?”

“This is nothing short of the best frame job in the history of Equestria!” Pinkie Pie agreed.

Their moment of solidarity was followed on Rarity's part by a moment of hesitation. “Quite,” the unicorn muttered. She didn't sound convinced, but she forced a smile for Twilight's sake. “Well, Twilight, if you were set up by somepony–”

“Or something,” Pinkie added.

“–then they must have left a clue behind. The six of us will be sure to find it.”

“Alright! A mystery!” Pinkie pulled a magnifying glass from her back pocket dimension and winked at Rainbow through it. “Since I can't use magic, does that mean I have to be the sidekick this time?” she asked, unable to hide the disappointment in her voice.

“I'm afraid so, Pinkie Pie,” Twilight sighed. “Rarity and I will have to take the lead on this one.”


Twilight snarled as the denial bounced along the walls of the basement. “Why not?”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Perhaps we believe you, Twilight, but there does seem to be a conflict of interest here, doesn't there?”

“Rarity,” Twilight began, her voice belying a dangerous level of fury barely held in check.

The other unicorn leaned back on her haunches and held up her forehooves. “All I'm saying is that if there is even a chance that you are behind this, the ponies of Ponyville would not appreciate you heading your own investigation, am I correct?”

“What do we care what they think?” AJ argued. “This is our friend we're talking about here!”

“This isn't a very official investigation,” Fluttershy added.

Rarity's lip curled. “Alright, I'll say it. It's not the rest of Ponyville that concerns me...” Rarity took a deep breath. “I'm not comfortable with it.”

Four ponies glared at her.

AJ scowled. “That was a downright nasty thing to say.”

“She's been one of your best friends for years!” Pinkie agreed.

Fluttershy just looked up at her with those big, sad green eyes. “You don't trust her?”

Rarity stared back at them all with an uncomfortable grimace. “No,” she said finally. “It's not that I don't trust her. I just... I don't trust the situation.” She spun to face her number-one suspect. “Twilight, please don't take this the wrong way. It's not you. I trust you, I do!” she insisted. “But... what if?”

“What if what?” Twilight replied coldly.

“Well, I... I don't know,” Rarity stammered. She let her mind drift away to find those dark thoughts she'd been trying so hard to ignore. “What if you... had a moment of weakness, and then repressed the memory?”


“What if you've snapped under the pressure of being Princess Celestia's protégée and, and the 'you' we know and love is only around sometimes, while at other times she is replaced by somepony like...” Rarity gestured at the air with her hooves... “that?”

“I do not have disassociative identity disorder,” she said heatedly. “I've undergone countless psychiatric evaluations, some of which I conducted myself, and the results of each of them assured me that I am as normal as anypony can be!”

Rarity couldn't hold back a sharp bark of laughter. “Do you expect me to trust the results of tests you conducted upon yourself?” Her eyes were wide with disbelief.

“No,” Twilight muttered. “I expect you to trust me.”

“But I do trust you,” she said hurriedly, but the end of her sentence faded as she paused to think the words over. “At least... I want to trust you.”

Twilight's muzzle crinkled. “You don't?”

“I...” She glanced at each of their friends in turn: stoic Applejack, cynical Rainbow Dash, eclectic Pinkie Pie and sophic Fluttershy. Each stared back with some degree of shock or disdain. “I'm not sure,” she said finally. “Things have never looked so grim, Twilight. I don't know what to think.”

Applejack proudly stuck her shoulder to Twilight's. “Well, I think Twilight's had our backs who knows how many times, and it's only right that we stick by her for this one.”

“Yeah, Rarity!” Pinkie agreed from her other side. “What if it really is the best frame job in the history of Equestria?”

Rainbow jumped up onto her love's back. Her burning eyes said more than any words could have. “I'm with Miss Sparkle, no matter what!” she exclaimed.

“See?” Twilight laughed. “The five of us are able to see through this trick. With the magic of friendship on our side, there's nothing that can stop us!” She closed her eyes and smiled as she basked in the warmth of a sudden group hug.

Rarity touched a hoof to her chin and raised an eyebrow at her friends. “I only see four ponies,” she said thoughtfully.

Five pairs of eyes swiveled to settle upon the forgotten pegasus, who had managed to sneak away and was silently staring up at the window. The pony in question glanced shyly back at them and shuffled her hooves, discomfited by the sudden weight of their stares.

“What do you think, Fluttershy?” the fashionista asked casually. “Do you think it's possible?”


“But Fluttershy,” pleaded the student, “you of all ponies should know I'd never hurt Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh, I do!” she said hastily.

Rarity stepped closer, filling the meek mare's vision. “But surely you have doubts?”

“Of course I do, Rarity,” she agreed.

Twilight pushed her rival aside. “You have no reason to doubt what I've said!” she said angrily. “You know me better than that, Fluttershy. I've always been a good friend to you.”

Fluttershy ducked behind her mane. “I know!” she whined.

“Well, which is it?” Rarity pressed.

Her wings shivered against her sides and once more she eyed the window. “U-um...”

“By Celestia's mane, Fluttershy!” Twilight raged. She trembled with poorly-contained fury. “Rainbow Dash has been enchanted by a pony of great power. What if she's not their only target? What if this is just the beginning?” she asked pointedly. “We can't know for sure how long we have before whoever it is comes back for their next victim. We can't afford to lose the power of the Elements of Harmony now!”

She blinked away a haze of tears. “I love you all so much, but... Oh, Twilight, this looks bad,” she breathed. “I don't know who's right. I wish I could decide, but I just can't...”

Twilight's head drooped to the floor. Applejack gave her a futile pat on the back, but there was only one thing that could make her feel better. “What can I do to convince you that I'm innocent?” she asked softly. “I'll do anything in my power.”

Fluttershy shifted her hooves. “I don't know,” she muttered. “I just want everything to go back to the way it was.”

“Don't we all,” Rarity said sadly. Rainbow cocked her head, suddenly looking pensive.

“Fine.” Twilight straightened her shoulders and turned away. “Mark my words, Fluttershy,” she said, her eyes burning with shame and fury. “Nothing good will come of our strife.”

The pegasus looked away. “We need help,” she squeaked. “We should talk to the Princess.”

Rarity nodded immediately. “That's a great idea. Surely Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will recognize this spell.”

“Good thinking, Fluttershy,” Twilight agreed hollowly. “They'll show you.”

“Then we'll have Spike send for them as soon as we can. I wonder who will volunteer this time, Pinkie Pie,” Rarity said with a smile.

“Good guess!” the pink filly said brightly. She turned and hopped up the stairs one by one. “Oh, Spi-iiike!” she called.

Fluttershy nodded. “But in the meantime I... well. I was hoping that, um...” She looked over at her prismatic counterpart, her childhood friend and occasional savior. “...that Rainbow Dash and I could have a nice, long talk.”

“I'm sure she wouldn't mind, would you, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked. Rainbow shook her head and smiled.

“A-alone,” the wispy pegasus clarified.

This time Rainbow Dash shook her head much more violently.

“Just for a little bit?” she tried. “A minute or two?” The more colorful pegasus just glared at her. “Okay,” she acquiesced. “I understand. I'll wait.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said sharply. Her pegasus immediately turned her attention to Miss Sparkle. “Why don't you want to talk to Fluttershy?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I don't mind talking to her,” she said. “I mean, I like her and all. I just don't think it should be just the two of us.”


“Because I'd rather be with you!” she exclaimed. “I was waiting for you for a whole week and now she wants me to say goodbye again?” She paused to shift her attention, and an angry squint, to Fluttershy. “No way!”

“Rainbow Dash, talk to Fluttershy,” Twilight said firmly. Rainbow's eyes widened; they weren't the only ones. “Tell her anything she wants to know, but try your hardest to separate the truth from the lies.”

“Twilight Sparkle!” Rarity exclaimed breathlessly. “How dare you take advantage of her condition?”

“I want you to answer any questions our four friends have for you to the best of your ability.” Twilight grimaced. “And... And I want you to be careful from now on when you go outside. If anypony asks you to come with them alone, I want you to run it by me first.”

“Hold on there, Twi,” Applejack said hurriedly. “Don't you think you're taking it too far?”

“No, Applejack, I don't,” she spat. “I don't know whether this spell is the extent of the plans this enchanter has for her, but I want to be extra-careful just to be safe,” she explained. “Besides, Rarity and Fluttershy apparently don't feel that that can trust me. This way they know I'm not trying to hide anything.” She turned toward the two prim mares across the room. “There. Does that satisfy you?” she asked bitterly.

Suddenly Rarity was in her face, pushing her backward with a hoof to the shoulder. “This is not a game, Twilight.” Her eyes flashed.

Twilight opened her mouth, but shock made her tongue stumble. “Rainbow Dash, get away from her now!”

Rarity spun to find her muzzle less than an inch from her friend's furious snarl. The dressmaker squealed like a pig and nearly backed into Twilight.

Rainbow took a few steps back as well. “Don't ever treat Miss Sparkle like that,” the pegasus growled, her heterochromatic stare daring the unicorn to defy her. “Do it again and we're gonna have a problem.”

“But Rainbow Dash,” she sputtered.

The pegasus lowered her shoulders into prime pouncing position. “Are we cool, Rarity?”

“I said no!” her reluctant mistress said fiercely. “I don't care what that spell did to you. I will not let it tear the six of us apart, no matter what it does to my reputation. The six of us belong together, for the sake of Equestria!”

Rainbow straightened and scratched at the floor with a hoof. “I wasn't really gonna,” she confessed. “I just wanted to spook her a little.”

“No more,” Twilight demanded. “We are all friends here. I don't want any more drama or infighting than necessary.”

“Look at her, Twilight,” Rarity urged her, her voice trembling with adrenaline and emotion. “You're already controlling her. Why, you're making sure she can't function without you. What am I supposed to think?” she whimpered, her eyes misty. “I never wanted to say this, Twilight, but you are making it very hard for me to trust you!”

“I'm doing everything I can to prove my innocence!” she shouted. “How many times do I have to say it? Give me one good reason for you to believe that I'm the one who did this.”

Everypony wait!

A pink pony leaped down the stairs without touching down on a single one and landed heavily on the basement floor. “Look!” Pinkie Pie shrieked. She spun on her forehooves; there on her back was Ponyville's resident baby dragon, who stared at them with two violet eyes.

“Hi, everyone,” he said casually. “What's got Pinkie Pie so excited?”

Twilight Sparkle!” Rarity shrieked. “You can't have!”

Twilight's vision went hazy.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy wailed.

“Spike!” Applejack cried. “Where did you find him? Did you see anypony else there?”

“No,” Pinkie sobbed. “He was just sitting at the table, eating a salad!”

“That... sounds normal,” Fluttershy said, confused.

Rarity shielded the babe's body with her own. “You monster!” she hissed, eyes wide and teeth bared. “What did you do to him?”

Twilight's lips and tongue felt numb. “I... nuh... no...” Her tail tucked itself between her legs.

Tell me!

Black spots danced before her. “No, no...” The world shook and suddenly she felt her gorge rising. “Spike...” There was no stopping it. She expelled the remains of her hummus and crackers onto the cold stone. “F-friends...” A thin rope of saliva dripped down onto the floor. Her legs shook violently; it took every ounce of strength she had not to collapse into her mess. “Why w-won't you let me h-help you?” she sobbed. “You're s'posed to be my friends!”

Warm hooves touched her sides and steered her away. Lost in a gray fog, Twilight let them guide her. Flights of stairs passed beneath her without notice and suddenly she was nestled in soft layers.

She felt somepony kiss her forehead. “Take it easy, Miss Sparkle,” her pegasus whispered. “Don't worry about anything. I'll clean up your mess and come back with some water, okay?”

Twilight squeezed her eyes shut and nodded. The hooves left her; reality soon followed.