• Published 10th Feb 2014
  • 12,226 Views, 1,119 Comments

Absolution - ed2481

An Absol's life is full of pain and the tragedy of others but for one, Cres, that pain is much closer to heart. After a year and a day spent praying atop Mt. Coronet Cres is finally given the chance to obtain his long sought after Absolution.

  • ...

Chapter 20

I stood before the pool of water and let out a small sigh as I prepared myself for what I was about to do. “Giratina, please, I must speak with you.”

The pool remained the way it was for a long moment before the water shimmered and the gold mask of the Legendary appeared.

“Ah Cres, what is it you want to speak to-”

Before he could finish talking, I leapt forwards and splashed through the water, appearing on the floating island.

“To go home,” I told him flatly.

The dragon blinked a bit as he stared down at me with his red eyes. “Oh? Did you find your absolution, then?”

“No. Because I no longer care... what happened with Henry was horrible and it was my fault one way or another, but what is a worse crime is leaving my Belle all alone and miserable,” I replied tersely. “I do not care of the deal we made, take me home at once!”

Giratina looked at me for a long moment before his head lowered right next to the island edge. “Then hop on board.”

“... just like that?” I asked, blinking in surprise.

“What? If you no longer care what about finding something that really can’t be obtained, and realized there’s something more important than that, who am I to argue against such a request?” he inquired blandly.

I frowned for a moment before shrugging and hopping onto his head... or rather that’s what I meant to do, instead I let out a small yelp of surprise as I found myself floating away from the great dragon.

Giratina easily caught me with his head and began to fly away from the island. “Oops, sorry, forgot you’re not used to the little gravity here.”

My heart was beating rapidly in my chest, but I lowered myself down to his skull and tried to relax. The journey ‘home’ took somewhere between five minutes and an hour, I was mostly too... excited to notice exactly how long it really took. Though... a thought did strike me as we pulled up to the island and I took a tentative step onto it.

“You knew I wouldn’t find any absolution didn’t you?” I asked him.

“Maybe...” he said as he pulled his head upright. “Or maybe I was simply wrong, who knows?”

“Right...” I said, thoroughly unconvinced. Then I turned back to the pool... my home lay beyond it. “So... do I just step through?”

“...do I really have to answer that?” Giratina asked me flatly. Before I could even answer, I felt the light push of something against my back. “Just go, Belle has been just as stubborn as you were waiting on the mountain top all day.”

I gave him a nod. “Thank you...” I told him before I stepped through the pool and suddenly appeared on the mountain top on a flat sheet of ice. Not far away, Belle was sitting there, staring off into the distance and a little farther off, I could see a woman I didn’t know and a familiar man as well, though neither were looking in my direction.

With an overwhelming feeling of happiness I all but skipped off of the edge of the ice and over to Belle. “Belle!” I exclaimed. “I’m back and I’m so incredibly sorry that I was such a f-”

She let out a startled noise and turned to see me, her eyes wide with surprise. Then they narrowed and before I realized it her right paw lashed out and smacked me across the face. I stumbled backwards in surprise.

“That's for having a skull thicker than a Bastiodon's hide!” she shouted at me as I recovered, my eyes widening in fear. What if she hated me?! What if my wrongs were too great to be overcome? What if-? The feeling of her soft lips on mine silenced all thoughts of that nature and I found myself staring into her liquid blue eyes and sinking in as a sense of completeness spread through me. It felt like we held that kiss for years before she finally pulled away. “That's for being okay.”

I blinked several times as tears began to stream down my face and I moved forward to nuzzle her as she nuzzled me in return, tears on her face as well.

“Oh Cres... I was so worried for you... I’m so glad you’re back,” she said, small sniffles escaping as she nuzzled me like there was no tomorrow.

I nuzzled her right back. “Oh Belle, what a fool I have been... for so long I have been mourning Henry that... I... I forgot that there was still someone there who loved me right beside me all along,” I told her quietly. “I don’t know why you love me, or why I deserve your love, or why you think I’m deserving of your loving me... but I don’t care, I love you, Belle.”

“And I love you too Cres... with all of my heart....” she said as she stopped nuzzling and just settled her head rest against mine. “I love you because I want you to be happy, Cres... to move on in life and not setting on one bad moment that was slowly eating you away.... I just couldn’t leave you alone like that.”

“Thank you,” I replied quietly as I leaned against her comforting warmth. “I’m never leaving you again. Ever. I promise.”

“Good... I’m glad to hear that,” she said, holding her head next to mine for a few moments longer before pulling away, tears of joy streaming down her face as she smiled happily at me. “We can finally start a family Cres... after all the time we ‘teased’ about it when we were young,” she said, a small chuckle as emotion poured out of her.

“Yes, I suppose we can,” I said, a small smile crossing my face at the thought.

To my surprise, Belle then began to chuckle softly. “Oh Cres, you make me talk like I’m in a bad romance movie sometimes, you know that?” she asked me with a raised eyebrow.

“I do?” I asked, blinking blankly.

“Yes, yes you do,” she said with another chuckle as she gave me a nuzzle. “Oh well, I’m just happy to have you back and living with me again.”

I smiled and then blinked twice. “Speaking of which, that means that your ‘Roxanne’ will be my trainer now hmm?”

“Well... yes... though, there is another option.” Belle turned her head at the two humans. Matt was slowly talking to Roxanne, filling her in on what was being said while his and her hands were intertwined with each other. “I don’t think Roxanne is going to leave Sinnoh anytime soon.”

I blinked and then looked up at the man who had kept me company a few times and even saved my life once. Then I glanced at the dark haired woman who was still holding his hand, small tears on her face.

“Hmm... I think I should speak with Matt,” I said, before giving my love a soft kiss on the lips. Then I walked up to the man. “Hello, Matt.”

The man nodded his head at me. “Cres, long time no see,” he said with a small smile. “So... finally found what you’re looking for?”

“Yes, and it was right in front of me for years,” I said, letting out a small sigh as I sat down in front of him. “I... was wondering... perhaps if you and Roxanne are not going to be going your separate ways for some time... if you would perhaps allow me to join your team? I... would ask Roxanne... but I do not know her. And you... you’ve saved my life, Matt... and kept me company and...” I trailed off, unable to get anything else out without feeling like an even greater fool.

“I gladly accept you to become part of my team,” Matt said with a small chuckle. “I am starting a new gym, featuring dark types. I was thinking of getting an Absol for one of my team, I would be honored if you take that spot.”

A smile grew on my face and I walked forwards to rub against his side, a soft purr flowing through me. I had a Trainer again... The very thought filled my eyes with tears. Finally... Finally I could begin to be whole again.

“I think I see why my little Belle likes him so much,” Roxanne said, her voice strangely reminding me of a certain purple pony. “He looks so... sweet.” She knelt down and began to gently pet me, her fingers stroking all of the right places and for the first time in forever I felt... complete. That feeling was doubled as Belle walked up beside me and gently pressed against me with her familiar warm body. Finally, Matt knelt down as best he could and held out a Pokéball at me.

“So... ready to start your new life?” he asked me.

I grinned and reached up with my paw, laying it lightly against the front of the Pokéball.

Author's Note:

Omega_code: And thus ends the tale of Cres and his search for Absolution, but not the end of the story.

Ed2481: Indeed, Omega and I have plans for a sequel, involving a certain orange mare... Anyways, thanks for joining the two of us on this story which I was originally planning on wrapping up after five chapters. Trust me, it was not nearly as good back then.

Omega_code: Ooooh yeah... *shakes head* Anyways, see y’all soon on the next installment of Absolution.

Ed2481: Yep, see you guys later, hope you enjoyed it!