• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 386 Views, 7 Comments

Fight or Flight - Wildheart1337

Fluttershy is zapped to the future; Queen Chrystalis has taken over Equestria. Will Fluttershy's friends reconize her or will she by acused of being a changeling imposter. Please review, I am looking to improve.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“Oh, thank Celestia,” exclaimed an earth pony charging forward as Weaving Silver and Rainbow Dash landed in front of a cottage.

“Windy, Twister, don’t you ever wonder off like that again,” exclaimed the earth pony.

“We didn’t wonder off,” Twister protested.

“No excuses; go in the house, now,” the earth pony ordered.

“Thank you, I’ve been out of my mind looking for those fillies” the earth pony said turning to Weaving Silver and Rainbow Dash.

“It was no problem, ma’am,” Rainbow Dash said with a nod.

“Would you like to come in,” offered the earth pony turning to the cottage, “I must thank you.”

“Of course,” Rainbow Dash started walking forward.

“Hold it, Rainbow Dash,” Weaving Silver interrupted.

“What,” Rainbow Dash asked half heartedly walking forward.

“Stop,” Weaving Silver exclaimed moving to block Rainbow Dash’s path.

“What’s gotten into you,” Rainbow Dash protested.

“I don’t trust her,” Weaving Silver insisted.

“What,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed “she’s just a pony.”

“She’s a Changeling,” Weaving Silver insisted.

“How do you know, we just met her,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I can tell,” Weaving Silver insisted.

“Do you have any proof,” Rainbow Dash asked; suddenly two distinctive screams sounded from inside the cottage.

“That was the fillies,” Weaving Silver exclaimed zooming forward and crashed through the door. The two fillies were suspended in the green hue of Changeling magic.

“Not a step further,” hummed the Changeling.

“Let them go,” Weaving Silver shouted. Rainbow Dash crashed through the roof and zoomed toward the Changeling but bounced off a shield. Another Changeling landed in front of Rainbow Dash horn glowing with magic.

“No,” Weaving Silver shrieked and flew in front of Rainbow Dash intercepting the magic blast. Weaving Silver grimiest as the magic surrounded her in a magical binding.

“Weaving,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed slamming into the Changeling sending it crashing through the wall and Weaving Silver collapsed to the ground. Rainbow Dash stared in horror as the Changeling flew away with the two fillies. Rainbow Dash stood protectively over Weaving Silver’s body as more Changelings entered the cottage.

“Come on, Weaving,” Rainbow Dash ordered draping Weaving Silver over her shoulders “we’re leaving.” Rainbow Dash shot off through the roof and into the sky.

“Why does this keep happening,” Rainbow Dash grumbled to herself; first Fluttershy then the fillies.


Weaving Silver woke in the Everfree forest. Weaving Silver stood up and instinctively studied her surroundings.

“Good you’re up,” Rainbow Dash’s voice sounded from behind Weaving Silver.

“Where are the fillies,” Weaving Silver asked.

“The Changelings took them,” Rainbow Dash reported.

“Why didn’t you go after them,” Weaving Silver demanded.

“The Changelings would have killed you,” Rainbow Dash informed “I wasn’t going to let the Changelings take another pony.”

“You should have left me and saved the fillies,” Weaving Silver retorted.

“I only did for you what you did for me back there,” Rainbow Dash stated “you could have let the Changeling blast me and saved the fillies.”

Weaving Silver sighed “you would have died from the blast.”

“Yet you didn’t,” Rainbow Dash insisted “how do you explain that.”

“I haven’t been able to explain it to myself, but I have always been resistant to Changeling magic,” Weaving Silver explained.

“Well, I’m just relieved to know you have my back, Weaving,” Rainbow Dash informed.

“Me too, Rainbow” Weaving Silver acknowledged with a small nod.

“Now let’s go and rescue those fillies,” Rainbow Dash announced. Weaving Silver nodded in agreement relieved that Rainbow Dash didn’t push any further on the subject as they took into the sky. Rainbow Dash and Weaving Silver flew through the sky until nightfall. Weaving Silver pulled to a sudden stop.

“Keep the fillies quiet,” hummed a Changeling.

“What is it,” Rainbow Dash asked flying back to Weaving Silver.

“The Changelings are down there,” Weaving Silver reported motioning downward.

“How do you know,” Rainbow Dash asked suspiciously.

“I can hear them,” Weaving Silver replied then dove downward. Rainbow Dash followed and they entered the trees below. Weaving Silver landed on top of a Changeling driving it into the ground. Rainbow Dash landed behind her sending three more Changeling away in a blast of rainbows. Then the struggle was over as five Changelings lay motionless.

“Rainbow Dash,” called a familiar voice. Rainbow Dash turned to see her number one admirer bound to a tree next to the other two fillies.

“Scoots,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Rainbow Dash it’s so good to see you,” Scootaloo exclaimed as Rainbow Dash sprang her bonds. Rainbow Dash stared at Scootaloo, that last time she had seen the orange Pegasus she had been half the size.

“Thank you, Weaving,” said the two fillies.

“How long have you been here, Scoots,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Since this afternoon, the other fillies were brought here a few hours ago,” Scootaloo explained.

“Twilight let the Changelings take you,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No I was out here with Fluttershy,” Scootaloo explained.

“Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed “you found her.”

“Sergeant Ditzy found her yesterday,” Scootaloo explained.

“Derpy, how’d that clumsy old mare manage to become a Sergeant,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

“Rainbow Dash,” Weaving Silver warned in a low voice. Rainbow Dash grabbed Scootaloo and flew up into the trees with Weaving Silver.

“I tell you I heard a sonic Rainboom,” whispered a voice below.

“That could have been any boom,” replied a second voice. Relief flooded into Rainbow Dash when she recognized the voices below.

“Derpy,” Rainbow Dash said dropping to the ground.

“Rainbow Dash,” exclaimed the pony Rainbow Dash had searched endlessly for thirteen years.

“F-Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash stammered.

“Hold it, Fluttershy, she could be a Changeling,” Thunderlane warned.

“You wouldn’t be standing if I was a Changeling, Thunderlane,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“So you’re Fluttershy,” Weaving Silver asked dropping to the ground.

“Who’s this,” Thunderlane demanded.

“She is Weaving Silver,” Rainbow Dash replied. Suddenly Weaving Silver grimiest as her mind opened.

“Weaving Silver,” hummed the voice of dread.

“What is it,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It’s Chrysalis; she’s in my head,” Weaving Silver exclaimed.

“It’s been a long time, Weaving Silver,” hummed Chrysalis’ voice.

“She’s coming,” Weaving Silver exclaimed “we have to leave now.” Suddenly Chrysalis landed in front of them.

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that, ponies,” Chrysalis said and everypony, except for Weaving Silver, was surrounded in a sphere of magic.

“Let them go,” Weaving Silver demanded flying in front of Chrysalis.

“You wish to save their lives, Weaving Silver,” Chrysalis asked.

“Yes I will do anything,” Weaving Silver begged “take my life.”

“No I have a better idea,” Chrysalis sneered then glancing around “they truly believe you are a pony.”

“No Chrysalis I can’t,” Weaving Silver protested.

“Show them what you are,” Chrysalis growled “or I will kill them one by one.”

“I can’t do it again,” Weaving Silver protested.

“Alright,” Chrysalis replied and Rainbow Dash was levitated into the air.

“No Chrysalis not her, please,” Weaving Silver begged.

“Show them what you are,” Chrysalis ordered. Weaving Silver looked deep into Rainbow Dash’s eyes that held her in the deepest trust. Weaving Silver sighed then a green aura surrounded her, and Weaving Silver turned into the insect-like figure of a Changeling.