• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 387 Views, 7 Comments

Fight or Flight - Wildheart1337

Fluttershy is zapped to the future; Queen Chrystalis has taken over Equestria. Will Fluttershy's friends reconize her or will she by acused of being a changeling imposter. Please review, I am looking to improve.

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Weaving Silver walked through the magic door into the Resistance; cringing under the gazes from the ponies. Rainbow Dash and the orange pony who was named Applejack lead her through the corridor. Then Weaving Silver entered a large chamber. Weaving Silver winced; she had regenerated her wounds, but she could still feel the pain.

“Twilight,” Applejack called “we have a pony out here who wants to become part of the Resistance.” A moment passed and a purple unicorn stepped out into the chamber. Twilight Sparkle pulled back her eye patch to reveal that her eye was pure magic.

“She’s a changeling,” Twilight Sparkle exclaimed.

“She’s actually half-changeling half-pony,” Rainbow Dash corrected. Weaving Silver glanced at Rainbow Dash; surprised at how quickly she had defended her.

“And she proved that she is willing to fight the Changeling horde,” Applejack added.

“What is your name,” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Weaving Silver,” Weaving Silver answered.

“I don’t have time to run a complete test,” Twilight Sparkle said, “I am informed that the horde is on its way.”

“Yes,” Weaving Silver answered.

“Step forward please,” Twilight Sparkle commanded. Weaving Silver did as she was told, and Twilight Sparkle’s horn glowed. Twilight Sparkle touched her horn to Weaving Silver’s shoulder causing her to flinch as the magic burned her skin.

“I welcome you Weaving Silver as a new member of the Resistance,” Twilight Sparkle said, stepping back Weaving Silver found that her magic created a symbol on her shoulder. The symbol resembled the Five Elements of Harmony surrounding the Sixth Element.

“Thank you,” Weaving Silver said crouching down in a respectful bow.

“Well at least she knows her manners,” Twilight Sparkle complemented. “Now, start her out on the preparations.”

“Yes, Twi,” Applejack answered with a quick nod. Weaving Silver turned and followed Rainbow Dash and Applejack out of the chamber.

“We are not going to lie, Weaving, fitting in here will be a hard task for you,” Rainbow Dash said as she walked down to corridor.

“Yeah, cause I’m a changeling,” Weaving Silver finished. “I can understand their hatred of my tainted blood.”

“Yeah, well here is where you will get the supplies,” Applejack said motioning to a small chamber. “Food reserves and battle gear alike.” Weaving Silver glanced around the chamber taking a count of all the provisions.

“Alright,” Weaving Silver acknowledged, “what next.” Applejack nodded her head for Weaving Silver to follow. Applejack led Weaving Silver down the corridor.

Later after the tour Weaving Silver walked into the mess hall; instantly catching the eye of everypony. Weaving Silver picked up a tray and moved into the line. After being served dandelion soup and a small pile of hay fries Weaving Silver made her way to a table. Weaving Silver suddenly tripped spilling her tray on the floor.

“Oops,” said a pony none-apologetically. Weaving Silver said nothing, but began scoping the food back onto the tray.

“Are you alright,” asked a light gray Pegasus.

“Yah, I’m fine,” Weaving Silver answered standing to her hooves.

“Why did you trip her,” asked the gray Pegasus turning to the other pony.

“She just stumbled, Ditzy,” retorted the pony.

“I saw you,” Ditzy retorted.

“And what if I did,” asked the pony.

“It’s no trouble,” Weaving Silver piped in causing the two quarreling ponies to turn to her. Why is Ditzy helping me, Weaving Silver thought, she knows what I am.

“No,” Ditzy retorted before turning back to the pony, “apologize, correctly.” The pony glared at Ditzy for a moment then turned to Weaving Silver.

“Sorry,” murmured the pony.

“It’s fine,” Weaving Silver said with a nod; then turned away. When she sat down at a table Weaving Silver noticed Ditzy beside her.

“I can get you a fresh tray if you like,” Ditzy offered.

“I’ve eaten worse,” Weaving Silver reassured, “It may be hard to believe but this is the first decent meal I’ve had.”

“Really,” Ditzy gasped. “In that case I insist that I get you a fresh tray,” Ditzy said.

“Alright,” Weaving Silver said suddenly liking this Ditzy character. Ditzy plucked up Weaving Silver’s tray and dashed away. Weaving Silver waited glancing around noticing all eyes were still upon her.

“Here you are,” Ditzy said jolting Weaving Silver. “I even got you a muffin,” Ditzy added.

“Why are you doing this,” Weaving Silver asked taking the tray back, “I’m a changeling.”

“No you’re not,” Ditzy interrupted “you are half pony.”

“Yeah, Yeah, what difference does it make,” Weaving Silver said.

“I know what it’s like being different,” Ditzy answered one eye staring at Weaving Silver her other eye staring to the right.

“That’s different,” Weaving Silver started.

“Exactly,” Ditzy exclaimed. Weaving Silver sighed knowing that Ditzy was just trying to be nice.

“Thank you,” Weaving Silver said; then after taking a bite from the muffin she repeated with more enthusiasm “, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Ditzy exclaimed with a grin. Ditzy sat with Weaving Silver for the remainder of her meal.

“What is it like,” Ditzy asked as Weaving Silver started out of the room.

“What,” Weaving Silver asked.

“Changing,” Ditzy asked. Weaving Silver closed her eyes in regret.

“If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine,” Ditzy reassured.

“No no, it’s alright,” Weaving Silver murmured, “I just don’t know how to explain it.”

“I will try my best to understand,” Ditzy reassured.

“Imagine your whole life passing in front of your eyes but ten times more painful,” Weaving Silver said, “remembering the lives taken and the lives lost.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Ditzy began.

“It’s alright,” Weaving Silver reassured.

“It must be worse than death to go through what you do,” Ditzy murmured, “and to have to explain that to me must have been just as painful.”

“It’s alright, Ditzy,” Weaving Silver reassured again, “you were merely curious.”

“Yes but they all say curiosity killed the cat,” Ditzy murmured.

“It’s ok,” Weaving Silver reassured once again, “because now I know there is another pony who understands me.” Ditzy turned away for a moment then turned back with another curious expression.

“Who is the other pony,” Ditzy asked.

“Wildheart; my guardian,” Weaving Silver answered, “but he’s gone.”

“What happened to him,” Ditzy asked tilting her head.

“He’s not gone gone, he’s just away,” Weaving Silver answered. Ditzy stared at Weaving Silver with great understanding.

“I have a friend who is like a protector,” Ditzy said, “he travels a lot also.”

“We are more alike than I ever imagined,” Weaving Silver whispered, “how did you with stand the pain.”

“When I give a smile, I get a smile,” Ditzy said.

“Thank you for listening to me, Ditzy,” Weaving Silver said.

“No problem,” Ditzy answered “I love talking to ponies that need comfort.” Weaving Silver followed Ditzy down the hall relieved at making a friend so soon. I was wrong, Weaving Silver thought, I won’t all ways be judged for what I am.