• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 388 Views, 7 Comments

Fight or Flight - Wildheart1337

Fluttershy is zapped to the future; Queen Chrystalis has taken over Equestria. Will Fluttershy's friends reconize her or will she by acused of being a changeling imposter. Please review, I am looking to improve.

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

“Wildheart, I’ve got some apples,” Weaving Silver called stepping into Wildheart’s cavern. The emptiness swept over Weaving Silver like an echo through the wind.

“Wildheart,” Weaving Silver called again running out of the cavern dropping her sake of apples. Weaving Silver launched into the air zipping through the trees.

“Wildheart,” Weaving Silver shrieked noticing the shape of a pony frozen to a tree. Weaving Silver stopped in front of the tree; she choked as she saw Wildheart. Weaving Silver stared at Wildheart petrified to the tree.

“Wildheart, not you,” Weaving Silver whimpered tears forming in her eyes as she put her hoof against Wildheart. Weaving Silver bowed her head; why him. Tears rolled down Weaving Silver muzzle as she crouched down. Suddenly Weaving Silver’s eyes flashed open a new light of determination shown.

“No, not this time” Weaving Silver growled turning into her changeling form. Weaving Silver gazed at Wildheart then started to concentrate. A green aura slowly surrounded Weaving Silver’s changeling horn; a thin outline of the same eerie light shown around Wildheart’s body. Slowly the bark evaporated down Wildheart’s body starting from his head. Weaving Silver’s eyes glowed as Wildheart’s body was completely surrounded with the eerie light. Then Weaving Silver levitated Wildheart’s un-petrified body on the ground. Wildheart gasped as air entered his lungs bring him back to consciousness. Weaving Silver turned back into her pony form and helped Wildheart to his feet.

“Weaving Silver,” Wildheart groaned “you shouldn’t have done that.”

“What happened,” Weaving Silver asked.

“A changeling is trying to assume your identity,” Wildheart huffed.

“What,” Weaving Silver gasped. “Did you mistake her for me,” Weaving Silver asked with a knot in her throat.

“No, Weaving Silver,” Wildheart answered “I know you to well to be fooled by a simple changeling trick.” Weaving Silver sighed relieved that there was at least one pony who trusted her completely.

“What was she doing,” Weaving Silver asked.

“I don’t quite remember, but Stag was leading her to the Resistance,” Wildheart answered trying to remember.

“Stag, the Resistance,” Weaving Silver gasped, “she must be trying to break the remaining trust they have of me.” Weaving Silver was stung with a sudden realization.

“No,” Weaving Silver gasped then she launched into the air.

“Weaving Silver where are you going,” Wildheart called from below. Weaving Silver heard nothing, and continued zipping through the sky. Rainbow Dash was going to the Resistance, Weaving Silver thought to herself as she thrust through the air.

Weaving Silver pulled up staring forward at the cliff before her. Weaving Silver noticed Rainbow Dash standing in front of three other ponies. Weaving Silver recognized one as Stag and the other as herself.

“I came to ask forgiveness,” said the imposing Weaving Silver.

“You expect me to believe that,” Rainbow Dash growled. Weaving Silver thrust forward slamming into the imposter driving her off the ground. Rainbow Dash leaped back in astonishment as the two Weaving Silver’s tumbled together. Weaving Silver broke free from the tussle and began circling the imposter.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the traitor herself,” hissed the imposter.

“What are you doing here, Banshee,” Weaving Silver hissed.

“Aw, so you remember me, big sister,” Banshee hissed.

“Sister,” Rainbow Dash sputtered.

“What’s wrong, Rainbow,” Banshee sneered “can’t you see the resemblance.” Suddenly Banshee went silent as Weaving Silver slammed her hoof into Banshee’s face sending her flying. Weaving Silver suddenly cried out in pain as a disc sank deep in her back. Rainbow Dash turned to see Vinyl Scratch and Applejack scrambling down the hill. Vinyl Scratch was fitting a second disc in her launcher. Rainbow Dash turned to see Weaving Silver squirming on the ground trying to reach the disc. Weaving Silver turned her blue gaze on Rainbow Dash in a silent plea. Rainbow Dash sucked in a breath then turned around and flew toward Vinyl Scratch.

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash yelled as Vinyl Scratch prepared to launch the second disc. Both Vinyl Scratch and Applejack skidded to a halt as Rainbow Dash landed in front of them.

“What’s gotten into you,” Vinyl Scratch protested “you said she was a changeling.” Rainbow Dash didn’t answer but turned back to Weaving Silver.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I owe her,” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“What,” Vinyl Scratch sputtered.

“I know I sound like a fool,” Rainbow Dash began.

“Rainbow,” Weaving Silver asked walking over to them, “do all your friends shoot before asking questions.” Vinyl Scratch stiffened as Weaving Silver approached.

“What are you doing here, Weaving Silver,” Rainbow Dash demanded “if that is your real name.”

“You still think I’m a deceiver,” Weaving Silver said, her heart sinking.

“You’re a changeling it’s in your blood,” Vinyl Scratch growled.

“Who’s tugging your horn,” Weaving Silver asked.

“You are,” Applejack answered “I heard you hurt my friend really bad.”

“You think I don’t wish I was a pure pony,” Weaving Silver snapped “tainted blood flows in my veins; I know that.” Weaving Silver stopped in mid sentence when Applejack’s hoof collided against her muzzle.

“Shut up, I don’t care if you did or didn’t mean to hurt Rainbow,” Applejack growled, “but as far as I’m concerned you did.”

“These ponies really don’t trust you do they, big sister,” hummed Banshee, turning Weaving Silver to see Banshee observing from a tree. Weaving Silver flew forward driving Banshee off the branch she was leaning on.

“What are you doing here,” Weaving Silver demanded pinning Banshee to the ground. Banshee hissed in defiance but didn’t answer.

“Why did Chrysalis send you here,” Weaving Silver demanded.

“What makes you think I’m not doing this for my own gain,” Banshee hissed.

“I know you, Banshee,” Weaving Silver hissed “you would never assume my identity.”

“Very clever, big sister,” Banshee hissed and flung Weaving Silver off and sprang to her hooves. Weaving Silver rolled to her own hooves only to duck avoiding a blast of energy. Weaving Silver spun through the air avoiding Banshee’s charge by inches. Banshee was in her changeling form hissing in rage. Weaving Silver ducked under a blast of energy and dove over a second only to receive Banshee in a full charge. Weaving Silver and Banshee tumbled together before slamming into a tree.

“I hate you,” Banshee shrieked delivering a hoof to Weaving Silver’s face.

“That makes two of us,” Weaving Silver hissed. Banshee winded up for another strike then shrieked in pain and tumbled away. Weaving Silver turned to see Rainbow Dash with the white unicorn. Banshee turned to the intruding ponies. Banshee let out a high-pitch screech growing louder and louder. Both Rainbow Dash and the white unicorn stopped and crouched down covering their ears. The white unicorn stood up and launched a disc through the air. Banshee shrieked in pain as the disc embedded in her chest. Banshee launched into the air and sped away.

“Horse-apples,” Vinyl Scratch swore. Rainbow Dash trotted over to Weaving Silver who worked her way to her hooves.

“Who was that, Weaving Silver,” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Banshee,” Weaving Silver huffed, “a changeling.”

“We got that,” Vinyl Scratch huffed. “She also got away,” Vinyl Scratch finished regretfully.

“Do you mind,” Weaving Silver grimmest motioning to the disc still embedded in her back. Vinyl Scratch gazed at Weaving Silver then yanked the disc out causing her to cry out in pain.

“Sorry,” Vinyl Scratch said un-soothingly. Weaving Silver breathed a breath then turned to Rainbow Dash who opened her mouth to speak.

“Let me guess,” Weaving Silver asked, “why did I come back.”

“Well, I didn’t really leave you with a reason to come back,” Rainbow Dash urged.

“Isn’t that what friends do,” Weaving Silver answered. Rainbow Dash sighed; Weaving Silver’s words cut her like a knife.

“Come on,” Vinyl Scratch said interrupting Rainbow Dash’s thoughts, “we have prepare for when the changeling returns with the hive.” Rainbow Dash nodded and started to follow, only to turn back to see that Weaving Silver hadn’t moved.

“Well,” Rainbow Dash urged “you coming.” Weaving Silver smiled and trotted up to Rainbow Dash.

“I have to go and find a friend first,” Weaving Silver said.

“What kind of friend,” Rainbow Dash asked suspiciously.

“My friend,” Weaving Silver answered then trotted through the forest. She continued through the forest to Wildheart’s cavern.

“Wildheart,” Weaving Silver called as she entered.

“Hello,” Wildheart answered “these are good apples.” Weaving Silver walked forward seeing Wildheart standing with his back to her.

“I’m sorry,” Weaving Silver began.

“No need to apologize,” Wildheart reassured turning to Weaving Silver, “I understand.”

“I decided to join the Resistance,” Weaving Silver said. Wildheart sighed and walked toward her a dark look crossed his eyes.

“And you have come to ask me to come with you,” Wildheart stated unevenly.

“Yes,” Weaving Silver answered.

“I’m sorry, Weaving Silver,” Wildheart answered, “I can’t.”

“Why,” Weaving Silver demanded, “because you gave up.” Wildheart’s gazed trailed away to stare out the cave.

“You are too young to understand,” Wildheart sighed.

“I’m old enough to know a coward when I see one,” Weaving Silver retorted. Wildheart shrugged and turned his back on Weaving Silver.

“Do what you wish, Weaving Silver,” Wildheart said, “You are old enough to make your own choices.”

“You were brave when defending me,” Weaving Silver hissed, “why can’t you show the same bravery against the Changelings.” Wildheart remained where he was, but made no comment.

“You can’t hide in you cave forever, Wildheart,” Weaving Silver said the turned and trotted out of the cave.

Wildheart remained standing thinking; she will come back. But what if she doesn’t; said nagging thoughts, you promised to protect her. Wildheart shook his head and started to walk back into a cavern.

“Wildheart,” called a voice of authority causing Wildheart to freeze in his tracks. Wildheart turned around to see the faint outline of a tall white mare. Her rainbow mane flowed behind her like a stream her magnificent wings unfolded threateningly.

“Princess Celestia,” Wildheart exclaimed crouching down in front of the Alicorn. Princess Celestia walked toward Wildheart who hid his gaze.

“You made an oath under my hoof,” Princess Celestia scolded.

“Yes, Princess,” Wildheart said.

“You must go with Weaving Silver,” Princess Celestia said “if not to fight for the Resistance, then fight to protect her.”

“I don’t know if I have enough courage to go through,” Wildheart answered. Princess Celestia lay her transparent hoof on Wildheart’s shoulder causing him to look up into her eyes.

“Wildheart, courage flows deep within you,” Princess Celestia soothed. Wildheart gazed into Celestia’s eyes doubt still clung in his mind.

“Don’t worry, Wildheart,” Princess Celestia soothed “I will be with you.” Princess Celestia suddenly glowed brightly and was gone. Wildheart struggled to his feet and turned to the entrance of his cave. Wildheart sighed then stepped out of the cave, and set out after Weaving Silver.