• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 387 Views, 7 Comments

Fight or Flight - Wildheart1337

Fluttershy is zapped to the future; Queen Chrystalis has taken over Equestria. Will Fluttershy's friends reconize her or will she by acused of being a changeling imposter. Please review, I am looking to improve.

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Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Wildheart traveled through Everfree Forest taking care to stick to the underbrush to avoid Changelings. Weaving Silver trusted me and I let her down, Wildheart thought bitterly to himself. Never again will I hurt her again, Wildheart thought.

“Well if it isn’t the clever pony,” sneered a voice from above turning Wildheart to see Banshee standing on a branch leaning against a tree.

“What do you want,” Wildheart grumbled.

“Nothing much,” Banshee hissed “I’ve just been ordered to keep you away from Weaving Silver.”

“And why would Chrysalis order you to do that,” Wildheart asked.

“You will refer to my mother as Queen Chrysalis,” Banshee hissed glaring down at Wildheart.

“I will call Chrysalis what I want,” Wildheart said. Banshee leaped down from the branch landing in front of Wildheart her horn glowing with magic. Wildheart glared at Banshee and walked up until he was staring down at her.

“What are you going to do, burn me,” Wildheart taunted. Banshee’s horn grew brighter and the color from Wildheart’s coat seemed to drain.

“Is that suppose to scare me,” Wildheart asked. Banshee hissed then launched a magic blast at Wildheart; then stared in shock as the blast evaporated harmlessly around Wildheart. I will be with you, Princess Celestia’s voice echoed in Wildheart’s mind.

“I suggest you get out of my way before I send you back to your precious mother in an ash tray,” Wildheart growled.

“You wouldn’t,” Banshee hissed her horn glowing again.

“You want to bet your wretched life on that assumption,” Wildheart growled taking a step forward forcing his face into Banshee’s. Banshee scrambled away evaporating into a faint wisp of smoke. Wildheart sighed and continued through the forest. Suddenly a bola whirled out of the tries; but Wildheart ducked letting the bola travel past him and wrap around a tree trunk. Wildheart gazed around scanning the underbrush; then Wildheart sighed inwardly as he recognized the figure who stepped out of the bushes.

“Stag,” Wildheart exclaimed, “we need to stop meeting like this.” Wildheart ducked as Stag flung another bola at Wildheart.

“What the hay, Stag, it’s me,” Wildheart gasped.

“Wildheart, run,” Stag said “I am under some sort of enchantment I can’t stop.”

“Do you still recognize me,” Wildheart gasped ducking under Stag’s hoof.

“Yes,” Stag said, “I can see you but my body won’t stop attacking.” Banshee, Wildheart muttered to himself, she must have done this to him. Sorry, Stag, Wildheart thought ducking under Stag’s hoof and sent his own hoof against Stag’s jaw. Stag flew backward against a tree and crumpled to the ground his eyes crossed. Stag shook his head and tried to focus on Wildheart. Stag stood up and stared advancing on Wildheart again.

“I don’t have time for this,” Wildheart growled. Wildheart ducked under Stag’s lunge hooking his hoof behind Stag’s hind-legs and knocked his hooves out from under him.

“Stag,” Wildheart grumbled hoisting Stag to his hooves, “snap out of it.” Wildheart then slammed his forehead against Stag’s causing him to crumple to the ground. Stag groaned as he put a hoof to his forehead.

“That hurt, Wildheart,” Stag grumbled shaking his head “was that really necessary.”

“Are you back,” Wildheart asked cautiously holding a hoof out to Stag.

“I think so,” Stag answered taking Wildheart’s hoof. “Ya know for a pony who gave up fighting; you sure are good at it,” Stag complemented, “I think you put a permanent dent in my skull.”

“Don’t fret, Stag, you look worse than you feel,” Wildheart said hoisting Stag to his hooves.

“What are you doing out here,” Stag asked after he caught his breath.

“Looking for Weaving Silver,” Wildheart answered.

“Weaving Silver is the one who bewitched me,” Stag growled.

“No she wasn’t,” Wildheart said, “you ran into an imposter.”

“Ha, a changeling with an imposter,” Stag laughed which quickly ended when he caught Wildheart’s glare.

“Could you take me to the Resistance,” Wildheart asked.

“You want to join the Resistance,” Stag sputtered.

“That is where Weaving Silver is headed,” Wildheart explained.

“I got ya, Wildheart,” Stag said, “Alright let’s go.” Wildheart followed Stag thankful that he hadn’t pressed further on the subject. Wildheart followed until they came up on a small cave causing Wildheart to stop in confusion.

“This can’t be the place,” Wildheart asked.

“No,” Stag answered “it’s my hide out.” “Alright gents up off your lazy backsides,” Stag ordered stepping into the cave.

“Who’s this,” asked a rather battle-worn Pegasus.

“This is Wildheart,” Stag introduced.

“I’ve heard of you,” the Pegasus grumbled walking up to Wildheart. The Pegasus circled Wildheart before coming to a stop in front of Wildheart.

“I expected more from a stallion of your reputation,” the Pegasus commented.

“I expected more from the captain of the Wonderbolts,” Wildheart countered.

“I have trained more recruits than you have eaten apples,” Spitfire growled.

“Yes, but which is easier,” Wildheart countered.

“I like him,” Spitfire said turning away.

“You sure have away with fillies, Wildheart,” Stag whispered to Wildheart, “I never thought I’d hear Spitfire say those words.”

“What’s your story,” Wildheart asked, “why are you out here.”

“Is it really so hard to fathom,” Spitfire answered turning back to Wildheart. “The changelings killed Soarin.”

“I’m sorry,” Wildheart started soothingly.

“Don’t worry about it,” Spitfire answered then adding more spite, “or I will rip your heart out through your nose.”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly,” Wildheart promised not doubting that Spitfire meant every word.

“So what is he doing out here,” Spitfire asked.

“He wants to join the Resistance,” Stag answered.

“Does he now,” asked a rather bulky earth-pony laying a hoof on Wildheart’s shoulder.

“Get your hooves off me,” Wildheart growled turning to the earth-pony. When the earth-pony didn’t let go; Wildheart grabbed his hoof and bent it backward.

“Ah, leg go,” the earth-pony grimmest, and Wildheart flung him to the ground.

“Yes I want to join the Resistance; anyone else have a problem with that,” Wildheart growled glaring at the other ponies.

“Well it looks like you have a lot of fight in you,” Spitfire commented, “but it takes more than a strong hoof to join the Resistance.”

“Ether I join you this way or I find my own way in,” Wildheart growled. Spitfire’s expression changed from suspicious to somewhat curious.

“Anypony with determination like that I will gladly have fight by my side,” Spitfire said, “welcome aboard, Wildheart.”

“Thank you, Spitfire,” Wildheart said shaking Spitfire’s hoof.

“You’re getting soft, Captain,” Stag said, “Looks like your hard-as-nails shell is cracking.”

“Your snout will crack if you don’t shut up, Stag,” Spitfire growled. “Now,” Spitfire said turning to Wildheart, “of to the Resistance.”

“After you,” Wildheart offered tilting his head to the entrance. Spitfire stared at Wildheart then wiping her hair to the side and walked toward the entrance with Wildheart following. As they approached the entrance Spitfire turned to Wildheart.

“Tell me are you always this polite, Wildheart,” Spitfire asked holding her hoof out to Wildheart.

“Yes, ma’am,” Wildheart answered taking Spitfire’s hoof. Suddenly Spitfire pulled Wildheart forward and flipped him over her shoulder to the ground. Wildheart gasped for air as he stared up at Spitfire in shock.

“First lesson in battle,” Spitfire growled her face inches from Wildheart’s, “your kindness will get you killed.” Spitfire turned and walked out of the cave. Wildheart stood up shakily as Stag walked up beside him.

“What’s wrong, Wildheart, the Captain sweep you off your hooves,” Stag teased.

“Quite literally,” Wildheart answered brushing himself off. This will be interesting, Wildheart thought as he followed Spitfire. Suddenly Spitfire came to an abrupt stop causing Wildheart and Stag to stop.

“A changeling patrol,” Spitfire whispered as they crept up to her.

“I could scout a head,” Wildheart suggested. Spitfire turned to Wildheart with a curious look.

“I would blend in better with the under growth,” Wildheart said. Spitfire looked as if she wanted to argue but couldn’t shake the thought of a good suggestion.

“Alright, but be careful,” Spitfire agreed with a sigh. Wildheart nodded then ducked into the underbrush. Wildheart crept along until he could see the changelings through the bushes. Wildheart crouched down lower as another group of changeling flew down from the sky. Wildheart narrowed his eyes and made his way back to Spitfire and Stag.

“They seem to be gathering,” Wildheart reported. Stag followed Wildheart’s gaze to the thicket.

“Captain, take Wildheart ahead,” Stag said stepping forward.

“And what do you think you’re doing,” Spitfire demanded.

“They are obviously gathering to attack the Resistance,” Stag explained, “I will buy you the time to warn them.”

“I am not leaving a comrade behind,” Spitfire shouted.

“I’m not leaving you behind either,” Wildheart said.

“You are fastest, Captain,” Stag argued, “You take Wildheart.”

“Why do you have stay,” Spitfire argued.

“Somepony has to slow them down,” Stag argued; then without waiting for an answer Stag charged out from the bushes toward the changeling camp. Spitfire groaned to herself then turned to Wildheart.

“Alright, you better hold on tight,” Spitfire warned.

“What,” Wildheart’s reply was caught off as Spitfire flew forward sweeping Wildheart off the ground as she soared into the sky.

“How are you doing back there,” Spitfire asked.

“Could you be going any faster,” Wildheart answered sarcastically. Spitfire started flying faster causing Wildheart to hold tighter.

“Don’t joke around with me,” Spitfire warned turning upside down.

“Alright, no jokes got it,” Wildheart said dangling off Spitfire’s back. Spitfire rolled to right side up showing that she was satisfied. Suddenly a magic blast sailed passed nearly hitting Spitfire. Wildheart turned to see three Changelings on following them.

“Alright now I’m mad,” Spitfire hissed and she pulled up fast causing the Changelings to pass her. Spitfire grabbed one of the Changelings by the wing and then spinning around sent it hurtling toward the others. Spitfire flew over a Changeling in an arch; which Wildheart dropped onto the Changeling’s back. Wildheart pulled the Changeling’s wings to the right causing it to turn. Spitfire caught sight of what Wildheart was doing and lead her Changeling over to him. Wildheart gripped the Changeling’s wings preventing it from changing course. As Spitfire flew over the Changeling; Wildheart leaped of its back causing the two Changelings to ram into each other head first.

“Got ya,” Spitfire said catching Wildheart’s fore-hooves as he started to descend.

“More company,” Wildheart warned pointing behind Spitfire.

“Hold on,” Spitfire said and dived in a barrel-roll. Wildheart swung his back-hooves catching a Changeling in the face sending in tumbling through the air. Suddenly a Changeling slammed into Spitfire causing her to lose her grip on Wildheart. As Wildheart fell he grabbed onto the hind-legs of a Changeling. Wildheart climbed onto the Changeling’s back and grabbed one of its wings. In a wild flail the back of the Changeling’s head collided against Wildheart’s muzzle. Spitfire saw this and broke free from her Changeling’s grasp and flew downward. Spitfire caught Wildheart just above tree level and started to arch her way back up when a magic blast caught her in the wing. Spitfire gasped in pain and began plummeting to the trees. Spitfire gained enough control to kick off a tree avoiding coalition. Spitfire slammed into the ground and they were sent tumbling.

“Spitfire, you alright,” Wildheart asked getting to his hooves shakily.

“It’s not my best day,” Spitfire’s voice turned Wildheart to see a black spike protruding through her wing. “I’m fine,” Spitfire grimmest as Wildheart trotted over to her.

“Well so much for getting to the Resistance in a hurry,” Wildheart murmured. Wildheart’s ear twitched as he heard a faint clacking sound. Wildheart turned around to see a Changeling perched on a tree branch watching him and Spitfire. Two more Changelings joined it perching in opposite trees.

“Well,” Wildheart prompted, “what are you waiting for?”

“We are only here to keep you from the Resistance,” the Changelings hissed.

“What for,” Wildheart demanded.

“Because you stand as hope to our sister in the Resistance,” the Changelings hissed.

“Yeah and what gave you that opinion,” Spitfire demanded, “Is your mother really so scared of one stallion.”

“Our mother is not scared,” the Changelings hissed leaping off the branch soaring forward. Wildheart sighed and simply held up his hoof stopping the lead Changeling in mid flight. Wildheart leaned forward to glare into the Changeling’s eyes.

“If your mother is not scared then why did she send you three pawns,” Wildheart growled; causing the Changeling’s eyes to widen in anger. Wildheart then slammed his forehead into the Changeling’s head knocking it to the ground senseless. Wildheart turned to see Spitfire pummeling a Changeling over and over again.

“This is for Soarin,” Spitfire growled then delivering another strike added, “and that is for my wing.” Movement out the corner of Wildheart’s eye caused him to turn just in time to intercept a Changeling. Wildheart lifted the Changeling over his head causing it to cry out in terror. Wildheart then slammed the Changeling down pile-driving it into the ground.

“Prepare yourself, Wildheart,” Spitfire called. Wildheart was about to ask what for; when Spitfire rolled over his back and cannonball-kicking a Changeling in the face. Wildheart grabbed the hoof of a Changeling and as Wildheart whiplashed it to the side Spitfire spun around catching the Changeling in the throat with a powerful kick. Soon the conflict was over as quick as it had started and Wildheart and Spitfire stood back to back panting with the bodies of seven Changelings scattered around.

“Ya know… we make a good team,” Wildheart panted.

“I guess the stories about you aren’t an old mare’s tale after all,” Spitfire huffed. “Now if there aren’t any more interruptions; we best get going again.”

“With your wing damaged we won’t be able to fly,” Wildheart sighed.

“Thank you for stating to obvious,” Spitfire muttered then more clearly added, “however, I’m just as quick on my feet.”