• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 387 Views, 7 Comments

Fight or Flight - Wildheart1337

Fluttershy is zapped to the future; Queen Chrystalis has taken over Equestria. Will Fluttershy's friends reconize her or will she by acused of being a changeling imposter. Please review, I am looking to improve.

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Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Queen Chrysalis’ angry screech echoed throughout the Canterlot Palace ruin. Banshee crouched down before Chrysalis averting her gaze from Chrysalis’ hard glare. Banshee kept her weight all to one side. Chrysalis walked over to Banshee and raised her head with her hoof. Chrysalis’ serpentine eyes widened as she looked upon Banshee’s face that bore scrapes and bruises.

“Who did this to you,” Chrysalis demanded.

“Rainbow Dash,” Banshee answered, “With the help of, Weaving Silver.”

Chrysalis turned away hissing, “and they call us vermin.”

“Beside that we now know where the Resistance lies,” Banshee reported flinching away from Chrysalis.

“Yes, we will attack and I will personally plunge my horn through the heart of the Resistance,” Chrysalis hissed, “I will teach those foolish ponies to oppose me.”

“Mother let me kill, big sister,” Banshee hummed.

“Kill Weaving Silver,” Chrysalis thought, “no, I will make her watch as I destroy her world.” “And then only then when Weaving Silver has nothing left will I kill that traitor.” “No, I’m not going to kill Weaving Silver; I’m going to destroy her existence.”

“To think she is our kin,” Banshee hummed.

“Inform the colony we attack at sundown,” Chrysalis hummed.

“Yes, Mistress,” Banshee hummed bowing low; then vanished.

Banshee appeared in Everfree forest surrounded by Changelings, drones and soldiers alike.

“Our Mother has given the order that we will attack at sundown,” Banshee hummed as she walked down the ranks of Changelings.

“Why don’t we attack now,” hummed a drone from the crowd.

“Because they will be expecting us,” Banshee hummed.

“But we will have the advantage,” hummed the drone.

“Are you questioning our Mother’s orders,” Banshee hissed turning to the crowd. The drone stepped forward to gaze down at Banshee.

“I question you,” the drone hissed, “after your recent defeat I question whether or not you are worthy of command.” There was a flash and the drone looked down at the burning hole in its chest.

“I assure you, Shade, I have no intention of command,” Banshee hissed; catching the drone as he fell. “I intent to be the Queen,” Banshee hissed flinging Shade to the ground.

“Anyone else want to question me,” Banshee hissed turning to the crowd causing them to back up.

“Good,” Banshee hummed, “now we are going to attack the Resistance at sundown.” The Changelings reared up in agreement. Banshee gazed down at the drone’s body before her. How may Changelings are questioning my command, Banshee thought as she walked back through the crowd. Just wait one day I will rule and then they will learn how wrong they are.


Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash stood in a small chamber with Weaving Silver before them.

“Weaving Silver, step forward please,” Twilight Sparkle requested. Weaving Silver did as she was told walking forward until she stood a foot away from Twilight Sparkle.

“For your determination, and for bringing Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy back to us, on behalf of the Mane Six, I feel no regret that I welcome you as a full member of the Resistance,” Twilight Sparkle said. “You will no longer have restricted access.”

“Thank you, Twilight,” Weaving Silver answered tears coming to her eyes, “I can’t thank you enough for your trust.”

“You’ve earned it, Weaving,” Rainbow Dash said, “If nothing else you’ve earned our trust.” Shock went through Rainbow Dash as Weaving Silver ran out the chamber.

“Weaving, wait,” Rainbow Dash hollered running after. Rainbow Dash followed Weaving Silver down the corridor to an entrance. Weaving Silver walked out onto the ledge looking up into the sky.

“You gain our trust and you just leave,” Rainbow Dash asked walking out.

“This is too much for me, Rainbow Dash,” Weaving Silver sighed, “I have lived so long without trust I don’t want to lose it.”

“Hey, Weaving,” Rainbow Dash soothed walking up beside Weaving Silver who turned away. “For the love of Celestia; at least look at me.” Weaving Silver turned to Rainbow Dash; tears were streaming down her face.

“I won’t be able to bare the pain of losing your trust,” Weaving Silver wept, “And you will die if you follow me.”

“Weaving Silver, you are the most stubborn, determined, selfless mare I have ever met,” Rainbow Dash said, “And if I die following you, then I will die following you.”

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash,” Weaving Silver sighed. Suddenly Weaving Silver saw movement in the forest below.

“Look,” Weaving Silver said point to the trees.

“I saw it,” Rainbow Dash said coming up to the ledge. Weaving Silver nearly broke down again as she recognized the earth-pony coming out of the trees. Weaving Silver launched into the air with Rainbow Dash behind. Weaving Silver landed at the bottom of the slope.

“W-Wildheart,” Weaving Silver stammered.

“Weaving Silver,” Wildheart gasped running forward practily lifting Weaving Silver off the ground in a hug.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my…,” Rainbow Dash gasped as she caught sight of Spitfire beside Wildheart; then noticed Spitfire’s wing folded painfully.

“Close your mouth, Rainbow Dash,” Spitfire remarked, “I’m ok.”

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, Spitfire,” Rainbow Dash gasped again.

“Yes it’s me,” Spitfire remarked, “and yes you can have my autograph, again, when we get inside.” Rainbow Dash nodded grinning from ear to ear. Spitfire sighed walking forward she closed Rainbow Dash’s mouth with her hoof.

Wildheart released Weaving Silver then gave her a long stare of regret.

“I thought you didn’t want to fight,” Weaving Silver said.

“I fight for you, Weaving Silver,” Wildheart said.

“Thank you, Wildheart,” Weaving Silver said. Suddenly Weaving Silver flinched as her mind seemed to burst open.

“Enjoying yourself, Weaving Silver,” hummed Chrysalis’ voice, “you better for you will not survive the night.”

“What is it,” Wildheart asked.

“Chrysalis,” Weaving Silver grimmest as her mind closed.

“Rainbow Dash we need to get inside now,” Weaving Silver shouted. Rainbow Dash turned to Weaving Silver and noticed the urgent look in her blue eyes.

“Got it,” Rainbow Dash answered turning to the slope. Suddenly a green orb fell from the sky landing where Spitfire had been not a moment before. The large more insect form of a Changeling drone rose up from the crater.

“Run,” Weaving Silver shouted as a second orb landed next to her, “inside now.” Weaving Silver helped Spitfire up the slope with Wildheart beside her. Another orb embedded in the slope beside Wildheart. A drone flew out from the crater only to receive a hind-hoof to the muzzle. The drone tumbled down the slope only to be replaced by three more drones. Wildheart reared up and slammed his hooves down sending cracks through the surface causing rocks to tumble down toward the drones. Wildheart turned to see a Changeling flying toward him. In the last instant the Changeling was knocked away with a magic blast. Wildheart turned to see a mint green unicorn standing on the ledge.

“Come on,” Lyra shouted. Wildheart nodded bounding up the remainder of the slope.

“Thanks,” Wildheart panted as he passed. Lyra nodded launching another magic blast driving another drone down the slope. Lyra made her way across the ledge her horn glowing. Suddenly a magic blast seared into Lyra’s side knocking her away. Lyra turned to see Banshee flying toward her horn glowing. Prepared herself for the end; then she was in the base with Twilight Sparkle standing over her.

“Take her to the infirmary,” Twilight Sparkle ordered.

“The great Twilight Sparkle,” Banshee hissed as she landed on the ledge. Instantly Banshee launched a magic blast a Twilight Sparkle only for the green missile to dissolve on a shield. Twilight Sparkle vanished causing Banshee to stiffen and turn around to receive Twilight Sparkle’s magic blast to the chest. Banshee tumble across the ledge; leaping into the air Banshee flew back at Twilight Sparkle. Banshee flew up short as Twilight Sparkle unleashed a wave of magic sending Banshee flying off the cliff. Twilight Sparkle felt a splat of moisture as a huge rain drop landed on her head running down the side of her face. A second drop fell followed with a third then broke into a full downpour as Banshee flew into the air.

“The legends are true I guess,” Banshee hissed as she hovered over the cliff. Twilight Sparkle launched three missiles at Banshee who swerved to the side launching her own. Twilight Sparkle produced a magic bubble around herself as the magic blast impacted driving her back into the cliff wall.

“Banshee,” Weaving Silver hissed turning Banshee to see lightning silhouette Weaving Silver against the night sky. Weaving Silver dove toward Banshee silver lightning streaking behind her. Banshee swerved away flying in a wide arch to soar strait at Weaving Silver.

“Weaving,” Wildheart called as dashing to the ledge as Weaving Silver and Banshee plunged downward. Suddenly Queen Chrysalis herself dropped down from the sky to land in behind Wildheart. Chrysalis launched a magic blast at Wildheart’s exposed back but the missile evaporated against a magic shield. Chrysalis turned to Twilight Sparkle who launched her own magic blast which evaporated against her shield.

“You think you can defeat me,” Chrysalis hissed, “Princess Celestia herself.” Twilight Sparkle’s magic blast caught Chrysalis in the face stopping her mid-sentence. Chrysalis recoiled, and stared back at the mare who dared to land a hit on her.

Banshee drove Weaving Silver downward; Weaving Silver beat her wings swerving at the last minute avoiding impact. Banshee and Weaving Silver clung to each other as the zipped along a foot or so from the ground. Banshee smiled as her horn began to glow; Weaving Silver tried to free herself, but she and Banshee vanished.

A flash went off in the Canterlot Palace and Weaving Silver rolled across the cracked marble floor. Weaving Silver pushed herself up to find her face to face with a petrified pony. A sudden kick in the side sent Weaving Silver across the floor reminding her that she wasn’t alone.

“Like what we’ve done to the place, big sister,” Banshee hissed; turning Weaving Silver to see Banshee lying on a throne formed out of petrified ponies, “one day I will sit here.”

“Tartarus will freeze over before you rule Equestria,” Weaving Silver hissed slamming into Banshee smashing through the throne.

“You broke Mother’s throne,” Banshee hissed.

“She is not my mother,” Weaving Silver hissed.

“Oh, Weaving,” Banshee hissed using Weaving Silver’s name for the first time in their lives, “You will always be known as Chrysalis’s daughter.” Weaving Silver froze in shock; Banshee took the moment to throw Weaving Silver across the chamber.

“What you didn’t know,” Banshee asked sounding shocked. Weaving Silver shrieked in pain as Banshee’s horn pierced her shoulder.

“Yes, sister, my poison will finish you,” Banshee hissed wrenching her horn free, “you have little less than five minutes to live.” Weaving Silver writhed on the ground as her body seemed to burn. Banshee grabbed Weaving Silver and flung her through the window that bore the Elements of Harmony defeating Discord.

“Chrysalis wanted you to watch her destroy the Resistance,” Banshee sighed, “but I guess she will have to settle for this.”

“Not quite yet, little sister,” Weaving Silver hummed. Banshee turned around staring in disbelief as Weaving Silver hovered in the window.

“How,” Banshee hummed, “nopony can survive my poison.”

“I’m made of tough stuff,” Weaving Silver hummed charging forward driving Banshee off the ground. Weaving Silver and Banshee slammed into the Elements of Harmony chamber door.

“You have plagued my life for long enough,” Weaving Silver hissed as she slammed her hooves down on Banshee’s back with a sickening crunch. Weaving Silver looked down at Banshee the look of pure hatred still lingered in Banshee’s eyes. Weaving Silver stared in awe as Banshee body seemed crack like a shell. Banshee’s body then fell to pieces leaving nothing. Maybe if she cared for somepony else in her life she wouldn’t have turned out hollow, Weaving Silver thought.

“Weaving Silver,” called a voice turning Weaving Silver to see three faint outlines of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence.

“I don’t have time for this,” Weaving Silver said.

“We know that you have no care for us,” answered the Princesses, “but listen.”

“The Resistance is under attack,” Weaving Silver said.

“We know,” answered the Princesses, “you must bring the Elements to the bearers.” Weaving Silver suddenly understood the importance of the matter. Princess Celestia stepped forward and opened the Elements of Harmony chamber. Celestia turned to Weaving Silver levitating the chest toward her. Weaving Silver now understood the trust that Celestia was putting in her.

“Now go, bring the Elements,” Celestia said and the three Princesses began to fade.

“Wait,” Weaving Silver asked causing the Princesses to return.

“Yes,” asked the Princesses.

“Is Chrysalis my mother,” Weaving Silver asked. The Princesses were silent for a long moment then Celestia stepped forward.

“Yes,” Celestia answered.

“And still you trust me,” Weaving Silver asked.

“Your mother doesn’t define who you are,” answered Princess Luna.

“Thank you,” Weaving Silver said as the Princesses faded.