• Published 24th Oct 2013
  • 1,650 Views, 375 Comments

Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams - MyHobby

Blueblood is sent to Tartarus. No, he's not a prisoner. Rather, he is to become the new warden of the magical prison for Nightmares. The key problem is that he just doesn't want to be the warden. Will he follow his duty, or his dreams?

  • ...

Best Flight Ever

The Grand Galloping Gala opened up below them. Light burst forth from the ballroom as nobles, celebrities, and well-connected ponies walked inside. Music poured forth, drifting up the mountain to the resting place of the Nightmares.

Twilight Sparkle wrinkled the facsimile of Rarity’s nose that sat on her face. “Tonight’s the night. Best night ever.”

Smoke crept along the ground beside her. It drifted up to her ear and a voice crackled forth. “The Nightmares are in place, as you specified, My Queen. Just in case Celestia finds something to disagree with.” Shadowfright’s face blossomed out of the shadow. “But I believe Sombra is still reluctant to play his part.”

“He needs to stand around and look handsome.” Twilight Sparkle waved Shadowfright away from her ear. “As long as he keeps his mouth shut, we’ll be fine.”

“He isn’t the most verbose, I’ll give you that.” Shadowfright looped around her. He spread his smoky wings and pointed at the gala. “And you? Are you willing to play your part?”

“The Nightmares will have their home. There’s going to be a completely reasonable resolution to this whole mess.” Twilight exhaled through her nose. “I can taste it in the air.”

“Taste it?” Shadowfright lifted a pseudo-eyebrow. “Your tongue is prophetic now?”

Twilight grimaced. “I mean it’s tangible, you numbskull! Celestia is my friend. There’s no way I can’t make her see things in a new light.”

Shadowfright smirked. “Even after a thousand years in her state of mind?”

“She’s open minded,” Twilight said. “Perhaps she’s merely never had a different solution presented to her.”

“Right.” Shadowfright leaned over the edge of the mountain and floated in midair. “What if Sombra tries something?”

“Simple.” Twilight stood and turned her back on him. “If he refuses to perform the duty given him, he will fill the role of scapegoat.”

Shadowfright chuckled as he slipped away into the night.

Sombra walked down the road to the gala, the disguised Twilight Sparkle’s foreleg looped around his own. He swallowed a lump in his throat. He stared at Twilight and fought against his desire to toss the mare off the mountainside. She was no longer subtly acting different than Rarity, she had given up pretenses altogether. She slouched every time they passed a group of ponies talking. She sneered openly at the guards flying overhead in a search pattern. She wet her lips as she approached the entrance to the gala, preparing a speech in her head.

Her eyes didn’t sparkle once. Not once. They could not be Rarity’s eyes.

The sound of metal hooves marching reached his ears from the far side of Canterlot. He saw the dark shapes of Lightning Dust and Soarin flitting over the rooftops as they neared the Celestia Flagship that hovered over the city. He knew that the mechanical servants were following underfoot, ready to staff the airship.

Lyra nudged his flank. “Hay, muscles. Look lively, huh? We’re going to a party, not a funeral.”

“Right,” Braeburn grunted. He displayed a cheesy smile that had absolutely no true mirth in it. “Like this.”

“If he smiled, it’d break his face,” Twilight said. “Now shut up. We’re getting close.”

The marching tromp remained faint but steady. Sombra had a brief flashback to leading a victorious army into the Crystal Empire. His reverie was dissolved when he realized Twilight Sparkle was humming in time with the beat.

“At the gala,” she said.

“At the gala,” Lyra replied.

Soarin grinned as he approached the airship.

“At the gala
The dirigible
I’m going to beat them all
All the sailors
I will throw them off the airship.”

“At the gala,” one robot said.

“We’ll commandeer
All the controls
With weapons big and small
And I’ll never be alone
If we win at the gala!”

“We’ll resolve all our wants right here at the gala,” the robots said. “At the gala.”

Braeburn tilted his head down.

“At the gala
Ah will find it
The way that ah should go
Ah will blaze it
Ah will pave it
My true path won’t be unknown
And ah’ll find what ah’ve been missing
In mah broken compass!”

Sombra rolled his eyes as the ponies around him carried on. A twinge of something hit his heart, and Rarity’s eyes flashed through his mind. He gritted his teeth as a deep baritone rolled up from his chest.

“At the gala
With the Nightmares
For the lady Rarity
It’s her only hope for happiness and laughter.”

“At the gala!”

“I will be it
Her prince charming
I’ll fill the roll fully
For there are none quite as regal
Not at the Grand Gala!”

Lightning Dust touched down on a rooftop and looked down at the marching robots. She looked up at Soarin as he hovered. She gave him a wink. “Race yah to the ship.”

She shot forward, a trail of static in her wake.

“Been fightin’
I’ve been trainin’
To reach the level they put out
The Wonderbolts, they turned me down
Wait until they see me now!
’Cuz Nightmare Dust is the best
And you can cuss all the rest
They’ll have to say I’m what they needed at the gala!”

Lyra guffawed as she pranced through the crowds. She bared her fangs and scared one petite mare, causing the pony to faint. She licked one canine as she searched for another victim.

“I am here at the Grand Gala
And I’m scary as can be
All the idiots thought Lyra was a skittish mare, you see
Oh watch her run and hide from all the changelings attacking
But they’ll fear me
And they’ll tremble
Away from my great power!”

“Fear and terror permeate the gala, at the gala!”

Sombra halted at a tug on his foreleg. Twilight took a deep breath in through her nose and let it out her mouth. She straightened her back, set her eyes forward, and walked steadily into the ballroom. Celestia waited on the podium, greeting every pony personally.

Twilight sighed.

“At the gala
With the princess
I’m going to debate
I’ll explain the options calmly
To change Prince Blueblood’s fate
Nightmares will get their new home
My solution will be top rate!”

A huge, muscular pegasus stallion lifted a sheet of paper. He read the next line and bellowed at the top of his lungs. “Prince Dark Shadow Lightning and Lady Rarity! Yeah!”

Celestia’s ears perked up. She lowered her eyebrows. “Rarity? Really?” She raised a regal hoof. “Come forward. I would like to speak with the Bearer of Generosity.”

Sombra felt his heart beat rapidly in his chest as he moved towards his mortal foe. The crowds parted as they approached, with several guards near the edge taking keen interest at the unfiled horn upon his forehead. It wasn’t exactly a popular style, after all.

Twilight bowed before Celestia. The Diarch of the Day bowed her head out of respect. “Rarity,” Celestia whispered, “I thought you’d be at Tartarus with the others.”

“That’s what I’d like to speak with you about, Your Majesty,” Twilight said in a clipped distortion of Rarity’s accent. “There’s been a development.”

Celestia’s jaw tightened. “You had to wait until we were in the middle of the gala to tell me? Doesn’t Spike still use the dragonfire spell? What possible reason would you have to spring this on me now!?”

“Because it needs to be settled now!” Twilight stomped a hoof. The hoof ignited with green flame, which rose up along her leg. Dark purple hairs appeared where the fire had licked the enchantment away. The limbs grew longer and leaner as the magic spread to other limbs, and then up to Twilight’s body. Wings sprouted from her back as her cutie mark returned to its true form. The violet in her mane turned midnight, save for the lavender strip that shone like the morning sun.

Twilight Sparkle, Twilit Queen of the Nightmares, stood tall before Celestia.

Celestia screamed.

Sombra’s jaw dropped as the Matriarch of the Morning, his hated enemy, buckled at the knees. Her chest heaved as she fought for breath, for the very power to speak. Her eyes were pierced through with horror. With loss.

A thousand thoughts ran through Sombra’s mind.

She’s weak, finish her.

Destroy her at last.

Take the throne.

Vengeance for a thousand years of ice.

Hate her.

Tear her apart.

Annihilate all she loves.

What would Rarity say?

The last thought stung his eyes.

“What—” Celestia gasped. “Twilight, what have they done to you?”

“They gave me the ability to fix this whole mess.” Twilight strode up to Celestia and brought their faces inches apart. “So I’m gonna fix it.”

“No,” Celestia said. “No, not you. Anypony but you.”

“Listen closely, Princess.” Twilight turned and motioned to the ceiling. “We might not have much time.”

Nightmares dropped from the sky. Bêtes Noire, Night Terrors, and Phantasms flooded the ballroom, sending ponies running in panic. The guards leapt forward, but were quickly restrained by a hundred mechanical ponies. Lyra saluted Twilight from her perch up above. “Nice timing, huh?”

“Shut up,” Twilight said. “Celestia, I would like to petition that the Nightmares, henceforth referred to as Living Dreams, be removed from Tartarus and allowed to have a home of their own.”

“Twilight,” Celestia said, “Twilight, do you realize what you’re doing?”

Twilight frowned. “Of course. I am giving you a completely reasonable solution to the Tartarus problem. The Living Dreams shall have their new home, Blueblood will be free to live his life, and we can continue to—”

“No.” Celestia bit her lip. “No, Twilight, we can’t.”

Twilight Sparkle scoffed. “Honestly, I didn’t expect this from you, Celestia. I’ve always know you to be a reasonable—”

“Twilight, the Nightmares are already citizens of Equestria.”

Twilight stiffened. She turned her head slowly to look at Celestia. “Huh?”

“I made them citizens after my sister and her followers were banished to the moon.” Celestia extended her wings. “They have a home, Twilight.”

“But…” Twilight gritted her teeth. “Why are they imprisoned?”

“Scorpan,” Celestia said. “He led the Nightmares in a revolt, in an attempt to take Equestria away from the ponies.” Celestia swallowed hard. “They face the consequences for their actions.”

Twilight shivered as Celestia spoke quietly, “You can end this insanity now.”

“No,” Twilight whispered. “No, I can’t. I can’t just leave Blueblood. I promised.”

“There are so many ways to help Blueblood, Twilight.” Celestia put a hoof on her shoulder. “Be there for him. Spend time with him. Help him at Tartarus. Be his friend. You can be such a good friend.”

“I can’t turn back.” Twilight pulled away. “I can’t stop now.”

“Twilight…” Celestia shook her head. “Twilight, you have to break away from the Nightmares. They’ll lead you down a road that will ruin your life forever. They twist you, mold you into something darker. They steal your sense of self. But it’s a lie!”

Celestia brought her mouth beside Twilight’s ear. “The Nightmares’ greatest lie is that they convince you that you are not in control. That’s wrong, Twilight. The Nightmares only have whatever power you give them. All you have to do is reject them. All you have to do is push them out.

Twilight’s eyes shimmered. “I… I can’t.”

Sombra stepped away as Twilight Sparkle backpedaled from the princess. The Twilit Queen was hyperventilating. She clutched at her chest and shook her head. “No. No, no, no, no, no. No, I can’t fight her. I can’t fight Celestia. I won’t.”

Sombra opened his mouth. He took a deep breath, thought better of it, and let his mouth shut. He looked from Celestia to Twilight and back again. Twilight crumbled to her knees, and Celestia stood over her.

“Twilight, we can work it out,” Celestia said. “You just have to trust me.”

Nightmares edged away from the podium as they sensed Twilight’s resolve dissolving. Only the passionless robots stood fast as she began to sob. “I can’t… I can’t…”

Sombra watched.

Destroy them both.

Take what’s mine.

Finish the deed.




I love Rarity.

I can’t see her in despair.

I won’t see her in despair!

“Enough!” Sombra shouted. He slammed his hooves into the ground and sent giant spikes of crystal jutting up all around. “There’s only one way this ends, princesses!”

He stared straight at Twilight. “Run.”

He opened his wings wide as his eyes glowed with purple fire. “With me on the throne!”

He batted Twilight towards the door with one wing. “Run.”

“What!?” Celestia reared up as rage colored her eyes bright white. “Sombra!? You’re behind this!?”

“From day one! Run.” Sombra grinned at Princess Celestia. “It was I who freed the Nightmares from Tartarus! Run.”

One Night Terror whispered to his neighbor. “I thought that was Bluebones?”

“Run.” Sombra fired a beam of darkness at Celestia, who dodged nimbly to the side. “And now I shall take control of your kingdom with an army of Nightmares at my side! Run!”

Twilight’s hooves skidded on the marble floor as she bolted from the ballroom, Lyra and Braeburn in her wake.

“I shall enslave your entire kingdom! Pony by pony!” Sombra snarled. He braced himself, flinching away as he faced Celestia down. “Starting with you precious former Element Bearers!”

The dam broke.

Guards from the outside dove in through the windows to demolish the mechanical ponies and free their comrades. Nobles and celebrities stampeded away from the battle as Nightmares scrambled to escape. Sombra lit his horn in preparation for another attack.

Celestia’s mane burst into bluish-white flame. Her eyes shone with the light of the sun as she grasped Sombra in a vice-like grip. He wriggled as much as he could, but there was no standing against the Sun’s Chosen Bearer. He flew back in a fiery flash of magic and barreled through the wall. Masonry crumbled as his back turned it into stone dust.

He didn’t stop until he hit the outer castle wall.

He coughed. He rubbed his nose, and his hoof came away white with the dust. He tried to rise, but felt a series of sharp pangs in his sides. He rested among the rubble, his energy spent.

Celestia descended upon him. She set one of her gold-shod hooves on his chest and pushed him down. “I think we can conclusively say that your plan is an utter failure, monster.”

Sombra coughed again. It was getting difficult to breath. “That depends… on which plan you mean.”

Celestia tilted her head. The fire never left her eyes. “Your plan to overthrow me.”

“Oh, yes…” Sombra chuckled, though it was more of a strangled gasp. “That plan sucked.”

Celestia’s mane waved around like fire crackling over logs. “Then what—?”

“Simply this,” Sombra said. “How distracted are you feeling right now?”

Celestia jerked her head up. She spun around, bringing the Celestial Flagship into view. It was drifting aimlessly over Canterlot, a trail of metal and wood leading up to it. A closer inspection revealed that the trail was made up of Automated Servants, who were stacking atop each other and climbing up to the airborne vessel. She could see the sailors abandoning ship, utilizing parachutes, ropes, or Glory-given wings to escape.

The captain stood alone, until Soarin grasped him in a telekinetic cloud and threw him over the side. He was quickly caught up by his flying first mate.

“Sombra,” Celestia said, “what have you done?”

“Tartarus must fall, Celestia,” he said. “It is the only thing that will free Twilight from her obsession. That, in turn, is the only thing that will bring her back to her friends.”

Sombra flinched away from the sharp pain in his wings. “That is the only thing that will make Rarity happy again.”

“You old fool. She could have been saved right then and there!” Celestia’s mane extinguished as the flagship pulled away from the mountain, firing potshots at whatever guard happened to be within range. It turned out that the golems were horrible shots. “So many years, and you still don’t know anything about people.”

Sombra scowled. “I know what they fear. I know how easily they are controlled by that fear.”

“Then you don’t know yourself.” Celestia spread her wings and took a deep breath. “You ended up being the most fearful of us all, Sombra.”

She flew after the flagship, though it was flying far faster than she was capable of. A few pegasus guards joined her in the pursuit, while the remainder fought to demolish the robots that remained in Canterlot.

Captain Stonewall walked up to Sombra with a medical team in tow. “You the tyrant we’re supposed to pick up?”

Sombra gurgled a response, before passing out in the rubble torn from the castle wall.

Twilight Sparkle busted down the door to the cabin. Lightning Dust tumbled out of the way as she charged inside. “Who’s flying this thing!?”

Soarin saluted from his position behind the ship’s wheel. “At your service, Your Majesty.”

“Tell the robots to stop firing on Canterlot, they could hurt somepony!” Twilight paced around inside the cabin as Lyra and Braeburn entered. “What do we do now? What can we possibly do now!?”

“Yah know what ta do, Twilit Queen,” Braeburn drawled. “Yah always do.”

“What’s wrong?” Lyra said with a smirk. “Don’t tell me you got cold hooves.”

“I can’t fight Celestia!” Twilight screeched.

Lyra and Braeburn stumbled back under the force of Twilight’s voice. The towering alicorn mare snorted steam as she continued her tirade. “This is evil! I didn’t want to be evil! I didn’t want to burn every single bridge I’ve spent my whole life building! I just wanted to help a friend, not lose all the rest! I just wanted Blueblood safe!”

She stomped a hoof and cracked the floorboards. “What’s wrong with me!?”

The Nightmares around her fell silent. They looked at each other, biting their lips and rubbing the back of their necks. Braeburn stepped forward. “You sayin’ you really don’t know what to do?”

“Yes!” Twilight slumped to the floor. “Yes. I am…”

Braeburn shook his head. “Yah gotta know what to do. You gotta know the right path. You can’t get lost. You gotta be there to show me the way.” He reached down with a strong foreleg and grasped Twilight’s hoof. He dragged her to her feet and snorted. “Yah gotta be there in case ah get lost! You promised! You promised!

Twilight jerked away from him. She trotted over to the back of the cabin and looked out the porthole. She could see Canterlot receding in the distance. “I’m sorry.”

“Th—there was somethin’ I needed your help remembering,” Braeburn said. “It was somethin’ important, and ah know it’s there. I just can’t see it.” He blinked back tears. “What was it ah was supposed to remember, Your Majesty? What am ah missin’?”

Twilight’s breathing slowed. “I don’t know.” She looked over her shoulder. “I can’t remember.”

Lyra chuckled, low and wary. She looked to the left and right as a shiver ran down her spine. “Yeah, right. Lots of forgettable ponies onboard this ship. Crazy.”

“T—Tartarus,” Twilight said. “Tartarus. We just need to go there and… and free Blueblood. Then the Nightmares will have their home.” She chewed on the edge of her mane. “Then everything will turn out okay, right?”

“Yeah,” Soarin said. “Yeah. Then we won’t ever have to be alone.”

“Or lost,” Braeburn mumbled.

“Or afraid,” Lyra hissed.

“Or worthless,” Lightning Dust coughed.

“Or helpless,” Twilight seethed. “T—to Tartarus, then. We’ll break it apart.” She grinned uneasily. “Hay, it was always plan ‘B,’ right?”

“Yeah.” Lyra licked her lips. “Ahuh.”

Twilight looked around the cabin. She stuck her head outside. “Hay, has anypony seen Shadowfright?”

Author's Note:

Apologies for the song, but I like to indulge myself now and again.