• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 10,678 Views, 816 Comments

On My Honor - Honored Service

Honored Service, the human that saved Equestria from any evil you can name. A warrior at heart, who's special talent is killing and maiming anything that seeks to cause harm to those he cares for, is sentenced to a normal life in Ponyville.

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You Need Training To Use That

On My Honor
You Need Training To Use That
By Honored Service

“There comes a time in every person’s life when the choice they make outweighs the sum of all the others made.” The older man said looking down to the young boy. The man pulled a small leather bifold and opened it, the weathered black leather flipping open easily revealing the dull shine of a badge glinting into the boy’s eyes. His green eyes with specks of gold in them gazed at the badge with admiration and respect.

“Have you done that dad?” The boy asked, reaching out and running a small thumb over the worn badge. ‘Detective’ caught the boy's eyes as his thumb traced the raised lettering.

The man took a long pause and stared off into the distance, the weight of the world seemed to crush down onto his shoulders as he looked out. “I have son, and I like to think that I did the right thing.”

“I'm sure you did dad! You're detective Johnson! The best in the whole wide world!”

The memory vanished from my mind as the mammoth staff crashed into the ground and ripped the hardened fire scorched earth of Tartarus into the air. I panted heavily as blood dripped down the side of my face and my arm gave another sharp jab of white hot pain. I glared up at the tower of demigod that stared down at me as one would a cockroach.

“Look at yourself! You're not a God! You’re a weak mortal that thinks it has the ability to decide the fate of a world! I have lived for eons and you are not but a speck of dirt floating through this world. And your decision to come here will be in vain!” Hades, lord and ruler of the Underworld, roared at me as his own sinister void magic sparked to life along his muscle bound arms.

“You're right Hades,” I yelled back while reaching into my pocket and pulled a small glowing purple bullet out before dropping it into the open chamber of my M16A2 rifle, “But damn am I going to go down fighting!”

The purple explosion from the end of the rifle met the black stream of void magic in between the two beings as the battle for control of Tartarus

* Earlier that day *

“You would. Only you. We told you not to ever make another portal.” Princess Celestia said spreading her wings and walking out of the study. “We say no, so he does it anyway. Whatever. Luna. Twilight. Double check his placement of the magical anchors and spell laying glyphs. I'm going to get a drink.” I was left standing in my study with Luna, Twilight, Discord, and poking through the window was a single camera attached above a metal claw, Tune. They all followed me to my humble abode ready to help me in the portal that I was creating to allow me entrance into the Underworld so that I could gain control.

“This isn't the time for that sister.” Luna shouted after her sister before looking down to the spell rune drawn onto the wood floor. The design itself was even more complicated than my rune that brought me back to Earth for a few days. This portal had even given Discord trouble while we had worked on it. Which is why I felt that maybe having some more magical professionals help me with it. Also because Discord had said, “sure this will work.... I think,” on more than one occasion.

“Twilight and Luna, can you too please give this bad boy a look over and correct it in anyway you see fit.” I said giving a sweeping motion to the carved archaic rune. “And all the notes are over there on the desk. I’m going to talk to Celestia about this and try to calm her down.”

They both gave me smiles in return and Twilight eagerly pounced on the notes of dark magic, ready to dive into a literal whole new world of magic.

“Celestia?” I called out walking down onto the first floor. “Please come and talk. I kinda need your help too and drunk-lestia isn't all that fun in dire situations of peril and possible death.”

“Oh that's the Honored I know.” I sighed and followed the voice towards the living room that I scarcely visited. Man I only use the bedroom and the basement in my house. I really need to get out more. Or at least explore my house more. “Always laughing in the face of the unimaginable pain and suffering you will surely find. You know nothing which you are about to face. A God. Honored you are about to fight a being that is on the level of a God.” Celestia was flopped out across my couch with a few bottles of wine and other assorted bottles of clear liquids.

“Well I never did know my limit.” I said with a sad smile knowing that the princess was right. This was insanity at the mear thought. Hades was a God, or at least a being on the power level of one. Shit has to be close to nine thousand.

“Well stop hogging all the drink. Give me one.” I said while reaching towards her. A bottle of Everfree Vodka glided into my outstretched hand. I eyed the bottle and watched its clear contents slosh around before grabbing it and raising it to my lips. I savored in the sting as the alcohol washed down my throat and warmed my stomach.

“Honored you know after this is all finished things will truly change for the world. Either we lose you and Luna falls into despair, along with the entire nation or you beat a God, become immortal, and are now forced to become a bogeyman in the shadows claiming those that are evil and escorting them to Tartarus which still means that we lose you, but you are just not dead.”

“Ah but that is the key Celestia. I am now an immortal being. I have the chance to be one of the great powers of the world. Destruction will finally be set in a true position.” I looked over and saw that Celestia was giving me a blank stare. “Oh right mind wipe spell… just nevermind. I’ll be immortal, Luna will be happy. And I’ll get to protect the world forever until the end of time.” I smiled and gulped down more of the burning liquid.

Celestia stared at me like I had just started growing flowers from my head. “Honored you are so stupid.” She laughed and tossed and another empty bottle over her head and onto the floor onto the growing pile that was sure to continue to grow even higher.

“Okay that is the third spell anchor that is properly aligned.” Twilight was positively giddy with excitement in doing her first portal to the underworld. The new level of magic was amazing and to think that Honored had even managed it the first time was insane. The level of detail was beyond comprehension for this portal. “Luna, this glyph here means underworld, but I have yet to find one that means Tartarus.”

“I know young Sparkle. I also have yet to find one.” Luna said in frustration while tossing another stack of notes aside from the desk. “There doesn't seem to be one. We can't just make up one. So far this portal will only grant him entrance to the gates of the Underworld before the River Stiyx.” Luna was distraught. Honored already had to fight a God for his immortality, but to see that it looked as if he would have to fight his way through the entirety of the Underworld to simply reach the entrance of Tartarus, well that was just ridiculous. No being could do that.

“I can do that!” Honored yelled before swaying slightly and leaning against the side of Celestia who tilted another bottle up and began to chug its contents.

“Are you both drunk?!” Luna exclaimed, looking at the state of the two before her.

“What? No no no no.” Honored said before Celestia suddenly toppled over to her side. “Okay yes.”

“Honored I can not believe you.” Luna stared angrily at the human who slowly walked over to her and began to flick the end of her flowing mane.

“Oh hush now starry eyes. I was just helping her relax. She is wayyyyy to stressed out about this whole thing. It’s not like she’s the one fighting a God.” Honored hiccuped before wrapping his arms around Luna’s neck and smiled, “Speaking of that nasty baddy place, how is my gate to Hell coming along?”

“Well there is a slight problem. Honored maybe we should wait till you’re in a better state of mind.”

“”What me?” Honored giggled before waltzing over towards the door. “Hey Tune, track 12, Luna needs a pick me up!”

“Of course sir.” Tune responded and slowly the music began to build up around the house. The music started before Tune adjusted the volume to reach the house.

Everybody in the world are you with me?
It's too late to try and run, we run the city
It's my time, It's your time
Held me down, Now its don't give a fuck time

Honored spun Luna around as she gasped in surprise. The human took advantage of his smaller, nimble shape as he ducked and dived around the princess while simultaneously dancing around Luna. She smiled as the intoxicated human tried to dance around her as the rock music blared out from the robot outside the house. The fast beat and lyrics gave Luna hope. He was Honored. He had done so much in such short time. He could do it. He could pass through the Underworld to Tartarus, if anything he would have fun.

“Honored the portal can only bring you to the entrance of the Underworld. There is no direct portal spell to Tartarus.”

Honored lagged behind and tripped on the unconscious body of Celestia. “Oh.” He sat up and shook his head rapidly and stood up straight. “Well this changes things. Looks like i'm going to have to do some more preparations.” Honored walked over to the stairs and ran up towards the study. Luna quickly dashed after him.

“Honored what are you planning?” Luna called out in concern as she followed him into the study. Honore leapt over the startled Twilight and landed on his desk and snatched up several large scrolls and a few bottles of ink and some shortened feather pens.

“I have to get to Stand Bold and Storm Drive. And some guys from Black Claw. We got work to do.” Honored yelled as he ran out of the house and into the bright sun of the morning. “Tune! Post!”

Seconds later, the robotic automated fighting system slid to a halt before the human, who launched himself into the air with a burst of void magic where he landed on Tune’s body. “Let's go buddy, we got to get to the Fast Skies and stat!”

As Tune took of towards the road to Canterlot, Honored looked back, “Well are you coming Luna? Twilight has this under control!”

Luna looked startled as she quickly jumped into the air and soared after the speeding warrior. “Are you going to tell me what youre planning?”

“I’m going to get some help making something that will make this stroll through Hell like a nice walk in the park.” Honored said with a smile while patting one of the scrolls. “This is something that is going to put this world to shame. Something, that if I can get it built, is going to set the new standard for protection. Every being on the world will know what this means.

Luna reached out with her magic and unrolled the scroll, her eyes widening as she looked at the design sketched onto the paper. “Honored what is this?”

“That Luna will be the Pinnacle.”

“You have any idea what you're asking us to try and make?” Stand Bold Stood next to Storm Drive as they eyed the sketch.

“The question I asked, was can you build it?” I stared at the two clever ponies as they looked over the two scrolls of sketches.

“I mean… we can. It will need some sort of power supply to run.” Storm Drive said looking up to me.

I grinned and slammed my hand into my other open palm and an explosion of void magic, a hundred fold stronger than what I was able to wield before caused every loose paper and design in the room to swirl around in a vortex of intense magical energy.
“I’ve got the power supply alright.”

“Then we can build it. The augmentations for these pieces, well we can do them, but again the power needed to do this will be insane, it would need at least ten power gems charged at max capacity to even get this armor moving.” Storm Drive said turning the scroll with the design around to its side. “But it is possible. We can combine the metal with magic from out arcane forges to be as strong as this titanium polymer combination, but the VATs matrix system, what is that?”

“Oh just forget about that.” I said with a sight, “I’ll just have to aim good. Now about the tesla coil?”

“That’s easy!” Stand Bold said, “we can just attach a lightning rune along the back that has a ten foot radius to drain power automatically from hostile forms of energy.”

“Great.” I smiled. “And the leg vents?”

“Another easy to attach rune along the bottoms and sides of the boots and legs.” Storm Drive said. “This will be easy after we figure out the power conduit system. Each appendage will have to be powered separately as the power needed to move that much metal will need a lot of energy.”

“You two get started on the power armor itself, I’ll take care of the power system.” I said while taking the other scroll with the details of the power system and turned towards the captain of the airship, “Stand Bold. Get this ship on course to the Black Claw tower. We got another stop to make.”

“Okay. Listen. Honored I know you may not be a engineer of arcane magic and its rune systems, but do even have any idea of what you are asking us to try and do?” Egg “Eggy” Head the Lead engineer and scientist of the Black Claw Mercenary development division said while tossing the scroll back at me.

“I am asking you to help me create a self stabilizing self sufficient magical reproducing chamber utilizing a void magic tricasting spell to power itself for nearly infinite amount of time.” I said as the pony stopped and turned to look at me. He used his magic to adjust the classes on his face and gave me another ‘you've got to be the dumbest creature alive’ look.

“And how, pray tell, do you plan on casting such a spell that is in itself is a repeating magical paradox.” He scoffed at me. “Just saying that aloud basically describes the problem with what you want to create. The amount of startup power needed to even cast that spell goes above beyond even what Princess Celestia controls.”

“A sun?”

“Exactly.” Eggy said while turning away from me and towards his development lab station.

“Just give me a chance!” I exclaimed, slamming a boot down on the lab floor, shaking the entire room. “Just let me in the testing chamber with one of those archaic pandora crystals.”

“How do you know about-” Eggy began.

“Don't worry about it, but I just need one chance. Please Eggy. I can pay you and the company personally for the crystal, but this is literally a matter of the world’s safety.”

For a couple of seconds the tension in the room was stifling. The other scientist in the room all looked to their boss as the wheels in his head spun. This idea was ridiculous, it was impossible to cast such a spell. A spell that casted itself on the energy it was used originally to be cased while also using a replication spell that replicated the energy from the very energy used in the original casting. That broke every scientific magical law in the world. But… as a scientist Eggy knew some experiments were just too good to not watch fail.

“Alright Honored. But each crystal is 1.3 million-”

“I don't care, give me the chamber and the crystal, time is a factor. As in I have a God to kill.” Eggy recoiled at the statement, but lead me towards the magically sealed room to keep magic cast held inside the room. The pandora crystal was an ancient piece of crystal that had to be old as Hades himself. I found out about it in a tome that was in Celestia’s personal library. It utilized a small blast of magic that in a sense created a temporary rip in a dimension on a cosmic level that allowed energy to be pushed out, but what if that was combined with a spell that nonstop created energy from energy that was constantly being pushed through that same rip in a dimension. It, and as Discord said, might just be that unstable that the confines of the crystal, one so ancient and strong itself would supply the magical energy to keep the spell flowing forever, so long as the crystal was intact. But the very scratch along its surface, would give the energy an escape point.

I stepped into the chamber and saw a silver case resting on a white pedestal. Besides that it was an empty pale white room. A voice crackled in through a speaker system, “Okay Honored, you have the room and the pandora crystal is in the case. Do what you need to do. Simply tap the wall three times to tell us to drop the spell and bring you out. Good luck. And in advance, I told you it couldn't be done.” Eggy’s voice died out and I stared at the case.

“Okay D. Let’s get to it.”


“What?! What are you doing here Discord?” Eggy exclaimed.


“Princess Luna?!” Eggy shouted before dropping to the ground. “What are you two doing here?”

“Well my dear little Egg Head, if we are not here, then how do you expect to contain the power of the void cosmos?” Discord said while flapping over towards the magical chamber.

“How'd you know my name? And what do you mean ‘void cosmos’?" Eggy asked the Lord of Chaos as other unicorn scientist lined up around the sealed chamber and began to prepare to cast their magica cancelling spells.

“Oh I didn't.” He said with a shrug before snapping his talon and creating a massive can of bug spray, but rather than bug-be-gone read magic-be-gone. He angled it at the room and gave it a quick test spray before smiling.

“Little pony, within that room is the only void master this world has. And his power is that of the equivalent to my sister and I.” Luna said very seriously as Eggy tried to grasp the concept of what was about to happen. A sun was literally about to get cast in that room they stood nearly 10 feet from.

“Ah it's starting!” Discord said while jamming ear plugs into his ears and slapping a gas mask on before leaping up and landing on the top of the oversized aerosol can and spraying towards the room with magical canceling spray. All the unicorns began casting their spells around the room that Honored was now in, to block all magic from getting out.

Luna took a stance with her legs spread and head down, horn pointed directly at the chamber. ‘Get it right Honored. We only have one shot at this.’ Luna thought as her spell joined the collection as the power grew within.

“Well this is anticlimactic.” I said staring down at the crystal. It was clear on the outside with a small chunk of pink rock within the clear rock. It was only about as big as a fist. I simply shrugged and placed the crystal on top of the pedestal after removing the box it came in. I took a step back and began to calm my breathing. Just like classes with Twilight. Calm myself. Body and mind.

I focused my magic, the very basic magic I had after getting jump started by the Elements of Harmony. The first spell was the simplest, the spell that would feed of the the second. The continuous casting spell. I fired the spell into the crystal and it stuck perfectly. The spell latched onto the rock and thanks to its property of a dimensional tear, the spell began to loop within both dimensions looking for a spell to cast over and over again. I stood back from the crystal and held my hand out firing the second spell, a energy spell that would pull energy from its surroundings. Within a whole torn dimension, held in the crystal, it would have plenty of energy to supply that spell on while the continuous cast spell forced it to keep casting and pulling energy.

I took a deep breath and slammed my hand against the crystal, firing my void magic deep into the rock, the power leaving my soul was pure void, sucking in the energy from the dimension within the crystal while at the same time feeding both other spells creating a vortex of magical energies within the crystal’s small form. The light from the crystal was intense as I continued to feed power into the spells. The final spell.

The final spell would seal the spell to release the energy sucked from the other dimension back into it, creating a never ending loop of power that was used and reused by the same source and created by the same source. On earth, my earth, such a thing was impossible but with magic… well magic is magic. Fuck logic. I was basically plugging the extension cord into itself.

That's when the first magical whiplash fought back. “No.” I groaned and slammed back into the crystal with more magic. The spell was collapsing. It needed an insane amount of power to give the spells enough energy to latch onto and keep going. Like a fire needed enough air and fuel to ignite. I was giving it all the air it needed, but why wasn't it igniting?!

“Come on!” I yelled as the magical aura around my hand reached out and grew to a second aurora, this color a deeper purple from the other purple form the void. I felt my eyes sting as another longer wisp of purple fog exploded out.

“CATCH DAMN IT!” I screamed as something inside of me snapped and a third aura of purple magic appeared from my gauntlet. My vision turned green as the fog wisps of purple turned to full on flames pouring from the corners of my eyes. The crystal was glowing as bright as the sun as the energy was consumed by the spells failed to catch onto each other. What was stopping it?

I looked and saw the smallest trail of magic being sucked towards me. Shit! How could I have forgotten that detail. I myself was a walking paradox. A magically resistant creature casting and possessing magic. I was simply holding the spell back by a small part of it was always being lost to my natural resistance.

“FUCK ME!” I hollered in pain as it felt like a sharp knife was plunged and twisted into my spine. A fourth purple aura wrapped around the other three on my gauntlet and the crystal began to shake violently like nest of angry hornets. I had to remove myself from the equation or the spell would never catch.

“AHHHHHHHHH!” I gurnted and dropped to my knees as the fifth surge of magic erupted from my hand and I watched the world consumed in a purple haze. I only could guess what my eyes looked like. I quickly slammed my hand back into the crystal dumping the most magic I could possibly grasp form my soul without taking it all. I looked and saw the crystal vibrating and shaking so hard that it seemed to be standing still.

I punched my gauntlet with the crystal into the ground and teleported at the same time of realising the immense amount of void magic that pushed the void magic to the sixth layer of magic around my gauntlet. The magic that strong would have to be strong of enough the spell to catch it, and with me teleporting out of the room at the same time would mean that it was either make it or break it.


A purple and green flash brighter than the very sun setting outside of the science lab exploded into the center of the lab on top of a table full of one of a kind experiments and irreplaceable prototypes. The magical concussion sent scientist and equipment in every direction and against every wall. Purple smoke and green fog filled the room as the engineers and scientist groaned and coughed as they began to stand back up.

“And that's why I got this.” Discord said while tapping a claw against the gas mask hugging his face.

Egg Head slowly looked around the mess and destruction that was his prized laboratory. All the priceless artifacts and experiments gone in a flash. The scientist’s world was gone. Everything broken and shattered. He made his way towards the crater in the floor, stepping around the shattered equipment and broken devices scattered around the ground. His fellow scientists all had gathered around the still smoking hole in the ground.

“Honored?” Luna asked quietly, staring into the dark pit.

The smoke began to vanish as Discord held up a vacuum and began to suck all the smoke up. As the smoke dispersed a faint glowing blue light began to shine out of the ground.

“What?” Eggy gasped.

“It… It can't be.”

“That is impossible!” Egg Head stared slack jawed at the sight before him. There laying in the center of the crater was Honored, clothes burned off of him and wearing a shit eating grin on his face. And held between his hands was a glowing pandora crystal. It was glowing blue with a swirl of deep purple void magic spinning within the crystal in a infinite loop. It swirled around in a ∞ shape.

“How could you do that?” Eggy finally asked staring at the human.

From within the crater, still clutching the gem, Honored looked up and took a deep breath, “I have waited a long time to say this, IT'S MAGIC! I don't have to explain shit!”

Discord fell over in a fit of laughter while ever logical thinking being in the room felt intense migraines and headaches begin to form. Honored laughed too befor letting his head fall backwards.

“Okay that’s it.” Twilight stood back and wiped her brow with a small towel. She looked at the massive and overly complicated spell rune that was carved into Honored’s floor. The intertwining symbols and glyphs were everywhere, running together in a massive seven pointed star that would launch the human to the underworld. “Princess Celestia can you come give this a look over?”

Twilight waited patiently for her mentor, but there came no response.


Twilight slowly trotted out of the study and looked around the second floor. She peeked into the bathroom, bedroom, second study, and another bedroom. The large alicorn was not here. She made her way to the first floor and peered around. The kitchen, den, living room, and other bathroom were all empty as well. “Where did she go?” Twilight asked still puzzled as to where the princess would have run off to. She knew this was a rune that would have to be perfect for it to work.

“Oh yeah, that looks good.”

Twilight perked up and turned towards the door that was covered in signs.

Keep Out!

No ponies

No robots

No nothing

Only Honored

The Human

Really. I mean it. Stay out.

No girls too.

Men stuff.

Twilight stopped and looked at the signs and rolled her eyes. A freaking God. This was the creature that was going to fight the God of death and damnation.

She opened the door and plunged down into the dark basement. It took a moment for Twilight’s eyes to adjust to the dim lighting emitting from a single light dangling from the ceiling. She stopped and gasped at what she saw.

Celestia was standing in the center of the basement wearing armor. But not royal golden armor of the enchanted ages that she had been seen wearing in battles from millennia ago, but human armor.

On her head rested a human army helmet with woodland camouflage pattern and a queen of hearts tucked into the elastic strap going around it. Her horn poked out through a hole in the front of it, along with her ears which had their own holes on the sides of the helmet. On Celestia’s back and chest was a flack jacket with holes cut into the back to allow for Celestia’s large wings to fit through. This armor was also woodland colored, the black, browns, and greens all mixed together and clashed oddly well with the princess's white coat. Around her waist was a drab green belt that had over six different pouches on them each loaded down with magazines that the human usually used for his weapons. A brown holster also hung off the belt. Across the flack jacket, hanging by a special sling designed for a large princess, was a human weapon. Twilight recalled from a human book that it was called an M16A1, but this one had intricate gold leafs all along the edge of the plastic stock on it along with a golden sun on the butt stock resembling Celestia’s cutie mark.

Celestia turned to look at Twilight and grinned. She lifted a pair of dark lensed MareitorTM sunglasses to her eyes and put a smoking cigar to her lips. She stuck it in the corner of her mouth and grinned. “Oh yea.”

“Princess? What? What are you doing?” Twilight quickly looked around for an angry human to come storming down the stairs. “Honored will get super pissed if he catches us down here. And you ruined his gear!” Twilight was beginning to panic at the thought of him getting upset before his big battle with a God.

“I didn't ruin anything.” Celestia said lowering her glasses. “I found this in that box with my name on it.” She gestured with a hoof towards a metal locker with SUNBUTT on it. There were three more lockers beside that one. DADDY D. MOON PIE. SNEAKY BEAKY BAT PONY.

“Oh. How come I don't get one.” Twilight kicked a hoof against the floor. “Why is he giving everypony weapons and armor?”

“Well it worked Eggy, and ye’ of little faith didn't believe in your savior, so BLAHHHHH.” Honored stuck his tongue out at the lab coat wearing pony. Egg Head was still baffled. That crystal in the human’s hands was a working paradox that shouldn't exist. Even now after an hour of its creation Eggy still had a throbbing headache even trying to think about the damned spell. The dang human and his dang overpowered magic.

“Honored leave him alone.” Luna scolded the human like a mother before lowering her head to the crystal and giving it another curious look. “But it is a bit curious, how something that makes no sense, something chaotic, worked.” Luna looked up to the floating mismatched creature who turned his head and started to whistle to himself.

“Who? Moi?” Discord fained innocence and a golden halo appeared over his head. “I had nothing to do with the creation of this magical and scientific destroying artifact.”

Luna rolled her eyes and shrugged her wings before turning away and walking back with the group towards the exit of the Black Claw headquarters building. “I just think it would be so strange for you to do something nice to someone. Does Discord have another friend?”

“What me?! I am Lord of Chaos, I have no need to be nice!” Discord shouted while crossing his arms. But the damage was done. “Oh whatever.” He grumbled and continued after the gang towards the Fast Skies.

Honored was already heading up the ramp towards the entrance when he was nearly knocked off the side by a blur of colors.

“Honored I was on my way to get you. It’s.... it’s…. it's done. We had help from a lot of the Black Claw development ponies and they helped craft it. Its… I… We can't even describe it. But it needs so much power. Did you get it?” Stand Bold was zipping around like a pegasus version of Pinkie Pie. Honored shuddered at the thought.

“Sure did. Say hello to pandora. Infinite energy the defies all logic and known laws of magic. Because fuck the rules.” Honored showed him the crystal and its forever glowing ∞ symbol of swirling void magic.

“Perfect!” Stand Bold reached a hoof out towards it, but Honored jerked the crystal back. “No touching! Basicly the end of the world in a jar. We need to get this into the armor.”

IT'S A WHAT?!” Luna shouted, causing the human to fumble with the crystal before catching it and hugging it to his chest.

“What part of another dimension and now infinite energy do you not get. Little rip in space and or time, now is a big rip contained in this crystal.” Honored said while getting up and following the pegasus inventor and soldier towards the main deck within the interior of the Fast Skies. “Okay buddy, let's see this monster.

“Well we had some trouble figuring out the power relay systems, but we ended up crushing up hundreds of gems and filled flexible tubing with them to act as the magical conduits through the entire suit.” Stand Bold looked beyond proud of his ingenuity.

“You're getting the hype train ready.” Honored said with a smile that seemed like it would split his face in half.

“We were able to create the magical infused titanium armor that has so far tested against three mega spells at once and a fall from over four hundred feet without a scratch.”

“ALL ABOARD!” Honored screamed. “Dude this better not be a sick prank.”

“It's not.” The group entered the large hangar within the airship’s belly and noticed a few ponies wearing dirty uniforms and Storm Drive standing beside a tarp covered object. The tarp covered armor was nearly seven and half feet tall and almost five feet wide. Honored was positively drooling all over the metal deck as he began to bounce around. Stand Bold nodded to Storm Drive who yanked the tarp off revealing the suit of armor fit to traverse the depths of Hell.

The armor glistened off the dim lighting of the hangar with a shine of gunmetal gray. The helmet had a deep blue visor that showed no interior but reflected the amazed looks of the on looking creatures. The monster suit of armor was taller than Luna and would put Honored on the same eye level of Celestia. The massive boots and leg armor looked as though Honored could simply crash his way through the earth and towards the underworld. Vents on the side of the leg armor were open, their purpose a mystery.

“What’s that?” Luna asked pointing a hoof to a weird cylindrical shaped backpack on the armor’s back.

“That is a magical thruster to amplify magic into a downward force to send the armor flying.” Stand said while polishing a hoof on his chest. “Now are we going to stand her and gawk at this beauty, or are you gonna fire it up?”

Honored stepped towards the armor and placed a hand on the cold metal surrounding the chest. He looked down and noticed that the left arm was bigger than the right. He flexed the gauntleted arm and held it up towards the armor. It was bigger to allow the gauntlet to fit into it. ‘The damn pony thought of everything.’ Honored thought while walking around the back of the armor and examined it thoroughly. An open slot in the back below the magical jetpack was open and waiting for a power supply to be added. Honored gently placed the pandora crystal into the power slot and stepped back.





A powerful humming filled the hangar as the suit powered itself on. Purple and green accents along the armor glowed to life before they moved onto the arms, legs, and chest piece where they stayed and glowed as if it was on fire. The vents on the leg armor began to grow a deep red and small wisps of steam slowly wafted out from the ports as two spell glyphs ignited in the same red magic above the vents. On the large left arm a massive spell rune began to glow and become as bright as the flames that continued to shift and burn along the armor.

Honored stepped up to the back of the armor and the back swung up while the legs and arms opened up to allow the human to step inside before sealing shut around him. Within seconds Honored felt his vision focus as the visor began to flicker with long scrolls of written data. Then everything became clear. The human slowly moved his arms and legs, attempting to get a feel for the newly acquired armor. The suit itself weighed nearly seven hundred pounds.

“Give the left arm a flick.” Stand Bold said taking a step back.

Honored did as instructed and was rewarded with a ‘hiss’ of magic and a dark purple blade made of pure void magic appeared floating along side his left arm extending out past his clenched fist. It sliced through the air, leaving a dim light trail behind it as it moved. With a quick jerk back and a thought of cancelling the spell, the blade vanished back into the rune along the inside of the arm.

“Oh fuck.” Honored groaned in delight. His voice sounded robotic, as if coming from a microphone as he spoke. The external speaker and filtration unit mounted on the helmet insured that he could be heard and breath in clean air so long as there was air to filter.

“Pretty much just think it, and the armor will do the rest. The spell matrix is just like the one you wanted, so you should know all the abilities of the armor. Minus the magic blade, that was one of my own doing. Thought you would like it.” Stand Bold looked as if he was about to start crying at any moment.

Discord and Luna both just stared in shock, their jaws still hanging loose. With his gauntlet mounted into the armor Honored could still perform magic as necessary. “Open the hangar door, let's go for a spin.”

I embraced the feeling of being surrounded by armor. It hugged my body perfectly. I felt beyond invincible. I could take on Hell and then some. And I was going too. I ran forward towards the opening doors on the deck of the hangar. The sound of the armored boots slamming into the deck rang out and it was music to my ears. The armor was sturdy and nearly indestructible. Three mega spells at once?! That is an insane amount of power for it to stop. The opening loomed closer.

Time to test it out.

I threw myself from the airship and began to plummet towards the city far below. Mars, let's hit those thrusters. Let's see if this rock can fly.

I let the void master of my mind, Mars, take over the magical flow of energy in the suit and suddenly I was hurtling towards the ground even faster than before. Numbers began flashing in the bottom of my visor with ALT appearing next to it. This suit had everything. This went far above and beyond what I wanted it to do. The suit rocketed closer and closer to the street below me. I could see griffons and ponies alike around the Black Claw Headquarters building pointing up in the sky towards me as I soared down towards them.

ALT 300

ALT 250

ALT 200

ALT 150

I quickly angled the suit up and shot into the air, fuelling even more magic into the thruster.

“WOOOWHOOOOO!” I shouted as the suit took the change easily and smoothly and sent me soaring back into the sky. I turned my head and saw I was leaving a faint trail of purple smoke behind me as I flew through the air. Purple and green void flames were exiting the two thrust ports on the left and right side of my back.

As I corkscrewed through the air a small circle appeared in the bottom left side of my visor and a red ring expanded out from the center till it reached the edge of the circle. Then it ‘pinged’ out again. “No way. Radar?” I asked aloud as I did a loop de loop and spun around again before dropping down. Two bright green dots lit up on the radar and I looked around and spotted Luna and Discord both flying towards, both still looking somewhat shocked at me. I grinned inside of the helmet and rocketed towards them.

As I got closer, I shut off the magic and began to drop towards the ground.

ALT 200

ALT 100


I somersaulted in mid air before slamming into the street feet first. A massive boom erupted from my landing and a wave of purple and green fire rippled out along the ground coming from the vents along the armor on the legs. I was crouched against the cobblestone street, my larger left arm in a fist against the ground.

“What is that thing?”

“Is it a demon?”

“That thing looks dangerous stay back son.”

“Is that alive?”

I heard the murmuring of the crowd of civilians that had stopped along the sidewalk beside the road. My radar was still ‘pinging’ but all the dots were green. I looked up and slowly stood up, the griffons and other creatures along the sidewalk scooted back as I rose to my full height. I grinned, but knowing they couldn't see it, I gave a small wave before crouching back and then jumping into the air with the assist of the magically enhanced power armor. I activated the thrusters and took off into the sky again with Luna and Discord close behind me. I barrel rolled to the left and dropped down and shot backwards so that I was directly behind the two.

“Pow.” I said raising both my hands and aiming my fingers at them as if they were pistols. “Got ya.” I slowed my speed so I was flying between the two. “What do y’all think?”

“Honored the suit… it is something that is beyond my understanding. How could you have just now decided to build it? Why not earlier?” Luna looked beyond confused. “You needed this much protection long before this new mission.”

“Well I mean… I kinda never thought about it. My old armor was good enough.” I thought back to how easy every battle would have been if I had this suit of armor back then. Or if I had been able to fight Tierk in it. Oh man I need some time travel so I can fuck him up.

“I must say that we have outdone ourselves this time!” Discord squealed as he coiled himself around the armor. “This bad boy is going to make it through Tartarus and back!” Discord teleported back beside me. Damn. I wonder if I could teleport this hunk of metal. A teleporting, flying, shooting, exploding, indestructible suit of armor. Beyond OP.

“I still want you to be safe Honored.” Luna said flying closer towards me. “You still can get hurt. Even if that armor is… so strong… and shiny.” Luna was staring hard at the suit of armor around me.

“Luna dear, my eyes are up here.” I laughed as she blushed deeply.

“Sorry. It's just that armor was always a reflection on the one wearing it.” Luna said letting off a dreamy sigh.

“Then I must be the God of Badass.” I laughed as we flew back towards Fast Skies. Flying with wings felt good, but somehow flying in this armor felt… felt more natural than using my void master wings. We angled down and flew under the airship and then up into the same hangar we left from. I flew forward and landed in a run, skidding to a halt with a spray of sparks.

All the ponies that worked on the Fast Skies had gathered in the hangar by the looks of stares I was getting. I leaned back, taking a fighting stance and slung my arm out to my side, the void blade appearing off my arm. The ponies cheered as I thought of strolling through the underworld.

“Why would he have weapons and armor for you. Why would he have armor for anypony?” Twilight was still perplexed at Honored’s actions. Did he think they needed more help? More bad guys were coming? Did he not think that Elements of Harmony could handle it?



“What in all of Equestria?!” Twilight shouted as the entire house rocked from a mammoth explosion. Twilight raced from the living room and towards the front door as Celestia ran out of the basement with her human crafted armor, weapon, cigar, and glasses on. They both leapt from the house, horns charged and M16 ready to fire. They stopped when a massive creature, standing as tall as the princess rose form a small crater in the ground. It was dull gray metal with blue eyes on its helmet. The two alicorns both stared in shock at this giant metal man.

“Honored?” Celestia was the first to speak as the thing moved from the crater and stood beside them.

“Yup. And way to ruin the surprise C. I was going to give y'all that stuff when I got back, but I guess you don't know how to read.” Honored Service’s voice was different as he spoke, but he was there. Suddenly there was a hiss of pressure and the armor swung open from the back, the back plates rising up and the arms and legs splitting open and the human stepped down and out of the armor. His smile was infectious as the suit closed itself up, waiting for its user to come back.

Luna and Discord landed beside him and Luna looked from Honored to the empty suit. “What?” He asked, “did you think I was going to go stomping all around my house with that on? Hell no, those scratches would never come out of the floor.”

“Okay Luna, Discord, and Night Rose, yes Rose I know you've been tailing us since we left Fast Skies at Canterlot. Now come along, I have things to give out.”

“Damn. I must be getting rusty.” Night Rose mumbled to herself as she slunk out of a bush she had vanished into.

The group entered Honored’s basement of weapons and ammo. They waited patiently off to the side as Honored scrabbled around moving things so they would have enough room to sit down. “Okay there we go. You three sit there. Celestia and Twilight you stand over there. As you can see,” Honored said while tugging Celestia to the center of the room, “Celestia has her new armor and weapon already. New magic resistant armor, magically powered rifle and pistol. Fun stuff.”

He then pushed the alicorn to the side. “Luna you're next! Come on up!”

Luna stood before the human as he opened her locker and began pulling out gear and putting it on Luna. Everyone gathered waited quietly as Honored moved around placing gear and armor on Luna’s form. Finally he stepped back and clapped, “All done. Say hello to Luna combat variant 2.0.”

Luna looked around at herself and in the provided mirror. She gasped at what she saw.

On her head was pitch black boonie cap with holes cut in for her ears and horn to stick through. It had an ace of spades tucked into the slots around the brim of the hat. “For good luck!” Honored quipped as Luna continued to look at herself. A long black scarf was wrapped around her neck, but this scarf was rather stiff compared to normal cloth. “Ballistic fiber woven scarf, able deflect massive amounts of energy as it absorbs magic to reflect it back at the caster.” Honored said with a smile. Luna’s body was mostly covered by a pitch black combat vest that had deep blue strips like that of a tiger on it. The vest had a few pouches along it, along with a holster mounted on the side beneath her right wing. Holes were included so that her wings could fold comfortably at her side, hiding the holster. On her back was a large rectangular pack. But it seemed to made out of a hardened plastic rather than cloth or kevlar.

“The top portion of the pack holds almost two thousand rounds of 7.62 ammo for your 240. No reloading for my princess of machine gun!” Honored squealed with excitement as he walked over and grabbed a tab on the side of the pack where a metal tube the width of a bullet extended out and he continued to pull it out to nearly five feet. “The rounds are linked in the pack and they travel through this anti-jamming feed system into the weapon. It has five feet of tubing so you can carry it in your magic with no problem.”

He then went to the back portion of the pack and pushed a small button. The back split open and two rectangular pods popped out and aimed over the princess’s side. “Two countermeasure pods, each filled with different loads of chaff, smoke, and flares. All to distract, blind, and render following enemies useless. Just activate it with your magic."

Luna was speechless along with everyone else in the room. Honored lightly pushed her over to Celestia while he opened the locker with SNEAKY BEAKY on it. “Night Rose, you're up.”

Honored repeated the same process he had with Luna while equipping Rose with the new gear he had made or gotten for each friend. As Honored worked, Rose kept quiet and Discord was bouncing as he stared at the locker with DADDY D on it. His surprise was still to come.

“Oaky Rose, what do you think?” Honored asked stepping back from the bat pony.

Perched on Rose’s head was a deep purple military beret with an Equestrian Honor Guard symbol on the front raised area on it. Resting across her muzzle was a bandana with a white outline of a skeleton jaw with large fangs on it. “Both of your headgear pieces are made of the same ballistic weave Luna has.” Honored said while holding up a pair of pitch black wraparound sunglasses. “These glasses have a large spell matrix on them to give you all sorts of data on the battlefield. Health, armor, magical ability, and also it can detect Changeling magic anything like shapeshifting magic.” Rose put the glasses on and immediately her eyes were assaulted with numbers, shapes, and strange magical glyphs. After a few seconds the scrolling patterns slowed and she looked at Honored.

Health <est 12000>

Damage Res. <No Armor Found. Minimum Protection>

Magic <Highly Advance Magic User>

No Active Change Spell Detected

Rose was stunned at the amazing magic she now had in her possession. She looked down to her forelegs and saw slim black leg braces that were lighter than her old pair which had been tossed aside. “A combination of magical woven polymer and metal. They are able to withstand a direct hit from a great sword without leaving a scratch.” Rose was impressed, these things were better than the old by far. “And they are enchanted with charged gems for some extra… fun.” Honored motioned for her to jab her hooves out. She hovered into the air and jabbed. Two blades, one on each hoof, appeared. They were magical blades nearly three feet long. With a flick, they vanished back into the braces.

On her body was a slim suit of armor made of heavy cloth. The same ballistic weave that made up a lot of her gear. It contained multiple pouches and pockets for storage along with a strange black cube on her back between her leathery wings. “That is a gem cube. Inside are a few gems charged and ready to cast some special spells. They recharge on ambient magic so you don't have to find a unicorn. Now press the small button on the side of your glasses.”

Rose did as she was instructed and waited, but nothing happened. Honored quickly pulled out a pistol and aimed it at a small bullet catch in the wall. Rose quickly covered her sensitive ears as everpony else did.

But the gunshot never came.

She looked to Honored and saw him firing the weapon. Flashes were appearing at the end of the barrel and the slide kicked back sending a small brass casing to the floor but there was no sound as it hit the stone floor and rolled away. “What?” Rose asked, but nothing came from her mouth. She was deaf!

Honored lowered the weapon and smiled. He then reached over to the bat pony and pressed the button. “See that? Well more like hear that? The spells are charged to cancel out all sounds in a small area. About twenty feet or so. Makes disarming, killing, and removing an enemy in a stealth operation very easy.” Rose was now in awestruck at the human. Such ingenuity and sadistic applications of magic. He was like a mad scientist.

“Its simply amazing. It will adapt very well to my gear.” Night Rose tried stay professional, but she was having a hard time hiding her smile from the corners of her mouth.

“Last. but certainly not least, Discord it's your turn.” Honored said while the draconequus slithered his way to the center of the room. He stood as still as he could as the human went to work around him, giving him equipment and pieces to hold as straps were emplaced around his body. Discord summoned a three pane mirror and looked himself up and down.

“Oh yeah.” He said while giving himself a 360 look around.

Discord had a black bowler hat on his head. Two holes were added for his horns to fit around. “And this little number here must be a fancy helmet.” Discord said patting the ‘helmet’.

“Actually take it off and press it down.” The human smiled as Discord lifted the hat off and the squashed it down. As the hat flattened, a saw blade slid out along the brim of the hat making it a saw blade Frisbee.

“Very strange.” Discord said, “I love it!” He said shaking the hat out and plopping it back onto his head. Honored smile as he pointed to the armor that was wrapped around the Draconequus’ body. The suit Discord was wearing was blood red with a black belt around his waist that had two holster and pouches for their ammo. On his back were two large swords crossed in an X shape.

“The suit is highly compressed ballistic weave that not only reflects damage, but that belt buckle absorbs magic for you to use.” Honored said happily while walking over to a large box by the work bench. He pulled out a green ammunition can filled with 40mm grenades, “these are for you launcher. You know how to use it. And these,” Honored grabbed two strange streamline pepperbox looking pistols off the shelf and held them out to Discord. “Now I don’t have loads of ammo for these two so please use them sparingly. These are called Gyrojet pistols. They fire a 13mm rocket, and explode on impact. So hopefully they will have the same effect that the 40mm do in your control.” Honored thought back to the grenades that when detonated caused whatever they hit to turn into random things.

“These are great! I can't wait to play with them!” Disord pulled the human into a hug, momentarily forgetting about the two handguns in his claws. Honored squirmed in Discord's grasp as both pistol barrels pressed into his cheeks.

“Not that we arnt grateful for these gifts sweetie,” Luna said stepping forward and nuzling the human’s neck, “but why the sudden generosity?”

Honored, now from Discord’s potential dangerous hug, looked at her and tiltied his head. “Well isnt it obvious, I want y’all to come with me.”

Four sets of jaws droped for the hundreth time that day.

Honored Service asked for help.

Honored Service asked for the prinesses to travel to the place they had banished hundreds of evil creatures in their life.

But more importantly Honored. Asked. For. Help.

As the alicorns and bat pony did their best gold fish impressions, Discord jumped into the air and pumped his fist. “Oh yeah! Time to go kick ass and chew bubble gum.” He tossed an enire gumball machine into his mouth and crunchd down, metal and all. “And I’m all out of bubble gum.”

Night Rose, the silent ever stealthy handler finally said what the stunned princesses were thinking.


Author's Note:

Enjoy my friends. Things are happening to our favorite little warrior!

What will he do next?

That darned Honored.