• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 12,118 Views, 1,810 Comments

A New Home III: The Quest for the Lost Locket - APoeticHeart

Toby is suddenly teleported to the Equestria Girls Universe in search of his missing locket.

  • ...

Chapter Two: Spec Ops

Toby was still shaken after his run in with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon of this strange new world, but he smiled softly as he looked up at the lady, now known as Sunset Shimmer who saved him from the two from further bullying him. He walked beside her as she led him into the school which had a royal appearance to it.

Hmm… this school is big and it looks like it could be a school that could be in Canterlot.

Sunset Shimmer smiled down at him. “Let’s get your ear fixed up first, okay little guy?”

He nodded. “Okay Ms. Shimmer. That sounds good, because it still hurts a little after Silver Spoon yanked them off.” A frown formed across his face as he carefully touched his ear, looking at his hand with a little blood on it.

Sunset Shimmer stopped walking for a little bit, looking down at him with a soft smile, and bent down to his eye level. “It’s okay buddy, those two prissy pots won’t be messing with you anymore as long as you have Sunset Shimmer as your friend.” She smirked proudly motioning at herself with a thumb.

This put a light smile on Toby’s face. “Thank you Ms. Shimmer.” He sniffled.

She reached up with her free hand and rubbed at the top of his head, ruffling his hair. “No problem kiddo. Now let’s go see Nurse Redheart and see what she can do for that ear.” She stood back up, holding his small hand in hers as they started to walk again toward the nurse’s office.

Soon they arrived at a wooden door with a red cross on it where a chubby boy came walking out of sniffling heavy. “Oh hey Snips, what’s up?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Oh hey Sunse….ACHOO!” he blew his nose into a tissue. “I’m…I’m… ACHOO!” he sniffled heavily again. “I think I got the same cold that my so called ‘friend’…” He spoke friend with emphasis, making air quotes. “Snails had last week….ACHOO!” he blew his nose again into the tissue.

Sunset Shimmer couldn’t help but let out a little giggle. “Well, I’m sorry to hear that buddy.” She patted at his shoulder. “I hope you get feeling better soon.” She looked curiously at him. “Speaking of Snails, where is he anyway? He should be better by now, and I haven’t seen him all morning.”

Snips sniffled. “He must be hiding from me, because I told him that I would pay him back for giving me this cold…ACHOO!” He blew his nose one last time.

Sunset Shimmer let out another giggle. “Well, you just take care of that cold first, and then you can worry about Snails.” She patted at his shoulder again.

“ACHOO! Okay Sunset Shimmer. See you around.” He said, waving at her before walking off, sneezing, and blowing his nose into the tissue.

Sunset Shimmer chuckled “I swear, times with those two never get old.” A light-hearted smile crept across her face as she looked down to see Toby staring curiously ahead. “Oh hey kid, are you okay?”

Hmm…first Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, now Snips. Also, I’m going to see this Nurse Redheart. Everyone I’ve met so far are like my family back home, but just in human form.

Toby’s thoughts were interrupted as he felt a hand on his shoulder gently shaking it. “Hey kid, are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”

He blinked his eyes, shaking his head of his thoughts. He looked up with a soft smile. “O---oh I’m okay Ms. Shimmer.” He gave her a reassuring smile.

She nodded down at him. “Oh, okay. I was just making sure you were alright buddy.” She placed her hand on the doorknob, but took it off immediately, and bent down to Toby. “Hey kiddo, you don’t have to be all formal with me. You can just call me Sunset Shimmer if you would like, okay? Or even....” Sunset Shimmer cringed. "Sunny...." She ruffled his hair with a soft smirk on her face, earning her a nod.

She stood back up, opening the door. She walked inside followed behind by Toby where they saw Nurse Redheart sitting at her desk working on the computer. “Hello Nurse Redheart, are you busy?” She gave an awkward smile.

Nurse Redheart turned in her chair with a warm smile on her face. “Oh hello Ms. Shimmer, no I’m not busy at all.” She stood up from her desk, walking over to the two. “What may I do for you today?”

Sunset Shimmer looked down at Toby, placing her hands on his shoulders, and brought him forward. “Well Nurse Redheart, I caught those to snobbish prima donnas, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon picking on this kid, and… well take a look.” She very gently cupped Toby’s chin, turning his head to the side for Nurse Redheart to look at the cut on his ear.

She lowered her head to take a better look, tilting it, and gasped at the sight, although it was only a small cut. “Oh you poor dear,” she glanced up at Sunset Shimmer. “What did those two do to him?”

Sunset Shimmer gritted her teeth at the thought of it, but let out a heavy sigh to try and calm down for Toby. “Well, after I helped walking the kindergartners to school, I decided to go check out at the back.” She rubbed at Toby’s shoulder comfortably. “That is when I saw to those two bullying him, but what caught my attention was they were stomping on his glasses.” Her lips pursed with frustration. “I tried to run over to help in time, but I was too late, and now you can see the state of his glasses.”

Nurse Redheart took a closer inspection of his glasses noticing that only a chunk of glass on each lens was intact. “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about that sweetheart.” She gently took his hand in hers leading him to a chair. “Here, take a seat and I’ll get something to make your ear all better.” She patted the chair and walked over to her medical cabinet.

Sunset Shimmer sat down beside Toby wrapping her arm around his shoulder to keep him comforted. “It’s okay little guy, Nurse Redheart is going to get you all fixed up, and then we can go get you a pair of new glasses.” She gave him a wink, rubbing at his arm.

He smiled at her. “Thank you Sunset Shimmer.” He spoke in his usual soft, small tone, still a little bit overwhelmed in being in this new world.

Nurse Redheart returned with a cotton swab, a small bottle of alcohol, and a Band-Aid. She pulled a chair over to sit in front of Toby. Unscrewing the cap to the alcohol, she dipped the cotton swab into the liquid, and pulled it back out. She leaned forward, tilting to the side to get another good look at the ear cut. “Alright sweetie, this might sting a little, but it will stop the bleeding, okay?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” He clenched his eyes, preparing himself just in case it does hurt. Sunset gently held his hand in both of hers, patting the top of it.

Nurse Redheart carefully touched the cotton swab to the cut, causing Toby to grit his teeth, and wince a little in pain, but Sunset kept rubbing his hand to comfort him. “It’s okay buddy, she’s almost done, see?” She gave him a warm smile in which Toby opened his eyes, glancing side ways to see Nurse Redheart apply the Band-Aid over the cleaned sore.

She gave Toby a warm smile. ‘There you go dear, all done.” She patted his back. “If I may ask sweetheart, what is your name?”

He looked back and forth at Nurse Redheart and Sunset Shimmer. “My name is Toby, Toby Mason.” He gave a soft smile.

“Well Toby, you were a good little patient.” She smiled warmly at him, stood up, and walked over to her computer desk, pulling out a drawer. She reached in, grabbing a lollipop, closing the drawer, and walked back over to Toby. She reached out her hand “Here you go dear. That is for being a brave boy.” She gave him a warm smile.

He reached out his hand, politely taking the lollipop from Nurse Redheart, and gave her a soft smile. “Thank you Nurse Redheart.”

She nodded. “You are very welcome, Toby. Anytime you have an injury, or you are sick, just come to me, and I’ll help you anyway I can.” She patted at his shoulder. “Also, I’m truly sorry dear about those two mean girls doing that to your glasses, but I promise the eye doctor here at Canterlot High School is very good, and he will be able to get you a new pair.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

He gave her a light nod as he unwrapped the lollipop, and placed it in his mouth, starting to suck on it. Sunset carefully stood up as she gently grasped Toby’s hand. She smiled at Nurse Redheart “Thank you again Nurse Redheart for helping him.” They walked to the door.

Nurse Redheart nodded. “Of course, Ms. Shimmer. As a school nurse, it’s my job to give the students of Canterlot High School a healthy and safe school life here. You two be good now, and I’ll see you again.”

Sunset Shimmer and Toby both waved back at her as they exited the nurse’s office. She looked down letting out a soft giggle as she watched Toby enjoying the lollipop. “Well Toby, what do you say we go get you those new pair of glasses?” He looked up at her, giving her a nod, and she gently rubbed at his head, ruffling his hair.

As they were walking along the hallways to the eye care center, Toby looked in awe at all the students who looked a lot like the ponies back home. He shook the thoughts out of his head, because he knew although they appeared like his family and friends, they weren’t. He looked to see that they arrived at the eye care center.

Sunset Shimmer led Toby into the office, walking up to the clerk’s desk. “Yes, may I help you?” The clerk asked with a cheery smile.

“Yes Ma’am, is Dr. Spectacle in today?” Sunset Shimmer asked as she looked down at Toby giving him a warm smile.

“Yes he is, and it appears that he is free. So you can come along back into his office if you would like.” The clerk got up from her chair, walked around her desk, and opened the door. As soon as she opened she looked down at the young boy and gasped. “Oh gosh, what happened to your glasses dear?” She knelt down to examine his glasses, seeing they still barely held glass in the lenses.

He frowned, but spoke trying to keep himself from crying. “These two mean girls, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara stomped on them.” He lowered his head, looking at the ground.

The clerk gently placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it. “Don’t worry sweetie, we’ll get you some new glasses. Please, follow me.” She stood back up, guiding Toby and Sunset Shimmer back toward the office of Dr. Spectacle. She knocked on the door, turning the doorknob to slightly open it, and peeked inside. “Dr. Spectacle, there is a young child here that needs a new pair of glasses. Is it okay if he comes inside to see you?”

He looked up from signing some papers. “Sure Ms. Rhodes, please send him in.” He stacked the papers neatly, placing them in a folder. He turned to see Toby and Sunset Shimmer standing in the doorway, and motioned for them come in. “Well come in my young sir, don’t be shy.” He gave the boy a warm smile.

Dr. Spectacle had short brown wavy hair, a light golden tan to his skin, sapphire blue eyes, and he wore a pair of small black-rimmed glasses. Soon as he saw Toby, he immediately got up from his chair, and walked over to the child. “Oh my dear lad, what happened to your glasses?” He bent down to examine his glasses, very carefully taking them off.

Toby began shaking a little nervously feeling a bit insecure without his glasses, but he was comforted as Sunset Shimmer gently held his shoulders warmly with her hands. “W---well Sir, they were stomped on by these two bullies.” He sniffled as he looked up at the blurry figure before him. “M---my friend, Sunset Shimmer told me that you have plenty of different framed glasses, and you could get me a new pair in a few days. B---but I can’t wait a few days Sir, I need some glasses so I could see!” He clenched his eyes shut to try and stop his tears from shedding.

Don’t cry Toby, you’ve got to be a brave boy for Momma, my aunts, and Mommy. He felt a second hand on his shoulder and opened his eyes to see the blurry form of the doctor in front of him. “Don’t worry son, I think we have a pair of glasses for you. Could you wait in here with your friend while I go get them for you?”

He nodded, sniffling softly. “Yes, sir.” He gave him a soft smile as Sunset led the little boy to a chair to sit down.

The doctor walked out of his office, carefully shutting his door, and headed to a room that had a wall lined with different types, sizes, and shapes of eyeglasses. He looked carefully through the collection and came upon a pair that had a violet brim, nodding. These should do it. He carefully took the glasses off the display case and made his way back to the office.

Ms. Rhodes saw him, walking up to him. “Excuse me Dr. Spectacle, but aren’t those that girl with the red curly hair's glasses?” She whispered.

He put his index finger up to his lips to shush her. “Yes, but these are the only ones that can fit that young lad, and he needs a new pair of glasses bad.” He let out a soft sigh. “Besides, we can always order Ms. Twist a new pair of her glasses right away.”

She let out a content sigh, shaking her head. “Yes, sir.” She couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as she walked back to her office.

Dr. Spectacle walked back into his office holding the glasses carefully in his hand. He walked over to Toby, bending down in front of him, gently placing them on his ears and face. “Here you go young man, tell me how these work.”

Toby blinked his eyes twice as they were placed on his head, and his once blurry vision suddenly became clear as crystal.

He smiled brightly “Oh, these are very nice Dr. Spectacle. I can see much clearer now, but could I keep my old glasses? These are special to me, even though they are broken.” He looked up at the doctor with a hopeful smile.

“Of course you can. May I ask your name my good Sir?” He reached out his hand to Toby.

“My name is Toby Mason, sir.” He reached out his little hand to Dr. Spectacle and they carefully shook hands.

“Well, it was good meet you Toby, and I’m glad I could help you with your glasses.” He pulled out a black eyeglass case out of his coat pocket. “Before I forget, here is the case for you to put your glasses in.” He handed Toby the case, patting him on the shoulder.

“Thank you Dr. Spectacle.” He climbed out of the chair as Sunset Shimmer did the same, gently grasping his small hand.

The doctor nodded at him. “You are very welcome Mr. Mason, and whenever you need your eyes checked, I’m always available.” He gave him a warm smile. “You two take care now and have a good day.”

“Goodbye, Dr. Spectacle.” Sunset Shimmer and Toby said in unison as they walked out of his office, exiting the eye care center.

After they left, a girl with red curly hair and light magenta eyes arrived at the eye care center’s door, carefully walking in. She walked up to the clerk’s desk “Excuse me Ms. Rhodes, I’m here to pick up my glasses.” She had a beaming smile on her face.

Suddenly Dr. Spectacle walked out of his office into the lobby. “Oh, I’m sorry Ms. Twist, but we are closed at the moment. However, you can come back tomorrow to get your glasses.” He walked up to her, very gently placing his hands on her shoulder, and gently pushed her toward the door.

“B---but…” before she could finish, she was gently pushed out the door. “Come back tomorrow, Ms. Twist. Have a good day.” He spoke before shutting the door.

Twist just stood there confused before pulling out a peppermint stick from a side pocket of her book bag, taking a bite of it. “Well at least I have my candy to satisfy me for the day.” She let out a soft giggle, and walked off down the hall.

Sunset Shimmer took Toby to the cafeteria next to get the boy something to eat. When they entered Toby looked in awe, at not only the size of the luncheon, but the array of food available. He looked up at Sunset Shimmer, swallowing deeply.

“Sunset Shimmer, I appreciate you bringing me to get something to eat, but I don’t have any money.” He frowned.

She let out a soft chuckle. “Don’t worry little guy, it’s on me. You just pick out what you want, and I’ll buy it.” She gave him a wink, ruffling his hair.

He smiled up at her. “Okay, Sunset Shimmer.” He followed behind her as they got in the lunch line.

Sunset got her a tray of a BLT sandwich, a salad bowl, and a bottle of water. Toby decided to just get a bowl of mixed fruit and a carton of chocolate milk. As they got to the end of the line Sunset Shimmer pulled out her wallet handing the lunch lady who was a human version of Granny Smith the money for their lunch.

Sunset led Toby to a vacant table as she took a seat and he took one across from her. Toby smiled softly at her as he shook his carton of chocolate milk, opening it, and took a drink. After he finished his first swallow he spoke softly. “Thank you Sunset Shimmer, not only for my lunch, but for what you’ve done for me today.”

She let out a warm chuckle, smirking proudly. “Aw… it’s no problem at all buddy. However, I’ve been wondering something Toby.” She spoke with a soft tone, yet looked at him curiously.

He ate a piece of pineapple from his fruit bowl, looking into her eyes. He finished his bite before speaking. “W---what is that Sunset Shimmer?” He asked a little hesitantly.

She gave him a warm smile. “Don’t worry little guy, it isn’t bad.” She took a drink of her water. “I was wondering though, what grade are you in Toby, and where are your parents at with you being here all alone?”

Toby swallowed nervously as a thought ran through his head. Oh no, I can’t tell her the truth. She might think I’m crazy and maybe make fun of me. Please forgive me Mommy, but I got to lie to her. He let out a heavy sigh. “W---well Sunset Shimmer, my mommy and daddy thought I was a big boy and old enough to come to school alone. Also, I’m in the third grade.” He took a drink of chocolate milk.

Sunset Shimmer smiled warmly at him. “Well, I would agree with them Toby. Because you are not only a big boy, but also a very brave little guy.” She gave him a wink. “After we get done eating lunch, I’ll take you to get registered here, okay buddy?” He gave her a nod as they went back to eating their breakfast.

The lunch bell rang to end the period, and the two took their empty trays to place on the vacant counter to be washed. Sunset then led Toby to the school’s main office to get registered for Canterlot High. Upon entering, Sunset spoke. “Good morning, Vice Principal Luna.” This caught Toby’s attention.

Vice Principal Luna? My Auntie Luna is a principal here? His thoughts were washed away as he stepped into the office and saw a woman with a light blue hue to her skin, and her hair was wavy with light blue to dark blue streaks.

“Hello Ms. Shimmer, how are you doing today?” She gave Sunset a warm smile.

“I’m doing good, Ms. Luna. Thank you.” She brought Toby forth. “I’ve brought my friend here to register for classes here at Canterlot. He’s a third grader, but I will be more than honored to watch over him here at school. His name is Toby Mason.” She smiled softly at Luna, and then down at Toby.

Luna looked down at the child with a warm smile. “Well hello, Mr. Mason, and welcome to Canterlot High School. I’m sure you will enjoy your stay here.” She pulled out a clipboard with an attached form and pen, gently handing it to Toby. “Just fill out this form with your information, and I’ll register you into the system, okay?”

He looked up at her with a soft smile, nodding. “Yes, Ms. Luna.” He reached up, gently grabbing the clipboard, and walked over to a vacant chair. Sunset followed him, sitting down beside him. As he read over the form, he found the basic information that he could fill out and remembered.

First & Last Name: Toby Mason

Date of Birthday: April 14, 2005

Age & Grade: Eight years old/Third grade

Address: 589 Pine Grove Lane

State: Georgia

City: Willow Creek Falls

Zip Code: 32584

Phone Number: 1576319574

I know that the rest of this information such as my address down is made up, but I can’t let anyone know where I really come from…not yet. He let out a heavy sigh as he carefully stood up and walked over to the desk. He looked up at Luna who was at the computer. “Ms. Luna, I’m done.” He spoke politely with a soft smile.

She smiled, getting up from her computer, and walked over, gently taking the clipboard from the child’s hand. “Thank you very much, Mr. Mason. I’ll get all of your information logged into the computer. First I think you should have the day off so you can go get some supplies for your classes.” She gave him a warm smile as he nodded.

Sunset walked up to Toby, bending down to his eye level. “Hey little guy, what do you say about me showing you around the school, and then I will take you to where you will be staying for the time being?”

He gave her a soft smile. “Okay Sunset Shimmer, that sounds fun.” He let out a small giggle, earning the same small giggle from Sunset. She took his hand into hers and they exited the main office for Sunset to take Toby around the school.

Back in Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna just arrived at the Crystal Kingdom as they trotted inside the palace doors. Looks of concern adorned their faces as they made their way toward the throne room to meet with Shining Armor and Cadence. They trotted through the many corridors of the crystal palace until they came upon the throne room where they saw the two royals, and the Elements of Harmony waiting, minus Fluttershy.

Celestia looked at them all with concern. “Hello my dear niece, Shining, and my little ponies.” She turned to Twilight. “My faithful student, we received your letter and came as soon as we could. What has happened to our young nephew?” Luna and Celestia sat on their haunches as Twilight began to tell them all that has transpired in the lapse time of thirty minutes.

After the explanation, both royal sisters had looks mixed with both concern, yet pride for the bravery their little nephew yearned to show. Celestia smiled warmly at them, but frowned when she didn’t notice Fluttershy around. “My friends, where is our dear Fluttershy at?”

Every pony frowned as Rarity spoke up. “The poor dear is still in the room with the mirror. We’ve tried to get her to come out, but she just refuses to.” She let out a heavy sigh.

Celestia nodded, looking at Luna. “We’ll go see if we can comfort her. Would you all like to come with us?”

Rainbow shot up in the air. “I’ll go with you two. We’ve been friends the longest, no offense girls.” The others kindly shook their heads.

The princesses nodded as they and Rainbow Dash headed to the room where Fluttershy stayed.

When they left Cadence smacked Shining in the back of the head with a hoof. “Ow! What was that for honey?” Shining asked shocked, reaching a hoof up to rub the back of his head.

“You know exactly what that was about. Come with me baby, I would like to have a word with you.” She turned to the others. “You call can go get ready for an afternoon nap while I share a conversation with my husband.” She spoke with a grunt as she used her magic to pull Shining by his tail.

Shining dug his hooves into the ground to try and crawl away. “C’mon sugar plum, you know I didn’t mean to say that.” He turned to Twilight. “TWILY….HELP ME!” He yelled.

Twilight laughed along with the others as she waved a wing at him. “Good....afternoon....big....brother?” Twilight looked confused by that obscene request. "...It's not the afternoon, it's morning....also, why would we want to take a MORNING nap? We woke up not two hours ago!" Nonetheless, as soon as Twilight said that, she stifled an exaggerated yawn, turning to her fellow elements. “Well girls, I think we should get ready to head to bed for tonight. Let us just hope that our little nephew is doing okay in that other world.”

The other 4 elements looked at Twilight oddly, but they, too, soon fell victim to all this "night talk."

Applejack let out a yawn, tipping her hat. “Ah agree, we should get some shuteye. Ah believe the little feller will be ah’right. He has the Apple Family spirit in him, which is strength, courage, and determination.” She placed a hoof against her chest proudly.

Pinkie Pie bounced around giddily. “Yes indeedy! I know my little wittle cutie wutie of a nephew is being the brave little boy he wants to be! I bet he is even having a funeriffic time in this new strange world!” She beamed with excitement.

The others could help but chuckle. Rarity let out a loud yawn herself. “Well darlings, goodnight, sleep tight, and don’t let the parasprites bite. I better get going so Sweetie Belle won’t have any nightmares while she is sleeping alone.” The girls nodded to one another before separating to go to their respective palace bedrooms.

Inside the room with the portal, Fluttershy was trying desperately to run through the mirror, but was unsuccessful with each try. “Oomph… there has to be a way to get through it. I have to make sure Toby is okay.” She spoke to herself aloud as she ram her body against the mirror again only to bounce off it.

“Thou Element of Kindness, you must try and calm down.” Luna spoke as her and Celestia, along with Rainbow Dash entered into the room. “With our dear child being of a different species, he might have caused the magic within in the portal to react differently, causing the portal close earlier than expected.”

Fluttershy wasn’t having any of it as she kept ramming herself into the mirror unable to break it or unable to go through it. After several more tries, she finally stopped, panting heavily. “I... have… to… get… through… there… Princess… Luna. I… have… to… see… my… son!”

Rainbow had enough as she dashed in front of Fluttershy, putting her hooves up onto her shoulders. “Stop now Fluttershy!” She yelled at her friend, feeling her heart wrench in doing so. “You got to calm down Flutters, and rest. You got to believe that Toby is okay, and that he will be back in no time.” She felt tears sting her eyes as she gave Fluttershy a tearful smile.

Fluttershy lowered her head shaking it furiously. She snapped it back up with anger in her eyes. “Get out of my way Rainbow Dash! I have to save my son!” She shoved Rainbow out of the way and ran toward the mirror, only to be caught in a warm light golden aura.

“Please my dear Fluttershy, you have to stop!” Celestia spoke as she brought the angered pegasus over to her, laying a wing over her. She looked down at her with a frown, worry singed into her eyes. “You’ve got to be brave just like Toby was brave by going through that portal. You got to…” She gasped as she felt her wing being smacked away by Fluttershy’s hoof.

“Just be quiet princess! Who do you think you are telling me what is best for me to do while my son is trapped in another world and he might never return! How… how… AHH!” She screamed out in anger as she turned to gallop out of the room, and flew out of the castle.

The princesses were left in shock, tears leaking from the corners of their eyes. Rainbow face hoofed herself, letting out a heavy sigh. “I’ll go after her princesses. I think I can calm her down. I shall return.” She saluted the royal sisters with a hoof and flew out of the room after Fluttershy.

While flying through the air, Fluttershy allowed her tears to flow as they blew in the wind. What does Princess Celestia know, what do any of them know about how I feel?! I could never see my precious baby boy ever again, and all they want to do is sit on their flanks doing nothing! Her eyes were flooded with tears as she flew above the Crystal Empire.

“Fluttershy! Wait!” Rainbow yelled out catching the yellow Pegasus’ attention. “You’ve got to calm down!”

Fluttershy slowed a little but refused to turn to look at Rainbow. “Just leave me alone, Rainbow Dash!” She whimpered.

Rainbow sped up to her, flying up by her side. “Listen Fluttershy, we all understand that you are angry, and sad, but yelling at every pony isn’t going to help.”

Fluttershy turned to Rainbow with her brows furrowed with frustration. “I wish you all would quit telling me how to feel. My son is gone, lost in a strange world, and I’m not there to hold him and comfort him!” She felt exhausted as she lowered herself to the ground on top of a hill just sitting outside the kingdom.

She slumped down on all fours burying her head into her forelegs. Rainbow felt her heart shatter at the sight of her friend like this as she lowered to the ground, landing beside her, and place a hoof gently on her back, stroking it up and down. She laid down beside her with a look of deep sadness for her friend.

“Fluttershy, I know you want to be there with Toby. To hold him, comfort him, and let him know that everything will be okay, but you’ve got to let him grow up.” She laid a wing over her. “You can’t deny the fact that he is growing up, and he’ll continue to grow up until he becomes an old, old, old man.” She couldn’t help but let out a light-hearted chuckle.

Fluttershy sniffled heavily into her forelegs, slowly raising her head up, tears streaming down her cheeks, and her lower lip quivering. “I know, Rainbow Dash, but I don’t want my precious little Toby to grow up. What if he grows up, and he doesn’t love me as much as he does now as a young little boy? What if he starts a family with that pretty filly Silver Spoon and forgets all about me?” She shook with sobs burying her face back into her forelegs.

Rainbow’s jaw dropped at what she was saying and pulled her into her side close to her. “Shh… now listen to me Fluttershy, Toby will never ever forget you. He loves you so much now, and he’ll always love you unconditionally even if he does have a family of his own. What is making you say all this?”

Fluttershy sniffled heavily as she raised her head up again. “When Queen Chrysalis foal napped him, I thought I would never see him again. Now he wants to be a big boy and start doing stuff on his own. Soon he won’t need me to carry him on my back anymore, fix his breakfast, lunch, or dinner anymore.” She choked back her sobs.

Rainbow Dash stroked along her side with a wing, hugging her close to the warmth of her coat. “No, he won’t need you for any of those things, but who do you think he would come to if he has a nightmare, even when he is grown?”


Rainbow nodded. “And who will he need to comfort him if he is crying even when he becomes a man?”

“Me.” Fluttershy sniffled, using a foreleg to wipe away her tears.

Rainbow nodded again. “That’s right Fluttershy. Toby might not need you to carry him anymore, or fix his meals, or even help him off real high places. But the one thing he will always need and want is your unconditional love. He will grow old, he will have a family, but the one thing that will never change is his love for you as his mom, and your love for him as your son.”

Fluttershy sniffled, snuggling close to Rainbow. “Thank you Rainbow Dash, I really needed that. You’re right, I do need to let my baby boy grow up and make decision on his own. I’ll always be there to help him if he needs it, and I’ll always be there to give him comfort when needed.” She wrapped a foreleg around Rainbow’s neck. “Thank you Rainbow, you’re a good friend!”

Rainbow chuckled, smirking proudly. “Yeah, I know.” She hugged her back with her wing. “Would you like to stay out here for a little bit longer Flutters before we return to the castle.” She gave her friend a warm smile.

Fluttershy returned the smile. “I think I would like that Rainbow Dash.” They both blushed as Fluttershy laid under Rainbow’s wing, and both pegasi looked up at the beauty of Celestia's wavering sun.

They sighed softly as they laid underneath it’s warm glow.