• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 7,371 Views, 173 Comments

Immortal - The Grimm Reaper

A white wolf has been spotted in Equestria. Who is he and how is he connected to Princess Celestia?

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Part 1 - Epilogue

With Luna bedridden, Celestia suggested this would be the best opportunity for me to mend broken fences with her. Now I could have brought her food in for her and tended to her every need. But this was me. I just sat there and kept her company day and night. Psychologically, she would grow to get used to having me around. If I timed it right, she would miss me when I left to do something.

Of course I did some things for her such as helping to find things she misplaced. Mainly, I was there to speak to her. The first day went silently, like dead silent. You'd hear dust fall it was that quiet. The next day got me verbal abuse, which was about all she was fit to sling at me for the time being. I constantly fought against laughing when I saw her with that cast around her neck. Some would think me mean for beating her up the way I had, but she'd received worse from Celestia in the past.

By the third day, I was reading her stories. She'd picked up the habit of reading foals' tales from her absence on the moon. everything from short picture stories to children's novels. The fourth night, I'd just so happened to recall reading to her as a filly an old human child's novel. The memory returned to me word for word. All I had to do was recite what I remembered. That story put me in her good books (pardon the pun).

The fifth night was by far the best of them. Luna was smiling and laughing, her cast had come off and she was just catching up on some rest to recover the magic she'd expended. We were talking, just like old times. Seems Luna had more of a cruel streak with my amnesia than Celestia herself had. I was relieved to know that I hadn't kissed Abbadon and Discord both on a dare.

All in all, things were looking up for us. My bonds with the Alicorns were stronger than ever. Of course, not everything was all sunshine lollipops... least not for long.

A seat at the Royal Court had been reserved for me, which I attended every first day and every second evening. A somewhat heinous schedule, but it seemed to brighten their moods to have me there. Luna in particular favoured my playful nature as I blew spit-balls at some of the less interesting nobles. Fortunately I was able to play the Insanity card whenever they dared to address me. To spice things up a bit, I'd shoot a ball and toss the straw to the guy next to me, blaming him or her. Celestia requested I take a more respectful approach when in attendance of her court. I often just sat there and read a book or two.

Rarely did I go outside, and so the subjects of the Sisters' rule had witnessed only rumours of my existence. Some were afraid, others intrigued, some considered me a god of sorts. Despite Celestia's pleads, I decided I would milk that cow until the 'god complex' became stale.

Twilight was as inquisitive as ever. She seemed to have a sort of spring in her step when she was about to approach me with more enquiries regarding my past and the relationship I had with Celestia and Luna. Apparently, it was riveting stuff. She'd enquired as to whether or not I planned on writing an auto-biography in the near future.

With my life pretty much set in its ways, I found myself missing the adventures we used to take together. Of course, they were little more than a memory as the sisters were pinned down by their duty to the ponies. So, adventure would have to wait. It wouldn't be the same without them. Fortunately, adventure decided not to wait and it came knocking on our door... in the form of an old friend.

Thousands of black insectoid ponies swarmed the castle and the city below. From within the Throne room, I could hear the panicked screams of the populace below as they said roughly the same thing: 'The Changelings were back!' Mincing into the Throne room like she owned the place stepped the largest and presumably the queen of the Changelings. Having hidden in the rafters of the room, I looked below to see the queen approach Celestia casually. Celestia in turn mirrored her movements with a scornful expression planted on her face.

Changelings flanked their queen by the dozens, keeping every member of the court in place. When she spoke, her voice was strange, but slightly familiar in certain circumstances.

"Hello again, Celestia. As you can see, I've returned. I'm not pulling any punches this time around." she said. Observing closely, I noticed that Celestia, although giving this queen the death stare of a lifetime, had not tensed up at all. She was as calm as water in a glass.

I realised who this creature was when I felt and saw their spiritual pressures take form. Celestia's was much like herself. A white Alicorn shimmering like the sun. The changeling's took on a form I recognised all too well. Chrysalis, once a Black Widow Spider, now evolved into... this. Her aura held a redness to it, taking on her original form but far more deadly looking and much much larger. Chrysalis used to be a large Black widow the size of a dinner plate. Now she stood en par with Celestia in both height and apparently power.

"Chrysalis, so nice to see you again. I'm glad to see you survived that disgraceful beating my niece and nephew in-law gave you last time you were here." Celestia said. I was tempted to offer Chrysalis something for that burn, but decided to keep silent so I could watch.

"Oh, I managed. It wasn't all that difficult, given how much magic I sapped from you before-hoof." Chrysalis retorted. Until then, I never thought it possible to burn the sun.

"Glad I could help. And I'm glad you're here actually, old friend. I'd like to introduce you to someone neither of us have seen in a long time." Celestia said with confidence. This was my cue to enter.

"Oh? And who might that be?" she demanded. I stepped off the rafter and landed with a thud on all fours. Dust kicked up, hiding me from sight for a few moments. I stepped forward and came nose to nose with Chrysalis.

"Hiya Chrys!" I said with a grin on my face.

Author's Note:

There you have it. Part 1 of Immortal. I'd originally intended to finish Immortal off and then start a sequel based in the past, but I couldn't wait that long. So Part 2 will more or less be an interlude which reveals aspects of the Immortals' past together. Then we'll come back to Part 3 where not even I know what'll happen yet.