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Chapter XVI: Loophole

By the time Vinyl and I had gotten to five yards, at least some of the observations that I had made from afar were confirmed, namely the mare's above-average size, and the stallion's neatness. However, a light-hearted giggle I heard from the mare further proved my Pride & Prejudice point I had made earlier: such a light-hearted giggle was not something I would have expected from the mare I saw, but then again, I'm not a Mr. Rochester myself.

You did it again!


You made another unmanly allusion!

Hmph. Knowing your bubbly personality, I highly doubt that you've read something as dark and gloomy as--

Jane Eyre

...you've read it?


...then you know that you shouldn't judge that book's manliness by it's cover.

Nice pun. But considering it's a bildungsroman by Charlotte Brontë? Noooot very manly.

Well, at least it's manlier than Twilight!

Our Twilight said that that doesn't even count as literature back in chapter 7, remember?


...you actually are kinda like Mr. Rochester, though...

Are you saying I'm ugly?

Nooooo~~...think of what makes Mr. Rochester such a unique and memorable character...what made you make the allusion to him in the first place...

Hmm...well, he's mysterious, a philanthropist, not the best looking physically, yet still considered by many to be oddly attracti--where are you going with this?

*giggles* Have you ever tried writing an Author-Pinkie Pie ship?


Notebook? Oh yeah! You usually write your drafts for your chapters in your notebook!


...are you gonna do it?

...are you really pressuring me into it?


...I'm not sure...


Well...I know that MusicSlave for one isn't very keen about shipping you with anyone/anypony, because your bubbly personality doesn't make you seem...capable, for lack of a better word, of having a serious relationship. And as a result of MusicSlave's adamance about it, I've slowly begun to feel the same way, albeit it did take a lot of convincing me.

Why's that?

Well, it just doesn't seem...logical.

Screw logic! I'm Pinkie Pie!

Did I mention how adamant MusicSlave was about it?

Yes you did, but I'm rune about this!

...you've got to be shitting me.


...was that a Runescape analogy?!

Yeah? So?

*sigh* Nevermind, next point: How would it even work? I mean, I'm incoporeal...

And I'm Pinkie Pie!




...aaaare you okay?

...yes, it's just that the more that I think about that simple fact the more of a valid point it becomes...

That I'm Pinkie Pie?

If the laws of physics, of nature, as well as the entire concept of reality itself don't apply to you in any way, shape or form, then why the fuck would logic?

You're a lot like Twilight, too! You over-analyze things!

Yeah, and I know too much, too.

Prove it! xp

I can accurately graph a woman's hormone levels during her menstrual cycle using only the information of when three of said woman's consecutive periods were, and can use the information from that graph in addition to the original three data points to be able to plot said graph onto a calendar to show on what specific day or days her future periods will take place, as well as when she will be ovulating. Don't ask me to do that, though, by the way, and that goes for you readers too! Even though I can do it, doesn't mean I'm completely willing to!




...you asked for it.

...yes, and I now regret it.

I can't say I don't blame you.






Well, I still think that MusicSlave wouldn't be too happy about it...

LOOPHOLE! She said she didn't want me to be shipped with anypony in the story, and technically, this isn't part of the story; it's an author's note.

.........truuuuuuueeee.......but I'd still rather not risk getting bitched a--wait, you read that convo?

Well, duh! I'm Pinkie Pie!

......okaaaayyy....but.....why do you want to be shipped with me, the author?!

Because nopony's done it before! And besides, it'll be FUN!!!

There's probably a reason why noone's done a character-author ship before.

Like what?

Scroll up.

...oh....right. BUT WHO CARES?!



..................................................................................................fine. I still don't know how the fuck it's going to work, thou--

YAAAAAAAY! *hugs* *poof*

................how the fuck did she just hug me? *sigh* Pinkie Pie...I would quote Rainbow Dash, but...at this point, 'random' doesn't cut it. And so much for the OC dialogue planned for this chapter; I guess it'll have to wait until the next one. And also, I'm sorry MusicSlave; I respect your opinion on Pinkie-shipping, and as you can see, I attempted to defend it...only to metaphorically get my ass handed to me on a silver platter. *sigh* This...is going to be interesting to say the very least......

...I need a drink.