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Chapter I: An RPG-Style Beginning

Author's note: just as with my other story, A Golden Flame, make sure you change your top-right drop-down from LIGHT to DARK. ^^

What the hell...

I find myself in...what seems like another dimension, or perhaps even...


I look around. All around me...is white. White everywhere. Based upon the beliefs of a variety of religions, it seems that I'm dead.

How? I haven't the slightest clue, but then again, after what happens next...that doesn't matter. I look back in front of me to find a...being...a being that I...recognize...from where isn't apparent at first, but it is soon enough.


The supreme alicorn that was now before me put a hoof over her mouth as she let out a soft laugh.

"I was wondering whether you'd be able to resist that pun."

My eyes are wider than I would ever had thought possible...but then again, that meant nothing compared to the circumstances I now found myself under.

"I...believe that we're beyond puns at this point," I manage to say, surprisingly clearly.

The Princess smiled gently. "That we are. And I believe you would like me to tell you what's going on."

"I was hoping you would..." I say, finding that my wit still functions as it should.

The benevolent alicorn took several steps closer to me. "I know."

I decide to remain silent and let her continue to speak, as obviously she knows what's currently taking place.

"As I am aware of how you would prefer, I will be blunt about this." She has taken to walk around me, before turning back around and standing next to me.

"This...is where you start your new life."

I raise an eyebrow. "Is this going to be a realistic version of one of those 'Human in Equestria' fanfics?" I inquire as sincerely as that question could possibly be.

The Princess chuckles. "Not...quite" As she speaks that last word, three images materialize out of the emptiness before me...each taking a different shape, but all having one key detail in common: each is one of the three possible body structures in Equestria, with unicorn on the left, pegasus on the right, and earth pony in the center.

"Oh, so it's more like an RPG game, then."


Fully understanding what's taking place now, my wit asks "There...isn't a time limit, is there?"

Smiling at my question, the Princess shakes her head, and mentions that she's impressed with my disciplined approach to making my decision. I can only manage to smile back before losing myself deep in thought.


I haven't even started this 'new life' of mine, yet I'm already faced with the biggest decision of it so far. Fortunately for my decision, however, I know that there's no way in hell that I'm going to choose earth pony....and, with the very thought, the center image fades away, and the two remaining move closer to each other and become more focused.

Choosing to help me with my decision, the Princess proposes an offer. "If you'd prefer...I could 'surprise' you with whichever of the two I find in your heart, since..."

"...my brain can't put it to words."

The Princess smiles as I finish her sentence, and I accept the offer with a nod, causing the two remaining images to vanish as well.

"I...take it that this is where I'm awkwardly dropped off in the world out of nowhere?"

The alicorn laughs. "Quite the contrary." After a pause she resumes. "For that very reason, as I am well aware with how...awkwardly many of the fanfics which you are so familiar with begin when the circumstances that you are now faced with yourself, I've decided..." At this point, six stain glass windows appear in front of me, one by one, each with a familiar figure on it. "...to inform whom you are familiar with as 'the Mane 6' with these present circumstances..."

Without thinking, I breath a sigh of relief, and say "Oh thank you......crap."
I chuckle that last word out, realizing that I had succumbed to the same pun yet again, answered only by another laugh from the Princess.

"As I was saying..." the Princess resumes, still chuckling, "...I have informed 'the Mane 6' of the circumstances...and they are more than willing to assist you in fitting in. In fact, one has already offered to house you."

I remain silent, not sure what to say next. Suddenly, I find the scene around me start to melt away, and I can vaguely hear the words good luck as I eagerly await the start of my new life...in Equestria.