• Published 30th Apr 2013
  • 9,045 Views, 626 Comments

Lunar Phases - Dusk Writer

Five Score Divided by Four? Where have I heard that before? Psh, sounds like some cheesy title to a fanfic. What is this itching?! Wait, since when have I had Luna's cutie mark on my thigh?

  • ...

11. Loyalty Above all Else

This time when I went into the dream time, I didn't have any sort of "black abyss" experience. I just opened my eyes, and boom, I'm floating above my sleeping form. As I will myself towards the wall and outside, where more dreams await, I stop myself and float towards my room.

I phase through the wall, which turns out to be infested with mice (big surprise), and find Tia lying on my bed, face squished into a pillow. Poor thing must have cried herself to sleep after her outburst about my apparent mistrust. I attempt to follow her dream stream, which is now almost completely blue, but I am stopped.

Not blasted backwards, not zapped, not slammed into an invisible wall, just…stopped. It's kind of hard to explain so, here we go. It's like I am floating towards the figure, misty appendage plunged deep into their dream stream, and I decide to stop, but it's not me who made the decision. See what I'm getting at here? No? Oh well, that's not important. What's important is that I can't get into Tia's dream.

Looking back down at my sister, I think, I see how peacefully she is sleeping, figuring that at least she doesn't seem to be having anymore nightmares. However, I continually attempt to enter her mind, unfortunately stopped cold every time. Just as I am about to wail in despair that I won't get the chance to apologize to her in her dreams, I hear someone, or maybe somepony.

A soft chuckle sounds within my mind. "Don't worry John, I'm the one stopping you from going into the dream. Besides, Celestia put up a barrier to keep you out." The voice is still the same one who has been helping me this whole time. I want to ask why she would keep me out, but another question is more prominant within my mind.

I make to ask who they truly are, but I already feel the presence leaving the forefront of my mind,dragging me along with it out of the apartment. "John, tonight, somepony else needs your help." And with that, the entity tosses me into another almost blue dream stream. I don't even have time to mentally scream as I am rushed off across the night sky. Heh, talk about Pony Express.

The trip is taking a while, so I decide to get a closer look at these dream streams. A majority of the sky is filled with golden streams, much like in the movie "Rise of the Guardians." Occasionally though, there is a mostly blue line and others that are only a tint of blue. However, the one I am being dragged along is not only blue sand, but has tons of black mist curving in and around piercing straight through it. Oddly enough, there are also reds, greens, and whites in it. Practically speaking, I had a pretty good idea for who was responsible for this particular nightmare.

Following the oddly colored stream for another few minutes, I finally find myself slowing down to less breakneck speeds, and the beginning of a descent. Finally, I am able to see my destination. There's a pick-up truck parked out in the middle of the wilderness, and I can see a figure leaning against it, almost like they're standing guard.

As I finally reach the vehicle, I see upon closer inspection that the figure standing guard is in fact a mare. No, I am not saying that because of my mental changes, but because she is literally, turning into a mare. Her hooves and fur were a golden bronze and her mane and tail were a mixture of gold and blood red streaks. Just watching from a close distance, I see she's trying her best not to fall asleep, but she's failing miserably.

However, she is not the one I am here for. I look into back of the truck to see a bundled sleeping bag with strands of black and grey mane sticking out of the top entrance. I touch the candy-like dream stream and am immediately pulled into his mind along with it.

Huh, I now find myself to be strapped down to a large operating table by my legs and tail. Looking down, I see that I have gone full pony in this dream. To my left sits Chrysalis, above me hovers Pinkamena with a drill cutting into my fur, which I find actually hurts a bit. And to my right, there stands Discord, although his back is to me and appears to be talking to someone.

Realizing just how bloody Pinkie's fur is and how much it smells like iron, I decide to try and get her away from me. "Well, this all seems horrible."

It appears to do the trick, as Pinkie stops drilling into my leg and stares at me with a very confused look on her face. Looking to my right, I see Discord standing there as well, looking a bit confused too. Suddenly, recognition dawns on his face. "YOU!"

Uh, this could get out of control real fast, and I still need to buy time to free whatever pony Discord is torturing. Hm, ah! That should work! I look around in feigned confusion before faking realization. "Yes, me! But actually, if you're a bit confused, I am actually Celestia in disguise!"

Well, since it obviously appears that Discord doesn't appear to believe me, I can easily tell my plan did not work. As he walks towards, he reveals an ash grey pegasus stallion with his tail and mane color scheme being, big surprise, black and grey. However, Discord crosses his arms and blocks my view of the stallion. "Nice try princess, but we both know that fat plot can’t dream walk like yourself.”

I can barely hear the stallion mumble something from behind Discord. I can't understand him, but I can easily tell he doesn't like my sister being insulted. Gesturing at the stallion, he talks to me in annoyed voice. "As you can see, I am very busy at the moment." He turns back to me and makes shooing motions with his paw and talon. "So if you would be so kind as to take your jokes and leave, that would be great!”

Wow, does he really think that I am that low? Anyways, I need a little more time. How did all those other fan fiction writers do it? Um, oh yeah! "How is a raven like a writing desk?!"

He pauses for a moment, getting my hopes up that it actually worked, and then he chuckles. "Luna, Luna, Luna. You always were joking too much in serious matters." He looks up at the pink monstrosity, "Pinkamena, if you would please continue."

Her manic smile does the impossible and becomes even wider. "Okie dokie! You ready to have some fun Princess? This is going to be a party you'll never forget!"

She starts up the drill saw thingy, beginning to move it towards my other foreleg. I hear Chrysalis laughing at my look of trepidation. "Do you like my toy? I sharpened these blades myself. They were used when our pathetic pony slaves couldn't break through rock. I wonder how they will fare against your pathetic flesh?"

Well, I guess we'll find out. It is then that the blade touches my skin. Oddly enough, I can feel the flesh being torn apart but there is no pain. Looking over, I see the stallion trying his best to get out of his shackles, at which point Discord forms some type of bat and begins to walk up behind the pony.

As the drill reaches only a few centimeters into my skin, it is then that I feel the pain. Instincts based on pure survival take over my mind. Nopony will hurt one of MY subjects! The drill stops and pulls itself out of my foreleg as I crumple it into a small ball like a sheet of tin foil. My eyes snap open to their widest, filled with pure white energy. Poor pinkie is immediately disintegrated just from being in my presence. I easily snap the restraints holding my limbs down. I turn to the stallion and send a bolt of magic straight into the black shackles melting them. He looks at me in shock for a second, before turning to Discord with a grin on his face.

"No, this is my nightmare, that I created!" He points a finger at Chrysalis, who had been attempting to flee through the door to the outside world. "Chrysalis! Get back here and destroy the Princess!" Chrysalis freezes, turns, and begins to jump towards me as an attack, just like a robot.

I step back as she lands where I was just standing. Looking at me with a blank face, she begins to charge again, and then I do something I have always wanted to do. "I am not the one you want to attack." She freezes again as I pass my hoof in the air in front of her.

I can hear her quietly mumbling to herself. "I don't want to attack you."

I wave my hoof again. "Discord is your enemy. You hate how he treats you and wish to be free of him!"

She doesn't even bother to repeat what I just said this time. Her eyes turn glassy as she turns towards Discord, who has a bit of a pouty face. "Now that's just not fair Luna!" He snaps his talons and the dream image of Chrysalis disappears. Now all that's left is the puppet master himself. "Well, now that you’ve released him and have disposed of my conjurations, what are you going to do? Blast me?"

I bring a fore hoof to my chin as I think. I begin to grin as an idea comes to my mind. "No, I had something a bit more…creative in mind." I wink at the pony to show him he can trust me, but that doesn't seem to do the trick. In fact, he just seems to be more suspicious of me now. Gosh dang it, I'll have to gain his trust later.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the pony trying to sneak around me to get to the door, but then Discord's eyes seem to freeze him in place. With a smirk he continues to speak, "Oh and what would that be princess. I have deeply ingrained myself in his mind, I have almost as much power as you do."

He's a really funny guy, isn't he? Suddenly, images, no, memories that are not mine begin to flood into my mind. After a couple of seconds they stop, and I seem to know something I had not before. "Ah, but you forget Discord, dreams are part of my domain. And every extra entity has a weakness within a dream, even me."

All he does is raise an eyebrow, "Well Princess, I assume you think you know my weakness?" Actually, I'm still thinking about that. it would appear that it was not included in the memory package.

An idea comes to me. Great, I can already tell I'll regret this from the clicheness. "Yes, your weakness is assuming all those around you cannot defend themselves or those around them." While on the outside I was trying to look like the physical embodiment of courage and one who knew what they were doing, on the inside I was actually thinking, "Please oh please oh please oh please work!"

"Oh? I don't assume that, I KNOW that. You ponies have always been the weaklings of the planet. Even you and your sister couldn't defeat me without the Elements of Harmony. What makes you think you can do so now?" Of all the snide little things the cheeky bastard could say…

Wait a second. What did he mean by that last bit? "I have defeated you before!" Right? I mean I can't remember the exact details… hold on a second. "Wait, no I didn't. I'm not Luna, I'm John! I just turned twenty-five a couple days ago." I was still a bit confused by his claims that I was a pony, but I shook it off and placed myself between him and the pony he had been torturing.

"It does not matter who you are, or who you were, you shall not stop me. Since you're not even Luna, that increases your probability of failure." He snaps his talons again, the spell not affecting me though. I hear a snap and look behind me just in time to see the last of a shadow snake disintegrating after trying to imprison the pony. Discord gives a little frown, "Seems like you need to be taught a lesson again." Then, he turns back to me, a smug look that says it all. "You, on the other hand, have outstayed your welcome. Be gone!"

He raises his right hand, and white energy gathers, ready to banish me from this pony's dreams. I try to dodge, but some type of mystical keeps me in place. I close my eyes and feel his hand wrap around my horn, just to hear it power down. I crack open my eyes to see him staring confusedly at his hand. He powers it up again, only to have it fail again. "Huh, that usually works."

I make a face to show my 'sympathy', "Well, performance issues aren't uncommon. Usually a one out of five cha-" I'm cut off as Discord punches me across the muzzle, sending me flying only about ten feet. I stumble back to my hooves and prepare for a battle.

The flapping sound coming from my left draws my attention. There, I see the pony from earlier attempting to fly, but with a broken wing. Wow, that has to take guts. This guy had to be a guard from somewhere in the show! Discord is attracted by the motion and turns towards the possible guard. "Ah ah ah! There'll be none of that!" Another, longer snake bursts from the floor to attempt to pin the pony to ground.

However, he gives a great push with his wings and propels himself out of the way, pulling up the snakes holding his limbs at the same time. They all turn to dust as they are pulled from the ground. Very impressive. The stallion gives out a low chuckle as he lands somewhere within the abyss. "You made a fatal mistake in the setting Discord." I look around at the room as I realize he is using his abilities over his own dream to hide himself in the darkness.

However, even if he can hide from Discord, he can't hide from me. I send out a pulse that'll find him in a few seconds. "I'm in my element here. Time to show you how I got my nickname."

After finding him within the dark, I walk up behind him. "Don't you mean our element?"

He gives out a small snort, knowing it's me without turning around. "How nice of you to join me. I don't know who you are, but you've got style. As cool as your entrance was, however, you better have moves to back it up." Wow, even I'm not that cliché, but, it is his dream after all.

Discord holds his belly as he doubles over in laughter. "You really think you can defeat me? How sad." Wow, yet another asshole comment from a glued-together freak.

The stallion spreads his wings in an attempt to look majestic and threatening. Eh, I'll give him a seven on that. "There’s a difference you know. Losers are the ones who go into a fight ‘thinking’ they can win. The victorious are those who jump in ‘knowing’ they will. I don’t know what will happen to me and John here, but as sure as Celestia’s sun rises, I'm going to kick your ass.”

At this point, I'm feeling a bit irritated about being left out of this talk. It's about time I got some dialogue here, even if I'm going to be a bit, rude. "Oh, the cliché! It hurts so much! Anyways, I'm just trying to say that I don't care what either of you say, I just want to get this show on the road!"

Discord starts laughing again, although a bit less loudly. "Ha ha ha ha! Way to kill the mood, 'John'." I could see the stallion cringe slightly at something out of the corner of my eye, but otherwise, his face was emotionless.

Suddenly, the pony shoots forward, hitting Discord square in the jaw. He rebounds from his attack and lands some distance away from Discord. "Well, as horrid as it was, I still prefer it over your voice any night of the week."

Oh, that is a weak burn, but still a burn none the less. Discord wipes a talon across his cheek while frowning. "You think those nightmares were bad? You'll be broken by the time this dream is over."

Okay, I have had enough of his attitude. I send myself behind him, floating in the air. "He's not going to be the one broken by the end of tonight." As I finish, I smash my hind legs into his back, sending him crashing into the ground, eventually skidding to a stop at the stallion's forelegs.

I watch the stallion expectantly, waiting for him to deal another blow to Discord, only to see him punch the chimera in the face once. Sure, it was a pretty good punch, but this the god of chaos we're talking about here! He pays dearly for it too, as Discord growls, grabs the other hoof, and flips the pony onto his back. "You're weak, you know that?" The darkness of the black void suddenly seems to become more pressing and suffocating. Discord's voice becomes deeper and more powerful. "You could never beat me. In fact, I don't see how you could ever become something useful," he finishes with a sneer.

At the look of despair on my pony's face, more memories flood my mind. Pictures of seeing the full court of my sister's subjects, and then waiting all night for at least one pony to come to me for advice, even if it was on the simplest of matters. Nopony ever came. I remember the despair I myself felt, how it consumed me, until I finally snapped.

I growl a bit under my breath. How dare Discord talk to one of my most brilliant guards in that way! He shall pay…

I use dark magic to grab Discord by the throat, squeeze, and then pull him off of Shadow Slash. When he finally reaches my feet, I release the magic and lean down until our eyes are a mere inch away from each other. "You make me sick Discord. Always belittling the ponies near you, always acting like one with power. In truth, you're nothing. My sister and I could've turned you to dust long ago, but we were held back by our morals."

I pull my face back and motion for Shadow to come forward. He looks at me, obviously hesitant about coming near me, but he does anyways. He steps up next to me, looking at the draconequis lying on the ground in front of us. Discord looked at me with rage, barely even giving Shadow a glance. I simply take a few steps back. "Punish him however you deem fit. This trash is not worth my time."

I watch as Shadow gets closer to Discord, eventually getting right up into his face. After spitting up a glob of blood the chimera speaks, "You don't have the guts to end me. You guards are all the same; you have your morals, your standards."

I look back to Shadow, just watching quietly as he begins to laugh. "Funny…that's what my captain always said." He reaches down to the floor and scoops up a bit of the shadows from where they sit on the floor. "I don't really know how I'm doing this, but I can guarantee you that it's going to hurt you soooo much." Discord's eyes go wide as Shadow slams the ball of darkness into his face.

I can clearly see the hunger for revenge on Shadow's face as the darkness first consumes Discord's head, quickly devouring his body before the creature is banished from Shadow's mind. I smile at him, glad that I was finally able to get rid of what was causing his nightmares. However, I'm suddenly tackled and pinned to the ground by said rescuee. "Okay, I want answers; who the hay are you?!"

Hm, I should have expected something like this. Alright, I'll tell him everything, but first, we should probably get more comfortable. I look at him and smirk, "I knew you would be excited to see somepony else, but tackling them to the ground isn't the best way to start off. Don't worry, I'll tell you everything…" I trail off as I realize just how much I had been thinking like Luna earlier. Bah, I can't worry about that right now! One of the others needs my help!

His face of stone continues to stare into my eyes, unflinching and devoid of emotion except for anger. "Well it looks like you can speak just fine from the floor," he responds.

I sigh mentally. Wow, he has some serious trust issues, although, I'm not really one to talk. “Well, for the story I'm gonna tell you, we may want to be a bit more comfortable before I start.” I can see the conflict on his face rage a quiet battle, before he finally relents and steps off of me.

I stand up, stretch, and then sit onto the ground so I could get more comfortable. It feels rather odd, sitting like a pony, but for some reason, it feels so natural as well. "There, I've let you up." He looks around as though checking for enemies. "Though I have to say, this isn’t the most comfortable place to be having a discussion." Oh, how I agree with you completely. Then, he starts glaring at me like I'm the prime suspect in a murder case. "I don’t know what kind of pony you are, but if you try anything I will put your flank on the ground so fast it’ll break the sound barrier.”

I feign a yawn at his threat. "And I could leave this dream even faster than that. I mean, seriously, I just got sent flying across the night sky to get to this here dream. Why? Because it was obviously a nightmare that needed to be taken care of." He still has a serious on that shows just how much he trusts me; nada. "Anyways, I won't bore you with the details. But, I will start my story. You see, it all started three days ago when I turned twenty-five…"

"And so, you should know the rest, seeing as how you were here." Phew, that took awhile! Explaining my whole story to Shadow had taken quite a bit more time that I thought it would and it was now almost dawn. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.

"Alright, so let's say I believe you. What's this got to do with me?"

Of all the dense, thick-skulled, idiotic ponies…no, Luna, remember what the therapist taught you after you got back from the moon. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in…

Gosh dang it. Why do I keep having these slips? Could it have something to do with what Discord said earlier? It's possible. I'll have to brainstorm this when I wake up. "Think long and hard, Shadow. What's been happening for the past few days that connects us?"

At first, he rolls his eyes, then closes them, deep in thought. Suddenly, his eyes snap open and he starts to back away from me, falling onto his rump. "Oh shit, oh shit!" He looks down at his hooves, breathing heavily. He looks from his hooves, to me, then back to his hooves. "I'm a…and you're a…aah buck."

I quirk an eyebrow. Why is he freaking out like this? Did he seriously think those memories were real? I reach out a hoof to comfort him. "Hey, just ignore those memories, as far as I can tell, they're probably fake."

He looks up at me, desperation and anger evident in his eyes. "Well, if they're fake, then how do you explain my memories of that discord character and some kind of curse he put on me? If I 'remember' correctly, it said something about me being sent away to a different world, in a new form, with my memories erased. How do you explain that?"

Unfortunately, I had stopped listening at the mention of a curse. I stare at a single space in the distance as one phrase echoes through my mind; 'Five Score Divided by Four.' Then, come the memories.

The sudden onslaught of images is powerful enough to make me collapse to the ground in pain. Thousands of years of memories flooding in, over riding the measly twenty-five years I already have. I barely even notice Shadow standing over me, his mouth moving and forming words that I don't understand.

I feel myself being brought closer to insanity, different voices echoing in my mind.

"Luna, don't do this!"

"She steals Celestia's sun every night! She's a monster!"

"I'm sorry, dear sister, but you leave me no choice."

And right when I'm about to go off the edge, that one familiar presence that has been with me this whole time stops me from dropping. I open my eyes to find myself in a void, but this one is white. "Shadow?"

I receive no answer, not even an echo. I get to my hooves and try to recall what happened. I remember talking to Shadow, and then I believe there was a memory onslaught, but I can't seem to remember any of them. I blink, and suddenly I see tons of images floating on little rectangular screens, much like the Season Three finale.

I walk down the alley formed by images, taking a moment to look at a few. The one thing they all have in common; Luna. Luna is in every single one of the memories shown. "What is all this?"

I feel a light touch on my left shoulder. I jump away, crouch down into an attack position, and stop in shock. In front of me, is one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen. She takes on the form of a human child, but looks almost exactly like Snowdrop's color scheme, except for the eyes. Those are more silver like the craters on the moon.

She smiles gently before walking back to my side. She's about the same height as me, which allows for her to easily rest a hand on my back. "Beautiful, aren't they?" She motions towards the images. "All pictures of someone's life, all lined in order from earliest, to latest."

I turn a little so I can look her straight in the eyes. "Who are you? I've heard your voice for the past several days, but this is the first time I've actually met you."

She smiles gently. "Ah yes, if I remember correctly, the first time we spoke was after you helped that young girl get home. As for your first question, I guess you could say I'm your Earth-World equivalent. I've been known by many names, but most commonly, I was known as Selene."

I feel my jaw drop, at which she lightly chuckles, so I quickly force it shut. "You're Selene? As in basically the moon?!" At her nod, I almost hug her, but she holds up a hand to calm me down.

"I'm sorry, I know how excited you must be, but we're both on limited time here. I only have just enough time to explain a couple things to you." She looks at me for confirmation, silently asking if I'm ready for what she has to say.

I nod, and she takes a few deep breathes, preparing for what she has to tell me. "Okay, I'm just going to say it bluntly. You are Princess Luna." I open my mouth to protest, but she cuts me off again. "Like I said, we don't have much time. You are Princess Luna, and these are your memories. And now, I have something to show you." With that, she presses a soft hand to my muzzle and a memory is returned to me, just more gently than when I almost overloaded.

I'm walking down a beach, all alone except for my shadow as company. The beach had always calmed me down, with the gentle sound of the waves breaking upon the sandy beach, and the feeling of the water around my hooves.

This is one of my favorite dreamscapes to visit during the day. Yes, I sleep during the day. Why? So I can be up for my night court. Anyways, last I heard, my dearest sister would be on her way to a volcano where a creature from Tartarus was said to have escaped.

Discord said he would be joining her, but that he had some business to take care of first. I was not worried. The two would undoubtedly be able to take care of the creature without a hitch.

Suddenly, the landscape around me begins to shift. Ground cracks open and water pours into an empty abyss. The dreamscape around me is collapsing. If this were a normal dream, this wouldn't be a problem. However, this was a special type of sleep designed by me for me, specifically for me to get some much needed rest instead of helping others with their dreams.

If this type of dream collapses with me still in it, I would be left weak and vulnerable. And that is exactly what happens too. I slam back into my physical body. I'm breathing hard, and it's incredibly difficult to stand back up onto my legs.

After about five minutes, I finally manage to stand up and still have enough brain power to wonder what happened. Only something truly chaotic could have happened for me to be pulled out of that dream state. Wait…chaotic.

My pupils shrink to pinpricks. I knew we couldn't trust him! I have to warn Ti- I'm cut off as I hear a scream outside my doors.

I rush as quickly as I can to the large double doors. I push them open to find my Lunar guards missing. I rush out into the hall way, seeing one of the maids backed up against the far wall. I move to help her and ask what's wrong, but her gaze is fixed on something behind me. I see her eyes widen and duck just in time to dodge a certain falling god of chaos.

"Discord, what did you do to my guards?" I ask him, making sure there is plenty of anger held within the words, just so he could figure out that I knew he was responsible.

"Oh, they may have been used as sacrifices to that creature from Tartarus. I'm sorry I'm not my usual peachy self, but once I deal with you, I must then go deal with your sister!" The anger clouding my vision makes it hard to see.

I send a blast of magical energy directly into his chest, but he just scratches the point of impact as though he had simply felt an annoying bug. Yawning, he speaks to me again in a condescending tone. "Now Luna, you know as well as I do you're in no condition to fight."

"It doesn't matter Discord! I'll protect them no matter what!"

He gives me a look that says he obviously doesn't believe me. Then, he sighs. "You know? I could kill you. But you're willing to sacrifice everything for even one of your precious ponies. I like that even, if it is a bit cliché. So, instead of killing you, I'll just banish you."

"I won't let tha-" He cuts off my declaration by teleporting to my side and using the momentum to punch me in the side of the throat. I fly sideways into the wall of the hallway. In my weakened state, I can't even move. Damn, if Shadow had been here, this wouldn't have happened!

Discord leans down, and places his lion paw upon my forehead. "Well, Luna, it wasn't very nice knowing you." He cackles like the maniac he is before letting a much more dark and sinister voice creep into his own.

For Five Score! Divided by Four!
Your memories removed, your body confused!

For standing in my way, you must pay,
Cast off to a world, far, far away!

To separate the sisters, just the start of my plans,
A surprise awaits you, your weaknesses exploited!

You sacrificed yourself for others,
In which you have failed!

You shall be alone, my little Woona,
A lone wolf, to howl at the moon!


"Ugh, what happened?" I sit up and place a hoof to my head, just below the horn. Suddenly, I remember what happened with Selene and look around quickly. As far as I can tell, I'm still in the dream, but it looks like Luna's-my old room. Wow, it's gonna take some getting used to the fact that I used to be a pony, and will be again soon too. Oh wow, this bed is really comfy! I lie back down onto my back with my head on the pillow, not noticing the other presence in the room.

When Shadow actually speaks, I'm not expecting it, so I jolt a little."Um, Luna, or John, whoever you are, um…" It takes quite a bit of will power (like seriously, I should become a Green Lantern for that or something) to not giggle like a filly at his confusion. He clears his throat, "So are you okay?"

Ah, the million dollar question. "Well, let's see. I just had a battle with the god of Chaos in another world alongside a Lunar guard, had to go through a three day story of how I'm pretty much turning into a pony and met my sister, almost had a brain overload from thousands of years worth of memories, met my equivalent, and then learned I actually am Princess Luna." I bring a hoof to my chin in thought. "So yeah, I think I'm actually doing okay with all that's happened." Okay, in truth, I just shoved down those feelings so they wouldn't get in the way.

“So you're actually Princess Luna? But you were… ah crap, this is going to happen to me isn’t it. Ah well life is life, not like I can change this anyways.” You know? I really like the way this guy thinks. He just accepts it and moves on. Doesn't complain, doesn't whine, doesn’t get mad, anything. " So, now that you're done banishing the nightmare and all, which I'm very appreciative for thank you, um, can I wake up now? I have a friend whose also going through the same things as me and to be honest she isn’t the most responsible pony.”

Well, it is getting close to dawn, so the dream will be breaking soon. "Of course, dawn is just about to arrive, so I think it's time for you to wake up anyways. Also, we need a way to contact each other. Do you have a computer with you?"

He thinks for a moment before responding, "Yeah um, I think we stuffed one into my truck. I'm going have to get it out of the backseat somehow but unless something happened, it should still be there.”

I nod, pleased with this turn of events. "Good. Now, you'll want to go to fimfiction.net and send a message to the user 'We are the Meta.' Really, it doesn't have to have anything to do with this, but just so we know who to send a message to until we can get together." I stop for a moment, squinting at him as I am a little unsure. "You are going to be able to join up with us, right?"

He shrugs. "Well, as of right now, we're on the road just outside of Perryton, Texas. Got nowhere to go and it's my job to stay by you, correct?"

I nod in affirmation to his question. "That would be correct." I can feel the dream breaking much more quickly, so I rush out my next few words. "Remember, send it to We are the Meta! We'll talk more then!" Then, the dream collapses, I'm pulled back to my body and I open my eyes. That's when the realization truly hits me. I am Luna.

Author's Note:

Whoo! New record on chapter length! Anyways, I'm so happy to have finally gotten this monster done. The biggest push we had was getting it done today. As per usual, tell me if anything is misspelled, bad grammar mistakes, or reads weirdly.

Also, I am going to start promoting other stories written by other authors in this here universe. This chapter's selection is, of course, Experiencing the Dusk by my friend buckshot(something number). Alright, see ya next time!

P.S.: For those of you who are dissapointed by a no freak out from Luna, don't worry; it's coming.