After a long, gruelling day at work, you come home to find a birthday surprise waiting for you: your marefriend, Sugar Belle and a massive cheesecake. Little do you know that Sugar Belle found your secret writings, and she’s ready to help you make your fantasies a reality…

Content warning: contains male stuffing, mentions of weight gain, burps, etc. Viewer discretion is advised

A little birthday gift to myself! My first second-person (pony?) story on here, starring my sona, Kace! I hope you enjoy :)

Chapters (1)

Sunnie Bun and Velvet Melody don't fight often. Much at all, really.

Until one day, when the Blue Bee Dessert Diner is tasked with supplying an entire town's worth of milkshakes for a celebration, Velvet makes a purchase without Sunnie's knowledge: a machine that can make gallons upon gallons of milkshakes.

Sunnie, is of course, extremely displeased, and after an argument, Sunnie decides that she should at least taste the machine's shakes, if only to try and see it from Velvet's side.

Question is, can she stop at just a taste?

*contains weight gain to large sizes, stuffing, burps, all the good stuff. Viewer discretion is advised*

Based on a YCH done by the man himself, @GraphenesCloset on twitter. Full image here!

Chapters (1)

Minty Moonshine loves eating. She also hates paying. With various disguises, she's taken the Canterlot restaurant scene by storm, racking up bills in the hundreds of Bits, before slipping out via any means possible. After one meal too many, the Canterlot High Dining Society, led by the stern 'Don' Risotto, takes the most drastic option.

Deep in the White Tail Woods, a witch is about to get a knock on the door, and given an offer she cannot refuse: give Minty her just desserts.

*content warning: weight gain to BIG big sizes, slight messy eating, etc. Viewer discretion is advised*
I've been wanted to do a story about Liquid Savage's Spellbound for years, and finally got a good enough idea to roll with!

Chapters (1)

Sugar Belle has a secret. The chubby baker isn't happy with her weight.

She wants to be fat. Enormous. Big, even.

One night, after waking from a particularly delightful dream, she learns that her partner, Kace, wants the same thing.

*content warning: stuffing, rapid and substantial weight gain, oc x canon, fuck you I do what I want*

This is a rework of the first ever fat pony story I ever wrote. I had fun updating this, and I hope you enjoy :)

Chapters (1)

Sunnie Bun and Velvet Melody have a big problem, namely a milkshake so bad they didn't sell a single glass. Now they're sitting on nearly forty gallons of nigh-undrinkable sludge that needs to disappear tonight, and they've run out of ideas.

That is, until the perfect pegasus for the situation decides to stop in for a visit. Soulful Radiance, master chef and all-around expert belly rubber, decides to pop in for a chat and a shake, and gets a little more than he bargained for.

With his help, drinking forty gallons should be a breeze for the two tubby mares, right?

*content warning: weight gain, stuffing, belches, all the good stuff. Also some mare-on-mare making out and sexual themes. Viewer discretion is advised*

A little story for Soulful, who’s been a homie since day one 💛
Cover image done by Yellow-Throated Warbler (@/Migratory_pimp on twitter.) Full image here!

Chapters (1)

*Content Warning: contains stuffing, weight gain, burping, etc. Viewer discretion is advised*

The Royal Bakers, Cooks and Other Kitchen Staff of Canterlot are tired of their hard work being thrown out after every royal banquet. They requested to have the leftovers be preserved in a storeroom, for everyone to enjoy.

Princess Luna, wary of her sister’s extremely poor eating habits, decides to appoint a guard outside the new Royal Leftover Room. She chooses her Captain, the gluttonous Midnight Blossom.

Can Midnight keep her hooves off the leftovers? Or will the temptation of such a grand feast be too much for the batpony to bear?

A gift story for The Wind King, who helped me realize that I still do love ponies after all.

Chapters (1)

In Equestria, some things are different.

Like where foals come from, and why some 'nature films' are horribly inappropriate for showing to general audiences.

Cover image courtesy of Françoise GARRANGER.

stork movie, #stork

Chapters (1)

The fierce tribal warrior, Ondrea, ventures away from her tribe in an attempt to experience life outside of her kin. In her travels, she comes across a stallion of unshakeable will that goes by the name of Cosmo. They initialize an interaction with one another and participate in many activities to increase their bond.

Chapters (2)

After Anon got the news he might never get home he fell into depression at the loss of his home, his friends, and his family, and due to how different he was from everyone he felt alienated thinking he wasn't good enough leading to an attempt that gracefully failed but ended with him to be monitored by the one pony that may help him get over his depression.

Chapters (1)

Voice to text makes lots of mistakes and and so do I as far as what I'm doing with my life and Apple Bloom scootaloo and sweetie bell stop Browsing TikTok for 10 hours A-day in order to make an only fans. There adults to be clear.

Anyway it feels good to actually write a story even though it's really dumb. Ellen also I love my girlfriend even though she's really dumb just kidding. She's really smart just don't ask her about geography. It's kind of wild how bad she is at geography now she is punching me so I'm going to stop this description it's to be clear. Consensual gentle potentiing it's kind of funny and fun when she punches me. It's cute everything she does is cute. I don't know I'm rambling she just barked at me. It's so f****** adorable.

Chapters (1)