
Viewing 1 - 20 of 36 results

Stargate SG1 and Atlantis callback. · 6:08am Sep 19th, 2017

So, I forgot how much I use to love this series. Rodney was amazing when he wasn’t being a complete jerk. That’s not saying much, but it’s always funny to see him interact with others. Here’s Cornell Mitchel threatening him with a lemon.

Report zalla661 · 262 views · #stargate sg1

New story in two weeks! · 6:01pm Jul 13th, 2017

[Adult story embed hidden]

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So I watched Stargate the other night... · 2:22pm Mar 16th, 2021

It was alright overall. Not the best Sci-Fi movie in the universe, but it was okay I guess. I mostly watched it because I was bored for something new to watch and because YouTube has it up for free with ads.

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 25, The Heroes We’ve Become · 7:28pm Oct 25th, 2021

Permanence. A character’s actions should have a lasting impact on the world of the story, or at least on their corner of it. The last thing an author should want is to be able to remove a given character from their story and have nothing change as a result. How better to show the opposite, then, (and how sci-fi) than to actually remove the main characters to show how things would have turned out without them? Welcome, friends, to Episode 25 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 19, Homebound · 6:14pm Apr 1st, 2020

This title is clever because one focus character is bound for home, while another is bound at home. Revel in my genius! Welcome, friends, to Episode 19 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

[G-Docs Chapter Link – Homebound]

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 23, Parked in Hyperspace · 4:43pm Jan 26th, 2021

A silly title for a silly episode idea, easily the shortest draft yet and currently the third-shortest overall. For some reason, my mind told me it was some sort of a reference to something I’d heard before, but…yeah, I got nothin’. Welcome, friends, to Episode 23 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

[G-Docs Chapter Link – Parked in Hyperspace]

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 21, The Honest One · 6:22pm Oct 28th, 2020

I swear I hadn’t seen the SGA episode “The Defiant One” before outlining the story for “The Honest One”, I just knew the title—I was completely surprised by the staggering number of similarities between the events of the two after watching it. At this point, however, I admittedly don’t remember which parts were the original overlaps and what parts I added in later to milk how similar they already were. Welcome, friends, to Episode 21 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

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[How It Could Have Ended] A Different Kind of Pegasus Device: Episode 1, The Device Reawakens · 4:59pm Jan 5th, 2019


[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 11, Right Off the Bat · 4:56pm Aug 11th, 2019

Subtlety and subversion are things I appreciate. I love subversive plot points, things that look one way but turn out another. I especially like it when they set up with some trope that’s so obvious the characters should see it that you know there’s no way that’s actually what the author is using, and of course they’re not using it, they just wanted to quell your fears early that they wouldn’t go that way by letting you know they saw and ignored the opportunity. If only my ideas had actually

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 18, Crystals Are Denser Than Water · 5:23pm Mar 10th, 2020

This title is a reference to the phrase “blood is thicker than water”, olden wisdom implying that unchosen family ties you get born stuck with are somehow more important than the bonds with friends that both parties decided to establish and maintain across the stresses of life and time. Utter nonsense. Back to the title, it’s also usually a true statement about chemistry. Well, except for ice. Water’s weird like that. Welcome, friends, to Episode 18 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 17, Of Quartz You Can Help · 9:01pm Feb 2nd, 2020

This title has a rock pun in it. Three guesses who guest stars this episode, and none of them count because of course it’s Maud Pie. But she’s not all. Welcome, friends, to Episode 17 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

[G-Docs Chapter Link – Of Quartz You Can Help]

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 16, A Day in the Life · 7:03pm Dec 31st, 2019

I read the news today, oh boy. About a pegasus that broke a wing. And though her friends had saved the day…well I just have to sa-hay. Your nerve will go awa-hay. Welcome, friends, to Episode 16 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

[G-Docs Chapter Link – A Day in the Life]

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 24, Dissension · 5:26pm Apr 13th, 2021

Many Stargate episode names are a single word that sounds deep or symbolic in how it will relate to the episode itself, like “Solitudes” or “Legacy”, and this episode is my attempt to replicate that pattern using one of the only mysterious-sounding words left over. Welcome, friends, to Episode 24 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

[G-Docs Chapter Link – Dissension]

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 22, Praise Them · 10:05pm Dec 20th, 2020

What do aliens look like? Considering the extreme diversity of life just here on Earth, there are countless possibilities. Would anything from another planet resemble any of the groups we have here, like reptiles, insects, or even plants? Arising from entirely different conditions, and perhaps not even using the same cocktail of organic chemicals as their basis, true aliens could be truly alien, challenging our very concept of what life needs to survive, or even what qualifies as this

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Passing the time... · 7:38am Oct 30th, 2016

So I've been binge watching Stargate SG-1 for the last few days. It's one of my favorite shows and I decided to watch it from the beginning. I'm already on season four of ten, and I'll have to watch the Stargate Atlantis spinnoff series as soon as I am done with the main series and the movies, after that, I'll probably binge Stargate Universe.

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 4, The Power of Flutter Valley · 7:38pm Feb 4th, 2019

So I know how it looks. I had the Wraith wipe out G3 Ponyville sans one right at the beginning and then immediately after I had the G3 Breezies wipe themselves out sans one. I don’t hate G3, I swear! The idea to include past Gen world chunks in this story came early on but after the full setup was otherwise established, and admittedly these were the first two worlds I planned stories for. I can’t remember if I meant for them to both be this early, but they were needed to more firmly

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[How It Could Have Ended] ADKoPD: Episode 2, Harmony Under Pressure · 4:35pm Jan 12th, 2019

Funny story, this episode used to have the far-inferior name of “Rise and Seek”, referencing the SGA episodes “Rising” and “Hide and Seek”, as this installment is based on a combination of the two. Because that’s a terrible name, however, it was eventually changed to reference the unrelated SGA episode “Grace Under Pressure”. Just thought you should know. Welcome, friends, to Episode 2 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 14, The Quest for Power · 2:11pm Oct 15th, 2019

Upon examination of the topics of each episode, I’ve come to realize that the first half of the story has more dealings with past-Gen worlds than the upcoming second half, from almost all to almost none. Guess I wanted more Stargate in my Stargate story. For the time being, however, we’re still riding the past-Gen wave. Welcome, friends, to Episode 14 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 10, Fliers on the Storm · 7:08pm Jul 18th, 2019

Science fiction is a genre about more than just robots and space aliens. It’s meant to be a medium by which to explore possibilities within reach of humanity in the future, to test how new concepts would work before they become widespread and irreversible. Basically, it takes real or speculative science and asks, “What if…?”. It’s about time that actual science joined all the fiction already in this sci-fi story, wouldn’t you say? Welcome, friends, to Episode 10 of “A Different Kind of

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 8, Do These Genes Fit Well? · 2:07pm Jun 3rd, 2019

One of the more awkward and latest-chosen episode titles, I’ll admit. I’d always hoped to improve it somehow like I did with “Rise and Seek”, but no good. Welcome, friends, to Episode 8 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

[G-Docs Chapter Link – Do These Genes Fit Well?]

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 36 results