Idea for a Non-MLP Story · 8:11pm Feb 5th, 2020
I had a sudden stroke of inspiration this morning, and I wrote down my idea as a sort of story outline.
I had a sudden stroke of inspiration this morning, and I wrote down my idea as a sort of story outline.
So tonight as my family is setting up for dinner, our cat has decided to sit her little self right smack in the middle of the dining room table. So I go and pick her up to get her off. Now usually, she'll just whine in protest, maybe hiss a little when I set her down on one of the couches in the living room. But tonight? She twists her body around, grabs my glasses between her two front paws, and chucks them clear off of my head.
Just a little funny story I'd thought I'd share.
...but if you ask me, we should be trying to make contact with it here on Earth.
Why did nobody tell me about this?!
[NOTE: This review is heavily laden with references to many details of Godzilla lore. As a courtesy to the uninitiated, I have put various links to places where you can get information on the subjects at hand. I highly recommend that you read them, as otherwise you'll have no clue what I'm rambling about.]
I've been a Superman fan for quite a long time, and earlier this year, I went and did my own personal redesign of the classic Superman costume, drawing influences from the comics, movies, and a few other redesigns I've seen around.
I consider this one of the finest moments in the Man of Steel's history. Allow this comment to explain:
Hello, folks!
Remember the days when movies had awesome title sequences with a rousing rendition of the film's main theme? Maybe we'd get an overture at the beginning instead of those annoying trailers? Those kinds of things seem to be on the decline these days, and it's a shame, because the title sequence can sometimes be among the best part of the movie. It helps set the tone and gives you an idea of what you're going to get.
This was a trailer that I made as part of my editing course, in which we were supposed to take footage from Orson Welle’s Citizen Kane, and recut it into a trailer of our own design.
Thought I'd share a picture of our ammo for tonight.
I love Superman. Like, a lot. He's probably my favorite superhero ever (only Spider-Man comes close), and one of my favorite fictional characters ever. And for a while now, I've wanted to write up a Superman movie treatment of my own. Y'know, just in case Warner Bros. ever decides to reboot the main movie line, I can have this thing on-hand and save the day, so to speak. This is basically just a list I've compiled of certain things I'd do in my Superman story. Be warned, some
...but these are some of the best things I've ever head in all my life!
Okay. I'm not usually in the habit of calling out people for saying things that are woefully stupid. But honestly, this one just about made my jaw drop, and one part in particular.
For context, out of pure boredom I started looking up reviews for Superman: Earth One, and on one particular review, this was how it opened up.
I already know pretty much everything that happens, but I thought I'd reserve judgement until I see it with my family.
Judgement Day hath arrived.
We've gotten official word that the Superman: Legacy, now retitled simply Superman, is now filming...and we've got our first look at the new Superman's symbol!