
Viewing 1 - 20 of 311 results

Delays, D*@n Delays, and Statistics · 8:13pm Jul 15th, 2021

I am looking for a pre-reader. I am now posting chapters that I have written, proofed, copy-edited, and polished all on my lonesome. Some few bits may be... odd*. :twilightsheepish: You can help!

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Report scifipony · 160 views · #Readers #Pre-readers #help

Pre Reader/Beta Reader For hire · 4:10pm Aug 30th, 2015

Hey everyone its me and I was wondering if anyone needed a Beta Reader/Pre Reader. If you do just PM me and well talk ok? bye!


Rework and Rewrite · 12:43am Jul 11th, 2018

As some of you may know I am working on a redone version of Broken Then Healed. I am in a funk still so it is going rather slowly but that is besides the point. I wanted to see if any of you were interested in being pre-readers, or beta readers, not certain which term is more correct. This version is different, though hopefully not too much as I want to keep the spirit as much as possible. Which is why I am looking for pre-readers. I want to have someone else's opinion on these sort of things

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Looking For Pre-Readers And Advice As To Where To Find Them · 4:53pm Jul 18th, 2015

It's been a while so I'm forgetting which groups I should try making a thread on. And that usually I would post a fic all hail-mary style.

But not today.

Today, I'm being AUTHOR AWESOME.

And if anyone else is interested in reading the Totally-Not Silhouette fic, comment or let me know.


Update a-hoy · 1:13am Jul 26th, 2015

Hello everyone :twilightsmile:

An update for Gut Instinct is in the works. It's the chapter where "the cards get shown" so to speak, and I was wondering if there's anybody here interested in possibly proof reading the section before I post it. I've had a few people look it over already, but the more the merrier, plus it's one of those chapters that makes me a bit nervous because of its content :twilightblush:

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Report wayward_pony · 295 views · #proof reader

Beta read my works · 11:55pm Mar 12th, 2018


Report CuddleCutie · 340 views · #Beta readers

Beta reader · 9:15pm Feb 15th, 2017

I'm searching for a beta reader for my TwiJack stories. Is anyone intrested in helping me?

Report TwiJackFan · 264 views · #beta reader

Looking for a kinky proof-reader! · 11:43pm Aug 17th, 2023

If you have no affinity with BDSM, or enjoy any sort of fetish content, This isn't for you.

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a choose your own adventure path... · 10:27pm Aug 2nd, 2017

Otherwise known as I have three versions the next chapter and I don't really know which to go with. So I am gonna ask you my readers who actually read my blog posts which is like five of you but still. what follows is four options of which will be under spoilers for those who don't want to participate in the polling and don't want the future revealed to with out more rambling here they are...wait one more thing to add that is spoilers and effects all of the following the

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This Just Hit Me · 11:04am Jun 11th, 2019

So, I was mostly finished with the prologue of the Winner for the follow-up story (the Sexy RPG world with Rainbow and Rarity as the primary protagonists) and had just gotten a decent night’s sleep when I woke up with an idea; Why not make it more RPG-like when Rarity and Rainbow are in the world of the story by having the readers play out the characters in each chapter, I’ll explain.

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My stories · 4:01am Jan 15th, 2021

Ok, for those who have are tracking me or watching me, wondering why any stories aren’t coming from me or my wattpad, I’ve developed something where I like to finish a bunch of chapters before actually publishing it. I’d like those who want my stories to decide.

Do you want me to write a bunch of chapters for the story before publishing it?

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Proof Readers needed! · 2:19pm Feb 5th, 2016

Just what the title says really...

If you're up for a bit of proof reading and feedback, drop me a PM :ajsmug:

Report Gingerquill · 259 views · #Proof readers

Looking for Beta-readers · 5:59am Mar 5th, 2019

Hey, guys. The title says it all: I'm looking for a group of people to maybe join a discord server and act as beta readers for the non-mlp stuff I've been writing. I'd really appreciate some feedback on my other works since I'm a new writer and I don't have anybody to give me critical feedback.

Here's what it would entail:

  1. A short interview to see what kind of person you are, what you like, how busy you are, etc...

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Report Free2424 · 265 views · #Beta Readers

Need An Opinion... · 6:53pm Dec 21st, 2017

While chapter one of "SciTwi Shimmer-Book 7.5" (the final product won't have the "SciTwi Shimmer" tag on the front BTW) is finished, I'm debating on releasing it now and adding the second chapter later or waiting until both are completed to release it. What do y'all think?

Report pabrony · 309 views · #Reader's opinion

Beta Readers Acquired · 8:53pm Nov 21st, 2016

I now have beta readers for my story. I just hope I can meet my own high expectations and see where my story takes me.


Really Could Use Y'all's Opinion... · 2:55am Jul 13th, 2018

With the recent rewrite of Dark Sunset, the last update of the semi-dark Spring Has Sprung, the upcoming release of Muted Wubs and the in-progress rewrite of It's Time To Leave, I was thinking about going back to the darker roots of the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles following the completion of NAS(Car)-Tunes.

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Report pabrony · 272 views · #Reader's opinion

Beta Reader wanted · 2:01am Jul 3rd, 2016

After re-reading the first, and only, chapter in my current story I have come to conclusion I need a beta reader to help take this work to the next level since I work with a schedule that has me work seven days on and seven days off from 5:10 pm to 5:10am. That means I'll be making a lot more grammar and story mistakes, i.e. info dumps, which I do not want. So if anyone is willing or knows someone who is to be a beta reader for my work, please MESSAGE me. Together, WE CAN PIERCE THE HEAVENS AND

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Report OrpheusDefense · 447 views · #Beta Reader

I've Been Thinking... · 7:40pm Apr 1st, 2018

...about tossing either a reference or cameo of a past villain or even possibly the OC of another writer or YouTuber in the brony fandom in a future chapter of Car-Tunes, which is the eleventh entry in the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles. Obviously, I would have to get permission from the created of the OC first if I went that route.

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Report pabrony · 268 views · #Reader's opinion

Tirek is Doomed Mass Feedback · 12:53am Feb 26th, 2017

Sands and Storms, what a response!

Right, to business! If you're looking at this post, it's likely because you faved Tirek is Doomed. Or clicked the link I will leave in the comments once this post is done. Why am I writing a blog post instead of putting a comment there?

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Report Viking ZX · 1,044 views · #Reader Response

An Introduction and a Call for Help · 8:02pm Jul 9th, 2015

Hello the fellow brony and pegasister friends! I'm Vera, a young teen who loves MLP in every way (yes, even Equestria Girls) and has only recently begun taking part in the fandom. Most of my MLP fanfiction is just short, fluffy shipfics (like there's not enough of that...), so don't expect too many long, overarching sagas. There is one thing that I would like before proceeding with posting some of my fanfics and that is a beta reader. As I said before, most of my stories are fluffy one-shots,

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 311 results