• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2017
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A broke(n) transmare that‘s a poet, artist, and writer.

More Blog Posts473

  • Friday
    I Lost It…

    …Today at work while we (my co-workers and I) were clearing out an abandoned part of a tent city where I live. Here‘s why:

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  • 1 week
    End Of Year Goal…

    Now, some of y‘all might think I‘m totally bonkers (I know my psychologist thinks I am), but I want to gain enough experience with AI voice cloning to do a reading of A Leg Up. The mane (you see what I did there? :rainbowlaugh:) reason is because I‘ve got so much time put into these stories, I want to be able to share them with everypony in a second format. Since A Leg Up is pretty

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  • 1 week
    I Can‘t Decide...

    ...If I wanna toss a curve ball into Life‘s Surprises when I write it by adding my own OC into the mix. My OC, Phoenix Rainbow, is transfemale like me that is an unmentioned friend of Twi and Kerfuffle from their physical therapy group in A Leg Up.

    Let me know your opinion, please. :twilightsmile:

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  • 1 week
    Update On Content...

    The past couple of weeks have been slow in terms of making progress on new content for all of you. I‘ve gone through two phones (on which I write my stories) since December 30th in addition to job hunting to pay the phone bill. Both of those issues are now resolved so things can now pick back up.

    Just in case anyone is wondering, here is what‘s in the pipeline:

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  • 2 weeks

    I decided to reread my story, Spring Has Sprung last night and maaaay have found more than a few errors. The biggest one was accidentally publishing the most recent chapter when it was 2/3 finished. So that will be coming down when I get the time to finish it. In addition to the accidental publishing, there are typos everywhere in the story. So those will be getting fixed as well.

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Really Could Use Y'all's Opinion... · 2:55am Jul 13th, 2018

With the recent rewrite of Dark Sunset, the last update of the semi-dark Spring Has Sprung, the upcoming release of Muted Wubs and the in-progress rewrite of It's Time To Leave, I was thinking about going back to the darker roots of the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles following the completion of NAS(Car)-Tunes.

It wouldn't necessarily be magic-based like a failed experiment (*cough* Relapse *cough*) I wrote earlier. More like something causing Sunset to slip back into a depression like in Am I Really Their Friend and It's Time To Leave.

What do y'all think?

Report pabrony83 · 303 views · #Reader's opinion
Comments ( 4 )

So, what do you mean by "roots of the series"? Do you mean going back to Am I Really Their Friend? and rewriting that? Or do you mean adding in an Anon-A-Miss story before that to better set up the story?

I like the idea. Relapse is common for suicidal people.


So, what do you mean by "roots of the series"?

I'm thinking of bringing Sunset's depression back for a sad SoL fic. Possibly incorporate some elements of Forgotten Friendship in it.

Do you mean going back to Am I Really Their Friend? and rewriting that?

Eventually that will be getting rewritten.

Or do you mean adding in an Anon-A-Miss story before that to better set up the story?

I was never really a fan of the Anon-A-Miss trope, honestly. Although now that I think about it, I might could use bits and pieces of it as setting up a fic.

Okay. I wasn't sure I was understanding correctly. That'd be an interesting thing to explore. In the aftermath of Wallflower Blush's defeat, Sunset gets hit with the emotional impact of the situation once the adrenaline wares off, and perhaps calls SciTwi and Flutters/Rarity so she won't be alone with the depression and won't spread it to SciTwi (I remember Scars).

Even if you're not a fan of the A-A-M trope, that could help as extra elements for the AIRTF? rewrite; as both happen after Rainbow Rocks (I know it's dumb, but A-A-M in the IDW comics is canonically placed after EG2). Just as something to mention in her mental ramblings, even if you stick to the canon version.

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