
Viewing 1 - 20 of 70 results

Ugh. · 5:31pm Mar 2nd, 2016

I'm trying to finish the seventh chapter of NE and to be honest, my writing is mostly being driven by the fact that I want to keep my mind occupied.

I got a rash on my neck last night and today I feel feverish, so I have stopped taking the meds and tomorrow I'm going to the doctor (I couldn't get an appointment today). Writing is the only thing keeping me marginally sane at the moment.

Report Captain Wuzz · 492 views · #fml

FML · 2:26am Jun 1st, 2019

Well, I'm out of a job and won't have internet by the end of the month. I'll keep updating while I can then put my story on Hiatus until I can come back. I wish this didn't happen, but that's the story of my life. I'll be sure to do a blog post when the time comes, Thank you everyone who's read, favorited, followed, commented and responded.

Report Stolenalicorn · 194 views · #fml

Thoughts on Returning and Moving Forward · 9:37am Jul 31st, 2022

I'm sure there's more than a few people who lament, maybe even curse, that I pretty much stopped regular writing and updates of my flagship project. I wouldn't really blame anybody for those kind of sentiments - anger, abandonment, resentment, disappointment, and so on. I know there's also plenty of people who will quickly counter with the claim that nobody owes readers completed stories and one should be happy for what has been made, even if unfinished. And there's plenty of opinions between

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Report CommissarAJ · 788 views · #FML

So here's how my day went... · 11:08pm Dec 3rd, 2015

SO! Here's how my day went.

Walked down to Walmart (half hour walk) - got my groceries and a new computer (my old one was breaking down).

Couldn't get a ride back. Cab was out of state, friends were busy/unavailable. Ended up having to take the cart home. (I asked two different managers and they said it was okay so long as I bring it back.)

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Report KnightMysterio · 479 views · #FML

I give up · 5:54am Aug 15th, 2016

And the old computer gave out...

*reinstalls computer with the wavy lines visuals*

I give up.

I'll call someone tomorrow to try and fix this. Hopefully it won't be expensive. Serves me right for trying to save money...


Report KnightMysterio · 419 views · #FML

[insert title] · 3:00am Dec 28th, 2016

Hey guys, I'm back, hope everyone had a festive Christmas and got what they wanted :derpytongue2:
I got a NES Classic edition and a Sega Genesis, I guess I was in a retro mood. So far I've been playing Castlevania II, Altered Beast, and Mortal Kombat III, all of which are pretty fun.

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Report Yarael-BJ-Poof · 362 views · #fml

Gonna need a new computer · 3:47pm Nov 25th, 2015

Had some issues starting up this morning with freezing and the like...

Gonna try leaving it on again to see if I can avoid those issues until more money comes in...

This is so damn frustrating... I need a computer for my own livelyhood right now...

Report KnightMysterio · 454 views · #FML

Post 154 ~ I found something for you guys · 12:05am Feb 6th, 2016

Report The Sexy Assistant · 397 views · #fml

I fucking hate my life · 9:02pm May 14th, 2017

My great grandparents moved up here from Florida and they are staying for a while, until their new house is ready. I hate being around people and this is not helping I have zero time to be alone now. I've been getting super unlucky when I play games. my (great?) aunt is upset at my mother, fucking god knows why, I mean my mom helped out my great grandmother so much! I was in the hospital (the mental hospital, I accidentally was prescribed double the does of my medicine and was really really

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Report Lady Q · 332 views · #FML

Aaaand the other shoe has dropped... · 11:37am Oct 13th, 2015

My other computer has stopped working. I have nothing to write on at home. Thank god I have wifi at home still access the internet through my Vita (which is what I am typing this on) and 3DS, but unless i get a big influx of money this month to buy a brand new computer, I am going to have to walk into town to the library (a mile walk) every day to get anything done...

I think I can get a new computer next month but I may be out of luck for October...

Report KnightMysterio · 424 views · #fml

whimper · 2:26am Apr 3rd, 2016

I have the urge to eat Angel Delight at 3:30am because I just had a bout of sleep paralysis and I want something sweet and yummy to reassure me that there's no horrid sounds in the room or monsters.

Report Captain Wuzz · 447 views · #FML

Can't write · 11:27pm Dec 14th, 2015

I've just got no energy to do so; No energy to breathe life in characters and make them move around.

Despite the fact that I'm now unemployed I still have lots to do and doing stuff means I'm tired at the end of the day and can't lose myself in writing stories.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 267 views · #fml

welp.. · 5:39pm Apr 8th, 2018

So I maaay have just deleted the chapter by accident without saving it. I pressed the god damn window's key and the page just disappeared. so yeah. I'm a little angry and the chapter is probably going to be later than usual because I now have no motivation to write, at least right now. Ill continue soon. I probably lost about 1500+ words. I know I should have saved

Report Comeonideodic · 276 views · #FML

020 · 5:09am Oct 13th, 2021

Just lost a whole chapter to Fimfiction so... no more chapter for awhile. I guess I'll go see Linda.

Report PettyPonyDearest · 207 views · #fml

GUESS WHAT GUYS! · 3:27pm Feb 22nd, 2018

it's been raining like a motherfucker over at Greenville Tx and the rain try to flood my room..... YAAAY FUCK MY LIFE!

Report mrkillwolf666 · 326 views · #raining #fml

I'm in the second circle of hell · 4:25am Jun 6th, 2017

I got my wisdom teeth out today. They were impacted, so it was best to get’em gone asap. According to my mother, I’ve been out of the surgery since eleven this morning. In that time, I have:

Created three different pools of blood stains on my pillow
Completely stained over the shoulder of my graduation hoodie
Used an entire roll of toilet paper to allow blood to ooze into
Nearly drowned myself in my own blood by accident
Worried my mother sick at my lack of body functions

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Report Snowflake Dissonance · 332 views · #fml #agony

Dad's in the hospital again... · 10:48pm Nov 30th, 2015

My father is in the hospital again. He's sedated and on a breathing machine. This morning he was sent there after doctors, examining him for breathing issues, found out he had 'a pneumonia.'

A pneumonia.

There's more than one?

God help us...

Report KnightMysterio · 381 views · #Father #FML

Anyone need an EFNW Room? · 3:24pm Dec 13th, 2019

All is well. Hail the great and powerful FoME. but seriously gang, be warned. If you book through the consite, you don't get refunds.

Because I was planning on going but life happened.

And uh, I can't get a refund.

Since I booked through the con they took my money and now it's theirs, in their hoard and I'm fucked.

They have kindly offered to let me transfer the room to someone else and have them repay me.

But otherwise I'm out over a thou, and that kinda stings.

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Report Themaskedferret · 421 views · #EFNW #Hotels #Money #fml

Slipping away... (related to my father) · 1:43am Dec 8th, 2015

My father has had a second stroke. He is now paralyzed completely. He is still at the hospital at Lexington, Kentucky, and is unresponsive.

I just...


Help me...


Computer Issues · 5:45pm Oct 19th, 2017

Computer is acting up again. It's being slow and laggy. (I'm writing this at the library right now.) Sometimes I can access it to write, and sometimes it just refuses to even load the main screen.

Someone suggested running Malware Bytez. I'm going to download that at the library today and try that, see if it works...

If it isn't one thing with my life, it's another...

Viewing 1 - 20 of 70 results