
Viewing 1 - 20 of 41 results

I don’t know · 6:37pm May 24th, 2022

I don’t know what to write and aim to finish, right now. What would be more exciting to see?:

The Broships AU from Details Make the Bigger Mac Picture and its sequel, or that Zephyr Breeze x Sassy Saddles thing I said I’d probably do?

Or, you know, just Shut Up and Write A King’s Brood Already because I Want to See The Extensive Changeling Lore You Made?

Report eemoo1o · 70 views · #what-should-i-do

Should I? · 5:44pm Feb 14th, 2017

Should I really make a story about this?:rainbowlaugh:

Report Pen Dragon · 440 views · #Should I #Too Funny

I haven't watched MLP beyond Season 3, but have been a brony since before Season 2 even started · 9:45am Dec 14th, 2015

So should I just sit down, watch season 4 and season 5, and the third EG movie?
I saw some scenes on youtube and was kinda meh, and a friend made me watch the Cutie Re-mark two-parter. Same friend also had me watch the Tirek stuff way back when.


Reboot? · 1:20am Oct 24th, 2015

Now should I reboot Chaotic Will? I'm pretty sure it's kinda dead.... Though I liked the Discord in DC idea so if I reboot it I'll have him join some another group.

So should I continue or Reboot?


Big Problem! · 2:57pm Oct 18th, 2016

Hello my wonderful followers and acquaintances! This blog is more of a poll to see what I should do with my story The Greatest Betrayal And The Greatest Of Friends. If you have read it then you know it takes a rather... dark turn which may I point out was not planned not that any of that fic was planned. So I am faced with a dilemma do I A: continue it as is, B: Delete the dark chapters and work around it, or C: Scrap the entire thing and start over. Please please tell me which one you want me

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Hey, look at the cool thing! · 3:28pm Jul 4th, 2015

So I've asked at the Movement (PLUG!) To make a banner for the group, and this handsome chap decided to take it up. So after some discussion, we went with this:

There is a draft version where he looked super serious, but I personally think him being very nervous about being saluted fits him better.

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I need more advice. · 6:14pm Jun 18th, 2017

Alright, I rediscovered my Call of Equis fanfiction. Looking it over, I think I could redo it. Like, better. Should I? I mean, I have a new plot I can write, or should I edit for a new one?

What do you think?


Is taking guitar lessons worth it? Should I do it, or should I continue being self-taught? Help me decide! · 5:05pm Dec 20th, 2019

Anybody out there ever taken a guitar lesson from a pro before? I was considering going in to learn a few new things from somebody who's been doing it longer than me, but then I saw...this.

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Question for my fans · 8:09am Oct 21st, 2020

Hey guys.

I've been wondering on how to make myself grow whether it's by Patreon or here on the site with my stories. And a thought came up about starting my own discord server to allow you guys to shoot the breeze with me or just chill out. So since I am unsure about this whole venture I've set up a poll Here to aid in my decision. Plus I'd love to hear some feed back from you guys on whether or not I should make this a thing.


Should I do some model train reviews? · 10:46pm Aug 18th, 2015

If I were to get another locomotive, I would like to do a review so you guys can know the history and the design of the locomotive.

I have a lot of N scale, HO, some G scale, and some O scale trains I would like to share with you guys.
Just for fun.


I'm at an impasse. · 10:52pm Jul 10th, 2016

So, just getting my mind out here for all of you, since it focuses on writing in general.

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So, about For Honor... · 4:09pm Sep 14th, 2018

I'm considering reworking For Honor: Conquest. Now that I have a better grasp of the game's lore, I have a few ideas for how to make the story better. Here they are, if you are inclined to read them.

1. A group of Knights known as the Sunfire Legion arrives in Equestria to escape the wrath of Apollyon and the Blackstone Legion. They arrive during the Storm King's invasion.

2. A lone Warden arrives in Equestria, and begins a life of solitude in the Everfree.

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What Kind of Stories Would You Like to Read? · 3:29am Dec 8th, 2017

Hey everypony! Back with my daily blog!

Anyway, I was thinking, "what should I blog about?" And then I was poking through my account and realized I forgot to put my newest story in my Completed Stories bookshelf. So I went to my story page and did that. But while I was there, I decided on what I should blog about.

What kind of stories would you guys like to hear?

NO clop. Absolutely not. I'm sorry. I also don't really do human or EQG.

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You Think I Should Finish and Summit? · 2:42pm Dec 3rd, 2017

Hey everypony! Sorry for being inactive, I've been attempting to finish art commissions that I've loaded myself onto. Anyway, despite being busy, do you guys think I should finish writing this story? It was inspired by a little scene JackRipper wrote for me.

Password: CanterlotSketch

Please tell me weathered or not I should finish chapter one and summit it.


Does anyone care anymore? · 1:10pm Sep 5th, 2017

So I got back on this site after a stretch of nothing, and I did get a bit of desire to do more work on my, stories, but I have to wonder if anyone that's following me even gives a shit if i live or die. Not in a serious life-threatening nature, just wondering if anyone cares about anything even remotely pony-related.

It's been 7 fucking years since Friendship is Magic took the internet by storm.

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Melody's Theories 1: Gallus' Coloring · 5:13pm Oct 10th, 2020

Hello! So I've been wanting to do this for a while and since today (10/10) is MLP's birthday (happy birthday MLP!) I figured it was time. So welcome to Melody's Theories! Today, to commemorate that today is also Mental Health Day, I will be talking about a theory involving Mr Mental Health Break himself, Gallus.

More specifically, what kind of bird Gallus is.

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Why am I still up? · 6:28am Nov 26th, 2015

Why am I still up? Maybe it's because i'm bored. Or it could be that I want to read, maybe it could be that i'm at my Father's house and I don't want to let my guard down because he always wakes me up with my dog, I guess we will never know...


Would This Make a Good Story? · 12:12pm Jan 9th, 2018

Hey everypony! Good morning! Or afternoon, or evening... whenever you'll read this! Non the less I hope you're doing a-okay!

So I have a story idea. I don't know if it'll be interesting or not. I mean, it's a romance story between Twilight and Luna because I found a really cool picture, which is its cover art.

This is the story:

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Why You Should Read "Diaries of a Madman" (if you haven't already...) - - - Middle Shelf #4 · 12:46pm Aug 17th, 2015

For these Middle Shelf blogs, I usually make one after I finish (or catch up on) whatever good fic I've just finished reading, if I remember to. There have been a lot I've meant to make blogs for but didn't until it was too late for my memory. This one is ongoing, and just updated a few hours ago, so let's get to it.

Diaries of a Madman

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Why You Should Read "Not The Hero" (if you haven't already...) - - - Middle Shelf #5 · 7:56am Nov 16th, 2015

To be really honest with you, I had a hard time not putting this one on the top shelf. But a while ago I decided to be more strict on what goes where, and even though it comes close, Not The Hero isn't quite on par with, say, Background Pony or The Immortal Game. Sorry, alarajrogers. It's probably mostly because it's not finished yet, to be honest. Once it's

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 41 results