New Pre Written Story Coming Soon · 8:23pm Apr 26th, 2018
Hello, everypony!
Look it up. Like, right now.
Hello Folk’s Welcome to The Cutie Mark Crusader’s Animation Adventure’s
On Your Marks is truly extraordinary storytelling. It's the first crusader episode to follow up on the CMC's after they earn their marks.
Well, I decided how I am going to do this Halloween story. It is going to be about Scootaloo going deep into the woods at night on Nightmare Night. She might act a bit like she did in "Sleepless in Ponyville", but this a whole different story. I'll give a bit of heads up on the story.
Characters: The Cutie Mark Crusaders (I love their new cutie marks ), an elderly mare (I don't know the name yet), and a huge kitten
decided to dick around,
AND WELL, WE HAVE A NEW CHAPTER MADLADS. Well, sort of. It's still a work in progress. Gonna be real short and sweet. if you care to take a peek, lemme know! Be out within a day or two.
-Scott Grimm
I've been pushing through my writer's block and have consulted my pre-readers to do so. My intent to release the next chapter in November will likely be met, if barely. After that, however, updates should come much more fluidly. Chapters 8 and 9 are being worked on together, and Chapter 10 is partly written already. In all, we're looking at likely 12 chapters, plus a brief epilogue.
I suppose I should explain what I mean by "potential new members" considering I already did a Top Ten for colts and fillies, and ranked the CMC including Gabby and Babs. This list is exploring ponies that haven't officially joined the CMC yet in canon, but have a strong potential to do so or could benefit from being included. I did a similar list to this a year ago involving ponies who could replace Babs Seed for the fourth member, but Babs really doesn't deserve to be
It's been a long time since I did this list, but while my opinions of the princesses might not have changed (I still can't wrap my head around the premise of "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows" and Princess Cadence's actions just don't make sense to me, at least when Princess Celestia was withholding information from Twilight, it was because she knew Twilight needed to reach the conclusion on her own to save the day. The existence of the Tanterbus may make Princess Luna's lessons
Haven't updated this one in quite a while because my opinions on the CMC hadn't changed since the end of Season 6, until now that is. There's actually something positive I can say about Season 8, and that's that it was able to change my opinions on some of the CMC for the better. As a quick note, I'm only including official CMC members from the show, so obviously Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak don't count despite sharing episodes with the CMC. And Lilly Ambermoon and her sister don't count either,
One final update for the CMC, even though it's not an overall ranking and more how they fare after what Season 9 gave us to work with. Like with my mane eight ranking, there's a journal on my DeviantArt account if you want to see the overall rankings, specifically this journal. Like always this list is purely the result of my personal opinion so please respect it.
Season 5, Episode18 Spoilers
So this week's episode was definitely a very surprising episode this week, and it dropped a couple of major bombshells.
I'm pretty sure this one is in the "drawings I used most time on"-category!
But this one was completely free-hand, it started out as a sketch of an eye!
What do you guys think? I know the light on Scootaloo and AB sucks, I might change that later. And also Scootaloo's eyes
Hello there. Another week another episode. This time we see the Crusaders building carts to ride in a derby. However, it doesn't go to plan when they ask their family (honorary and real) for help. This episode resonated quite a bit with me. When I was attending community college, I took an English class wherein we had to write a final paper about whatever we wanted as long as it was connected to one of the other papers we had written that quarter. I chose domestic service in the United States.
While the CMC shined pretty well this season, I think it's safe to say that their group dynamic has gotten a tad bit stale. Individually we have a good sense of their personalities, but they seldom seem to be at odds over the problem facing them. I already made this list once before, after Season 6 ended, but there are a few changes that I felt warranted a revisiting of this list (the reason why I didn't touch the CMC or the princesses in ranking here, is because none of my opinions on them
Almost certainly not appearing in chapter V:
TWILIGHT SPARKLE (writes): "When we got to the library and Moongleam (as she has insisted we call her) saw the collection, she bounced around the room in a circle for a full minute, calling out 'Yes, yes, yes, yes!'. She seems very excitable to me. Is this normal for her species? Is it likely to happen oft-"
(a short moment of embarrassed recollection later)
When Sweet and Elite first aired, a lot of bronies rightly pointed out that Rarity would have no reason to be ashamed of her friends (or to invent an impressive back story for Rainbow Dash). At that point, the Mane Six had already saved the world three times, Twilight was Princess Celestia's star protege, and Rainbow Dash had won the Best Young Flyer Competition.