• Member Since 16th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 13th, 2020


I may be a kid at heart, but I enjoy every minute of it. And since you're here, I imagine you do too.

More Blog Posts22

  • 458 weeks
    So.........That Happened

    Season 5, Episode18 Spoilers

    So this week's episode was definitely a very surprising episode this week, and it dropped a couple of major bombshells.

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  • 478 weeks
    Scootaloo Returns!

    All right! As promised, I'm back to writing Over Yonder. I'm sorry for the long wait, things got really busy for me and my editor these past several weeks. I guess I used the "Missing Month" chapter title a little too early. :twilightsheepish:

    Anyways, it's back and I hope you all enjoy it. :twilightsmile:

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  • 483 weeks
    Fretting Over Cutie Marks

    Warning: Contains Bloom and Gloom spoilers

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  • 486 weeks
    Some Sad News

    Hey, for those of you following my story Over Yonder, I'm sorry that it has been a while since my last update. Unfortunately life has gotten pretty busy for me at the moment and I can't devote the time I need for this story right now. So I'm sad to report that I'm putting it on hiatus for a while.

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  • 489 weeks
    I Made a New Group

    Hey everyone, I posted a new group about the Wonderbolt Academy. I've seen a few Wonderbolt groups, but none of them seemed to focus on the training grounds or were just about the cadets in the Wonderbolt Academy episode, so I decided to fill the gap. So if you're interested in the Wonderbolts, especially how they start

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So.........That Happened · 5:02pm Oct 10th, 2015

Season 5, Episode18 Spoilers

So this week's episode was definitely a very surprising episode this week, and it dropped a couple of major bombshells.

First of all, Diamond Tiara gets some actual character development! We finally get a reason for Diamond Tiara acting the way that she does by introducing us to her mother, Spoiled Rich. It honestly makes sense for Diamond Tiara to act that way with a parent forcing such high expectations on her and putting the ideas of social class hierarchy into her head, but Filthy Rich didn't seem like that type of character. The show staff seemed to realize that too, so we get a new character instead.

I honestly like this development of Diamond Tiara. Silver Spoon also got a little bit as she refused to support Diamond after having been shut down when trying to help in the student body president campaign. Though Diamond's change of heart seemed to happen a bit fast for my liking, I have to realize that only so much can be done in the limited time frame. Besides, as far as developments go, this takes a back seat to the next one.

So the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally earn there cutie marks and their special talents are....helping other ponies develop their special talents? I got to be honest, I've heard this theory before, particularly when watching some MLP analysis videos on Youtube (mainly from Dr. Wolf) and I didn't really care much for it. Don't get me wrong, I think its great that they can help other ponies find out the meaning behind their cutie marks, and there have been some episodes developing that. It just didn't sit well with me that they would all have the same talent, and subsequently the same cutie mark (for the most part). I guess it just defies the convention that we've been used to so far in regards to Cutie Marks and their design.

However, when it's all said and done, I really enjoyed this episode. It seems almost symbolic at the beginning where the CMC were standing in front of their idea list for potential cutie marks all crossed out and one of them comments that they've run out of ideas, and then at the end of the episode they obtain their cutie marks as they genuinely try to help other ponies. Even the cutie marks themselves make sense since they are always together and it was a team effort. I see this as becoming a divisive issue, however, much like Babs' cutie mark was.

For me, it will take some getting used to, but I'm still enjoying the show and look forward to where this new development will take the show.

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