• Member Since 16th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 13th, 2020


I may be a kid at heart, but I enjoy every minute of it. And since you're here, I imagine you do too.

More Blog Posts22

  • 458 weeks
    So.........That Happened

    Season 5, Episode18 Spoilers

    So this week's episode was definitely a very surprising episode this week, and it dropped a couple of major bombshells.

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  • 478 weeks
    Scootaloo Returns!

    All right! As promised, I'm back to writing Over Yonder. I'm sorry for the long wait, things got really busy for me and my editor these past several weeks. I guess I used the "Missing Month" chapter title a little too early. :twilightsheepish:

    Anyways, it's back and I hope you all enjoy it. :twilightsmile:

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    1 comments · 462 views
  • 483 weeks
    Fretting Over Cutie Marks

    Warning: Contains Bloom and Gloom spoilers

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    1 comments · 357 views
  • 486 weeks
    Some Sad News

    Hey, for those of you following my story Over Yonder, I'm sorry that it has been a while since my last update. Unfortunately life has gotten pretty busy for me at the moment and I can't devote the time I need for this story right now. So I'm sad to report that I'm putting it on hiatus for a while.

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  • 489 weeks
    I Made a New Group

    Hey everyone, I posted a new group about the Wonderbolt Academy. I've seen a few Wonderbolt groups, but none of them seemed to focus on the training grounds or were just about the cadets in the Wonderbolt Academy episode, so I decided to fill the gap. So if you're interested in the Wonderbolts, especially how they start

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Fretting Over Cutie Marks · 4:33pm Apr 18th, 2015

Warning: Contains Bloom and Gloom spoilers

So I watched the latest My Little Pony episode this morning and enjoyed it very much, particularly the Groundhog Day like spin they put on the whole aspect of the episode. And I really enjoyed the message at the end how a cutie mark doesn't change who you are. What I enjoyed most, however, was the referance to Babs Seed, and that she's writing Apple Bloom.

Thats definitely one thing about it that affects my work because Babs writes to Apple Bloom about her new cutie mark--a pair of scissors. I've been writing a story about how Babs and Apple Bloom have been writing back and forth since the episodes involving Babs back in season 3 about many things like the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I try to stay as close to the show as possible whenever the CMC are involved. Babs getting her cutie mark was a pleasant surprise, and a bit unexpected especially considering what it is, but I like it and will stick with it. I definitely have a few ideas I can use for it. Now if only Babs will make an actual reappearance in the show.

A few side notes:
1. Who else thought that the creepy voice in the woods was Starlight Glimmer?
2. Scootaloo flying in the dreamscape was adorable. :rainbowkiss:
3. Hasbro really needs to make a new commercial for upcoming episodes. The one they keep showing is a bit old since the scenes are from the season opener, which was two weeks ago.

Report theNDinspector · 357 views · Story: Dear Cuz' ·
Comments ( 1 )

I TOTALLY thought that creepy voice in the woods was Starlight Glimmer. Totally. Was really surprised when it wasn't!

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