
Viewing 161 - 180 of 324 results

An announcement for anyone who cares about my life · 5:50pm Jun 20th, 2017

If all goes well, a week from today I will be officially swearing my life to the United States Navy and to protect it thereof. I won't be shipping out for another year or so, so not very much is going to change. Although I have a host of story ideas and OCs I'm never going to use so if anyone wants to know more just PM me.

As for my Account once I ship off for bootcamp, unless someone wants to take the reigns huehue my account will go dormant for 8 weeks or so.

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Report PinkieDP · 291 views · #Military #Navy #Important

The new arc. · 3:03pm Jun 5th, 2020

It's going to take a bit longer to make the next story arc for my book.
As I don't want to burn myself out. Plus I need to map out my next moves.
The first arc was a set up for the future, however this arc can be considered as Important filler for the book.
But I don't want to make it boring when I make the next chapters. they will come out slower and more carefully.

sorry for the inconvenience



Here's the announcement I said I will make! · 4:36pm Jan 28th, 2020

Please open the Link:

Tell me if the link is broken.

What you saw is my engagement/promise Ring. I have been talking to my girlfriend about this and both agreed to treat our promise rings as engagement rings and so I guess that means I don't have a girlfriend anymore I have a fiance. This is the announcement that I was waiting to announce until we got the rings.


Research question! · 12:03pm Oct 14th, 2018

Hey, I've been looking online, and it's kinda hard to find, but how does one go about cutting through steel bulkheads in the vacuum of space? For this next chapter, I want to show the humans using their equipment to get to Yavaar. Now, I know that the Quzin would have a way to do it, but I wanted to show human ingenuity here, and assume that they didn't have access to any of the Quzin's cutting tools. I know that you can use arc wielders in space, but that's a little bit different from

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I Have a Patreon Now!!! · 5:14pm Jul 26th, 2018

Hello again everypony, and welcome back for another special announcement from your friendly neighborhood Shadow Quill. I have done something I have been thinking about for a long time, and after speaking with some of the site moderators about the specifics, I have created a Patreon for all of you so that way my fans can earn extra benefits in exchange for pledging some of your hard-earned bits. I have done this with the express purpose of showing my appreciation for my fans and readers,

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You know Badwolf231 but you don't know the person behind the name and why I choose to help! · 5:10am Jul 5th, 2019

I need to get something off of my chest and that is that everyone knows me by Badwolf231 but no one knows me for the good deeds that I have done and all the good things I have tried to do. You see I am someone who has depended upon luck to survive. You see I have a mental and physical disability that plagues me everyday in the real world and so a long time ago I couldn't speak at all and I was completely mute. I then had to be enrolled in a private school in order to gain access to speak and

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I have a big surprise to tell you guy's later! · 12:52pm Jan 23rd, 2020

The title says it all I have a surprise I wanted to tell you guy's but I want to surprise you so I will tell you guy's later but please be on the lookout for it.


What's up with me? · 5:02pm Apr 4th, 2020

So if you didn't know I have a YouTube channel that I have been trying to work on because I want to start to make YouTube videos of reactions and games but I have waited for awhile because I am poor and have very little equipment to actually make a YouTube video as it's hard to find a free video editor and screen recording but I finally found one and so after I get use to how it works I will start putting up YouTube videos. If you want to subscribe and wait for the videos here's the link to my

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My Patreon is open for Commissions!! · 6:36am Jun 24th, 2020

So I did a little tinkering with my Patreon page, and I realized that it just wasn't working out as it was. So, I have completely revamped my page and set it up for commissioned work now instead of monthly support. If anypony has ideas that they feel need to be put onto paper and are willing to pay someone to have it put into words, then I am available as a new and improved author ready and willing to serve my fellow ponies however I can.

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An Important Announcement · 6:24am Dec 12th, 2021

I would like you all to know that I have just moments ago received a piece of fanart featuring the lovable sisters, Ana and Gava. I will not show it here, however, for it is lewd. Relatively tame, but there's some heavy tongue action. It was drawn by Elicitie, an ornithologist who some of you may recognize.

Truly this is a historical event. Finally, someone has drawn porn of my characters.

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Report Goldenwing · 1,101 views · #very-important #fanart

Announcement 3: Return of the Hiatus · 12:48am Feb 3rd, 2021

I'm sorry to say this, but Power of the SOUL is going back on hiatus for a while, as my friend and I are working on three stories to flesh out the backstories of Emerald Breeze and Speda Hooves.


New Youtube video out! · 8:29pm Sep 22nd, 2020

I have released a game play of Fallout New Vegas with a couple of Mods on just to see how everything will hold. it was actually a pretty good test here's the test if any one want's to watch it. please note that this is a unlisted video and will remain that way and it is also age restricted as well due to it being Fallout New Vegas. here's the link:


Uhm.. hi. I'm not dead, if that's any consolation. · 1:11am Mar 1st, 2018

As I'm sure you have noticed, I have been relatively absent from this site. My Tracking has 196 unread chapters, so I'd say that's proof enough. I feel I owe you an apology. I am still on hiatus, but I thought I'd do an info dump. Lately I've been struggling a lot IRL. I'm falling behind in school, I've been suffering from a number of mental issues from suicidal depression, for which I am receiving help, and a lot of self-hate due to my gender dysphoria, for which I am also getting help, and

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IMPORTANT-PLEASE READ · 6:57pm Apr 26th, 2017

This blog is being ghost written by my husband.

This is foal's Half. Due to my wife's current problems with persistent vertigo, she will have to place all writing on hiatus until such time as her health improves.

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I'm gonna say something right here that I've never said to another soul in my life · 4:58pm February 12th

aehenjgiterhauj... neheHEYYEEYubv


Birthday · 2:23am Feb 26th, 2016

Hello, ladies and gentlemen!
Today is my birthday, and I just turned 18, and with that, comes some things I've been meaning to say for a while.

Just thought I'd let you all know that inactivity on this account is mostly because I do not like writing anymore, and many of the stories I have on here or are in the works will most likely be cancelled and deleted to prevent theft.

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HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! · 5:41pm Dec 29th, 2018

I wanted to wait until the new year to do this, but I'm actually really excited and I couldn't wait any longer. I am no longer TheNewYorkBrony. Well I mean I am, on here at least, just not as a whole. Elsewhere from now on I'll be known as JupiterRising, started from today. And not only will I be known officially as something else, I'll also have fandom names linked to different fandoms. I will still be TNYB on here, but I also will be Catrastrophe on AO3 due to my recent joining of the She-Ra

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Copying someone's story. · 8:25am Feb 16th, 2018


I'm not even sure if 3 followers is enough to make a blog post about something like this, but I've recently been informed that my story, "Can't get you out of my head", is strikingly similar to Nathan Hon's, story "Opening up her eyes".

I can assure everyone that this is not the case at all. I definitely would not have stolen their work! I want to base my fanfictions around original content, not copying off of others.

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You all need to hear this - FireRain is coming to an end. · 6:10pm Dec 30th, 2019

I made an announcement that is pretty important for everyone who follows me and expects new content from me to hear. I know it's short and incredibly brief, but you should give it a listen to know what's going on.


RD's CM story · 12:01am Mar 14th, 2017

don't bother I just need this handy for something later

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 324 results