
Viewing 81 - 100 of 403 results

MIRROR MAGIC (What Starlight had said) · 5:11pm Mar 3rd, 2019

the only major thing other than the forgiveness at the end I'm attacking it is this...

Starlight:"You think revenge is going to make you feel better but it's not"

...Well, that's a load of crap! Revenge is sweeter than a sugar cube dipped in dark chocolate, and I am NOT the only one who thinks this.

Please, don't make a mistake that you'll end up regretting for the rest of your life

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Coming Soon...(THE FORCE OF HATRED) · 12:58am Nov 7th, 2019

I like this music, it's almost great for this... (1:06... when you first step into Equestria and look around)

How shall I ruin Twilight and the ponies' Hearths Warming this year? Why else, re-writing another one of my best accusation fics, featuring the second most powerful evil I've ever made Beast Boy become, but tinker with it a bit to include the ponies and revise some of the plot a bit.


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Ideals I prefer (How I like making fic) · 6:40pm Jul 8th, 2019


I prefer making fics where characters get punished for the way they behaved, no matter what. Even if it's the guy from a broken up couple... he gets punished especially.

But there are other reasons why I make it that way.

I made Beast Boy go on a VOYAGE TO THE EDGE OF THE EARTH:

Main Reason, so I can use the theme from "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea"

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Busy Season (2020) Update · 11:40pm Nov 16th, 2020

Let's see... so far doing fine.

Got two Christmas BBMV's ready.

-One happy song (Can't post it until Dec 1)
-One miserable song (Can't post until Christmas day)

Then a special vid for January 2 (can't post until then anyway)

-Friendship is Failure for Christmas (Or rather Hearth's Warming) cannot be posted until Dec 24th for max effectiveness (Gonna give QUEEN Twilight Sparkle a Hearths Warming she'll NEVER FORGET)

At least those are all done.

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Reasons for writing (It's still a story) · 7:50pm Jan 9th, 2022

MOST of us write because we actually LIKE what we write about.

I write stories because I'm angry and enraged, and I do it to relieve stress so I can think and sleep easier.

I really don't get why they should make a difference, or be ACTUAL rules of writing (You should do it this way or not at all)


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Justification (Hitting someone for reasons) · 4:44am Mar 27th, 2021

I posted a blog just like this one long ago...

It already deals with the concept of when you are allowed to strike someone...

-In Self Defense
-To help someone being beaten

Yet my haters and detractors have this complex where they people are justified to hit you just because they find you annoying, or not up to their standards... No, you are not justified to hit someone.

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PLOT DRIVEN vs CHARACTER DRIVEN · 9:10pm Dec 18th, 2022

They never taught me this in school... (they just taught us the definitions... not the handling)

So there IS a difference...

In a plot-driven story,the focus is more on the things a character deals with, and will place plot and story structure ahead of deep character development. Most genre fiction like sci-fi or mystery tends to be plot-driven.

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Mykan's reason for 'punishing' characters he hates · 2:51am Mar 4th, 2018

We can all say that Mykan has issues with his sanity, mainly the fact he loves to torture cartoon characters, such as Kari from Digimon and Cadence. This is a sign of Psychotic acting and shows that he had mental issues.

But yet it is his ‘punishing’ of characters that we might see that there is some sanity in Mykan and that in fact he is not the evil person many of his ‘haters’ think.

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Me??? As a Mannequin??? · 6:15pm March 14th


My mom is planning for her and my Dad's trip to Jamaican next month, and while browsing stores, she found this-- a Mannequin at a trading post.

He looks JUST LIKE Me...!!!



Um... Merry Christmas? · 3:03pm Dec 25th, 2017

It may be Christmas Day, but I don't stop working for ANYTHING (Especially seeing as the anger Teen Titans, MLP and the rest bring to me)

I'm not saying you should be miserable or that I want you to be miserable today (That's what people who still preach about 9/11 want want you to do) but I'm saying you SHOULD be thinking of others, not just yourself, and not just your friends and family.

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Flurry Heart VS Count Logan · 10:55pm Jun 10th, 2018

Wasn't really going to do this, but seeing the way people are acting now or days (More ignorant and bigoted than ever) might as well explain things again. (they get angry... not my problem) This isn't made to goad people into responding, it's just an explanation and vouching.

In my fanfic, Friendship-is-failure-10--the-end-of-ends-2017-revision]Friendship is Failure #10- THE END OF ENDS! (2017 Revision)

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Regards of how to be (The heartlessness of some) · 2:18am Dec 27th, 2018

In a recent riff of one of my fics, THIS message was directly aimed at me... (I won't tell you who sent it)

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Twilight is not to blame · 2:37pm Aug 3rd, 2020

Now people are thinking I blame Twilight Sparkle for all my RL problems...

again... not true.

No cartoon is to blame for my troubles in real life, I was already having these troubles and banished things from my life like (Romance, lots of friendship, (Have a little not too much) social life, activeness) long before I was even ten years old. Digimon 02, 6teen, Inuyasha, Teen Titans, FIM... none of which were even made yet.

I just don't like her. I don't like anything about her.

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Why Mykan should go with Power Rangers fics and not MLP. · 11:51pm Jan 7th, 2019

To be honest, Mykan is not a bad writer, nor is he a good writer. The Main problem is that he uses his writing on very bad MLP, Teen Titans, Digimon and a few others, mainly placing his own Author avatar in them and making then total marry sues and Gary Stus. Also, making many of his fics hate fics makes him one of the most disliked writers on the net.

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Starfleet Fact #1: Twilight Blamed for her Death · 12:40am Aug 2nd, 2016

The first of many for people who can't seem to get it straight.

Twilight Sparkle was killed off in Starfleet Magic Season 3, episode 16 "Win, Lose, or Die"

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My way of thinking (Things Change and MLP are not to blame) · 5:03pm Oct 15th, 2018

I don't know if people are going to bother listen to this, but I'll give it a shot anyway...

People keep calling me crazy for having trouble sleeping because I'm upset with all these cartoons and failed shippings, well maybe it is crazy, but it's no reason to paint me black. It's not like it's a crime or anything to be super mad with all these cartoons that never go my why (Hence why I write about them)

But you may as well know THIS...

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Cutiemarks: What is it is/is not · 9:45pm Mar 5th, 2018

According to MLP wiki

Cutie Marks are unique picture-like symbols located on the flanks or haunches, and it is also reminiscent of. The mark itself is positioned where livestock branding is usually performed. Cutie marks are often related to the personality, proclivity, or talent of the character.

The cutie marks are obtained when ponies discover a unique characteristic that sets themselves apart from others.

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The Virtual World (Yugioh E-Quest) · 2:55pm Aug 4th, 2019

The reason I added it is simple enough... (A pity some people didn't know how to read properly)


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Is it improvment? · 1:18am Aug 7th, 2020

Someone asked "What more do I want" The answer is "Revenge"

People are still questioning my dislike of certain kinds of improvement...

Well let me ask you this...

-Suppose I got a job, and I made enough to finally move out and take care of myself.
-Suppose my job "contributed to society," and did something "productive"

Now consider this...

-I don't like it...

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What a night! (Extreme Insomnia) · 8:17pm Aug 11th, 2020

Didn't fall asleep until 5:30 am

Partly because of nausea...

Partly because of allergies... (How can you sleep when you sneeze so much)

But once again, the large reason is because it happened again...!

I don't have nightmares about MLP, or Teen Titans, and all that stuff (You can't have nightmares if you're not even asleep) I just get so many ideas for fanfics and vids, so much music and scenes I could draw as pictures.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 403 results