
Viewing 401 - 420 of 472 results

How? Why... How did I not know these comics existed? · 2:42am April 18th


MLP Rule 34 Update September 2015 / Porkyman · 8:25pm Oct 1st, 2015

[Disclaimer: While this blog post discusses Rule 34 statistics, it doesn't contain explicit imagery, embedded links to pornographic material or excessive coarse language.]

It's the tenth of the month, so you know what that means. That's right! It's time for another in-depth analysis of clop!

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Top Bolt, various thoughts · 9:29pm Oct 10th, 2016

Now for the last early released episode of season 6, after which we've got another hiatus. Lovely.
This was a pretty decent episode, at any rate. This time, sadly no exposition and world-building, which would have been nice...

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Chapter 9 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 6:10am Nov 18th, 2016

Hello again. Chapter 9 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. It surprises me just how much of a complete heel Night Light ended up being. I didn't intend for him to become this nasty. I think it works for the best, though. He is a great foil for Trixie. Next time, a certain lavender unicorn will finally make an appearance!

Chapter 9


Chapter 5 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Ranger is done! · 6:29pm Oct 20th, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 5 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Ranger is finished. This chapter is a bit of an odd one. I didn't really plan for it, but it sorta came out when I started writing it. It works because I needed to build up the rivalry between Lyra and Vinyl who instantly hate each after only five minutes of meeting each other. The next chapter will be pretty crazy and it will reveal the identity of the last Planet Ranger, the Venus Ranger!

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Chapter 4 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! · 4:07pm Oct 12th, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 4 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. I got the idea of Night Light being on the opposing Rangers from Rainbowdoubledash's story At the Grand Galloping Gala. In that story, Night Light blames Trixie for what happened back in Boast Busted and tries to make Trixie's life a living hell. I thought I might want to use that

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Chapter 27 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 9:49pm Jul 7th, 2017

Hey again. Next chapter will be the final boss. For awhile I had thought hard about who should be the final boss of the story. I settled on Notary. After all, she is the one that has been antagonizing Trixie the whole story and she is Pokey's killer. It seemed appropriate. Fisher was my next choice, but I couldn't quite get it to work sadly. That is how the ball rolls sometimes. Oh well, it worked about in the end. I still can't believe this story is almost over with. I've

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Chapter 1 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! · 7:11pm Sep 21st, 2016

Hey again. The first chapter of the sequel of my first Galaxy Rangers story is done. This time I will publish chapters when I finish them so don't expect chapters released every two days or so. The idea behind this story is that I wanted to do a Greengrass vs Luna 6 story and I wanted to do a story that addresses the Night Court. Unfortunately, the Bon-Bon plot point will be push aside for now. There just isn't room in this story. I hope you enjoy the fic.

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Chapter 28 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 6:25am Jul 19th, 2017

Hey again. Okay, I might have exaggerated about this chapter being about the final boss fight. Outing Notary as Pokey's killer took longer than I expected and I decided it would be for the best that Notary's fight should take up two chapters. Also, when I feel a chapter should end, I end it. Even if it wasn't the place I wanted to end the chapter. Or some reason, I lose all motivation to write past that point. Odd, but it tends to work out for the best. Anyway, I hope you

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I finished all my applications! · 9:25pm Sep 23rd, 2016

I submitted two and finished one. I have to get it reviewed and approved before I can submit it. Now the only thing I have to worry about is getting good grades.


Chapter 20 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 9:11am Mar 30th, 2017

Chapter 20 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. Thinking about it. When I first started this story, I actually had plans that would give the Night Court Rangers even more crazy power than they have right now. I was thinking about giving them special individual powerful abilities that only they have. For example, Night Light would have the power to summon lightning at will and not even need to use his horn to use it since he has the power of Jupiter(Zeus). So yeah, that

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Chapter 18 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 9:01am Feb 24th, 2017

Hey again. Chapter 18 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. One of the frustrating things about writing this fic is finding Raindrops something to do. She's usually standing in the background, and usually only gets really involved when a fight breaks out. I promise I will find a way to fix this. Finding Cheerilee things to do can be tough too. Sigh. Sometimes writing a story with 6 main characters can be difficult. I need to work on finding a good balance.

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5 MORE Major Differences Between D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e · 7:06pm Jan 31st, 2023


Fabulous Mr. Faux - Toonkind D&D · 5:03am Aug 3rd, 2022


Chapter 3 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! · 5:25am Oct 5th, 2016

Chapter 3 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! Things really start hitting the fan this chapter. You might be wondering why I made Vinyl a bad guy in this story. The reason is I wanted to create a reverse Octavia/Lyra character. I thought that it might be interesting if Vinyl was with Greengrass instead of Octavia in this continuity. I like mixing things up like this and I find her a lot of fun to write. I also think she has a nice dynamic with Lyra. Oh, and yes this

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Chapter 14 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:15am Jan 1st, 2017

Happy new year! Chapter 14 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I worked hard to get this chapter out by the start of the new year. I hope you enjoy it. Here's to a new year and let it be a brighter and better one than the last.

Chapter 14


Chapter 12 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 10:25am Dec 12th, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 12 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I hope you like it. The first fight scene was super difficult to write. I had many ideas, but putting them to paper was difficult. I rewrote it several times. I had the idea of Trixie fighting an unmorphed Notary for a little bit, but I couldn't get it to work. Having Notary transform at the start actually made the whole thing easier. I think it all turned out pretty well when I was finally able to finish it.

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One of my new favorite songs: Migraine · 1:18am Oct 8th, 2015

Twenty One Pilots

Am I the only one I know
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat.
Shadows will scream that I'm alone.

I-I-I I've got a migraine.
And my pain will range from up, down, and sideways.
Thank God it's Friday cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays
'Cause Sundays are my suicide days.

I don't know why they always seem so dismal.
Thunderstorms, clouds, snow and a slight drizzle.
Whether it's the weather or the ledges by my bed

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Chapter 11 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:31pm Dec 1st, 2016

Hello again. Chapter 11 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. It has been pointed out to me that Trixie has been taking what has been happening to her a little too well and I have been trying to work on that. I am not the most emotional writer. I have been trying to balance Trixie's emotional responses and the urgency and danger of the situation. I also really don't want to have chapters of Trixie moping. This might be a response to Fallout Equestria where Littlepip spent

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Chapter 30 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 9:08am Aug 25th, 2017

The final chapter of White Raven is finally finally done. Phew. It took forever to wrap up all the plot points in this story. Hard to believe I was able to get this far. Thank you to my faithful viewer for sticking with this silly story of mine. It had some ups and downs and some parts I am unsure of, but I am overall happy with how the story turned out. This chapter is one of my favorites. I love writing Luna and Trixie interacting with each other. I feel they learn a lot from each other. I am

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 472 results