
Viewing 21 - 40 of 54 results

The Tournament Bracket (For Now) · 4:29pm Aug 25th, 2022

I made it myself.

I hope you can see the names. I can't find how to make it bigger.


Next Chapter · 2:06am Aug 21st, 2022

Sorry it takes so long, but the next chapter is giving me serious problems to the point that I had to rewrite and rerewrite (and rererewrite) part of it several time because I wasn't satisfied or I couldn't decide. But I think that I got it. Maybe. With some luck, it should be out in the next few days.

Report Lucar · 190 views · #next #chapter #update

Update · 8:12pm Aug 1st, 2022

A little update on the next chapter of UME. I'm going much better and I was able to write a big chunk of the next chapter yesterday, and more today. I estimate that I have finished about half of the chapter, but it's a long one. I wrote over 4k words, and I'm thinking that it will be around 6 to 7k. Maybe 8k. It should be done either later today or tomorrow.

Report Lucar · 165 views · #Update #chapter

Chapter Delayed · 10:22pm Jul 23rd, 2022

So, without surprise, the next chapter is a difficult one so work on it is rather slow. And to make it worse, a few days ago, I got the Covid. Because of that, I wasn't able to work on it much. But don't worry, I'm getting better. The chapter should come out some time next week.

Report Lucar · 209 views · #Chapter #delayed #Covid #sickness

Mother Novels · 7:31pm Jul 10th, 2022

For all the Mother/Earthbound fans out there, did you know that there were official novels of Mother (Earthbound Beginning) and Mother 2 (Earthbound)? Well, I just found out today.

I was randomly recommended a video that just came out, revealing about the existence of these novels. It said about how these novels never were successfully translated outside of Japan until recently. And now, you can read these novels in English there:

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Finally watched Walkthrough Of Mother 3 · 12:47am Jun 20th, 2022

The following blog will have major spoilers about Mother 3, and also some bit about UME, so you're warned.

So, like said, I finally watched a complet walkthrough of Mother 3, from beginning to end. The reason why I did it now instead of later since Mother 3 shouldn't come in the story before some time was because I wanted to see how Mother 3 could interact with Earthbound, or vice versa, without forgetting with the rest of the story, and wanted to prepare.

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Question About The Earthbound/Mother Saga · 7:37pm Jun 13th, 2022

So, at the end of Earthbound, Porky uses Giygas' technology to time travel, somehow becoming a weak and immortal old man. Both in Earthbound and Mother 3, we meet Dr. Andonuts, implying that the two games happen rather closely in the timeline. And yet, we don't meet any other characters from Earthbound (beside of course Porky and the Mr. Saturns). So, are the two games happening in the same world or in parallel worlds? I mean, with the whole "End of the World" stuff in Mother 3, with the

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Oh Come On! · 2:33pm Jun 1st, 2022

If they start to put different Professors depending of the Pokemon version we take, this won't do anymore! How am I supposed to work with that? :raritydespair: And some elements of decor seem to change too as they show with the different shield emblem before what seems to be the building of the League.

Beside that, I like what seems to be this Generation's theme. Past versus Future. And I can't decide which of the two new Legendaries looks the best.


Time Patrol In F-Zero · 8:39pm May 11th, 2022


F-Zero Lore · 8:40pm May 9th, 2022

Can someone help me by giving me a quick summary of the F-Zero Lore, please? I started ready the wiki, starting by the pilots, and I so far saw that the galaxy seemed to be governed by a Galactic Federation like in Metroid and that the F-Zero races had been stopped I-don't-know-how-many-years between the first F-Zero game and F-Zero X, and that there had also been an accident three years before the events of X, but it starts to get very chaotic. There are just so many characters and places,

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Report Lucar · 248 views · #F-Zero #Lore #help

Question Martial Arts · 8:49pm May 4th, 2022

I won't say why I'm asking this but the answer may greatly help me.

In martial arts, for the ones who know, what happens if you attack directly the core? Like, we know of these attacks that allow to hit the pressure points all over the body which can cause partial or total paralysis and, I guess, terrible pain. So, what about the core?

Report Lucar · 174 views · #martial arts #core #attack

Ghetsis' Legendary · 2:35pm May 3rd, 2022

The next chapter of UME may take a few more days to come out. It is already well advanced but I have hit an obstacle: Ghetsis' Legendary Pokémon. This is spoiler for the next chapter so the rest of this blog will be hidden to the ones who don't want to see this.

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Time Shenanigans Explanation · 12:31pm Apr 16th, 2022

So, as explained in UME, since DD is an anomaly, then them intervening on Sweetie Belle turned her into an anomaly. By extension, everything she influences, people and universes, become anomalies, just existing in the present, with no past and future. So this means that time travel is normally not possible unless it is to go to a time before the universe became an anomaly (so before there was a split in the timeline because of the intervention of an anomaly). And this means that, in

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Zelda In Ocarina Of Time · 7:22pm Apr 14th, 2022

I have a doubt about Zelda in Ocarina of Time. As a Sage, does she continue to be a princess or is she forced to give up everything like, apparently from what I understood, Saria and the others to live as some kind of hermits?

Report Lucar · 199 views · #Zelda #Sage #doubt #Ocarina of Time

Cornerian Government · 12:46pm Apr 3rd, 2022

Sorry that it takes so long for the next chapter to come out, but I have been trying to find out more about the Cornerian Government. Like, is Pepper the leader of Corneria or is there a greater authority figure like a president or a council? And so far, I found nothing so I'm hesitating. In parallel, I have also been researching more on the next universe to be visited (one of the few Nintendo universes that I never played a game so I need to catch up a lot). There's particularly a lot of

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Finding Stuff Really In Advance · 7:11pm Feb 26th, 2022

So, I'm minding my business on You Tube, listening to some nice osts and remixes and all when I then find something that I'm now sure I will use for a fight that won't happen before certainly a few years. So, I'm putting this here for everyone's ears' pleasure.

Yeah, when it's about finding stuff for my story, even for something that will be very far in the future, I never miss an occasion.


JRPG Time! · 1:52pm Dec 22nd, 2021

So! A friend just let me borrow Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne, and I recently bought too a compilation of Final Fantasy 7 and 8. Soooo... Well, I won't be MIA, but I will be a bit less present for the following week(s). I know, it's sad, but it's actually homework for UME. I'm doing this for you guys (and also for myself because I always wanted to play them). SMT may help me better understand the universe/multiverse of Persona (and may mean that characters from SMT may appear in the story),

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Update · 7:55pm Dec 8th, 2021

The next chapter of UME will certainly take around another week to make. The current week is a busy one for me, and part of the chapter is asking me to pass a lot of time in the wikis. As a result, it's very slow. So please, be patient.

On another note, I have also been using the time to think of other stuff for the future of the story. Especially about King K Rool. He is the only character of the Marioverse that hasn't appeared yet, and there's a good reason for it.

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Chapter 35 · 4:35am Dec 4th, 2021

I just finished rewriting Chapter 35 of UME, like I said I would do in the previous blog. Changes are mostly in the second half of the chapter.


Next Chapter · 11:28pm Nov 22nd, 2021

The next chapter of UME may come several days later than usual. The ultimate fight against Cankentriops reveals to be a difficult one to write. Fights involving at least one huge team of fighters against a very powerful opponent generally are (so you can imagine how the Star Allies Arc from A Sweetie Dreamland had been hell to write toward the end). To not help, I took some time finding a theme that I judged good for the fight, and then I fell sick and I couldn't focus enough more than a

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 54 results