
Viewing 21 - 40 of 47 results

Back into the swing of things · 11:13am Apr 18th, 2017

Hi friends!
It's been a while, but I just can't get My Unexpected Gift off the ol' noggin! I know I everyone thinks the story is dead at this point, but it's not. This summer, every day I am setting 3-4 hours to work on this story and I am setting at least two hours every night until dead week to edit this story. I know I am not the fastest to get things out, but I will try to edit one chapter every night and get one chapter out a week over the summer. Rainbow will be a mother dammit!


Chapter 6 is Up! · 6:52pm Oct 16th, 2021

New chapter is up!! Enjoy!!! :twilightsmile:


Chapter Two Is Done! · 4:09pm Aug 19th, 2017

Hello everyone!

So chapter two of 'Apart From The Pegasi' is all finished and has been posted, so feel free to read it if you like, and just so you all know the next chapter should be coming sometime next week, probably over the weekend depending on how things go. And in other news my family has been taking care of a foster puppy for a couple of days. And now he's off to a new home, good luck little pup (my elder sister named him 'Bow') :heart:

Anyway that is all!

KillerChainsaw ;)


Let Us See · 3:23pm Aug 20th, 2015

This is like journal entries on deviantart. You should read mine, they are like, so RANDOM.
Like I have hetalia, story updates, and other stuff. Anyway who am I writing this too I has no followers. *cris*
Anyway so far all I've posted is stuff from deviantart. Well the next story is from deviantart BUT...
I'm editing the crap out of it to make it really awesome!
(and to get it on EQD)
It's not ready yet though.
Also I have no idea who I am writing this for.


New Story Update! · 3:38am Apr 23rd, 2023

Hey all,

Hope everyone's doing awesome on this lovely Sunday!

This blog is to give those of y'all who had been reading Descendants: The Isle of the Wicked an update... A series of shorts following our characters has been published! :pinkiehappy:

EDescendants Shorts
Join Twilight and her gang as they understand the new way of life and fit in while undergoing hilarious fails!
Crystal Aura · 2.2k words · 297 views

I hope to maintain my schedule of updating every Saturday/Sunday. It has been going kinda well so far...:unsuresweetie:

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Blood for Blood update! · 4:01pm Jul 27th, 2016

Well, that one story that's supposed to be on the same scale as EDM DM finally has some news regarding it! Yaaaaay! I finished the cover. Woo-hoo.

So yeah, it's below the break, cuz it's super hi-res.. Yes, this version's watermarked. Can't be too carful, you know?

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Future of the: "Love in the Darkness" · 10:51pm May 10th, 2017

To begin with, I haven't gave up yet, I still want to release at least one chapter (the last one of the introduction) but it's really exhausting and I don't really have that much time. Since I decided to take a break from writing my book, I took a dive into the comic world. So right now I'm working on a comic version of the known backstory of crimson, IF I will release that comic on that site (or deviant art) it will be hand drawn, not computer graphic, anyways thank you for youre

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MLP Update 2 - Shut up, I was working. · 5:30am Dec 16th, 2015

As you can see, I'm posting this update on a Tuesday instead of Monday, but I have to let you know that 'MLP' does stand for 'My Late Update' so it works.

Shut up, I totally planned that.

In any case, update time!

I've begun working on a new story! This one was more of a rush job, as it just got into my head, and I just began writing it. It's something that one would consider a 'sadfic' as it may, but I hope you guys can enjoy my first work in that genre.

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IMPORTANT! · 10:36am Jan 8th, 2021

Hi guys!
So...a long time passed...and if you have or haven't noticed, i put Rainboom For Due on hiatus. I have the full story finished in my head, but I'm not sure if I should write and finish it here. I believe that somewhen I will, but do you want me to continue it sooner?


Some Super Good Advice (For Celestia's Angels Fans, At Least) · 11:12pm Nov 5th, 2016

You might want to check your story notifications.

It's been a while since I put out a chapter, so I went ahead and published two.

Told y'all I was back.


ANOTHER update on EDM DM · 9:53pm Jun 25th, 2016

So, if you haven't been by the story page today, you haven't noticed a little addition I've made. If you're too lazy to go click on the story in the sidebar, well you suck. But here's the thing I added. Right down there. Just click the thing.

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What has Zalla Been doing all this time? · 1:47am Jul 28th, 2018

Hey there everyone!

So a lot of you may be wondering why I'm not updating so frequently. The honest truth is I'm a lazy butt. No, seriously I have been so lazy about his after work and everything I haven't even done most of my artwork I need to finish cause I have no deadline. Unlike my work, but that's a topic for another time.

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Story Update #1 · 2:01pm Mar 28th, 2021

Hello everypony, and I hope everypony had a great Sunday so far and have enjoyed themselves. So this was the end of this week and Easter is coming up, or Easter Rising memorial for both the pureblood and half-Irish people. So, you are probably wondering “what story will you be updating now?” Well, that is actually Ghost Of Equestria as I have not been able to update it in a very long time, and I feel guilty about that. I

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Story Update! · 10:59pm Apr 15th, 2023

Hey all,

Hope everyone's doing awesome! This blog is in honour of me finishing one more story, Descendants: Isle of the Wicked!

I thank each and everyone of you, who have continued supporting me by reading my work, it means the world to me that someone takes time to even go through it.

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New Story! · 12:34am Oct 27th, 2015

Hello everypony!

So, a new story of mine was just approved, it is called the Fall of Roan, and is the side-track I got myself onto while writing Daring!

The story follows a character named Hope, also known as Queen Crystal Hope, who is the ruler of the Crystal Empire in the years just after the fall of the Equus Empire that Witching Hour and I have been working on. She is also the mentor to the future Princess Amore, who is the ruler of the Crystal Empire that was defeated by Sombra.

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Chapter 9 is Up! Plus a Little Something.... · 2:41am Jun 26th, 2022

You the drill!! But wait, there's more!!! Enjoy the latest trailer for Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile either before or after reading the new chapter. :pinkiehappy:


Daring-Do and the.... · 8:41pm Aug 13th, 2015

So, everyone, I think I've been silent long enough about my current project! So, without further ado, I'd like to announce to you all that I am writing (And have actually written the first chapter of) a fanfiction involving Daring-Do! It also stars a Pegasus character of Witching Hour's known as Leaf Wind, who is the younger brother of Witch's OC of the same name as her.

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Descriptionsies!!! · 11:09am Aug 3rd, 2016

So, If you were wondering about the changes in the description for the story, The Crying Statue, its because It has progressed much further than the HeartBreak-Oneshot it originally was. The story probably will still have less than 10,000 words on completion, but it is stretched a little further than just Discord"s feelings while inside the statue. The story will involve how people feel about it, and how his imprisonment affected him even after he was reformed. However, if you guys think the

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Chapter 9, Orient Express · 6:51pm Oct 29th, 2015

Look! I made a new chapter!

Or rather, I finally posted the chapter I've had done for a week...

So, a few things that I feel you all (Or at least those of you who actually -read- these) should know. Daring Do and the Leaf in the Wind is coming to a close. It's been one hell of an adventure with you all, writing Daring Do for the first time, but I've already been feeling like I've over-extended this story by a lot, even if it has provided quite more interesting things.

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...and the Leaf in the Wind · 12:49am Aug 21st, 2015

Mares and Gentlecolts! It is posted at last! Daring-Do and the Leaf in the Wind, my Daring-Do story is officially up and listed! I hope you all enjoy it! I have no idea how long it will be, but it will be a long and hopefully good story!

I look forward to all your comments on my work, as usual, and hope you all are having a good evening!

Viewing 21 - 40 of 47 results