R4 (Reactions, Reviews, Reference, Redirection) #0149 · 12:20am May 8th, 2015
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Thirty Minutes Shy by Esle Ynopemos
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Thirty Minutes Shy by Esle Ynopemos
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Rarity dates Prince Nightshade by Dream Volt
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Unrequited Bliss by SanityCheck8080
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Something This Way Comes by Albert Manhattan
Just Like Dash by Albert Manhattan
It's probably too late to stop her, but I want to complain that ObabScribbler puts out waaay too much content. Even sticking to just one link per review and I've got dozens to do. Oh well. At least it isn't as bad as the Brony Bookclub videos which I was linking dozens of stories to each video.
Now to catch up with everything on my primary blog between the last post about it here and current. Zoom!
Today's post over at my main blog. Where I mostly explain how I'm cramming my brain full of ponies and asking if anyone wants to be added to my xcom2 soldier pool for my next game.
Pony Stories 579
Buggy and the Beast by Georg
Fluttershy’s Collection by chillbook1
Starry-Eyed by TwinkieSpy
Good day friends, acquaintances, and otherwise confused strangers. Today is going to be the start of something special and with a bit of luck, entertaining. I mean that for you all, of course. Not me, because in my ever-developing quest to hate myself, I’ve realized that I’m not reading as much as I used to. It seems nowadays the only way I’ll read something is if it’s thrust into my arms, which is a habit I wish to break. So I’ve decided I need to read more and play World Of Tanks less, and
Welp. Falling behind certainly isn’t fun.
Apologies for taking so long to get this one out here; I’m not too pleased with myself on that. But hey, work’s a bastard and being lazy doesn’t exactly help either. Ponies be on the mind though and I’m working on something, so maybe that’ll see the light of day before the month’s over with. Something something dictionary.
Man, I need a shower. Obligatory silly image to kick things off. Find other stuff below the break.
So, I'm continuing this little project. Here's another stack of stories I've read recently.
Twilight, what’s it like to teleport? (Everyone)
by TheExhaustedBrony
Here are slightly edited versions of five old reviews:
Long Distance by EZN
Eternal by Device Heretic
Tales by George Pollock, Jr.
The Old Stories by Thanqol
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
The Numbers Don’t Lie by shortskirtsandexplosions
Pony Stories 596
The Last Days Of The Kingdom of Equestria by bigbear
Memories of Shadow by Distaff Pope
Spike’s Slightly Dangerous New Hobby by FrontSevens
Changing One’s Mind by Jay-The-Brony
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Happily Ever After... by spideremblembrony
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Here are five old reviews:
Right Here by kilala
Carousel by Vanner
That Nagging Feeling by GeodesicDragon
Ha! This actually got put up at the 'normal' scheduled time of 9am since I've started putting my blogposts together ahead of time once again.
Pony Stories 614
The Instruments of Our Surrender by Cold in Gardez
The Duke Abides by GrassAndClouds2
Pillow Talk by Mistress Spectrum
Canterlot’s Guests by JKinsley