
Viewing 261 - 268 of 268 results

Quick Update On Our Adminship · 5:03pm Nov 8th, 2023

I literally just woke up this morning and saw that Eldorado had given The BlueEM2 and I admin status over the Official Generation Five Site group! It appears that the switch worked! Hallelujah!! While we don’t necessarily *own* the group by legal definition, Crystalbreeze and Edboii don’t seem to ever be coming back to it, so despite our status being just as admins, consider us the de facto new owners of the group in all but law. I’m currently waiting until Blue gets back home in order for us

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I’ve Restored Every Story I’ve Ever Written + The Official Generation Five Site Shall Be Under New Management Soon · 2:33am Nov 8th, 2023

Hey, everypony! I am back with a casual blog post. Nothing ranty, no calling out a horrible person this time. I just wanted to clear the air and explain some things that have just happened, or will happen. For one, you’re probably very confused about why there are two extra stories before the cancelled Guardians of Harmony story on my story page. Don’t worry, I have an explanation for that, and trust me, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. It’s time to reveal my greatest shame.

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Question! Discussion! Dunno! · 2:27am Nov 10th, 2017

How do you stay motivated when writing a story?

Curious Star is curious, so please lemme know what it is you do that can help you write that extra word.


A break down of Online RPGs and how they work · 1:38am Dec 17th, 2016

Well to be more accurate, this is someone breaking down the game of a series and explaining why the game of the show is so bad while giving comparisons, many of which are real world (sort of), and giving a pretty detailed explanation of it all.

I would recommend this video for anyone plays MMOs, has played MMOs, is considering playing an MMO, is planning/working on a MMO.

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It's Finally Here · 8:56pm Oct 12th, 2019

Well ladies and gents, this will be the last Saturday we'll all be here, waiting for a new episode to drop.

I haven't seen it, and I've largely avoided spoilers, so I really don't know entirely what to expect. I'm nervous. Excited. Anxious. Hopeful. Wistful. Lots of things, really. We'll see how it all shakes out.

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Celestia is back · 12:25pm Jun 28th, 2015


Userpage Redesign is Finished! Check out the Foal Author and Wasteland Dweller Fluttercheer! · 9:07pm Jul 1st, 2019

Wow, this took a long time! In total, I needed six days to completely re-design my userpage, make it unique and remove all the clutter that covered it (minus bathroom breaks, food breaks and, worse, sleep breaks and all those time-wasting necessities that the body demands). Much more time than I thought it would take me. The result is astounding and beautiful and it prepares me and my userpage greatly for the launch of my

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First Draft: DONE. · 4:11am Oct 31st, 2015

Viewing 261 - 268 of 268 results