
Viewing 2001 - 2020 of 2,630 results

A Filthy Friday without a Story, but instead Brings you a Poem · 10:05pm Sep 8th, 2017

~Ooo, all the grass I am sowing, so there can be food growing,
mares and stallions eat their full, and grow larger than a bull.~

~And once their nice and juicy, what will happen, you'll see,
they'll be stuffed down again, all part of the food chain,
And soon it'll smell a lot, like, methaneeee.~


Also we have a poll for thie week.
What kind of Mouse do you like?

Visit my Eka's Portal or Furaffinity account for the latest story.

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The Stomping Grounds · 11:31pm Jul 31st, 2020

There once, was a creature, from the wilds,
Its apperance, it used, to beguile,
but with claws like knives, and a breath so vile,
its reception, was cheritably, quite mild.
So it found new ways of entry,
Its apperance, quite elementary,
For isn't it so, a single thought is quite strong,
and can dig deep into your memory.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


So, a new story. · 4:55pm Nov 15th, 2017

Alrighty then. I'm making a new Halo story today.
Here's the gist. Twilight, after being rejected because of her suspicions at her brother's wedding, attempts to teleport home to Ponyville. Except she accidentally causes a slipspace rupture due to her stressed-out, miserable state and a magical backlash.

Guess where it sends her?

The Forerunner world of Requiem.

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New Story incoming! · 6:36am Dec 2nd, 2015

Howdy folks! So, unfortunately, my NaNoWriMo ambitions... didn't really pan out. Again. F:yay:k.

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A Thief's Tale: The Road To Penance Release Schedule · 10:29pm Apr 1st, 2018

When do you guys want to get chapters for Road To Penance? I was thinking Friday nights, but I don't know when most people prefer to read, so you tell me.


Changeling infiltration · 12:17am Jul 14th, 2018

Welcome to the second week of "Change, is in July".
The series of stories of changelings continue this week, with a new victim in line, and trans formative deception ahoof in the little town of ponyville. Give it a look for this week's story upload, linked in this blogpost.

Be careful which house you enter this month, some might not be what you expect.

If you want to know more of this month's event then head over to my Eka's or furaffinity profiles, good luck on the hunt~.

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Friday of Filthy, Pony of Pudge · 11:26pm Apr 13th, 2018

Today we have the continuation of last weeks story, the second chapter to tie it all together.

The story ramps up a bit, going away from some of the calmer slice of life themes to some naughty and lewd slice of life themes.

Pinkie pie plumps up her pudgy plumbings~.
and a naughty way to complete the ribbon on this series.
It gets naughty, it gets foul, pinkie gets nessy, celebratory howl~.

So, hope you enjoy, have a wonderfully Filthy Friday and a fantastic Weekened~.


Broken Mirror · 6:19pm Apr 12th, 2017

Well look at this, another new story to add to my collection. This one will be darker than most my others - but also deeper, and LONGER. Estimates project it'll be over a hundred thousand words, possibly the largest thing I've ever written. So yeah, it'll be big.

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Darker times approaching · 12:22am Oct 6th, 2018

Darkness. We attribute it to the dangers of this world. For true, on the highway of life, if you cannot see, then how can you follow the road? How do you know who walks among you, and who can be trusted?
In light, it is made clear, but light alone blinds, it stings, and can as darkness would, cause a crash.
Then is it not favorable, that we share a blend of the two? both in life, and those around us. We can never know all of them, there is always blinding light, and gentle darkness.

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Flying Along In Chronicles · 2:57am Apr 24th, 2021

Oh to fly as the paper in the wind, carried to your destination, though said location remains unknown. A paper seldom considers its situation, but would it ever wonder where it is going? That this method of progression is not of its own accord, but drawn by outside forces? Will it wish to have the freedom in forsook in this path? At the whims of the unknown, lacking any agency to propose.

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Bending Ways · 10:50pm Apr 9th, 2021

How we look ahead affects our actions in the now. What do you see? Do you see a straight path? Do you see twists? Is your gaze aimed skywards, or dug beneath the roots of trees?
Could one see what is ahead, as no mere path at all, but a bend, a curve we close towards, or long since past the reaches of its clutches.
Do we turn away, or move to embrace it?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Dusk in the mirror · 1:06am Apr 3rd, 2021

Whatever dreams can we form in the wake of daylight? The moments before we can absorb sunlight and merely wallow in the dusk of our rest? In that moment, when reality seems as nothing more than part of our dream, it is then we remember our escapdes of the night the strongest. And yet, they are dismissed. Our minds realising there is nothing of value to be found there. And thus, one wonders, what truly separates dusk from dawn?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Watch both Directions · 12:46am Feb 6th, 2021

With one side in darkness, and struggles in tow,
each vary step, is a challenge to swallow.
To give up ones baggage, and stride without weight,
leaves open your body, for the darkness to sate.
Giving in to the shade, as some see them do,
makes the baggage fade, but so do they too.
In the end we must balance, perception and mind,
keeping sights honed ahead, and vary of our hind.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Digging limits · 12:25am Jan 30th, 2021

I dug three feet into the ground,
three feet and nothing more.
Had I went all four foot down,
There'd be gold and treasure galore.
And while some think, that fact is sad,
truth do be told,
three feet was all I had.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Weirder Weeks coming up · 11:07pm Feb 16th, 2018

Weirduary is still in full swing on my other profiles at Eka's portal and Furaffinity, but you'll have to find that yourself if you are interested~.
(I'll even give you a clue, a keyword even to traverse the interwebs... Septia.)

there are some fun pony projects I have in the works as well, but those should be coming first after Weirduary has passed. After that, who knows, I'll be open for more commissions.

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The Dreariest Days · 11:43pm Nov 2nd, 2018

Our minds like to work in extremes, it is easier to handle and sort that way. but our mind is also crafted by our own perspectives. Thus if we think of situations ad black and white, we might find another conundrum whose black option is much deeper than anything we had imagined, and whose white is blinding.
are then the previous options still black and white? Thought exists between those extremes, for the road of life is as black as the night sky.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Surprise New Story! · 3:52pm Apr 4th, 2018

So after seeing some funny art images a few days ago, I had some ideas and well... Here we are, I put a short story together for everyone!

Here's a link if you're interested: Rainbow... Why Are You Eating My Flowers?

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Sunset Shimmer Doesn't Want to Play Tag · 1:14am Mar 25th, 2018


Birth Of Caution · 9:12pm Oct 25th, 2019

Perseverance. A word which contains the essence of life. Life is but perseverance against the end, foiled by decay.For whatever may fuel a being to wake up each day, and go on as it has all the days prior, it personifies Perseverance.

Happy nightmare night~


Darknes falls in time · 10:43pm Nov 8th, 2019

Time flows, a river by the road. Though it is never seen, to stop and turn our head towards it, interrupts its flow. We experience it only as we continue to stride, without seeing time itself, we bare witness to all it affects. With every step, time has altered the road, and woven new life into our surroundings. What is then the point of looking for time, when we'll be the closest to its majesty, every moment, of every step, of our journey.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 2001 - 2020 of 2,630 results