Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 34 )
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And now folders are officially closed. Thank you to everyone for keeping things orderly. We'll start digging ourselves out.

As always, read the group front page for a rundown of the submission process and the standards thread for what kind of stories we accept and what we look for in a fic.

Rules for this opening are as follows:
- 1 story per folder per user. That is, each user can submit 1 short story (under 20k words complete/10k incomplete) and 1 long story (20k+ complete/10k+ incomplete). We may relax this to 2 short stories per user after the initial flood has passed, so you may wish to keep an eye on this thread for further updates.
- Short stories will be locked at 30 stories. Long runners will be locked at 20.
- There were several additional clarifications that came up from the last opening. Find the full details in this thread.

I believe that is everything. Best of luck



3847068 Aw, shit.... this is gonna be like Black Friday all over again...

3846925 it's been a few minutes since the deadline...

Just waiting for something to go wrong: 502 errors, parents turning off the internet... :facehoof: 12 minutes left :derpyderp2:


I think they just intentionally posted an earlier time so people who are up would be on their feet earlier. It's still largely unfair to the rest, but, well.

Group Admin

And.... we're off!

Group Contributor

Phew, that was fast.


Bleeding hell, I've submitted one of mine to the wrong folder by accident. If you kind people happen to be checking, Vermillion shouldn't be in the big story folder. My mouse jerked. I've submitted it to both by accident. So, here, said that. Never intended to spam. Just... keep it in the right place.

3847144 I noticed. I had to help out someone quick.

Group Contributor

3847147 That's happened to me once, too.


3847151 And how poorly did that end? As far as I know, the admins prefer to just throw them out completely for mishaps like this.

Group Admin

and... we're locked. shorts at least (34) in there right now. longs at 18

Whew. That was like, two minutes.

Sorry about the premature longs closing - couldn't keep track of all the adding. Longs still has room for a few more I think

Dammit. I blinked and missed my chance for the short story folder. Always next time I suppose.

Group Contributor

3847156 I think they were nice enough to move it over--but that was before all the craziness of the short five minute span. Basically, it's up to them.

Man, always when I'm at work D: Id pay someone to add my stuff for me cuz I'll never get the opening at this rate

Group Admin

So, we hit right around three minutes total. Sure feels like the Black Friday spirit every folder opening day.

Closed already? I decided to take a short break just to see how things were going, and even if I was there when the folders opened, I don't think I could have submitted anything anyway. Good luck to all who somehow managed to get their stories entered. :twilightsmile:

Well, after beating my F5 key to a plastic pulp, I finally got my fic in! It's amazing what you can do when you're not at work...

Given you managed to get it into shorts in time from the looks of things, I will just clear the missubmit out of the longs folder.


Hm - it turns out that you can delete your stories from folders. I've fixed that issue I talked about. Crisis averted, I suppose.

This always happens when I'm at work, too.

Get a quiet moment, check alerts, see 60 items in feed... "Fuck, I've missed the library opening again, haven't I? ...yes, yes I did."

Darn, and I had Diplomacy by Other Means all set up to go.

Group Admin

Long folder only has 17 subs - maybe they'll go for a mini open?


- Unless your submission is labeled as self-contained, all stories it is based on (i.e. prequels) must be in the library before we can review it. Please submit stories in the order a reader should read them.

I think you would've needed to get the other two in the series into the Library before that one anyway, unless that rule was changed when I wasn't looking.

<- Artist's interpretation of the authors who got their stories in.

Wowzers! That was fast! I missed it again. :applejackconfused:

I was at work, tho. Didn't expect to get in. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

3847330 Years of practice snagging piles of Blizzcon tickets...

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