Humanized Ponies! 3,473 members · 5,606 stories
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Some say race, some skincolour. This is not a question of semantics, nor an invitation to a debate about.. well anything. Leave racism at the door, please. I'm just curious how the mane seven looks in your head. Because... real humans ain't purple. (But they can have the hair.) EDIT: this is not some kind of bashing, if you see them all as caucasian, that is ok too of cource.
In my headcanon, Twilight is like Tiger Woods, with korean/africanamerican heritage.
Spike is Vietnamese.
Pinkie Pie is africanamerican. Her father is a rock farmer, her mother's a preacher.
Rainbow Dash is latino.
Rarity is irish/japanese, with her father being the irish. (When she's REALLY upset, she talks with a Dublin accent.
Applejack is caucasian (I've never seen her portraid any other way, and... I dunno, she sort of HAVE to be a redneck.)
Fluttershy has Assyrian heritage, third generation.

And some bonuses: Celestia and Luna are africanamerican, but with different fathers, making Luna paler than her sister. (She looks like Mariah Carey)
Sunset Shimmer (She's Celestias daughter) shares her mothers heritage.
Starlight Glimmer comes from another mixed heritage, with an africanamerican mother, but looks so pale that everyone thinks she's "pure" caucasian. She got into some troubles for this when she was younger because people are, you know, jerks. And her equalization project is partly because of this.
TGAP Trrrrixie has european heritage, mostly french with her grand-pere being Romani.

5327922 They are all Gypsies, and need to be cleansed.


Umm, well I see them all to be white. I don't think they look... nice when they're other skin colours. Don't take me as being racist, I don't want to be racist.

Too bad, that's racist. It's okay, though, most people on the internet are racist. Stormfront's got like a million members. Then there's 8chan's /pol/ and the daily stormer and whatnot.

I can quote you some examples from this very website of people using the N-word unironically, and I don't mean the popular street term 'nigga'.

Also, FWIW I see ordinary ponies as white people and zebras as black people, but that has more to do with protocols regarding the voice actors of the show and my own personal narratives which I use in my fics.


Does anyone else think it's ironic we're having this discussion when the group's icon + banner has white ponygirls? :rainbowlaugh:


They're all white.

Their voice actors are white, so they're white.

Also, because most people suck at drawing Twilight when she's anything other than white/tan.

I don't think I've ever seen a good black Twilight picture.

Edit: Except for Rarity. She might be Asian. Her VA's name is Kazumi Evans. Which is simultaneously both a very Asian and a very white name. So I'm not sure.

5327995 Well... her singing voice is Kazumi Evans, but her voice is Tabitha Saint-germain.


Oh, yeah, that's right. I forgot.


Does anyone else think it's ironic we're having this discussion when the group's icon + banner has white ponygirls? 

Well, I noticed but I decided I don’t care. It's my imagination.

I consider them to be purple, white, blue, yellow, pink, and orange, sorry. If I'm really not allowed that answer, then all Caucasian.

FWIW, Kazumi Evans doesn't look very Asian.


True. Big ups for being original, by the way, I'm proud of you, son.

5328007 Of cource you are. I'm not trying to make a point, I’m just interested.

5328008 Well, I hang a lot on deviantart.

Personally I think you have put way more thought into this that I think healthy... Some of those race/skincolor/whatever I have never even thought of in any context. But I do have to say I love the idea of Rarity having Irish decent, and she is very easy to see as atleast partially asian(I have not done enough study on the subject to feel comfortable specifying asian nation when it comes to look). Goes hand-in-hand with Cockneytavia.

But when I imagine them in my head they generally come out as varying degrees of white. I don't think much in terms of race. They be people, and due to the society of mostly whites I have grown up in, people, unless otherwise specified, are white. EDIT: in my head, that is.


Personally I think you have put way more thought into this that I think healthy...


5328030 In my personal opinion, and I truly mean no offense to anyone, if you spend to much time thinking about people in terms of race if makes you kind of racist.
But keep in mind that I come from Sweden, where so much as bringing up the subject of race as a white person can brand you a racist.


Oh, your opinion isn't offensive.

Should you not allow people of different ethnicities to determine whether or not something is racist, though? You are, yourself, an ethnicity, so you are allowed to say what you've said. However, some may disagree. That's all.

5327922 Not to be racist, but I think none would be black.


Applejack is caucasian (I've never seen her portraid any other way, and... I dunno, she sort of HAVE to be a redneck.)

Well, in my stuff I tend to have her with either a black or Native American mother, so her skin is quite a bit darker than a simple tan would get you.

As for the others I do, they're all white, sans Twilight, who has a lot of Moor blood in her.

I never put much thought into it. Though it could be kinda cool if Rainbow Dash came from a native group with a proud warrior tradition, like the Maori.

I'm detecting a small logical flaw here.

Some posters are claiming not to think about race, but then go on to define the humane six as being white.


What does this mean, exactly? If they don't think about race, why the preference for a white mane six?

Are they implying white people are Default Humans?

Edit: I am not demanding people change their head canons. It's just odd that people are contradicting themselves. Just be all like, "As a white person, I feel more comfortable with a white mane six". No one curr. There's no need for this legerdemain of "I don't see race but I see the mane six as being of the white race".

The fandom has spoken and the majority has decided, as one can already glean from the multitude of fanarts upholding this racial protocol. I'm certainly not going to challenge it.

It does irritate me when I say that most fans view the mane six as being white and people put on this whole fake shocked act and insist that it is totally not the case, however.

Twilight: I see Twilight as African American because purple is close enough to black/brown, and her hair is more of a humanly black dyed purple with her signature stripes.
Rainbow: Rainbow I see as Korean or Polynesian, and her hair is actually brown but dyed rainbow-colored because it's more awesome that way.
Applejack: There's really no way to imagine Applejack as anything other than Caucasian. She's a farmer and has a Southern accent. Her hair is blonde, human color.
Rarity: Rarity would be likely be French because she has at least once spoken French in the show, but maybe also some British because she just seems like Anglophile (fancy word for 'likes British things').
Pinkie: Pinkie is difficult. She would definitely be a redhead, because pink And she was a rock farmer, so maybe Irish, because the Irish are famous for being farmers and many left the country during the Potato Famine. But I can also see her having some sort of eastern Asian heritage, not sure which though.
Fluttershy: I see her as Native American mixed with some sort of European or Middle Eastern heritage. Also a redhead.
Spike: I'm not sure. I guess I'll just go with what you said, Vietnamese.
Apple Bloom: Apple Bloom would be the same as Applejack because they're siblings.
Sweetie Belle: Same situation as with Apple Bloom.
Scootaloo: I see her as pure Native American. The reason why is her orange fur, it just seems close enough.
Starlight: Starlight I see as Russian because people compared her villain ideals to Communism.
Sunset: Sunset would be Australian maybe. (I'm really trying to reach across the globe.)
Trixie: I guess French works, but I also kind of see her Italian.
Celestia/Luna: a mix of Caucasian and African American, but with different shades. Meaning that Celestia would seem more Caucasian than African American while Luna seems more African American than Caucasian.

5328168 huh. That's pretty subtle, I've never noticed that. Kudos to you, I guess.
5328251 If you are interested (or enjoy drama in the comments) you might want to check out the latest works from Kilala97 on Deviantart. But I have to agree with you about the fanart, although the exceptions are more fun to follow.
5328034 Well, you have a point I guess, but as I said, this ain't about semantics. It's more about representation. I mean, just go out in the streets and look. At least 40 % ain't blond and blue-eyed, as every normal swede is. To accknowledge that ain't racism to me.
But I admit that it's a tough subject in Sweden.


It does irritate me when I say that most fans view the mane six as being white and people put on this whole fake shocked act and insist that it is totally not the case, however.  

It might be because people confuse humanized with equestria girls. It's not the same thing but I'm not sure everyone gets it. The ponies ain't about colour. Neither is EqG, sort of. But if you really put them in a real world, it is an issue that needs to be adressed. But wery few thinks about this.

Sorry, I said I didn't want a debate, and the I start one myself...

And people are boring. More diversity.

5328328 Interesting take! Italian on trixie is a nice touch! You've given it a lot lf thought!

Twilight Sparkle: Toss-up between Japanese (because of her hime hairstyle) and Indian (because a lot of fan art has her with dark skin and it fits, but she simply looks more Eurasian or Middle Eastern than African).

Sunset Shimmer: She's a redhead with blonde streaks... so Caucasian redhead.

Starlight Glimmer: I hate her guts; she doesn't get a race.

Rarity: Probably English, or maybe from Brittany if we want to go way out there. But if I had to choose I'd choose Spanish (as in Spain). Because when she sings, she sings in Castilian Spanish and it's the loveliest thing...

Fluttershy: White. Sure, there are other ethnicities which are stereotypically "close to nature"... But Fluttershy is just white; it adds to that perception of fragility.

Rainbow Dash: White, I guess? Tanned, because she's outdoors all the time... but still white. Probably because most fighter pilots and car racers we see are white.

Pinkie Pie: Irish. Yes, I'm being stereotypical again. And bouncy.

5327922 In my headcanon Fluttershy has a bit native american in her blood but pale skin, Applejack, Rarity, Twilight (have you seen her dance?) are white, Pinkie and RD have olive skin (RD is greek, Pinkie with a slightly Arabian bend. It came to me when I first saw her with that turban in Season 2 and it stuck), Celestia changes skin colour during the year (she is black in summer and pale as pale in winter) and Luna is always unnaturally white like marble.
Zecora is black and so is Gilda and Thunderlane.
And Spike is a dragon and can choose how he looks in human form once he reaches the age of Dragon Youngling, according to the Monster's Manual.

5328251 The "white default" is a very good criticism and I am glad you bring it up. But let us be completely fair to the fans: Ponies seem to take their culutre mostly from European/American inspirations (Pegadopolis/Canterlot/Manehattan) while Zebras and the buffalos are rather obvious stand-ins for African and native Americans respectively. (The Gryphon seem kinda Scottish to me and the Yacks are what Mongols were like under Kublai Khan)
So, its not just fan's perception but very much an undertone of the show. The main characters come from traditionally white perceived backgrounds. Maybe we have to go to the creators with this critique.

I don't have a problem with Equestrians being white. In fact I wish the other ethnicities weren't ponies all the time. I was a bit disappointed when the Indian ponies in Spice Up Your Life are ordinary unicorns rather than some other species.

I base my headcanon for humanized race off of ethnicity cues from the voice acting.

The mane six all speak with variations of an American English accent (the exception of course being Rarity with her Transatlantic probably-not-her-actual-speaking-voice-but-we-don't-care-because-she-sounds-simply-delightful-darling voice), so I think of them as being Caucasian. That's probably a little too oversimplified, and of course in real life a person of any ethnicity can learn to speak with pretty much any accent they choose--just look at how often actors do it--but here's the thing: when the show wants to feature an ethnic character, you can almost universally bet on the voice having some distinctive ethnic quality to it.

Take Saffron and Coriander from their recent episode. If you were going to humanize them, what race would they be? I'm willing to put money that most folks are going to say 'Indian' (and I'm not talking about Native Americans, c'mon people, you know what I mean). Zecora, despite speaking in rhyme, uses vocal inflections most commonly found in languages of African origin, so making her African shouldn't seem all that strange. The same thing for Photo Finnish, she has a roughly Finnish accent (kinda?), so thinking of her as Northern European (Caucasian) isn't unreasonable. The list goes on.

If the show goes out of their way to use a character's voice to help indicate ethnicity, shouldn't that apply to the Mane 6 as much as it does for secondary characters?

That all said, I don't personally have any issues with stories that humanize characters as one race or another. The story and characters themselves are still what's important, and unless their humanized race is a central feature to your story, then the fact that you made Twilight Asian or Fluttershy Uzbekistannian or whatever probably isn't going to make that big of a difference in the long run.


If the show goes out of their way to use a character's voice to help indicate ethnicity, shouldn't that apply to the Mane 6 as much as it does for secondary characters?

Well, not really... Because Equestria is sort of a melting pot nation. It has the 3 pony tribes together, but also various other species living alongside (such as donkeys), and ponies from other continents also emigrate over (such as the Indian ponies). So both in-setting and as a real-life parallel, there will be ponies of varying "human" ethnicities. And from there, it only takes 1 generation for the immigrants to lose their accents.

So you can't really say what "ethnicity" a pony is, other than that she's Equestrian. I think that's the intended purpose behind making the Indians as unicorns rather than some non-pony species.


Snow white skin with blonde hair and blue eyes.:derpytongue2:


So you can't really say what "ethnicity" a pony is, other than that she's Equestrian.

For ponies whose accents are not distinctly ethnic, sure. Pretty sure I mentioned that. Selling Twilight Sparkle as a human of Asian or Indian descent isn't all that hard, but trying to pitch Photo Finnish as a Latino from Brazil?

Eeeeeeeeehhhhh.... not so much.

Still, unless race is going to be a central issue of a story I'm going to write, I'd prefer to use the simplest interpretation over more complicated ones. It helps prevent reader alienation and streamlines your narrative at the same time.

I'mma be honest: I portray the mane six and Equestrian pones as being white people strictly so that I can portray them being racist to black Zebra people, in a sharp, relevant critique/parable about prevailing attitudes in the world today.

It would complicate things if I made the Equestrians black because people would be irreversibly confused. Considering how much certain black people hate other black people, though, it wouldn't be out of place. :rainbowlaugh:

Perhaps I should do it, though, because I have had a few people scream at me "Alsvid, YOU are the real racist for talking about white people being racist!"

And I think this is a nonsensical accusation. In my opinion, racism is not merely talking about race or people being racist.

It's use of racial slurs, or saying that people of another race don't look right. If you catch me calling white people racial slurs, or saying "Ewwww! White people are gross!", then yeah, they'd have a point.

To demonstrate my magnanimity, I shall allow people to contest this decision on my part.


So, its not just fan's perception but very much an undertone of the show. The main characters come from traditionally white perceived backgrounds. Maybe we have to go to the creators with this critique.

Bruh, I have been literally crucified by other bronies for pointing this out. You have no idea how many people cover their ears and start screaming "THAT'S NOT TRUE! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! THE PONIES ARE NOT MEANT TO BE ANY RACE! NOOOOOOOOOO" when I bring this salient point up.

Look at this guy for example:

It is painfully obvious that the ponies are meant to depict white Euroamericans, though, and I think the show creators really let us down on that front.

Why not have Twilight be voiced by Lupita Nyongo, or Celestia by Zoe Saldana? Why must they all be an array of white females? Is there any particular reason black people cannot go to Equestria?

Hell, have Lucy Liu or Maggie Q voice Pinkie Pie.

Not all bronies and pegasisters are Default White Humans, and the show creators should have realized that. There is no excuse for that.

It's easy to overlook this, or to say you don't see race, if you're a white person who lives in a white neighborhood, goes to their job full of white people, hangs out with their white friends, then returns to their white family with their white spouse and white parents and white children.

For me it's different. I live in a neighborhood with large populations of Hispanic-Americans, African-Americans, and White Americans. A few miles from me is an enclave full of Asian-Americans.

There are lots of Interracial couples in my local area, of different persuasions - Asian Female/White Male, White Female/Black Male, Black Male/White Male, White Female/Black Female, Asian Male/Black Female...

The idea of living in an ethnically homogenous society is vomitous to me. I would not want to be surrounded by all black people.

It's truly unfortunate that people feel the need to organize off-site downvote brigades to assault this thread. It also speaks volumes about the attitudes in this fandom.

Non-white bronies and pegasisters aren't just going to go away, or accept subservient, submissive roles wherein they obey the commands of the majority.

Nor should anyone appoint themselves vigilante-style arbitrary judiciaries who punish them for disobeying.

Maybe we have to go to the creators with this critique.

I have wanted to do this for years.

The show creators and the actresses regularly go to Pony Conventions.

Let us organize a Hundred Brony Protest March to deliver a petition to them.

Or we could set up a panel discussing these things and we could speak about the erasure of diversity and the suppressive attitudes prevalent in the fandom.

I am 100% serious. I am ready for action to be taken about this. If you're with me that's a start.

You know what would be interesting?

If people did a fanwork where ordinary Equestrians are white, but Alicorns are black.

Such as this:

Here is a black Flurry Heart:

All white. Period.

Twilight is a light purple, Rarity is marshmallow white, Pinkie's skin color is self-evident, Fluttershy is butter-yellow, Dashie is sky blue, and Applejack is a light pinkish-tan because orange would apparently look silly.

Seriously, fuck real world ethnicities when it comes to ponies, EQG is racially unbiased and all the humanization anyone needs.

Hmm.... If I had to imagine what race and looks the Mane6 ,plus some others, they would look like this in my headcannon.
Twilight Sparkle: Medium height brown skin like others think of her as, with either Indian or some African descent, with a small pear shape figure to her.
Applejack: Tall Caucasian like most others, with a tan on her skin, with muscle being dominate and noticeable hips and breasts.
Rainbow Dash: She be Caucasian like Applejack, with some Asian decent in her, with a short thin fit figure thanks to her competitive lifestyle.
Rarity: She definitely of European lineage, probably English, with a thin body with some signs of muscle with her maintaining herself.
Pinkie Pie: Small pudgy dark skin African with a round figure with some Irish lineage or Amish if you account the lifestyle of the Rock Farm.
Fluttershy: A tall tan skinned girl with some Middle Eastern heritage, with a coin toss between a thin lanky or very curvy motherly figure. Sorry but I can't imagine Fluttershy with either form to go with her shy, motherly personality.
Spike: He is a small young Asian with European lineage.
The CutieMark Crusaders are just like their larger counterparts, but younger for obvious reasons.
The Alicorn Sisters Celestia and Luna: Either Greek or Roman decent with hourglass figures with Celestia with dark skin and Luna with pale milky skin.
TGAP Trixie: Lighter dark skin compared to Twilight, with more curves on her body, with either Gypsy or New Orleans history in her.
Sunset Shimmer: Caucasian skin, making her American, with Irish Heritage as a dominate trait, EQG Figure.
Starlight Glimmer: She is Russian heritage with EQG figure thanks to her 'equality' beliefs and thinking in Season 5.
That is what image them as. If anyone else asks what other characters I think looks like as, just ask me.


For ponies whose accents are not distinctly ethnic, sure. Pretty sure I mentioned that. Selling Twilight Sparkle as a human of Asian or Indian descent isn't all that hard, but trying to pitch Photo Finnish as a Latino from Brazil?
Eeeeeeeeehhhhh.... not so much.

Hey now. My remark was addressing you saying "Since the Mane 6 speak American English, they're probably white unless I want to make race a point in the story." You said this:

The mane six all speak with variations of an American English accent, so I think of them as being Caucasian... of course in real life a person of any ethnicity can learn to speak with pretty much any accent they choose but here's the thing: when the show wants to feature an ethnic character, you can almost universally bet on the voice having some distinctive ethnic quality to it... If the show goes out of their way to use a character's voice to help indicate ethnicity, shouldn't that apply to the Mane 6 as much as it does for secondary characters?

That assumes all Americans who speak pure American English, without accents from other nationalities, must look Caucasian. As the USA is a melting pot nation, this isn't remotely true. Children of immigrants tend to speak perfect American English, with regional highlights such as Texan drawl or Cali valleyspeak, if any.

YES: Characters with foreign-accent English are used to depict foreigners who may not be Caucasian.
NO: Characters with American English are used to depict Caucasians.

There are certain ponies who "look Caucasian" such as Applejack, Flim, and Flam. But for most ponies this doesn't hold true.

5328665 You will find idiots everywhere.
On the other hand, calling people with a "white default" attitude racist is simply said incorrect. Racism implies malice or distrust and so on. Some people just don't know any better. I (as an example) live in Austria and grew up in the 80s. At the time, even our minorities were white and from the balkan region. I haven't met a single black person until I was 13. And once I was explained what the "white default" is and how it can lead to tokenism and stereotypes, I did begin to reject it. So... was I racist for years just because I didn't think about black people when there were hardly any around (that is changing now, but you know... past)

The show creators and the actresses regularly go to Pony Conventions.
Let us organize a Hundred Brony Protest March to deliver a petition to them.

Look, it is a vaid point of critique and asking creators to mix up the formulas, but this kind of attitude leads to tokenism and Captain Planet like casts who are more about LOOKING diverse rather than being diverse (after all, the Planeteers came from all continents! And every single one of them was as interesting as drying paint). The writers filled the heads of the ponies with what they knew, and looking at them, they knew a lot about being white and used that. If anything, we could suggest that they add some colour to the staff and have them write stories.
And the suppressive attitude in the fandom is OUR business, not the business of the creators. After all, you can't blame them for making a thing so nice that even idiots like it.

And I really like the idea of black Celestia. She is a all about the sun after all, so it fits for her to be "blessed" by it. (Though I always figure Luna/NMM to be white. Mostly because she probably doesn't get out much)

5328437 Actually, I though the same thing. India surely has some awesome mythical creatures that could fit the bill.

I understood what you said. All I did was clarify since your statement:

So you can't really say what "ethnicity" a pony is, other than that she's Equestrian.

was a little vague, :derpytongue2:

Twilight is of mixed German and Indian descent. Her mother and her sister were of India's "untouchable caste" before joining a mixed bag of British and German missionaries of the Anglican church, and then leaving India after reactionary terrorists started attacking their homes to keep the untouchables in their place. Her father, a German-American, took Twilight's mother to the USA with him. She was childhood friends with her cousin, Aryanne, who ended up growing up to be a very different pony from Twilight Sparkle...

Spike is of course, Vietnamese. When his parents were killed, Twilight's own family adopted him.

Applejack's heritage is of almost strictly of British Isles origins, but she has it all: British, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Cornish, anything from the British Isles, that makes up Applejack's ancestry. However, she does have a major exception, her German lineage, and that is where she is related to Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash is an American Roma, which means she's just about everything! But she's most prominently Russian and Greek. Interestingly, she is a redhead from her father's Russian lineage.

Scootaloo is mostly Swedish and Finnish on her mother's side of the family, and Russian & Mongolian on her father's side. Scootaloo's paternal end to her family were Soviet political refugees. Scootaloo's single father and his brother both like RD, but most of the rest of Scootaloo's paternal family doesn't like her because they are largely Russian, and she's Roma.

Pinkie Pie is mostly German, like most Amish were. She actually used to refer to all non-White Amish as "English" because that's what Amish call them, and not without foundation, as most white people in the USA have a lot of various heritages that can be traced to the British Isles, and the Amish don't. Pinkie discovered that she was far from the first in her family to reject the Amish lifestyle, and some of her family might have intermarried with Applejack's largely Celtic family.

Rarity is Jewish on her father's side, and Scottish on her mother's. Sweetie Belle got a lot of shit in her old school because Aryanne taught there. Her parents got her swiftly transferred to Cheerilee's class when they found out. Her hair is dark brown, almost black.

Fluttershy is basically an Assyrian on her father's side of the family, who left Iraq as political refugees because most Assyrians are Christian, and of various British isles lineages on her mother's, but she has some Native American descent added to her mother's side of the family. She's blonde from her mother's side of the family.

And for other characters....

Sunset Shimmer's father was Irish, and her mother was French.

Gilda is Italian. She has an Italian name. All the Griffons, besides having "g" names, also seem to universally have names from Romance languages, like French, Spanish, and Italian. In Gilda's case, Italian.

Beatrix Lulamoon is "Gypsy" alright, but not the kind you might think. Whereas Rainbow Dash is an actual Roma, Trixie's grandparents were Irish Travelers, often called "Gypsies" in Ireland. They moved to the USA for better opportunities, and fascinated with their lives, Trixie seeks to repeat them.

Zeccora is indeed African, a Ndebele woman from South Africa, to be exact. However, her mother was actually an Oromo woman who was an Ethiopian political refugee, hence she has an Oromo name, Zecora.

Iron Will is half African-American on his father's side, and like most African-Americans, he's actually as Eastern Native American as he is African from that same side of his family. However, his mother is a Greek from Crete, to be precise.

Cranky Doodle and Matilda are both Israeli Jews who toured the USA on value that the parents of both were born there. I picked Israeli Jews for them in particular because the donkey is a traditional Hebrew symbol of peace and goodwill.

As Changelings are largely a Celtic invention, Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings are the IRA.

King Sombra comes from the Caribbean Islands, and had once established himself as a dictator there, like Fidel Castro.

The Yaks are Pashtun people from Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Princess Celestia's race is Ginger. THE GINGERS WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!


You're right.

Besides, I found out something.

Apparently there is a panel at Bronycon called the Asian Delegation, comprised of Asian people who seek to educate the fans about diversity and Asian representation in the fandom.

We should do a thing like that for black people. Yes I said 'we', because I feel that the audience might feel less threatened if the panel in question contains familiar white faces.

5330974 Very impressive.


I have to ask, though: is his headcanon set in a world where Earth and Equestria have fused? He is referencing Israel and Ethiopia.

Marethiopia? Bitsrael?

I could see the United States of Equestria in his post, too.

What's the deal with that? :rainbowhuh:

5332930 To me that doesn't matter. It's just imagination anyway.

I have to congratulate you on your insanely detailed headcanon on the non-existent human ethnicities of fictional non-human characters. That is... a lot of brain juice devoted to that subject. :rainbowderp:
Not that I agree with any of it. :twilightsmile:


We should do a thing like that for black people. Yes I said 'we', because I feel that the audience might feel less threatened if the panel in question contains familiar white faces.

LOL you are something else.
No offense, but it's like you're a guy who wants to "stand up" for black ppl, which is cool, but you seem to do it in the most offensive-to-blacks way possible.


I'm black, so I'll be the judge of that. Go to my profile page if you need photographic evidence.

I plan on going to Bronycon for a meet and greet if you need facetime with me.

Your race changes the context of why you say what you say, but it doesn't change the fact that it's poorly said.

If you were white, it would mean you said it because you're clueless. But if you're black, it means you said it because you don't consider how your words come across when readers cannot see the face of the speaker.

We should do a thing like that for black people. Yes I said 'we', because I feel that the audience might feel less threatened if the panel in question contains familiar white faces.

1. Implies that you think 4 black ppl sitting at a table would frighten off an entire room of white ppl. Even in a "safe and friendly" fan convention setting.

2. Your paragraph's grammatical structure sounds like it's said by a white guy. You say "we should do this thing for black ppl", then you say "Yes, we should do it <for them> because I feel the panel should contain familiar white faces". It leads a reader to think that the speaker is white based on the words used.

Then the paragraph basically reads as "As a white guy, I think black guys should hold a panel. Because I want to decide for them. But hold on, I think a bunch of black guys together would be too scary. So we should add a few white guys into this panel so the blacks don't scare everybody away."

Man, that just reads so badly. You need to be clearer, otherwise you can't achieve your stated purposes of mutual understanding.


...but it doesn't change the fact that it's poorly said.

That depends; are you also a black person?

5332963 All right, I’m sorry if I was rude, however, why reply to me If you're curious about ultraman Morgan Freemans headcanon?

I can tell you mine though. It's is influensed by Merc the jerk, were Equestria exists instead of the U.S and is a triarchy. Like G.B but better.

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