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Comments ( 18 )
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To clarify, I mean those god-awful ones like: My Little Titan: Attacking is Magic, or My Little Moron: Uncreative Story Titles are Literature Gold

Now, I'm not exactly a revolutionary when it comes to story titles myself, but I can't be the only person that can't stand that cliché.

NOW AFFIRM MY HATRED Tell me what you think!

2133430 My Little Armalite: Sexiness is Magic.

2133430 As with anything else the trick is making it work. If you can do that it shouldn't matter what you decide to name it.

My Little Ork: WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH is magic? :trollestia:


Hmm. Yes, I suppose, but still. It just feels a bit...lazy, you know what I mean?

Dang, I was about to start a My Little Moron series.

I think, once upon a time, a creative title could be made that way. However, due to overuse, the cleverness has worn off. Still, a title only serves to help readers find the story again, and if it's memorable, I suppose it would serve. Heaven only knows that I'm not always the most creative when it comes to titles (although I'm proud of Scootaloo Finds a Truck in the Everfree Forest and Accidentally Runs Over a Red-Maned Black-Coated Alicorn in Front of the Ponyville Hospital (except when I have to type it out)).

2133462 Well if that's the only title you ever use then you either suck at coming up with good titles, or you just don't want to try something different.

Thankfully I don't see any author that ever tries to name all their stories using MLP FiM titles.

Doesn't matter to me. A title is a title.

When used for parodies it has far more potential. For a more serious story endeavor, please don't.

2133430 Diminutive Equines Currently in My Possession: Companionship is Arcane, Unrealistic and Unexplainable.



My Little Reply: Thread Responses Are Magic
Episode 37: Twilight Sparkle Agrees with OP

Can't beat Big Mac though. Too red, that one.


My W X, Y is/are Z titles are incredibly dumb. I'm certain they're only used by people who are bad at titles, or think they're bad at titles (because they're never satisfied with the ones they come up with). I won't accept it, even for a comedy story. Only trollfics can get away with this in my eyes.

Usually, I don't read the fanfics that incorporate the title of the show, but, sometimes they can be really good, like "My Little Caboose: Fighting is Magic".:twilightsmile:

The title doesn't mark the story to be bad. Its how bad the writer is :ajbemused:


Fair enough, fair enough, but it's like the counter argument to "Don't judge a book by it's cover": The cover is indicative of the amount of time and effort the author put into presenting their story.

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