The Writers' Group 9,331 members · 56,840 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Recently I have published another story of mine and it's looking pretty great:
41% of all readers favorited it, and 25% gave it a like. The only problem is: The total amount of views is only 32!
(13 favs, 8 likes, 0 dislikes)
So here I am, having written a great story but no one actually reading it. I mean, I can understand when people say: "Hey, that story has only 32 views, it must be bad." When there are 13 favorites however, how can people still just ignore it? I guess I shouldn't complain about what I get, but that point is really bugging me.

So, here is the question:

How in Equestria do you get people to view your stories?
Are there any secret tricks I have not yet discovered? :trixieshiftright:
Or maybe there are certain people to help me out? :unsuresweetie:
I don't have a clue about advertising either.

I mean, of course I can write: "Hey, view my story!", but I feel most uncomfortable doing it. I don't want to annoy people with my story. They should discover it like a gem and not get hit in the face by it. :twilightoops:

However, if you think that a story with 40% favorites deserves to get read, go and click the link below.
Fall of the Changelings (FOTC)
( I hope that was how advertisement is supposed to work :rainbowhuh: )

Well, that is all I have to say.
I wish you a very very nice day.

2127192 Adding the fic to groups and so on helps. And remember: the view counter only refreshes every 15 minutes or so. I had a story sitting at 37 views that suddenly jumped to 61.

2127192the views will accumulate over time, give it a bit and add your story to groups folders that are relevant. If all else fails then you play the waiting game for a while:twilightsmile:


How in Equestria do you get people to view your stories?

It has been simple for me. I wrote fics. Then I updated them. Then I improved the quality and kept on writing and updating fics. The result, you can see.


I have already added it to all possible groups :applejackunsure:


Oh, I can just hope it works out. I hate waiting :facehoof:


That some day I will have watchers.

I have a dream that some day I won't have to wait

I have a dream that some day people will read my stories and love them :twilightsheepish:


I want to do quality over quantity. All my stories will be >30k, so writing much isn't really that easy for me :applejackunsure:

I don't want to change my writing style only for people to discover my hidden gems...

Join the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau and promote your story.

2127192 I think your summary could use some work. The summary is just as important as the opening sentence; it should grab the reader's attention and make them want to read the story. If the summary isn't intriguing and doesn't make one want to read your story, then chances are your story will not get very many hits or reviews. Try doing something different with your story, something original, something nobody else has done before. Considering that this series has so much mythology behind it that you could generate hundreds of thousands of stories from the mythology alone, this shouldn't be too hard a thing to accomplish. I'll read your story when I have the chance and give you my thoughts on it. Good luck with achieving success in the future! :yay:

Well, I never changed my style or preferred quantity over quality. And some of my stories are >30k words. Don't forget that quality comes with quantity. Dialectics and stuff like that.

My point? To become successful at what you're doing, focus on what you're doing, and not how you could do it better. It'll all come naturally. It's helped me a lot,both in life and writing. Just keep on writing.

A few pieces of advice

1 - Add them to groups. You will get more publicity fairly quickly, even if you don't necessarily get all that many views. It counts as something, at the least.

2 - Don't just add your story at a random time. There are certain times with a lot more people online than others. For example, a time like now would be a fairly good idea since there are 1600 people online on the site, and that gives you a lot bigger chance of gaining views than if there were only a thousand.

3 - Make your description (short and long) interesting, as well as have a cover art that grabs the attention of the potential reader. If a description is boring people will often just ignore it, and a bad cover art may serve as a deterrent as well.

There are two things that get viewers, the image and the description.

You have images, and they are not bad, but you descriptions need a lot of work. You have one sentence in the short description to catch the readers attention well enough to get them to head to the long description. And there you have one paragraph to showcase you writing skills before they lose interest and look elsewhere.

Your short description for Fall of the Changelings looks okay to me, but the long one is filled with short choppy sentences and rhetorical questions. Both are usually mistakes in a description.

2127255 that last little bit made me think of this:pinkiecrazy:


Thank you very very very much, you kind brony :twilightblush:

I will definitely try to rephrase the description and hopefully that will change things.


Yes, that is what I am trying to achieve. I still have a whole life in front of me, so enough time to practice my hobby. (Only that I always end up staying up until like 3 am only to continue writing and then oversleep lectures on the next day)
Writing is totally worth it though :rainbowdetermined2:


1. Added it to 3 groups already :yay:

2. Added the story with 1500 people on the page :twilightblush:

3. See the comment of the first person, I replied to :derpytongue2:


Okay, I will try to fix that

Thank you SOOOO much for that advice :pinkiehappy:



Yep, YOU WILL ALL LOVE ME AND DESPAIR (got the reference?)



You're welcome :pinkiesmile:

2127255 If you want more watchers, you can get them in Stalkers Incorporated group.

As for the rest:

(it's a parody, so don't take it to seriously)

2128108 My pleasure, man. I've been writing for the past twelve years, so I'm always willing to help a fellow writer out. :pinkiehappy:


12 years? That will be some time for me to write :twilightsheepish:
Luckily I have read enough literature to gain my knowledge in how to use my stylistic devices correctly and how to not mess up my whole story.

It is quite funny, how, my writing style, changed from, literally, taking hundreds, of commas, to, a much, more fluent one. Furthermore my articulation has also advanced by quite a bit.

And still, I can always be just the same person. It is funny, how many lives one can lead separately...

Psh. Lectures. Who needs lectures when you have technicolour ponies? :ajsmug:

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