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Artist #1 · April 7th · · 1 ·

What types of stories are considered an anthology?

I’m currently writing a story and was told that my description didn’t seem to be fit of an anthology, then it occurred to me that I don’t even know what that is, I only know that the stories don’t have anything to do with each other.

Group Admin

An anthology is a collection of stories or poems that usually revolve around a common theme. They do not have to take place in the same time period or with the same characters, and they also do not all have to be written by the same author, but they all are usually written to express the same sentiments.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

The official description on the Anthology tag is "Stories that are themselves a collection of other, short stories.".

Basically any collection of writing, whether stories, poems, songs, or whatever.

In my published stories, this one is an anthology:

ESweetie Belle's Short Stories
A small collection of drabbles, flash fics, and short stories.
SweetAI Belle · 4.7k words  ·  33  3 · 781 views

In my case, as you can see, I'm using it to collect stories that are not long enough to be published as an individual story. A fair number of people who write Flashfics do this. Sometimes an anthology will be a bunch of different authors published together as well, like this:

TVerse Averse: Tales of the Versebreakers
When musical mayhem threatens Equestria, the brave and misunderstood ponies of the Versebreakers are on the job. Ten music-themed stories by eight talented authors.
horizon · 25k words  ·  220  3 · 3.3k views

--Sweetie Belle

So, if you look at the new story that I wrote would you say that qualifies to be an anthology?

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

Would you say that this story qualifies as a collection of short stories?

Group Admin

7955787 was stated, an anthology is a collection of stories, not simply one chapter. And not two or three either...I'd say there'd have to be at least four stories for it to qualify.

Your tale there is simply telling the misadventures of one character. An anthology would be different stories all centered around one theme.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, at the moment, you only have one chapter, and it's titled "Chapter 1", which would imply that there were going to be more chapters of the same story. In an anthology, the chapter title would be the title of that individual story, and arguably, you'd need more than one story in a collection for it to be a collection.

When I published mine, I already had six separate stories in it at the time of publishing.

--Sweetie Belle

Lets out a heavy sigh.
Well, now I know, seems as though I can’t write an anthology, even though I want to.
What do I do now? Keep it the way it is delete it or do something else with it?
I seriously thought I could write an anthology, but it appears that I cannot.

7955783 If you can publish any chapter as a separate story, you have an anthology on your hooves.

In your case, you should remove the Anthology tag because it doesn't fit. What you're writing is one story with multiple chapters, not an anthology.

Ok, I removed the anthology tag.

Group Admin

I don't see the issue. Simply change the title to something like, "A Collection of My Short Stories," and write several chapters before you publish it. Give each chapter its own name, and make each chapter different from the one before. Try exploring new characters and new environments. Stretch your writing skills and try something new, and surprise your readers. Decide on a theme, but approach it from different perspectives...the possibilities are endless.

I’m gonna do that with a different story.

But I will do it someday.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

The way I personally ended up creating an anthology was just that because of participating in a monthly 150 word story contest, I had an increasing number of stories lying around that were 150 words or less, plus other odd things I'd written here or there that hadn't gone anywhere, and I decided I wanted a place to put all of them.

It's a good idea to hang on to anything you write and decide not to use anyways, because you might find a place to use it some other time...

--Sweetie Belle


Thank you.

An anthology is a collection of stories that don't usually connect but have something in common like theme, genre or basic idea
Take the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror or Star Wars Visions as examples

I hate to break it to you, though she's leaving the site entirely.
Heres the blogs leading up to it:
1. ( Talks about she got caught using ai as a assistance tool, which is a controversial topic when doing ai work
2. ( talks about leaving the site and to Wattpad
Also what's even more confusing is that after asking this:

Also what will happen to some of the groups you made? Will you also have to transfer ownership to a another active admin or user that's in the group?

, she response that she will, though then 25 minutes later she email me saying that she won't do the transfer since she's deleting this website from her favorites.

This is one of her groups that shes the main head of: (, the others shes just a admin, someone else is the head of the groups.
you think its a good idea to contact the "Best Promotion Group and Writers Group" about Artist leaving, and that maybe one of them could be the new head leader of that group?

7956136 It's not her first rage-quit. She'll be back in a week when she'll crave the attention this site provides and finds out she has nothing better to do anyway.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

If she stays gone, or if you think she's going to delete her account, then it'd be a good idea to contact site staff, like Eldorado or Wanderer D, and ask them to switch the group admin to someone else. You'd need to know who actually wants it first, though, and unless the whole group is going to vanish, it'd be better to wait a while, until you can say: "alright, she's been gone a few months, and I don't think she's coming back".

If you log into a site every day, it's a lot easier to say that you're going to leave then to stay gone. Habit'll cause you to log in, and the browser will probably autocomplete it, even if her bookmark to the site is gone.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

You're obviously new to this drama. She's been pulling these sorts of stunts for years, and it's best to simply smile and nod. She absolutely refuses to work out her issues with writing as anyone else should, namely, by actually learning and doing, and is instead constantly looking for shortcuts, and then becomes enraged when those methods invariably fail. So...I wouldn't put too much faith in any talk of hers "leaving and never coming back."

We have all heard it before.

Comment posted by Blackblade360 deleted April 9th

I see, is that why she was banned from the FIMfiction discord server? Also how many times does it happen before?

Also I'm looking at her Wattpad account, she have deleted all her MLP stories and now about to write about rescue bots and non-pony related stories instead

Group Admin

She's received ban after ban for her entitled attitude, "victim" mentality, and general bad behavior. Given chance after chance, she's burned countless bridges with untold numbers of members here, never taking responsibility for any of her actions and continually shifting blame to whatever excuse is handy at the moment. As I mentioned before, this is a pattern that has been going on for years, and one would think she would finally grow tired of doing the same things and expecting different results.

So yes, this current "exit" will be temporary, most likely with zero lessons learned.

I see, I thought she could change as well, also why haven't I even heard anyone else calling her out in a full on post? Like geez if she been doing this for years, did others spoken out against her?
In fact, the reason I follow her is because I thought she was just misunderstood, and now I don't know if she could be trusted again.

Group Admin

They have, she doesn't listen, and I'm done talking about this, my apologies.

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