Scootaloo 2,578 members · 3,273 stories
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In this thread, we are assuming for the sake of the hypothetical that Scootaloo will not learn to fly naturally.
Hilariously, I actually don't usually run with this idea - I figure Scootaloo's a late bloomer rather than actually disabled, but, hey, we can run with that.

I've seen some fics or comics where Scootaloo trades in her wings and elects to live forever more on the ground, but screw that. Scootaloo is not a filly who takes things lying down.

What method or methods of flight, then, strikes you as the most interesting? More importantly, what creative ones do you have in mind?
I have a couple just off the top of my head, I'll add on if some good ideas filter in...

1) Therapy
Sometimes, people with a disability can overcome it with carefully regulated care. It's not good for everyone all the time, but in some diagnoses it can be a viable treatment. The first question is: What is causing the deficiency?
Is it inadequate muscle development? In that case, we can potentially solve the issue with physical therapy, in which case a trained therapist leads Scootaloo through special exercises to develop her muscles properly. Some drugs (or alchemical potions?) may be used to accelerate or expedite the process.
Is it a flaw in her magic as a pegasus? If so, then perhaps there are exercises or other forms of training she could do to increase her magical strength.
We've seen Fluttershy undergo intense exercises to improve her "wingpower." A fic about Scootaloo training to overcome her disability could be really interesting. For that portion of people for whom hard work actually does pay off, it is incredibly rewarding.

2) Prosthetics
i.e. - A Tortoise Can Fly, Why Can't I?
So let's say the therapy option isn't viable, and no other decent solutions exist. Why not techno/magical enhancements? Dash's tortoise Tank has a magical helicopter on his back, and if there exists compact, accessible flight options for pets, then it stands to reason that comparable solutions exist for the disabled.
A few possibilities leap to mind:
Mechanical wing extensions. Perhaps the proper size and shape never grows? Instead, Scootaloo gets a set of lightweight extensions. Pretty straightforward. Might not be workable - wing size doesn't seem to correlate to power or speed. Still, an option.
As an alternative to this, something more permanent. Such as... grafted directly unto the skin, or perhaps they're enchanted to beat along with her so that she can learn to control them like an extension of her body. They could be enhanced in various ways.
Slight corollary - donor wing grafts. What if a compatible donor dies and the technology exists to graft them on her back?

Harnessed rotor systems. Either a helicopter like Tank's, or perhaps instead she gets a pair of ornithopter wings. She already beats her set own super fast, so why not?

Any of these options could be fodder for a story or part of a story. Scootaloo has to cope with the idea that her own wings are nearly useless, and adapts to a new way of living to achieve her dream. That's a powerful message right there.

3) Vehicle Assist
Pinkie Pie has demonstrated a flying machine, and we've seen airships.
I don't take this option too seriously, since we've already seen small personal devices on Tank, but what if Scootaloo, instead of opting for personal flight, instead finds an outlet in operating a craft? She could take to air boating, or maybe fly a helicopter.
She could become an aviation engineer and design, build, and fly her own personal creations, in order to bring the joy and convenience of flight to everypony, not just herself.

4) A Change
What if she takes her case to someone who has the power to change her?
Discord is an obvious one, but not the only one. What if there's another option out there? Some artifact, force, or entity who can grant her the power of flight?
Now, this one might be rightly criticized for being too "cheap," but a plot device is only as cheap as it's used. For example:
What if a good portion of the story is her getting to this source? It could be the culmination of a whole adventure, or the first arc of a wider story.
What if she can't just be given flight, but has to earn it in some fashion? There's a test, or a trial, or she has to prove her worth in some fashion. That's a story right there.
What if the deal she makes is actually unfavorable? A deal with the devil (or Discord,) one might say. All sorts of good drama potential there.

If you have further ideas, let me know!

Group Admin


A fic about Scootaloo training to overcome her disability could be really interesting.

I thought the same thing, actually, which is why I've been writing Just Winging It.

After a medical exam, Scootaloo was given the news that she only has a 20% chance of ever being able to fly. Her aunt may be willing to accept that diagnosis, but Scootaloo isn't willing to accept her fate, and is determined to fly by any means possible, no matter what risks it may bring.

So far, I've mostly explored the "flaw in her magic" path, though physical training is coming...


Totally adding that one to Read Later.

Luna makes Scoot into a batpony. Problem solved.

Barring that, I think contraptionology from Pinkie has the most merit.

Twilight MIGHT be able to find a more magical method of helping.

Group Admin


Cool. It's a little slow on updates right now. Working on a new chapter about Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash talking about her not being able to fly is a little weird after the last episode. I already had most of the scene written, though, it's just a rough draft that needs some rewriting.

I do think that the way I have her trying to improve her magic to fly is a bit unique... :scootangel:



"Flaw in her magic" was the approach I took in Light The Sky On Fire. She has the magic inside her, but for some reason, her instincts just don't tap into it the "normal" way, and it's not until Twilight Sparkle takes her under her wing to help her dig into the secrets of pegasus magic by examining the problem scientifically, and by developing her intellect as well as her wings, that she finally finds the key to crack through the barrier between her and her magic.

To continue on your last idea, it could be like a deal with the devil, and have unexpected repercussions down the road. Maybe Scootaloo knew that when she took it, or maybe not. Depends on what people want to write, I guess.


Does she even need to fly in the first place?

I'm a big fan of that one as a one-shot. For the same approach in a longer story, check out Three Wishes: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Before They Changed The World. It has by far the most powerful Scootaloo flight story I've ever seen, and similar moments for the other two crusaders.

I'm a big fan of the "can't fly like a normal Pegasus, has to study an alternate approach" plot device, whether it's a simple "fly like a hummingbird" moment or an extensive research endeavor.

real training ? so far she trained for what ? a day and half ?
so either dash really training her or not

otherwise the batpony's transformation is nice. (i was writting a fic with something like that but this episode broke it)

See original post:

I've seen some fics or comics where Scootaloo trades in her wings and elects to live forever more on the ground, but screw that. Scootaloo is not a filly who takes things lying down.

It is Scootaloo's flutterpony lineage. She just needs to be smaller so her wings can propel her properly.

Mechanical....i can just imagine scoots pulling a tight turn in a F-35B *sigh*

I opt for the pt. There's probably nothing wrong with her wings at all. It's possible that the brain doesn't connect with them properly, yes I'm talking about dyspraxia, which is weird because people wit that disability are generally bad athletes, and Scoots is quite a good one.
I like the idea that she's done some sort of damage to her wings from scootering so fast all the time. Now the only way she can think of to use them is the way she propels her scooter. Have you seen how fast she flaps them weh she tries to fly? it's like she's trying to force muscles that work to work, but hasn't got a clue about what rhythm she needs.
Essentially my idea is like yours was in that story Equestron, but a little more physical than magical.

I'm not sure if this fic would fall under 3) Vehicle Assist or 2) Prosthetics
An Equestrian Odyssey: Lightning Dash
I mean, it could fall under either...

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