I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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Which completely explains why we go back to it, post our stories and proceed to come back here and bitch about the tyrants that have taken over that fansite.

Your logic is flawless! :pinkiecrazy:

Truthfully, I think the problem with the EQD prereaders is that there are too many of them who will let their opinions get in the way of their judgement.


Your avatar is adorable. That is all I have to say. :heart::heart::heart::heart:

Silver out!

1639763 The idiocy that is EqD is why I do not submit any stories there.

I DID just get featured in Equestria After Dark though, so I am pretty stoked! :pinkiehappy:

1639763 I do so every now and then, but the last rejection was simply a warning because of "pacing" or something like that. Because I recieved nothing in criticism regarding said structuring, I don't know what's wrong. Right when I wanted it from them, I don't get it.


I DID just get featured in Equestria After Dark though

Which is actually run by one of the pre-readers itself.

Fun fact.

I would have said prickly, aloof and hard to please... sort of like cats.

He's probably one of the EQD pre-readers that doesn't let his opinions influence his decision.


Give him two minutes, he'll reply to that.


There's also no standards over there. Just do the basics and your shit gets put on the fic blog.


Real life problems.

By that, do you mean Alexstrazsa, the guy who finds everything this group does hilarious?

If so, yes. That's the one.

Oh. Well I don't know too much about that guy, or the guy who actually runs Equestria After Dark.
I just assume things.

Well, you know what they say about people who assume.


Except cats will only give you a dirty glare, while the pre-readers will stomp on your hopes and dreams. Also, cats will curl up with you from time to time and purr. I hope the pre-readers of EQD don't do that...

1639763 I don't submit to them anymore. I figured that after four stories rejected for faults that none of my readers themselves found and are relatively minor, I won't be able to reach whatever they think their standard is. So I just joined this group afterwards, and haven't submitted to them since. Also, I started my own blog as well to feature others' (not my own) work.


Yes that would be rather disturbing if they suddenly decided to do that... Llama's might function as an appropriate animal counterpart of the common wild EQD Pre-reader.

I never thought they were idiots. Far from it, actually. And they do a good job. Still, they may be a little biased, but it's for a good reason. I know my own writing capabilities aren't up to the standard on that site, so I'm just not going to submit anymore stories.

1639763 Inb4 EQD admin gets here.

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